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10.1145/3428658.3431088acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageswebmediaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Analyzing the Use of COVID-19 Ads on Facebook

Published: 30 November 2020 Publication History


In view of the emergence of mobility restrictions and social isolation imposed by the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic, digital media, especially social networks, become a breeding ground for fake news, political attacks and large-scale misinformation. The impacts of this 'infodemic' can take even greater proportions when using sponsored content on social networks, such as Facebook ads. Using the Facebook ad library we collected more than 236k facebook ads from 75 different countries. Choosing ads from Brazil as the focus of research, we found ads with political attacks, requests for donations, doctors prescribing vitamin D as a weapon to fight coronavirus, among other contents with evidence of misinformation.


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Athanasios Andreou, Giridhari Venkatadri, Oana Goga, Krishna P Gummadi, Patrick Loiseau, and Alan Mislove. 2018. Investigating ad transparency mechanisms in social media: A case study of Facebook's explanations. In The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS).
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Filipe N. Ribeiro, Koustuv Saha, Mahmoudreza Babaei, Lucas Henrique, Johnnatan Messias, Fabricio Benevenuto, Oana Goga, Krishna P. Gummadi, and Elissa M. Redmiles. 2019. On Microtargeting Socially Divisive Ads: A Case Study of Russia-Linked Ad Campaigns on Facebook. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT 19). Atlanta, USA.
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Cited By

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  • (2022)Characterizing Brazilian Political Ads on FacebookProceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web10.1145/3539637.3557935(47-54)Online publication date: 7-Nov-2022
  • (2021)Satisfaction of Members of a Facebook Group with the Credible Information Provided to Reduce Medical Misinformation in Obstetrics During the COVID-19 Pandemic in PeruTelematics and Computing10.1007/978-3-030-89586-0_12(151-162)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2021



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cover image ACM Conferences
WebMedia '20: Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web
November 2020
364 pages
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  • SBC: Brazilian Computer Society
  • CNPq: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecn
  • CGIBR: Comite Gestor da Internet no Brazil
  • CAPES: Brazilian Higher Education Funding Council


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 30 November 2020


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  1. Covid-19 ads
  2. facebook ads
  3. political advertisement


  • Short-paper
  • Research
  • Refereed limited


WebMedia '20
WebMedia '20: Brazillian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web
November 30 - December 4, 2020
São Luís, Brazil

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WebMedia '20 Paper Acceptance Rate 34 of 87 submissions, 39%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 270 of 873 submissions, 31%


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Cited By

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  • (2022)Characterizing Brazilian Political Ads on FacebookProceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web10.1145/3539637.3557935(47-54)Online publication date: 7-Nov-2022
  • (2021)Satisfaction of Members of a Facebook Group with the Credible Information Provided to Reduce Medical Misinformation in Obstetrics During the COVID-19 Pandemic in PeruTelematics and Computing10.1007/978-3-030-89586-0_12(151-162)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2021

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