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Human Centricity as Leading Design Principle for Smart City Innovations: Implications for the Governance, Control, Reporting and Performance Evaluation of Well-being of Civil Society Actors

Published: 19 September 2023 Publication History


Governments like municipalities and cities may be regarded as the ultimate stakeholder society organizations. Their key challenge is to balance the welfare of many interest groups as natural stakeholders. Stakeholders need reliable information to assess the effectiveness of implemented policies of organizations to obtain specific objectives. These objectives relate to one or more capitals measuring economic, social, and environmental sustainability affecting societal well-being. This makes reporting sustainability information addressed to a large variety of stakeholders, coined as savers, i.e., investors, and users coined as civil society actor a challenging task to fulfill due to the multidimensional construct of well-being in perspective of CSDR-2022 and similar reporting frameworks. The European Commission asserted that there is significant evidence that many undertakings like businesses do not disclose material information on all major sustainability topics, including climate related information such as GHG emissions and factors that affect bio diversity. In this research, we propose a method build upon the logic of double-entry bookkeeping in a rigorous way, extending the value cycle concept buttressing any value chain to design accounting information systems fulfilling the need of complete and reliable sustainable data for decision-making and evaluation purposes.

1 Introduction

Smart growth in the early 90s of the last century was the most used term entailing a strong government and community driven reaction to the ongoing worsening trends in traffic congestion, school overcrowding, air pollution, loss of open space accompanied by ever-growing public facility costs [29]. The key idea buttressing the smart city concept is that the concept, as a model, can serve as a mitigation strategy, from a governance point of view, to solve aforementioned urban problems to make a city a better place to live [17]. The smart city concept is tightly linked to smart city values like traffic reduction, emission reduction, vehicle sharing, energy savings, smart metering, smart buildings, and so on [4]. Smartness relates to advanced information and communication technologies as key enablers buttressing the smart city concept as from where the smart city concept has taken a data-driven direction in building critical infrastructures and service design of a city. It is to be expected that emerging technologies will have a profound impact on how we produce products, how we grow our food, how we use resources, how we organize services, and so on. We call these systems cyber physical systems (CPS). A key characteristic of CPS is that information is infused in physical infrastructures to improve performance, improve flexibility, improve the up-time of machines, improve product quality, minimize rejection rates, and improve the perceived product and service quality by end users like customers, regulators, and other stakeholders coined as society at large [37]. The implicit assumption in many applications is that the addressed ongoing worsening trends are mitigated to an acceptable level from a societal perspective. The key policy design question institutions like regulators, municipalities, undertakings face is the growing societal concerns whether these policies actually work.
As part of “the European Green Deal”, the European Commission made a commitment to review the provisions concerning non-financial reporting Directive 2013/34/EU of the European parliament and the Council. “The European Green Deal” is the overarching long-term policy with regard to economic development within the Union. It aims to transform the Union into a resource efficient economy with no net emissions of green house gases (GHG) by 2050. Furthermore, it aims to protect, conserve, and enhance the Union natural capital and protect the health well-being of Union citizens from environment related risks and impacts. On 10 November 2022, the European Parliament has adopted the proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of its Council amending Directive 2013/34/EU, Directive 2004/109/EC, Directive 2006/43/EC, and Regulation (EU) no. 537/2014 as regards sustainability reporting (COM(2021)0189-C9-0147/2021-2021/0104 (COD) hereafter CSDR-2022.
It is expected that if undertakings like businesses of any type carried out better sustainability reporting that the ultimate beneficiaries would be individual citizens and savers, including trade unions and worker’s representatives who would be adequately informed and therefore able to better engage in social dialogue. Hence CSRD-2022 uses the term sustainability information instead of non-financial information since such information has financial relevance for decision-making. As we will see, non-financial data are inextricably related to financial data, so there is no need to change the terminology. Data being financial relevant for decision-making do not say anything about the nature of the data, i.e., its dimensions being measured to be financial relevant.
The CSRD-2022 identifies two main types of user groups. On one side, we have the group of users consisting of investors, who want to better understand the risks and opportunities that sustainability users pose for their investments and the impacts investments have on people and the environment at large. On the other side, we have the users coined as civil society actors who wish to better hold undertakings to account for their impacts on people and the environment at large. This makes undertakings as addressed in the CSRD-2022 in any legal form what we coin as stakeholder society organizations. An optimistic view is that senior management will choose what is right for society, that is senior management will maximize the sum of the stakeholders’ surpluses. In this situation, the basic assumption is that these type of organizations managed by senior management optimizing stakeholders’ surpluses empower employees who will derive private benefits from realizing social, economical, and environmental welfare. This view is considered naive since some individuals or group of individuals place their own welfare above the society wants.
Governments like municipalities and cities may be regarded as the ultimate stakeholder society organization. Their key challenge is to balance the welfare of many interest groups as natural stakeholders and what we coin as stakeholders by design. The introduction of a smart city concept, as a model, can serve as a mitigation strategy to ensure that objectives are aligned from a governance and control point of view. A mitigation strategy entails that governments like cities, organizations, and people can take measures to prevent institutional, organizational, and market failures [11].

1.1 Problem Statement and Research Question

After reviewing the clauses in Directive 2013/34/EU, 2014/95/EU, and 2013/50/EU, the Commission asserted that there is significant evidence that many undertakings like businesses do not disclose material information on all major sustainability topics including climate related information, such as GHG emissions and factors that affect bio diversity. Two major problems were recognized: (1) The reported information is limited comparable and (2) the reliability of the sustainability information is to be debated. These issues among others motivated CSDR-2022 providing in the need of a robust reporting framework, that is accompanied by effective auditing practices to ensure the reliability of data, avoid green-washing, and double counting.
The nature of the data businesses have to report is two fold. On one hand, we have the reporting information to the extent necessary to understand the development of the business and the performance of the enterprise. On the other hand, companies need to report about the impact of the undertaking its activities on environmental, social, employee matters and on how sustainability affects the company. This is what is to be understood as the double materiality perspective. In general, impacts concern three types of impacts as we put it. First, we have impacts directly caused by the company. Secondly, there are impacts to which the undertaking contributes. Thirdly, we have impacts which are otherwise linked to the undertaking’s value chain. Additionally, the CSRD-2022 stipulates that sustainability information should take into account short-, mid-, and long-term time horizons and that the information must address the whole value chain of the company including its own operations, products and services, business relationships, and supply chain.
So reliability of data concerns both (impact) perspectives and is closely related to the undertakings business model and the chosen revenue models which determine the net revenues of an enterprise and the associated costs to deliver the goods and services to the customer of the undertaking coined as civil society actor. From a governance perspective, the two identified user groups want to learn, i.e., want to be informed about the strategies the business undertakes to cope with the impacts, and they want to know how well the performance of the business actually is in dealing with sustainability related governance and control risks. Think of the following: (1) Elimination, no longer perform the risky activities, for example by refocusing the strategy or alter policies, (2) centralization, restrict decision rights to senior management or governmental decision-making units, (3) risk-sharing, sharing risks with other stakeholders, for instance by taking out an insurance or by pooling resources together, (4) automation, reducing the opportunities for violations by automating service processes, and (5) the choice for behavioral controls, reducing the risks by taking either preventative control measures, which will make the risk impossible or unlikely, or by taking detective and corrective measures, which will make the impact of the risk less severe [14].

