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Distributed Node Deployment Algorithms in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey and Challenges

Published: 10 July 2023 Publication History


From the coverage and connectivity perspective, a wide range of applications in wireless sensor networks rely on node deployment algorithms to accomplish their functionalities. This is especially of great significance when the sensor nodes are mobile and can autonomously move to appropriate locations to provide optimal or near-optimal coverage. In this article, we review the state of the art of deployment algorithms proposed for blanket coverage in mobile wireless sensor networks. To this, we first discuss the node deployment challenges and their impact on network performance from different perspectives. Afterwards, currently available deployment algorithms in mobile sensor networks are categorised into two main categories: Force-based, and Geometrical deployment algorithms. The advantages and disadvantages of each category are discussed, and the latest advancements are then presented. Finally, we present a qualitative comparison of all the algorithms reported in the literature and also discuss some possible future directions.

1 Introduction

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are made of low-cost sensor nodes that communicate over short distances. Due to recent advancements in MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) technology and hence sensor nodes’ technology, WSN implementations have become increasingly more diverse in applications. The WSN applications range from health monitoring [4, 41, 78, 119] to target tracking [26, 64, 117, 121] and environmental monitoring [7, 49, 80, 84], like forest fire monitoring [14, 47, 68] and agricultural precision farming [76, 98, 122].
The monitoring, processing, generating and transferring of information about the physical environment to targeted receivers are recognised as the functionalities of WSNs in different areas of science that have attracted many attention in recent years [36, 71, 91, 94, 107, 123]. The aim of these functions is to enhance the network’s ability to track and manage the physical environment, which is possible by improving the deployment algorithms that are used in the network [17, 73, 126]. The node deployment algorithms consider the sensor nodes’ features and capability to present the most efficient technique to improve the monitoring (i.e., coverage of the region by properly locating the sensors). Therefore, the requested coverage in the node deployment is obtained using resource-constrained sensor nodes that are placed in appropriate locations in the Region of Interest (RoI) [102]. However, different applications focus on different characteristics for the required coverage, which leads to different properties for the node deployment [23, 27, 59, 110, 111].
WSN node deployments are classified as either centralised or distributed [22, 27, 51, 82]. In a centralised node deployment, the placement of a sensor is decided by a centralised sensor which is usually called a sink. The sink sensor analyses all of the data and determines where all of the other sensors in the network should be placed. In centralised algorithms, the overhead of communication and the complexity of processing all other sensors’ locations are increased by increasing the number of nodes, which can be impractical in some cases. However, in distributed node deployments, where no sink sensor node is involved in its decision-making process, each sensor node determines its position at each timestep based on the local information it has received from neighbouring nodes [52]. Therefore, a distributed node deployment is a scalable, fault-tolerant and cost-efficient approach that is becoming more common in WSNs [34, 44, 60].
Regardless of the employed algorithm for a node deployment (i.e., centralised or distributed), a WSN can be categorised into four different categories based on the type of its sensor nodes: static [61, 89], mobile [65, 108], hybrid [10, 32] and mobile robot [38]. The static sensor nodes remain in their locations after the initial deployment, whereas mobile sensor nodes can move after their initial deployment in an area. A hybrid WSN, however, comprises both static and mobile sensor nodes. Finally, in the mobile robot WSN, static sensor nodes are carried by a mobile robot and deployed in their proper locations [83].
In many distributed node deployments, a combination of static and mobile sensor nodes is used. Mobile sensor nodes cover the existing hole, whereas static sensor nodes are placed in their predefined locations. The network’s total energy consumption decreases significantly in scenarios, where most of the nodes are static compared to a network in which mobile nodes are dominant [24, 35, 43, 67]. However, in many applications where using static sensor nodes is impossible, full area coverage has been achieved by movements of homogeneous mobile sensor nodes [53, 99], such as where the manual deployment of sensor nodes is not possible due to a lack of prior information of the region or the area is inaccessible like in hazardous areas [46].
Utilising distributed deployment algorithms for coverage problem in Mobile Sensor Networks (MSNs) has been widely studied for different applications [15, 45, 58, 74, 75, 95, 100, 101, 104]. The coverage problem is discussed in three different types of coverage in the literature as required in various applications [40]: barrier coverage, sweep coverage and blanket or area coverage. A full barrier coverage can be reached in a deployment algorithm where an array of sensor nodes has been created to identify any intrusion through the required area. However, in sweep coverage, the deployment algorithm moves an array of sensor nodes simultaneously across the required area to identify targets in the area. Finally, deployment algorithms for blanket coverage move all sensor nodes in the area to be located in their proper locations so that the required area is entirely covered and all targets in the area can be detected by sensor nodes [99]. Although different types of coverage have different requirements, blanket coverage is a comprehensive solution and can meet all needs of other types of coverage. It has been shown that the complexity of any mobile node deployment solution to cover the whole area, maintain the network connectivity and minimise the total movement distance is NP-hard [86].
In this article, all distributed deployment algorithms which are proposed in the literature for blanket coverage in MSNs are studied. As our first contribution, we categorise all algorithms proposed for blanket coverage into two main groups: Force-based and Geometrical algorithms. All deployment algorithms proposed under the category of Force-based are inspired by natural phenomena, such as animal aggregation or the equilibrium of molecules. The Force-based category has two sub-groups: Nearest Neighbour rule-based and Repulsive Force [11, 55, 66, 75, 85, 106]. In the second category of deployment algorithms, the Geometrical algorithms, the Voronoi diagram (i.e., the commonly used region partitioning approach in MSNs) is used to obtain the required coverage [16].
The rest of the article is organised as follows. In Section 2, we propose a classification of all deployment algorithms for blanket coverage in MSNs. In Section 3, all deployment algorithms reported up to now in the literature are thoroughly studied. Afterwards, the advantages and drawbacks of each deployment algorithms are discussed using different examples and analyses. In Section 4, all node deployment algorithms are qualitatively compared based on the performance of their coverage and connectivity. We present some guidelines for future research on the deployment algorithms in MSNs in Section 5. Finally, we conclude the article in Section 6.

