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AutoCure: Automated Tabular Data Curation Technique for ML Pipelines
Machine learning algorithms have become increasingly prevalent in multiple domains, such as autonomous driving, healthcare, and finance. In such domains, data preparation remains a significant challenge in developing accurate models, requiring ...
Tuple Bubbles: Learned Tuple Representations for Tunable Approximate Query Processing
We propose a versatile approach to lightweight, approximate query processing by learning compact but tunably precise representations of larger quantities of original tuples, coined bubbles. Instead of working with tables of tuples, the query ...
Learned Spatial Data Partitioning
Due to the significant increase in the size of spatial data, it is essential to use distributed parallel processing systems to efficiently analyze spatial data. In this paper, we first study learned spatial data partitioning, which effectively assigns ...
OmniscientDB: A Large Language Model-Augmented DBMS That Knows What Other DBMSs Do Not Know
In this paper, we present our vision of OmniscientDB, a novel database that leverages the implicitly-stored knowledge in large language models to augment datasets for analytical queries or even machine learning tasks. OmiscientDB empowers its users to ...
Zero-Shot Cost Models for Parallel Stream Processing
This paper addresses the challenge of predicting the level of parallelism in distributed stream processing (DSP) systems, which are essential to deal with different high workload requirements of various industries such as e-commerce, online gaming, ...
Adversarial and Clean Data Are Not Twins
Adversarial attack has cast a shadow on the massive success of deep neural networks. Despite being almost visually identical to the clean data, the adversarial images can fool deep neural networks into the wrong predictions with very high confidence. ...
Sixth International Workshop on Exploiting Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Data Management (aiDM)
SIGMOD '23: Companion of the 2023 International Conference on Management of DataRecent advances in AI techniques, as well as enabling hardware and infrastructure, has led to the integration of AI in wide-ranging domains and tasks. In particular, AI has been used to handle various types of data (including numerical, textual and image ...