1.1.1 Research Question.

A revenue model is an instantiation of a business model [3]. Consequently, a contract depicts the agreed upon content, structure, the incentives, and the rules of conduct among parties involved in the contract. Nowadays, the transactions coined as contracts that make up business reality are often being constituted by communicative actions, facilitated by an inter- and intra organizational information system. For example, when a purchase order has been issued and confirmed, business reality is changed. The buyer has publicly expressed the commitment to purchase goods against a particular price; the seller has expressed the commitment to satisfy this order. Making a commitment has legal and economic consequences, which must be faithfully represented in the (accounting) information systems of buyer and seller known as the representational faithfulness view [7]. Therefore strong consistency is warranted in order to ensure for non repudiation issues. Non repudiation has a legal stance. Repudiation is defined as the rejection or refusal of a duty, relation, right, or privilege. So repudiation of a contract means a refusal to perform the duty or obligation owed to the other party. An example of strong consistency in a business environment is the well-known double-entry bookkeeping system. To make sure no value is lost in the process, an organization (agent, merchant, and enterprise) demands stable reconciliation relationships between certain types of expenses and revenues, assets and liabilities.
In a well-functioning accounting information system, these relationships must always be upheld. Reconciliation controls are needed to safeguard the assets of the organization, and to provide a framework to verify accuracy (correctness) and especially completeness of certain figures, by comparison to independent sources of evidence. Fore mentioned stable reconciliation relationships are found in the (design) principles buttressing the logic of double-entry bookkeeping systems. The same principles apply to billing services, selling order recording procedures, warehouse receipts, procurement order recording procedures, payment services; otherwise, it is not possible to assess whether the data represented in information systems are reliable, coined as “the state that exists when data are unchanged from its source and have not been accidentally or maliciously modified, altered, or destroyed” [28].
In this research, we extend the value cycle concept using the logic of double-entry bookkeeping practices for attaining sustainability data from operational activities, registering the sustainability data in an accounting information system, and reporting sustainability data in a relevant, i.e., meaningful, way. As a result, we will propose general principles which should be applied implementing CSDR-2022, so users of sustainability information can be reasonable sure that the reported sustainability information is reliable.

1.1.2 Research Approach.

Following Lewis, good representations of meaning are only possible when at the same time a statement is made on how the representation of the meaning is used in, for example, communication and inference. Structure defined as an assembly of components should always be studied in tandem with an associated process, whatever this process may be [2, 27].
This research is in the realm of Design Science Research [26] and is to be characterized as Design Theory. In this respect, this research coined as design relevant explanatory/predictive theory (DREPT) augments the “How” part or question with explanatory information on “Why” one should trust the proposed design will actually work. The key point is that the explanatory information is obtained using kernel theories. Kernel theories are established theories from social sciences, economics, mathematics, computer science, logic, and so on. We are interested in theory building on how to design effective and efficient governance and control systems, of which this may be interpreted as experimental scientific investigation. The ultimate unit of analysis is the individual coined as methodological individualism. It is necessary to base all accounts of interaction on individual behavior [5, 41].

2 On the Nature of Common Goods and Governance

Tirole defines corporate governance as the design of institutions that induce or force senior management to internalize the welfare of stakeholders [39]. The provision of managerial incentives and the design of the control structure must account for their impact on the welfare of stakeholders (i.e., the natural stakeholders and investors) in order to, respectively, induce or force internalization. To understand why internalization of the welfare of stakeholders is important, we need to elaborate upon the notion of control rights. Control rights are defined as the right for an individual or a group of individuals to affect the course of action once an organization has started. In the case the individuals or group of individuals do not internalize the welfare of other stakeholders, then externalities emerge due to the lack of convergence of objectives stakeholders hold. Divergence of objectives create externalities, which we recognize as the problem of social cost [16]. Externalities are caused by conflicting control rights. The puzzle is to find the economical, social, and environmental benefits of the coexistence of multiple stakeholders. Consequently, we need to explicate incentives provided by rewarding management on the basis of some measure of aggregate welfare of all stakeholders. Tirole argues that the key problem we have to face is to answer the question whether such a measure of aggregate welfare is readily available [39]. He observes that there is no accounting measure of this welfare and that it is even harder to measure the organizations’ contribution to welfare of its stakeholders than to measure the organizations’ profitability. The key challenge is to balance the welfare of many interest groups as natural stakeholders coined as stakeholders by design, i.e., the civil society actors.
Hence there is a tradeoff between the situation where shared control is effective and situations where objectives are strongly diverted. In the latter case, we expect that undivided control is warranted. But undivided control comes with a cost of biased decision-making. It is in these circumstances that it is of utmost importance to use the contractual apparatus in order to reduce the externalities imposed by the controlling stakeholder by extending the contractual apparatus with legal and regulatory stipulations to protect the welfare of the non controlling stakeholders. This view is consistent with the findings of Greenwald and Stiglitz [20]. Markets are not contrainted Pareto efficient. They observe that “there is not a complete set of markets; information is imperfect; the commodities sold in any market are not homogeneous in all relevant aspects; it is costly to ascertain differences among the items; individuals or firms do not get paid on a piece rate basis; and there is an element of implicit or explicit insurance in almost all contractual arrangements. Consequently, it is possible that Pareto improvements are feasible and can be affected through government policies by identifying the presence of inefficiencies, i.e., externalities enabling to point out the appropriate direction of policy intervention and observable measures of their successful application”.
Governance can be understood as the system by which actors in society are directed and controlled. A governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among actors as stakeholders and spells out the rules and procedures for making decisions on actors affairs [15] [33]. Institutional failures are in a larger context related to the problem of common pool resources (CPR) extensively studied by Ostrom [30]. To understand CPRs, it is of utmost importance to distinguish between a resource system and the flow of resource units, while still recognizing the dependence on one to the other. One major issue Ostrom identifies in current theories is related to what is recognized as the information problem. The issue concerns the assumption that complete information is freely available and that transaction costs can therefore be ignored. Ostrom recognizes that information can be scant, potentially biased, and very expensive to obtain.

3 Measuring Economical Performance—A Critique

In 2008, on the authority of the President of France, “The commission on Measurement of economic Performance and Social Progress” was created chaired by Joseph Stiglitz as a response to increasing concerns about the adequacy of current measures based on GDP measures of societal well-being, as well as measures of economic, environmental, and social sustainability [32]. The commission witnessed that in an increasingly performance driven society, metrics matter. What we measure affects eventually what we do. In the case we have wrong metrics, then we strive for the wrong things. Indeed our decisions may be distorted due to flawed metrics of performance, so too may be the assertions that we draw.
One key message and unifying theme is that measuring systems should shift emphasis from measuring economic production to measuring people’s well-being and that measures of well-being should be put in the context of sustainability. Mark this is precisely what double materiality is all about as discussed. What is carried over to the future must be expressed as stocks of physical, natural, human, and social capital. Some more direct non-monetary indicators may be preferable when monetary valuation is very uncertain or difficult, i.e., very costly to derive. The commission identified eight key dimensions which should be considered simultaneously stressing that well-being is by design multidimensional. These dimensions are (1) material living standards, (2) health, (3) education, (4) personal activities including work, (5) political voice and governance, (6) social connections and relationships, (7) environment—present and future conditions, and (8) insecurity—economic and physical.
When we put the capitals and the multidimensional construct of well-being in perspective of the CSDR-2022, then we get the following concept buttressing the key notions making up the objects to be measured as depicted in Figure 1.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Capitals and sustainability.
Now it is easy to see that well-being is causally related to the undertaking’s business model rendering products and services. In Section 5, we give a precise account for measuring the exchange relationships buttressing the value cycle of an undertaking rendering products and services and the representation in an accounting information system. First, we have to address the concept of data integrity as a model for measuring the correct metrics accurately.