2 Classification of Node Deployment Algorithms

Several distributed deployment algorithms for area coverage in MSNs have been proposed in recent years. The different set of neighbours and the various methods of interpreting the received data from neighbours disparate the existing deployment algorithms into different categories. They can be divided into two categories: Force-based and Geometrical.
From a communication point of view, we define a sensor network G as a tuple \(\lt S, C\gt\) , where \(S=\lbrace s_1,s_2,\ldots ,s_n\rbrace\) is a set of sensor nodes and \(C = \lbrace c_1, c_2, \ldots , c_m \rbrace\) is a set of links (connections) between sensor nodes. Whilst S is a constant set with a predefined number of members, the members of C might vary at each timestep during the execution of the node deployment algorithm from the initial deployment until the last stage. For an arbitrary node, \(s_i\) , let \(p_{i}^{k}(x_i^k,y_i^k)\) represent the position of \(s_i\) at timestep k. There is a link between node \(s_i\) and node \(s_j\) , a member of C, if and only if \(s_i\) is able to communicate with node \(s_j\) in its vicinity. This implies that \(d_{s_i,s_j}^k\lt c_R,\) where \(d_{s_i,s_j}^k\) represents the Euclidean distance between them, \(d_{s_i,s_j}^k= \sqrt {(x_i^k-x_j^k)^2+(y_i^k-y_j^k)^2}\) and \(c_R\) represents the transmission range. Furthermore, the neighbouring nodes of every sensor node, \(s_i\) , are all of the sensors that their Euclidean distance is equal to or less than the \(c_R\) , \(N_i^k=\lbrace s_j|\forall s_j \in S, d_{s_i,s_j}^k\lt c_R, i \ne j\rbrace\) .
The \(N_i^k\) set contains all the neighbours of every \(s_i\) in any node deployment algorithm under the Force-based category. However, various neighbouring sets are considered in different algorithms. More precisely, the neighbour set may vary from \(N_i^k\) to a subset of this set in different algorithms. For instance, in Geometrical algorithms, the nearest sensor nodes in the communication range are considered as neighbours. They are recognised from a partitioning concept in computational geometry, the Voronoi diagram. In a Voronoi diagram, every sensor node, \(s_i\) , creates a polygon that divides the area and every point, \(Q(x,y)\) , in a given polygon is closer to one sensor node than to any other sensor node [125]. The neighbour set of every sensor includes the sensor nodes, which have a common edge with \(s_i\) ’s polygon (also known as the Voronoi cell).
In addition to the neighbouring set, the interpretation of the received data is different in deployment algorithms. In the Force-based category, sensor nodes move based on the entered force from their neighbouring nodes to distribute uniformly in the area. Every sensor node calculates the entered force based on information obtained from neighbouring nodes as well as its own data, whereas in the Geometrical deployment algorithms, the \(s_i\) ’s Voronoi cell is covered by \(s_i\) as it is the nearest sensor to this point (based on the definition of Voronoi cell and Voronoi diagram) [114]. Therefore, every sensor node is responsible only for its own cell to cover. In these algorithms, sensor nodes move in their cells to find the best point for maximum coverage of their Voronoi cells.
Figure 1 shows a classification of state-of-the-art distributed node deployment algorithms in MSN algorithms. Different deployment algorithms, such as Nearest Neighbour rule-based and Repulsive Force, have been presented in the literature for different force calculations under the category of Force-based algorithms.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. The classification of distributed node deployment algorithms in mobile WSNs. TBC, Triangular Blanket Coverage; BTDCS, Boundary Tracking Decentralized Control System; DCA, Decentralized Coverage Algorithm; DSSA, Distributed Self-Spreading Algorithm; SSND, Smart Self-organization Node Deployment; VFA-SF, Virtual Force Algorithm inspired by Spring Force.
