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On the type accuracy of garbage collection
We describe a novel approach to obtaining type-accurate information for garbage collection in a hardware and language independent way. Our approach uses a run-time analysis to propagate pointer/non-pointer information from significant type events (such ...
On effectiveness of GC in Java
We study the effectiveness of garbage collection (GC) algorithms by measuring the time difference between the actual collection time of an object and the potential earliest collection time for that object. Our ultimate goal is to use this study in order ...
Thread-specific heaps for multi-threaded programs
Garbage collection for a multi-threaded program typically involves either stopping all threads while doing the collection or involves copious amounts of synchronization between threads. However, a lot of data is only ever visible to a single thread, and ...
A region-based memory manager for prolog
We extend Tofte and Talpin's region-based model for memory management to support backtracking and cuts, which makes it suitable for use with Prolog and other logic programming languages. We describe how the extended model can be implemented and report ...
Designing a trace format for heap allocation events
Dynamic storage allocation continues to play an important role in the performance and correctness of systems ranging from user productivity software to high-performance servers. While algorithms for dynamic storage allocation have been studied for ...
Compact garbage collection tables
Garbage collection tables for finding pointers on the stack can be represented in 20-25% of the space previously reported. Live pointer information is often the same at many call sites because there are few pointers live across most call sites. This ...
Reducing garbage collector cache misses
Cache misses are currently a major factor in the cost of garbage collection, and we expect them to dominate in the future. Traditional garbage collection algorithms exhibit relatively little temporal locality; each live object in the heap is likely to ...
Memory allocation with lazy fits
Dynamic memory allocation is an important part of modern programming languages. It is important that it be done fast without wasting too much memory. Memory allocation using lazy fits is introduced, where pointer increments, which is very fast, is used ...
Conservative garbage collection for general memory allocators
This paper explains a technique that integrates conservative garbage collection on top of general memory allocators. This is possible by using two data structures named malloc-tables and jump-tables that are computed at garbage collection time to map ...
Concurrent garbage collection using hardware-assisted profiling
In the presence of on-chip multithreading, a Virtual Machine (VM) implementation can readily take advantage of service threads for enhancing performance by performing tasks such as profile collection and analysis, dynamic optimization, and garbage ...
Concurrent garbage collection using program slices on multithreaded processors
We investigate reference counting in the context of a multi-threaded architecture by exploiting two observations: (1) reference-counting can be performed by a transformed program slice of the mutator that isolates heap references, and (2) hardware ...
Cycles to recycle: garbage collection to the IA-64
The IA-64, Intel's 64-bit instruction set architecture, exhibits a number of interesting architectural features. Here we consider those features as they relate to supporting garbage collection (GC). We aim to assist GC and compiler implementors by ...
The case for profile-directed selection of garbage collectors
Many garbage-collected systems use a single garbage collection algorithm across all applications. It has long been known that this can produce poor performance on applications for which that collector is not well suited. In some systems, such as those ...
Efficient object sampling via weak references
The performance of automatic memory management may be improved if the policies used in allocating and collecting objects had knowledge of the lifetimes of objects. To date, approaches to the pretenuring of objects in older generations have relied on ...
Dynamic adaptive pre-tenuring
In a generational garbage collector, a pre-tenured object is one that is allocated directly in the old generation. Pre-tenuring long-lived objects reduces the number of times that they are scanned or copied during garbage collection. Previous work has ...
On models for object lifetime distributions
Analytical models of memory object lifetimes are appealing because having them would enable mathematical analysis or fast simulation of the memory management behavior of programs. In this paper, we investigate models for object lifetimes drawn from ...
A generational mostly-concurrent garbage collector
This paper reports our experiences with a mostly-concurrent incremental garbage collector, implemented in the context of a high performance virtual machine for the Java™ programming language. The garbage collector is based on the “mostly parallel” ...
Implementing an on-the-fly garbage collector for Java
- Tamar Domani,
- Elliot K. Kolodner,
- Ethan Lewis,
- Eliot E. Salant,
- Katherine Barabash,
- Itai Lahan,
- Yossi Levanoni,
- Erez Petrank,
- Igor Yanorer
Java uses garbage collection (GC) for the automatic reclamation of computer memory no longer required by a running application. GC implementations for Java Virtual Machines (JVM) are typically designed for single processor machines, and do not ...
Diffusion tree restructuring for indirect reference counting
A new variant algorithm for distributed acyclic garbage detection is presented for use in hybrid garbage collectors. The existing fault-tolerance of Piquer's Indirect Reference Counting (IRC) is qualitatively improved by this new approach. The key ...