4 Reliability and the Notion of Data Quality

To understand the concept of data quality, one needs to understand data integrity. Data integrity in itself is defined as “the state that exists when data are unchanged from its source and has not been accidentally or maliciously modified, altered or destroyed” [28]. This view is consistent with the model proposed by Boritz in [7] in which data integrity is subsumed in the notion of information integrity. Boritz defines information integrity as the representational faithfulness of information to the true state of the object that the information represents. His aim was to define and validate a general purpose framework that can be used for controlling as well as for auditing purposes. In this way, information integrity impairments can be addressed in an organized and rigorous manner to guide management risk assessments and control deployment on the criteria to be addressed to attain reasonable assurance whether information integrity objectives are met. Information integrity really concerns the validity and completeness aspects of the representation itself. Indeed the object which is actually measured.
Boritz distinguishes (core) attributes from enablers helping realizing representational faithfulness. In his view representational faithfulness is viewed as a degree of achievement of it rather than an absolute quality. Practically it is all about accuracy/correctness which has two dimensions, viz. completeness on one side and validity on the other side. In the case these dimensions are flawed then it has negative consequences for the accuracy/correctness assertion. Obviously there is a tradeoff. Consequently, representational faithfulness is subject to some degree of imperfection, with the tolerable degree of imperfection being defined different in different domains and contexts. In Figure 2, this tradeoff relationship is depicted by the pointed arrows.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Accuracy data.
Now it is quite logical how these core attributes help realizing the representational faithfulness of information to the true state of the object that the information represents. From an user perspective, granularity enables understandability and the relevance buttressing the decision useful approach in decision-making. From a systems view, it is essential that all data are available and accessible as enablers helping to warrant that the data are complete, current, and timely. From a data integrity perspective, security warrants as an enabler that the proper authorization is realized subsumed in validity. The attributes predictability, consistency, and neutrality preserve the informational quality as measurement. Neutrality warrants from this point of view that the information is free from biases, i.e., neutrality preserves that objective standards are met. Verifiability as an enabler warrants the ability that independent observers, applying the same processes and tolerances for completeness, currency, timeliness, and validity that are used to produce the information, to replicate substantially the same result. Where auditability refers to the possibility to trace information back to its source and confirms the representational faithfulness of the information.
It applies to all enablers that we design and implement controls to assure that the core attributes are fulfilled and therewith the representational faithfulness is attained. In Figure 3, we have extended Figure 2 with the attributes which determine, i.e., influence, the accuracy of the data [12].
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Accuracy data and their properties.

5 Measurement, Uncertainty, and the Canonical Model of an Exchange Relationship—Market and Organizational View of the Value Cycle

As we have seen in Section 4, the attributes predictability, consistency, and neutrality preserve the informational quality as measurement. How do these attributes relate to the undertaking’s business model rendering products and services? First, we elaborate on what is measurement precisely, then we will introduce the canonical model of an exchange relationship and the meaning of it.

5.1 Measurement and Uncertainty

NIST defines measurement as an experimental or computational process that by comparing with a standard as a norm, produces an estimate of the true value of a property of a material, a (virtual) object, a collective of (virtual) objects, a process, an event, a series of events, together with an evaluation of the uncertainty associated with that estimate and intended use in the support of decision-making. Measurement uncertainty concerns, i.e., expresses the doubt about the true value of the measurand as the estimate of the true value of a property as defined after a measurement. The doubt relates to or is associated with the level of rigor to be determined on the level of uncertainty and what is needed to demonstrate its credibility which determines the adequacy to meet users needs and wants. Most probably, the adequacy is influenced by regulatory rules and regulations set by governmental bodies like governments, customers, demand, reputation of the company, ethical standards, and so on. This makes traceable to standards and assurance a complex endeavor to reach and maintain traceable performance standards.
Traceable to (SI) standards is not the same as counting objects. A claim that counts, as a result of a sample, are traceable to (SI) standards is not correct because it neglects the fact that counting inextricably involves the definition of what is being counted which definition is not a part of the (SI) standard, but when some characteristic of the object is measured then it might be possible that this particular measurement result is traceable to the (SI) standard. Making counting traceable to the (SI) standard is very important for economic live, one’s health, one’s security, and so on. The value lies in the precision of the measurement and therefore the measurement result. Put in other words: “Knowing the measurement uncertainty contributes to one’s belief whether a measurement result as a count represents the quantity one has measured traced back to the (SI) standard”.
This is very important to be aware that measurement uncertainty is about the doubt related to or is associated with the level of rigor to be determined on the level of uncertainty and what is needed to demonstrate its credibility which determines the adequacy to meet users needs and wants. In the case of sustainability reporting a very important notion, we give the following example.
Example 1 (Measurand).
Suppose the organization we focus on is a trading organization specialized in tomatoes. On a daily basis the organization buys the needed tomatoes at a local vegetable auction. The clients of the organization are retail organizations serving end customers. It is important to point out the fact that the organization has to comply to strict food safety regulations like Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety. For tomatoes, quality indicators have been well established by total soluble solids measured by Brix-scale, dry matter, and acid contents. A Brix rating is important because it informs us about the quality of the tomato. The measurement is worked out on a scale based on 1 \({^{°}}\) Brix denoted as \({^{°}}\) Bx which is 1 \({\rm g}\) of sucrose per 100 \({\rm g}\) of solution. A low Brix rating indicates a nutrient deficiency. The Brix rating is used to measure the sweetness of tomatoes, but the rating is also linked to the acidity or \({\rm PH}\) level of the tomato. Tomatoes have on average a \({\rm PH}\) level between 4.3 \({\rm PH}\) and 4.9 \({\rm PH}\) on a scale of 0–14 \({\rm PH}\) . It is the combination sweetness vs acidity that gives the tomato its unique flavor. The Brix rating can be measured by using techniques labeled as NIR-spectroscopy. From a quality control and quality audit perspective, we need to know the unit(s) of measurement to determine whether the procured and sold tomatoes comply to quality standards to be adhered for tomatoes. Relative density or specific gravity is defined as the ratio of density (mass of a unit volume) of a substance to the density of a given reference material (substance). More formally:
\begin{equation} RD = \frac{\rho _{substance}}{\rho _{reference}} , \end{equation}
where RD denotes the relative density and \(\rho\) denotes density. So a reference material is indicated as \(RD_{substance/reference}\) which means the relative density of substance with respect to the reference. Mind that mass and weight are separate quantities, they have different units of measure.
Now we see that the Brix scale is quite informative for customers from a health perspective and that there is a causal linkage between buying and selling tomatoes.