The Nearest Neighbour rule-based deployment algorithms, such as the ones proposed in the work of Cheng et al. [18], Savkin et al. [100] and Cheng and Savkin [21], distribute the sensor nodes in the network by replicating the collective movement of animals in animal aggregations. Following the nearest neighbour rule, sensor nodes in these algorithms move to the average position of their neighbouring nodes at every timestep. However, the Repulsive Force sub-category is inspired by the equilibrium of molecules, where the equilibrium state of molecules presents the final stable state of sensor nodes in the area. Approaches like information consensus [58, 95] are inspired by the equilibrium of molecules to fully cover the required area. In the equilibrium of molecules inspired deployment algorithms, the optimal sensor placement for final coverage is determined by the position of molecules in their lowest energy state [53, 54, 97].
Under the Geometrical deployment category, the Voronoi diagram is the most commonly used structure in MSNs. A Voronoi diagram splits the RoI into cells, and every sensor node undertakes a cell to cover [16]. There are many different proposed Voronoi-based algorithms to provide blanket coverage in an MSN by moving the sensor nodes in their Voronoi cells to achieve higher coverage in their cells and hence in the required area [13]. Each of these algorithms uses a different method: from using the distance of the sensor node to its Voronoi cell edges to the distance of the sensor node to its Voronoi cell vertices to calculate the best location for every sensor node in its Voronoi cell to provide the required coverage in the area [75, 116]. There is also another Voronoi-based algorithm that drives sensor nodes by a virtual force that is applied from both the vertices and the boundaries of their Voronoi cell. The details of all algorithms reported in the literature under each category are presented in the next section.

3 Node Deployment Algorithms

The basic principles of MSN node deployment algorithms reported in the literature are reviewed in this section. Under each category, we present all deployment algorithms, along with a qualitative discussion. Table 1 also summarises the key differences between Force-based and Geometrical deployment algorithms.
Table 1.
Force BasedGeometrical
Sensor nodes communicate their locations with their neighbouring nodes as primary information of the algorithm.Sensor nodes communicate their locations as necessary information of the algorithm with their neighbouring sensor nodes.
The performance of the algorithms under this category is not too sensitive to the initial location of sensor nodes.The performance of the algorithms under this category is too sensitive to the initial location of sensor nodes.
Lower communication range is bearable within the acceptable performance.Sensor nodes should have large communication ranges for acceptable performance.
Table 1. Comparison Between the Force-Based and Geometrical Algorithms

3.1 Force-Based Deployment Algorithms

In this section, we classify the existing Force-based deployment algorithms into two sub-categories: Nearest Neighbour rule-based and Repulsive Force and individually discuss each of them. First, we discuss the deployment algorithms proposed under the Nearest Neighbour rule-based sub-category like those presented in other works [1, 21, 100]. This is then followed by discussing the deployment algorithms proposed under the Repulsive Force sub-category, presented in other works as well [30, 42, 53, 77].