5.2 Canonical of Exchange Relationship(s)

In [9, 11, 12], we introduced the canonical model of exchange relationships market view and the extension to the organizational view on exchanges between two or more agents like buyers, producers and sellers. Exchanges are by definition reciprocal in nature and come in a large variety of what we coin as means like signed contracts, shaking hands, and so on. For example, signing a contract by both parties is performative in nature; by the act of signing, we communicate that the exchange is done. Hence a signed contract affords exchanging. An affordance establishes the relationship between an object or an environment and an organism here a (human) agent through a stimulus to perform an action. In our example, the stimulus is the signed contract and the detectable change in the external environment. We assume that the agent is sensitive and therefore able to respond to external (or internal) stimuli. Bilateral contracts are commonly used in business transactions. You buying two kilograms of tomatoes in our example is a type of a bilateral contract. The grocer promises to deliver the tomatoes where you promise to pay for the tomatoes by giving the grocer the indebted amount you have agreed upon when receiving the tomatoes. More formally we can depict the canonical description of a value exchange cycle as in Figure 4. We use the following notation.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Value cycle exchange.
Notation 2 (Bilateral Contract—Canonical Model).
We use the left en right harpoons exclusive for a bilateral contract among two or more agents \(:=\) S \(\rightleftharpoons\) B. Furthermore, actions are denoted as round-edged rectangles. Action nodes are connected via arrows which specify the control, i.e., the information and communication flow. Together with the initial and the final node depicted as a solid circle and a solid circle surrounded with a hollow circle, we have a correct descriptive model of the value exchange cycle. In Section 6, we will extend this formalism.
Note that money is exchanged for goods and or services. The exchange will actually occur in practice when parties agree upon a contract, i.e., the transaction governance, the transaction structure and the transaction contents, by the act of signing denoted by the initial node depicted as a solid circle. The contents reflect the objects of exchange. In our case, tomatoes. Now it is possible to extend the bilateral contract from a market point of view, as depicted in Figure 4, into a value exchange cycle from an organizational point of view. The final result is depicted in Figure 5.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Value exchange cycle double.
Remark 3 (Bilateral Contract—Organizational View).
As noted the value exchange model describes the sell side of agent A and the buy side of agent B. Now it is easy to see that agent A as an organization must also have a buy side otherwise he would not be able to deliver the ordered goods or services. The same type of reasoning does apply to buyer B who must also have a sell side otherwise or has enough budget to consume the goods or services. By simply doubling the model of the value exchange cycle (i.e., the bilateral contract—Marker view), we get the precise description of the value cycle of an organization which organizational boundaries are denoted as the dashed line in red. For a more detailed exposition, we refer to [10]. The bilateral contract - organizational view as a concept is equivalent to the value cycle concept commonly known in the auditing and control literature [21, 22, 23, 36].
This concludes our canonical (informal) description of bilateral contracts used in value exchange situations. We have shown in [11, 12] that under specific conditions, the market view model is equivalent to the organizational view model. It is also easy to see that the organizational point of view is easily extended into a net(work) of contracts similar to supply chain models commonly used in logistics [24, 40]. In Section 8, we will elaborate on the notion of networks in regard to sustainability informational needs.

6 Value Cycle: from Contracts to Events / Actions to Accounts

In this section, we extend the value cycle concept using the logic of double-entry bookkeeping practices for attaining sustainability data from operational activities, registering the sustainability data in an accounting information system, and reporting sustainability data in a relevant, i.e., meaningful, way. To do this, we first model the bilateral exchange relationship as given in [12] using graph theory. Then, we elaborate on the nature of the value cycle and the relationship with accounting systems.

6.1 Value Cycle: Bilateral Exchange Relationship as a Basis for Preservation Laws in Accounting

In a bilateral exchange relationship, money is exchanged for goods and or services. This is true from the buyers’ perspective as well as from the sellers’ point of view. We say that the proportion goods and or services to money equals the proportion of money to the goods and or services. So we get the following equality:
\begin{equation} \frac{Goods}{Money} \ =\ \frac{Money}{Goods} . \end{equation}
Let \(\chi\) denote the goods and \(\mu\) denote the money, so we get:
\begin{equation} \frac{\chi }{\mu } \ =\ \frac{\mu }{\chi } . \end{equation}
Nodes S and B are in fact rationals, defined as follows [38]:
Definition 4 (Rational Number).
A rational number is an expression of the form a//b, where a and b are integers and b = non-zero; a/0 is not considered to be a rational number. Two rationals are considered to be equal, a//b = c//d, if and only if ad = bc.
Given the definition of a rational remark that money, goods, and services are not equal objects, but that the exchange relationship itself is equal. We observe that
\begin{equation} S = \frac{\chi }{\mu } \ \Rightarrow \ \frac{\chi }{\mu } \cdot \frac{\mu ^{2}}{\chi ^{2}} \ \Rightarrow \ \frac{\mu }{\chi } = B \end{equation}
\begin{equation} B = \frac{\mu }{\chi } \ \Rightarrow \ \frac{\mu }{\chi } \cdot \frac{\chi ^{2}}{\mu ^{2}} \ \Rightarrow \ \frac{\chi }{\mu } = S . \end{equation}
It follows that the following equality holds:
\begin{equation} B \cdot \ S = \frac{\mu ^{2}}{\chi ^{2}} \cdot \ \frac{\chi ^{2}}{\mu ^{2}} . \end{equation}
Remark 5 (Equality—Bi-Linear).
The equality (6) is not that easy to understand. For now it suffices to state that the multiplication symbol as a connective is to be understood as a multiplicative \(B\otimes S\) which is the bi-linear version of and, dominated by the linear negation \((\cdot)^{\bot }\) , which is a constructive and involutive negation defined in linear logic [19].
To be precise, the bilateral exchange relationship preserves the identity of the objects denoted as rationals. Consequently, S delivers \(\chi\) , denoted as \(S \cdot \mu\) and B pays the money \(\mu\) , denoted as \(B \cdot \chi\) . Mark that \(\iota\) denoted as a loop in the graph serves as an explicit precondition(s). Now we can label the nodes and edges.
Remark 6 (Equality—Linear).
It is important to note that \(S \cdot \mu\) and \(B \cdot \chi\) are additives in linear logic, which is the linear version of and denoted as \(S \& \mu\) and \(B \& \chi\) .
Remark that up till now our notions of goods, services, and money are in fact dimensionless. Parties will also have agreed upon the unit of measurement of the goods or services the seller will deliver and get paid for, respectively, the buyer will receive and is obliged to pay for the received goods or services from the seller. We will use the following notation.
Notation 7 (Units: Measures and Measurement).
The quantity of the object O is measured in some standard unit expressed as a number and a reference denoted as superscript st and superscript m, the dimension quality denoted as (q) of object, the dimension absolute frequency as the number of objects. Standard units expressed as a number and a reference \(Q_O^{st} Q_O^m\) can be denoted as \(U_(O_q)^S\) for the sell side and \(U_(O_q)^B\) for the buy side, where U denotes the standard unit expressed as a number and a reference. The quantity of the object O is measured in some standard unit U and the measurement is expressed as a product Q \(\cdot\) U, the dimension quality denoted as q of object, the dimension absolute frequency as the number of objects.
We denoted \(\chi\) for the goods and services and \(\mu\) for money. For the sell side, we get:
\begin{equation} {Seller \chi :=} \quad \quad Q^S_{\chi _{q}} \cdot U^{S}_{\chi _{q}} \cdot U^{S}_\chi , \end{equation}
\begin{equation} {Seller \mu :=} \quad \quad Q^S_{\mu _{q}} \cdot U^{S}_{\mu _{q}} \cdot U^{S}_\mu . \end{equation}
For the buy side, we get:
\begin{equation} {Buyer \chi :=} \quad \quad Q^B_{\chi _{q}} \cdot U^{B}_{\chi _{q}} \cdot U^{B}_\chi , \end{equation}
\begin{equation} {Buyer \mu :=} \quad \quad Q^B_{\mu _{q}} \cdot U^{B}_{\mu _{q}} \cdot U^{B}_\mu . \end{equation}
As we have noticed earlier, trace-ability to (SI) standards is not the same as counting objects. A claim that counts are traceable to (SI) standards is not correct in the case one neglects the fact that counting inextricably involves the definition of what is being counted which definition is not a part of the (SI) standard. The canonical model of the bilateral contract ensures that all characteristics of an object can be identified and thus be measured so that the particular measurement results are by design traceable to the (SI) standards.
Remark that money is considered as an abstract object like goods and services. As we will see later, it is this particular characteristic which is very convenient, i.e., helpful, but first we have to extend our model to fit the organizational view. To do so, we have to extend our definition for rational numbers for sum, product, negation, subtraction, and quotient:
Definition 8 (Rational Number - Sum, Product, Negation, Subtraction, and Quotient).
If a//b and c//d are rational numbers, we define:
\begin{equation} [sum] (a//b) + (c//d) := (ad + bc)//(bd) , \end{equation}
\begin{equation} [Product] (a//b) \cdot (c//d) := (ac)//(bd) , \end{equation}
\begin{equation} [Negation] -(a//b) := (-a)//b , \end{equation}
\begin{equation} [Subtraction] (a//b) - (c//d) := (ad - bc)//(bd) , \end{equation}
\begin{equation} [Quotient] x / y := x \cdot y^{-1} . \end{equation}
Additionally, we introduce the notion of distance as a concept to understand the difference between what an undertaking buys and what an undertaking sells in the market.
Definition 9 (Distance δ)
Let x and y be rational numbers. The quantity |x - y| is called the distance between x and y denoted as d(x,y), thus d(x,y) :=|x-y|
It follows that d(x,y) = 0 if and only if x = y and d(x,y) \(\ne\) 0 if and only if x \(\ne\) y.
Translation of the value cycle exchange market view of the bilateral contract into a directed graph representing the bilateral contract organizational view we get the following result:
Subtraction of rationals is defined in Equation (14). When we apply subtraction of B and S’ and take the absolute value, then we get the distance:
\begin{equation} \Bigg | \frac{\mu }{\chi } \ - \frac{\chi }{\mu } \Bigg | =\ \Bigg | \frac{\mu \cdot \mu -\chi \cdot \chi }{\chi \cdot \mu } \Bigg | =\ \delta . \end{equation}
Extending the graph gives us the following result:
Remark 10 (Equality—Isomorphic).
The formulas \({\chi } \cdot \frac{\mu }{\chi ^{2}}\) \(\otimes\) \({\mu } \cdot \frac{\chi }{\mu ^{2}}\) can be rewritten by substituting \(\chi\) by S \(\cdot \mu\) and substituting \(\mu\) by B \(\cdot \chi\) . We get:
\begin{equation} S = S \cdot \mu \cdot \frac{\mu }{\chi ^{2}} \ \Rightarrow \ S \cdot \frac{\mu ^{2}}{\chi ^{2}} \ \Rightarrow \ \frac{\chi }{\mu } \cdot \frac{\mu ^{2}}{\chi ^{2}}=\frac{\mu }{\chi } = B \end{equation}
\begin{equation} B = B \cdot \chi \cdot \frac{\chi }{\mu ^{2}} \ \Rightarrow \ B \cdot \frac{\chi ^{2}}{\mu ^{2}} \ \Rightarrow \ \frac{\mu }{\chi } \cdot \frac{\chi ^{2}}{\mu ^{2}}=\frac{\chi }{\mu } = A . \end{equation}
Now it is easy to see that both models—market vs organizational view—are equivalent, i.e., isomorphic.
When we interpret the graph, then it is easy to see that \(\delta\) is only meaningful if and only if the units op measurement are identical. The following axioms must hold:
\begin{equation} {Equality \ of \ units \ of \ measurement \chi } \quad \quad U^{S}_{\chi _{q}} \cdot U^{S}_\chi = U^{B}_{\chi _{q}} \cdot U^{B}_\chi , \end{equation}
\begin{equation} {Equality \ of \ units \ of \ measurement \mu } \quad \quad U^{S}_{\mu _{q}} \cdot U^{S}_\mu = U^{B}_{\mu _{q}} \cdot U^{B}_\mu . \end{equation}
In the case B and S’ are the same agents as S and B’, then \(\delta\) = 0. In the case they are not the same, agents then \(\delta\) can have three values of which exactly one of the three statements x = y, x < y, or x > y is true. It follows that when x = y then the following laws hold:
\begin{equation} {Equality} \quad \quad B = S , \end{equation}
\begin{equation} {Equality} \quad \quad S = B . \end{equation}
If x < y or x > y is true, then the following equalties hold, respectively:
\begin{equation} {Equality} \quad \quad B + \delta = S , \end{equation}
\begin{equation} {Equality} \quad \quad B = S + \delta . \end{equation}
Remark that we are interested in the proportionality and not in the quotient arithmetically, although this can be very helpful as we will see.
With this description, we have a formal account of what is to be understood as preservation laws in accounting systems buttressing the core attributes consistency, predictability and neutrality ensuring the information quality as measurement. In the auditing, accounting and control literature known as reconciliation controls. The equalities (23) and (24) buttress the commonly known accounting equations which is the basis for what is known as double entry booking practices.