3.1.1 Nearest Neighbour Rule-Based.

The distributed decision-making process that leads to coordinated movement has been seen in many animal aggregations, such as bacterial colonies, insects, fish schools, bird flocks and leadership groups of mammals and crowds [5, 6, 12, 29, 79, 93, 96]. In a flock of birds, for instance, individual birds maintain a minimum distance from their neighbours while collectively forming a flocking-level behaviour [2]. In some works [39, 87, 103], the behaviour of such individual units is explored. Moreover, the observed coordinated behaviour, called collective motion in the work of Vicsek et al. [112] and Vicsek and Zafeiris [113] is defined under the “nearest neighbour rule”. Based on the nearest neighbour rule, each individual in a group goes by its own decision, but the decision of where to go is affected by its neighbours’ locations [19]. Furthermore, the behaviour of each unit is represented by a mathematical model [103]. This mathematical model can inspire its usage in other subjects where distributed decision making is the goal of moving the particles in a group. For instance, the algorithm presented in the work of Liu et al. [69] uses Lyapunov methods to maintain cohesion during mobile swarm movement that follows a leader even in the presence of sensing delays and asynchronism. Moreover, the stabilisation and control of the formation of mobile robots are discussed in elsewhere [31, 37] which employ graph-theoretic algorithms for the same purpose.
A simple discrete-time model of n moving nodes with the same speed but different angles is presented based on the animal aggregation in the work of Vicsek et al. [112]. This model updates each node’s heading based on the local rule, which is the average of the neighbouring nodes’ headings, including itself. Despite the absence of centralised coordination, by using various simulations, it has been demonstrated that all nodes move in the same direction after some timesteps [112]. Furthermore, to converge the sensor nodes’ movement to a desired direction in this model, a leader node with a fixed heading is considered in the group of sensor nodes [57].
Many studies have focused on developing a mathematical model to analyse animal aggregation behaviours. For instance, the potential function theory is used to understand flocking behaviour [63, 88]. Besides, a theory to model the motions in a fish school is presented in the work of Lopez et al. [70]. A comprehensive review of the mathematical aspects of animal aggregation behaviour is also presented in the work of Jadbabaie et al. [58].
The mathematical models of animal aggregation have inspired many distributed deployment algorithms in MSNs [1, 21, 77, 100], which are discussed in this section under the Force-based category in the Nearest Neighbour rule-based sub-category. In this article we refer to these algorithms as Triangular Blanket Coverage (TBC) [21], Decentralized Coverage Algorithm (DCA) [100] and Boundary Tracking Decentralized Control System (BTDCS) [1], for the sake of simplicity.
The area coverage algorithm, TBC, is proposed for WSNs, which is inspired by the nearest neighbour rule in animal aggregation [21]. The TBC moves the sensors into the requested area to make a triangular lattice pattern that fully covers the given 2D region between boundaries. The triangular lattice pattern is known as the best structure for sensor nodes’ placement, as theoretical analysis has proven that a triangular pattern placement can provide maximum coverage for the fewest number of sensor nodes and the least amount of energy consumption [21]. In this algorithm, the sensor movements to achieve this structure are led by a decentralised control law that is introduced in the work of Cheng and Savkin [20]. The mathematical model of animal aggregation inspires the control law that moves sensors in lines. Although the control laws result in a high coverage, the boundaries information guide the sensors’ movement and increases the coverage to full coverage. In this way, the algorithm moves every sensor in consecutive steps toward its desired place (a location on the triangular lattice) by making an average of its neighbours’ angles and coordination, and the movement calculation is also influenced by boundaries coordination. The movement of sensors at every timestep and the calculation of the next location are based on the received information from neighbouring nodes and the boundaries limitations. The complex model and the decision making, which happen in every sensor node at every timestep, make TBC a high energy consumption algorithm with high communication and computational complexity. In Figure 2, an example of the initial deployment and final deployment of sensor nodes is shown, where the area is completely covered in the final phase of the algorithm.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. An example of deploying the TBC algorithm. (a) The initial deployment. (b) The final deployment after applying the algorithm [100].
A more general version of the TBC algorithm, DCA, is presented in the work of Savkin et al. [100]. Unlike TBC, the RoI in DCA is not priorly known to the sensors and has an arbitrary shape. Considering the same control law as in the work of Cheng and Savkin [21], the asymptotic optimality of DCA is provided. In this algorithm, the sensor nodes know the requested boundary. However, there is no control to limit the number of sensor nodes at the area’s edges and sensors’ locations may also be outside of the boundary. Figure 3 depicts an example of DCA.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. An example of deploying DCA. (a) The initial deployment. (b) The final deployment after applying the algorithm [21].
In the work of Ahmad [1], the BTDCS algorithm provides full coverage for any arbitrary shape. However, in contrast to DCA, the control laws in BTDCS omit to pass the boundaries. The restriction on surpassing the boundaries decreases the necessity of extra sensors on and above the boundaries. Therefore, the number of sensors that are needed for full coverage decreases while providing full coverage. The decreased number of sensors is resulted from discarding two sensors at every horizontal grid of the area that are not necessary. Although this process requires more energy and increases the complexity of the algorithm, the reduced number of sensors can save the deployment cost. An example of the final deployment of the BTDCS algorithm applied to the same initial arrangement of Figure 3(a) is shown in Figure 4.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. An example of the final deployment of BTDSC [1] for the same initial deployment presented in Figure 3(a).
The modelling of animal aggregation for mobile sensor nodes is not a simple process and has its own challenges. The main challenge is that there is no global knowledge of network topology and the decision-making process should be distributedly. In a distributed network, each node needs local data processing, data fusion and data compression because it has to be able to decide individually for its location and movements [56]. The distributed decision is also influenced by the physical constraints of mobile sensors, such as limited lifetime and communication range. Although the Nearest Neighbour rule-based algorithms provide full coverage even in intense initial deployments, the high energy consumption of every single sensor node in the network is a considerable weakness. Moreover, the single leader that converges the sensor nodes stream leads to the introduction of a single point of failure in the algorithm.