6.2 Value Cycle: From Contracts to Events / Actions to Accounts

In Section 6.1, we described the formal preservation laws which ensure that the information is consistent and predictable. The notion units of measurement gives the strict definitions of the object being measured so that neutrality is “guaranteed”. But how does this logic, i.e., model, relate to (accounting) information systems. Indeed how does the bilateral contract - organizational view relate to databases which is the founding mechanism for reporting, performance measurement and performance evaluation. For this, we use a process language based on unified modeling language (UML).
For our purposes, it suffices to use UML because UML provides in a common meta-model that formally defines the abstract syntax of all sorts of diagrams for modeling process behavior. The declarative meta-model is a very good alternative to grammars used to define formal languages. In our exposition, we use activity diagrams to model process behavior. The next section is based on [18].
Actions describe the tasks that have to be performed in realizing a primary function to be viable [1]. An action stands for some transformation in the modeled system to be performed. The sequence in which the actions must be executed is the most fundamental control structure. As we have seen actions in our language are denoted as round-edged rectangles. The arrows between the action nodes are the activity edges which specify the control flow. Together with the initial and the final node depicted as a solid circle and a solid circle surrounded with a hollow circle, we have a correct specification of the control flow (see Figure 6).
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Control flow.
The semantics is defined as a token flow which can also be used to refer to data and physical objects. The tokens are referred to as control tokens, respectively, as object tokens. Mind that actions can only start when tokens are available from the proceeding action or actions along the incoming edges. We say that tokens are consumed when an action starts. Consequently, tokens are produced, i.e., offered, to the outgoing edges when completed. In some circumstances decisions have to be made for the choice of alternative control flows. Decision nodes are denoted as diamonds annotated by guards. The extended control flow can be depicted as in Figure 7. Guards are logical expressions ending up to be true or false. Either we can state them in natural language, programming language constructs or in formal mathematical logic. Guards can be refined as being pre- and post conditions. When needed we will introduce them. The control logic remains the same. There are many more types of nodes used in modeling control flows such as fork nodes, merge nodes, and join nodes. These type of nodes can be useful.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Decision nodes and guards.
Finally, we have two types of nodes which are essential for our purposes. These are object nodes and data store nodes. Object nodes are needed to model the occurrence of objects at a particular moment or point in the process. Objects can be typed. We will extend this formalism extensively for our theory. To capture the object flow, the token flow semantics of activity diagrams is extended with object tokens. An object token behaves like a control token but it carries additionally a reference to a certain object type. Remark that we have to consider object type compatibility. A very convenient modeling notion is to use input pins and output pins which enables us to know which input and output parameters are assigned to various actions in the process. Pins are depicted as small hollow squares with their type written next to the square. In the case we want to store information about orders, for example, then we can model such an action as a data store using data store nodes denoted as a rectangle. A data store node keeps all tokens that enter it, copying them when they are chosen to move downward. See Figure 8 for an example.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Pins and data store.
Now we can extend out bilateral contract - Organizational view to get a clear view about the informational needs and therewith next to it the requirements to meet a company’s control and auditing objectives. The result is depicted in Figure 9.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Control flow extended.
Our objective is to assert whether the data stores as depicted in Figure 9 can be considered to be accurate. More specifically, these data stores enable us to extract one or more data files we need as input data in our decision, i.e., evaluation procedure to assert the accuracy of the extracted dataset(s) and its acceptability, i.e., adequacy for quality control, quality audit purposes, and performance evaluation. In our example, we have identified data about stored goods, data about order picked goods (to be) delivered, data about the collected revenues of the goods sold, and data about the actual payments of invoices received from suppliers for the goods we have received and stored in the warehouse.
In Section 4, we elaborated on the concept of data integrity. In Figure 3, we depicted the accuracy data model and its key aspects which determine the accuracy of the data. There are three major aspects which determine the accuracy of the data and therefore its data integrity. These are as follows:
All other aspects are derived notions necessary to trust the data and to strengthen one’s belief that the information integrity is assured. Consistency has a variety of meanings like coherent, consistent, cohesive, connected, connective, sequacious, and so on. So it is important to be specific about what is to be understood in the context of data accuracy. As we can see, there is a strong relationship between the contract with the supplier and the purchase order of the goods or services. The contract specifies the conditions the organization and the supplier agreed upon. So we have data about the price, quantity ordered, and the quality norms applicable to the goods and or services. The same is true for the contract agreed upon with the customer and the sales order. Remark that next there is a strong relationship between ordering goods and money outflow due to paying the invoice. The same is true with respect to the sales of the goods and services and receiving the money. The type of controls to re-perform the relations are called reconciliation controls which type directly follows Section 6.1 —extended graph bilateral contract—Organizational view and Figure 9 control flow extended.
Consider the control flow as depicted in Figure 9 in more detail. On the left, we recognize the bilateral exchange relationship coined as a buying contract from the perspective of the enterprise. On the right-hand side, we see the bilateral exchange relationship coined as a sell contract. The nature of signed contracts can be cast in terms of generalized notion of promises, i.e., autonomously given declarations of expected behavior which stem from some identifiable characteristics. Promises are related to intentions and are both closely related to the idea of preferred outcomes. In short, an intuition is the selection of a possible outcome, based on optimization of some criteria of success. To do this efficiently we label noisy data to a simple(r) symbolic discriminant. Promises are labels that align with intended outcomes and offer a framework for reducing uncertainty about the outcome of certain events, i.e., actions [8].
When we consider a buying contract, then there is an expectation that the supplier will deliver the goods and that the supplier has the expectation that the buyer will pay for the goods. This brings us to the following intuitive definition:
Definition 11 (Promise).
A promise is an announcement of fact or behavior by a promiser about itself. The announcement is made to one or more promises, and may additionally be observed by some number of witnesses.
There are some number of assumptions:
We can observe the outcomes;
The outcome of the promise is clear at some moment in time in the future;
The outcome of the promise is to be measured and verified by some observer. The assessment is a subjective statement made by an agent about whether the intentions of itself or of another agent were fulfilled;
There must be a body which describes the nature of the promise;
The body must consists of a quality and quantity;
A promise requires the transmission of a message, in some physical form or documentation. The notion of representation (documentation) is a key to the importance of a promise as a concept instantiated as a bilateral exchange relationship.
Accounting information systems are by design labeling systems known as accounts. In the case the buying contract is signed by both parties involved there is an expectation that goods will be delivered, at some moment in time, in some quality, in some quantity with a value in total due to the supplier. These types of data will be registered in the accounting information system with a meaningful label, i.e., account description like goods on the way. Simultaneously, the value due to the supplier, i.e., the promised payment will also be registered with the meaningful label like invoices supplier on the go. Similarly when the goods are received then the following data entry will be made with a label like goods received. Simultaneously, the account with label goods on the way is updated for the same information goods received was updated. All these events / actions make up a trace in the accounting information system, when summarized this gives us the money and good flow of an undertaking over a period. Ultimately, this gives us the balance sheet per some date and the profit and loss account over a period of time. In the next section, we will give the precise treatment on how the mechanism works.

7 Extending Financial Data with Non-financial Data Without Loss of Validity

Accounting information systems are business support systems in realizing promises to clients, stakeholders, and so on, coined by the CSDR-2022 as savers and civil societal actors. More specifically, accounting information systems support the control flow in realizing the primary functions of an undertaking. A very important starting point in modeling the informational requirements enabling performance measurement is the revenue model of an undertaking. A revenue model is an instantiation of a business model [3]. Consequently, a contract depicts the agreed upon content, structure, the incentives, and the rules of conduct among parties involved in the contract. To be precise the structure refers to the control flow as discussed in Section 6.2. The incentives and the rulers of conduct among contracted parties relate to the governance of the contract as discussed in Section 2 and can be understood as the system by which actors in society are directed and controlled. A governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among actors as stakeholders and spells out the rules and procedures for making decisions on actors affairs [15] [33].
This leaves the question what is exactly the contents of a contract? The content of a contract concerns the object being traded, indeed the product and or service that the customer pays for what we coined as the revenue model. In Section 5.1, we elaborated on the formal notion of measurement. As we have seen measuring an object in some quality is not the same as counting objects. Therefore we gave a formal account of what is to be understood as counting objects, extended with precise definitions of units of measurements and its measures, in a bilateral exchange relationship between a seller and a buyer. We refer to the Equation (2) up to and including (6) for what is counted. We refer to Equation (7) up to and included (10) and notation (7) for the measurements and its measures. Now we are able to state that a customer paying for an object is actually exchanging money for the object in some quantity and quality. Referring to our example exhibited in Example 1 we extend our story. Suppose you buy 10 kilograms of tomatoes with a brix rating of 5, then you know what the equivalent is in grams sucrose. Informally the calculation is quite straightforward:
\begin{equation} Sucrose = \frac{10_{kg}}{100_{g}} \cdot 5 \cdot {1 _{g}} = {500_{g}} . \end{equation}
More formally, the equation expresses that 10 kilograms of object type tomatoes represent 500 grams of object type sucrose, under the condition that the brix measure equals 5 as defined in Equation (1). Hence this gives us the informational content we need of the object being traded between parties involved. The same logic can be applied when we want to know how much resources are used or expected to be used to grow tomatoes. Think of fertilizers for example. The object type is still tomatoes. The only thing that changes is the norm to apply per type fertilizer, where the norm must be defined on a scientific basis. Of course this measure says something about the actual or potential land use and indirectly the potential impact on bio diversity for example. Our key point is that by understanding the nature of the revenue models as an instantiation of the business model of an undertaking we have the key attributes for measuring, registering, and evaluation of the venture’s performance and the promises the firm has made to its clients and to its stakeholders from a sustainability perspective, given Equation (1) and (16) up to and including (20).
Now we can model the capitals and the multidimensional construct of well-being in perspective of CSDR-2022 as key notions making up the objects to be measured as depicted in Figure 1. Conceptually we get as a result Table 1.
Table 1.
Control flowPhysicalWell-beingResourcesWell-beingPeopleWell-being
Buy \({Object_{type}}\)   \({Resource_{type}}\)   \({People_{type}}\)  
Store \({Object_{type}}\)   \({Resource_{type}}\)   \({People_{type}}\)  
Sale \({Object_{type}}\)   \({Resource_{type}}\)   \({People_{type}}\)  
Table 1. Capitals and Its Dimensions
In the case we apply the logic of the trading company in tomatoes we get as a result Table 2.
Table 2.
Control flowPhysicalWell-beingResourcesWell-beingPeopleWell-being
BuyTomatoesFair priceFertilizerBio diversitySupplierLiving stand
StoreTomatoesNo wasteGasCo2 footprintPersonnelProud
SaleTomatoesFair marginDeliveryCo2 footprintCustomerHealth-Sugar
Table 2. Capitals and Its Dimensions—Trade Company in Tomatoes—An Example
Notice that the control flow as depicted in Tables 1 and 2 is the basic control flow coined as the canonical bilateral contract - organizational view as defined in Section 5.2, extended in Section 6.2. Now we can use these insights to get sight of the value chain itself buttressing the business model and use these insights to extend, i.e., enrich transaction financial data with non-financial data, i.e., sustainability data using the revenue model as a first class citizen to warrant the validity of all the data needed for sustainability reporting and performance evaluation.
To elicit the value chain from Table 2, we transpose the table. As an example we get the following result depicted in Table 3.
Table 3.
Well-beingFair priceNo wasteFair margin
Well-beingBio diversityCo2 footprintCo2 footprint
Well-beingLiving standardProudHealth-sugar
Table 3. Value Chain—Trade Company in Tomatoes—An Example
As we will see, it is quite straightforward to extend this view for up stream or down stream in the value chain. But first we have to recognize that the result depicted in Table 3 gives us an idea of what type of information we need to report and to evaluate the sustainability performance of an undertaking. In the case we have to report outcomes of processes then we need a registration of the event earlier performed by an agent as we have addressed in Section 6.2. Financially, all transactions are recorded in accounting information systems. As we have seen, accounting information systems can be characterized as labeling systems by means of accounts. In the case the buying contract is signed by both parties involved there is an expectation that goods will be delivered, at some moment in time, in some quality, in some quantity with a value in total due to the supplier. These types of data will be registered in the accounting information system with a meaningful label, i.e., account description like goods on the way. All these events / actions coined as financial transactions make up a trace in the accounting information system, when summarized this gives us the money and good flow of an undertaking over a period. Ultimately, this gives us the balance sheet per some date and the profit and loss account over a period of time. Mind that the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement make up the physical capitals as identified in Section 2 and Table 1.
To get a grip on the data we need for transaction processing, control, and performance evaluation, we first extend the value chain model into the money and goods flow within organizations [13, 23, 36]. In doing this, we extend our example measurand. Assume that we have sold 75 kilograms tomatoes in a quality standard 2 brix and that we have bought 75 kilograms tomatoes in a quality standard 2 brix. The selling price is €2,00 and the buying price is €1,50. As a result, the accounting flow by means of journalizing the financial transactions is depicted in Table 4. We use the following abbreviations: (1) Flow denotes control flow, (2) Acc denotes account, (3) SUM denotes addition column + and column -/-, (4) REV denotes revenue, and (5) Phyc denotes physical capital.
Table 4.
FlowAcc+Acc \(-\) / \(-\) SUMAccCostREVPhycUnit
PayCreditors112,5Bank112,50   Tom
InvoiceInvoice OG112,5Creditors112,50   Tom
PO  Invoice OG112,5 \(-\) 112,5COGS112,5 Tom
BuyContract   0   Tom€/ \({\rm kg}\)
POGoods OG75  75   Tom \({\rm kg}\)
Receive  Goods OG75 \(-\) 75   Tom \({\rm kg}\)
StorageStock75Stock750   Tom \({\rm kg}\)
DeliverGoods OG75  75   Tom \({\rm kg}\)
SO  Goods OG75 \(-\) 75   Tom \({\rm kg}\)
SaleContract   0   Tom€/ \({\rm kg}\)
SOInvoice OG150,0  150,0REV 150,0Tom
InvoiceDebtors150,0Invoice OG150,00   Tom
CollectBank150,0Debtors150,00   Tom
   Equity37,5 \(-\) 37,5Gain/loss37,5 Tom
Total 900,0 900,00 150,0150,0  
Table 4. Control Flow—Trade Company in Tomatoes—Financial
Remark that the result depicted in Table 4 gives us an exact picture on how information flows should be recorded in an accounting information database and that the equality from Equation (23) holds. We recognize the data stores as depicted in Figure 9 and the theory explained in Section 6.2.
Extending the model with resource and people capitals is no problem, we just have to introduce next to the physical units the appropriate resource and people units. Additionally, we have to define its conversion factor in reference with the contracted units customers and buyers pay for. The canonical model bilateral contract organizational view ensures that all characteristics of an object can be identified and thus be measured so that the particular measurement results are by design traceable to the (SI) standards. Hence trace-ability to (SI) standards is not the same as counting objects. A claim that counts are traceable to (SI) standards is not correct in the case one neglects the fact that counting inextricably involves the definition of what is being counted which definition is not a part of the (SI) standard. The canonical model of the bilateral contract ensures that objects are counted and that the count of the object is traceable to scientifically based norms which determines the norms buttressing the conversion factors needed to calculate non-financial reporting information. Suppose we want to report the sugar contents of the tomatoes we have sold and bought as in our example, we just have to do some calculations. The formula is
\begin{equation} Sucrose = 75 \cdot \left[ \underline{ 1 {\rm kg}} \right] \cdot 1000 \cdot \left[ \underline{ 1 {\rm Tomato}}\right] \cdot 2 \cdot \left[\underline{ 1 {^{&#x00B0;Bx}}} \right] \cdot \frac{1}{100} = 1500 {\rm g}. \end{equation}
Remark that technically there is no need to explicate the units included as done in Equation (26), but this type of notation elucidates the nature of the measurements and thus its implicit meaning in some context, i.e., situation. Note that \([ \underline{ 1 {\rm Tomato}}]\) defined as the physical unit is the object to be measured. By reworking the equation we can derive that 100 \({\rm g}\) sugar is equivalent to 1 \({^{&#x00B0;}}\) Bx we use as a normative conversion factor enabling the calculations as asked in the first place. When we look for example at Table 3, we see that there is a relationship between the physical capital and the people capital when we take the value chain into account. We only need to extend Table 4 with the appropriate People units and the normative conversion factors defined in the appropriate unit of measurement to be sure that the equality from Equation (23) holds.

7.1 Data Quality Assurance

Referring to the notion of data quality as discussed in Section 4 and the information flow about measures, goods, and money flow as depicted in Table 4, we are able to formulated the decision procedure as an assessment procedure to make an assessment about the accuracy of the data stored in an accounting information system. The accuracy of a data store under consideration is said to accurate when the following proposition holds:
Proposition 12 (Accuracy).
The data is accurate is TRUE if and only if: (1) the data is VALID is TRUE is TRUE \(\wedge\) the data is COMPLETE is TRUE is TRUE
The result can be depicted as a tree. On top, we have the data stored in an accounting information system. On the left, we have the output after checking whether the syntax is correct. The \(\bot\) denotes the attributes which are false. There are two possibilities either the syntax of type is wrong or the attribute is empty. On the right hand, we have the output whether the timelines is correct or not from a completeness or validity perspective.
This gives us the information from an assurance perspective whether the internal controls are effective. In general, internal controls defined as processing and accounting controls preserve the data integrity. The output of the assessment procedure coined as assurance gives us the information about the accuracy of the data itself upon which we have to build reporting systems encapsulating financial and non-financial information. Conceptually they share the same objects, so the outcome of our assessments gives us the information depicted as a tree.
We refer to [12] for further details and the underlying theory and practice within a quality control and audit perspective.

8 Impacts: the Notion of Double Materiality

Building on the double materiality principle as discussed in Section 2, undertakings like businesses must ensure that all information must be disclosed to the users of this information. This information concerns the capitals as identified in Section 2 and each capital perspective needs to be considered in its own right. When we take a closer look at Table 3, then we must be aware that well-being measures in itself do not say anything about the impact of what is measured in the first place. We need a clear understanding among stakeholders on how to interpret the disclosed outputs and the contribution of an undertaking to what is to be understood as well-being in the first place. This is a result of what we coin as a dialogue between an undertaking and its stakeholders who come in a large variety and the choices senior management makes to attain sustainability goals. Indeed a clear understanding of the business model, the strategy chosen implementing the business model by means of revenue models seems to be the focal point on what is considered important information from a stakeholders point of view. In general, undertakings must disclose information about four reporting areas as (1) the business model, (2) policies including due diligence processes implemented and the outcome of these policies, (3) risks and risk management, and (4) key performance indicators relevant to the undertaking.
For example, measuring the CO2 footprint of a business in itself does not inform us about the loss of bio diversity. We do agree upon the scientific fact that CO2 does impact the bio diversity, so that minimizing ones CO2 footprint does contribute to ameliorate bio diversity. Indeed on an abstract level a business model and the strategy chosen by senior management is exactly what we coined as a promise as defined in Definition 11. Mind that the basic underlying assumptions buttressing promises senior management make is the most challenging design part to elicit informational requirements to report sustainability efforts and results.

8.1 Creating a Vision From First Principles

Answering and discussing the capitals we have to report upon implies the key challenge an undertaking faces to create a shared vision among stakeholders and thus shared mental models that guide local decision makers constituting an ecosystem making up a value chain intended to create business, social, and environmental value. A shared vision is similar to what is coined as belief and boundary systems [34, 35]. Belief systems can be thought of as the core values of an organization where boundary systems stake out the strategic territory related to business activities that are strictly ethically prohibited. No need the stress the fact that boundary and belief systems are closely linked. A vision contains, i.e., envisions, the outcome of the deliberation process discussing the desired outcomes in a coherent, consistent, and sequacious way. Envisioning and deliberating can be thought of an interactive control system which mechanism buttresses the dialogue among stakeholders [6] to manage strategic risks an undertaking has to cope with. In this dialogue stakeholders need diagnostic control systems to monitor the actual performance of the business system behavior. This information needs to be useful and relevant [7, 28].
The design question buttressing the reporting system is diagnostic in nature and the reasoning style is abductive. Traditional the diagnostic problem is framed in situations where an observation of the system’s behavior is functioning abnormal or even fails to function at all. The issue is then to determine those components, objects, and so on of the system that will explain the difference between observed behavior and the desired correct behavior [31]. To solve the aforementioned diagnostic problem from first principles, only the information of the system description is available together with the observation of the actual behavior. Building on the work of [25] Reiter provides in a theoretical foundation for diagnosis from first principles. As he observed and demonstrated many different logics lead to the same theory of diagnosis. In our situation, there is one major problem and that is we cannot observe actual system behavior just because the system has to be designed yet. We do have a shared expectation about the expected behavior and we aim that the accounting system after being build and implemented shows in practice the shared expected behavior. Indeed we have to consider that there is a possibility that the actual behavior after having the system built and implemented can actually differ from the expected outcome and we will need safeguards upfront to be considered in designing the system. In [9], we coined this requirement incentive-compatible (direct or encoded) revelation mechanisms. It needs no elaboration that the design question and the diagnostic problems both sh@ARTICLE 9963762, author = L. G. Anthopoulos and M. Janssen, journal = Computer, title = Business Model Canvas for Big and Open Linked Data in Smart and Circular Cities: Findings From Europe, year = 2022, volume = 55, number = 12, issn = 1558–0814, pages = 119–133, abstract = This article introduces a business model for big and open linked data in smart and circular cities, laying the foundation of a new approach that generates societal, business, and public value., keywords = linked data;computational modeling;urban areas;europe;data models;business, doi = 10.1109/MC.2022.3194634, publisher = IEEE Computer Society, address = Los Alamitos, CA, USA, month = dec are the same mechanisms and principles. The diagnostic cycle can be depicted as in Figure 10 [25].
Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. Diagnostic cycle.
The main objective is to design a system that minimizes the expected structural discrepancy between the model and the artifact realizing the goal function. For example, if the sustainability goals are the result of an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders than a model based on the axioms of such a belief defined as a promise, decided to be foundational and strictly normative in the deontological sense, then the accounting and reporting system as an artifact is to be designed to monitor the behavioral discrepancies between predicted agreed upon normative behavior and the observed normative behavior. Needless to say that strict rules should be enforced upon the agents who are responsible as accountable on merit grounds. Indeed the verification procedure applied by the undertaking communicates the outcome of the verification procedure by means of a reporting system. Differences should be recognized and the undertaking has to inform the agent(s) and stakeholders whose action is not compliant to the applicable rule so corrective action must be taken or is to be punished by some rule.
Senior management and stakeholders must be informed about the effectiveness of these measures making up the internal control system. But we cannot rule out that an autonomous agent, i.e., senior management and stakeholders do not agree to the full extend about what has been decided. In this latter case, we cannot rule out by design any possible behavioral discrepancy of an agent or stakeholder. In general, there are two options for the parties involved. The first option is to take another close(r) look at the actual axioms, presumptions buttressing the accounting and reporting model as in our example we started with in the first place. The second option is to introduce more rules and enforce harder. The designers have to make a choice: “Which path to follow?” If it is possible to reconsider the earlier made choices than the revision process will be commenced. Whether this type of rule is accepted is a fundamental design question addressing moral agency and ethics subsumed in the integrity climate of an undertaking and the integrity of the stakeholders. So the design question is lesser a technical question but merely a social construct.

9 Conclusions

Stakeholders need reliable information to assess the effectiveness of implemented policies of organizations to obtain specific objectives. These objectives relate to one or more capitals measuring economic, social, and environmental sustainability affecting societal well-being. This makes reporting sustainability information addressed to a large variety of stakeholders, coined as savers, i.e., investors, and users coined as civil society actors a challenging task to fulfill due to the multidimensional construct of well-being in perspective of CSDR-2022 and similar reporting frameworks. This is why undertakings need to maintain a dialogue with stakeholders to understand expectations so sound strategies can be chosen in realizing expectations in terms of performance. The key challenge of an undertaking lies in the realm of measuring performance that informs stakeholders about the contribution in realizing expectations of society at large. So the dialogue concentrates on what is to be understood as well-being to determine the variables that contribute to well-being, where the capitals are concerned. This is why we need to start with the revenue models an undertaking exploits in the first place to understand the calculations we have to make, register, and report about. In Section 7, we have elaborated on how an undertaking can fulfill reporting requirements. The method build upon the logic of double-entry bookkeeping in a rigorous way extending the value cycle concept buttressing any value chain as defined and modeled in Sections 5 and 6.


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  1. Human Centricity as Leading Design Principle for Smart City Innovations: Implications for the Governance, Control, Reporting and Performance Evaluation of Well-being of Civil Society Actors



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    cover image Digital Government: Research and Practice
    Digital Government: Research and Practice  Volume 4, Issue 3
    September 2023
    144 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 19 September 2023
    Online AM: 19 May 2023
    Accepted: 10 May 2023
    Revised: 29 March 2023
    Received: 27 January 2023
    Published in DGOV Volume 4, Issue 3


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    10. ESG regulation


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