3.1.2 Repulsive Force.

In this section, the Repulsive Force algorithms as another sub-category of the Force-based category are studied. The Repulsive Force algorithms are random localisation algorithms that do not use the nearest neighbour rule. Although some of the Repulsive Force algorithms are inspired by the same natural phenomena as the Nearest Neighbour rule-based algorithms, the modelling of these algorithms is different. In this section, the Swarm-Based algorithm [77] is discussed, followed by the Distributed Self-Spreading Algorithm (DSSA) [53], Smart Self-organization Node Deployment (SSND) [42] and the Virtual Force Algorithm Inspired by Spring Force (VFA-SF) [30].
The schooling behaviour of fish influenced the Swarm-Based algorithm [77]. The local rules in the school of fish are interpreted as different forces to provide coverage in this algorithm. Every sensor node considers three forces: (1) a separation force that moves the sensor node away from its neighbouring nodes to increase the size of the swarm, (2) a cohesion force that controls the swarm’s connectivity, and (3) an alignment force that holds the sensor node aligned to its neighbouring nodes and speeds up the relocation to existing holes. Although the Swarm-Based algorithm and Nearest Neighbour rule-based algorithms [1, 21, 100] are inspired by animal aggregation, the mathematical model in the Swarm-Based algorithm is not the same as the Nearest Neighbour rule-based category and, hence, it falls under the Repulsive Force category. Unlike the Nearest Neighbour rule-based algorithms [1, 21, 100]. the Swarm-Based algorithm is a random algorithm and not a deterministic algorithm (i.e., sensors have fixed locations to move and full coverage is guaranteed). In random localisation algorithms, full coverage is not always achievable; however, the total distance that sensor nodes take and the energy that is used are much less than those of the deterministic algorithms.
DSSA is another Repulsive Force algorithm that is inspired by the equilibrium of molecules [53]. The uniform distribution of molecules when they are in their lowest energy with almost the same distance from each other in the stable status, known as the equilibrium of molecules, has motivated DSSA to replicate the same behaviour to cover a required area. In DSSA, the force between any two neighbouring nodes that follows Coulomb’s law is called partial force. Every sensor node moves to its desired location by partial forces at every timestep, independent N sensor nodes’ movement whether they are involved in its neighbouring nodes or not. The partial force is calculated based on the current location of the sensor, the distance between the sensor and its neighbouring nodes, and the local density (i.e., the number of neighbouring nodes). Therefore, for every sensor node at each timestep, the total force is a cumulative entered force of all neighbouring nodes in its one-hop neighbourhood. As long as the condition for terminating the algorithm execution is not met, the partial force calculation procedure is carried out. In Figure 5, an example of the partial forces between \(s_1\) and its neighbouring sensor nodes is demonstrated.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. The force demonstration for the sensor 1 in a WSN which is applicable for all node deployment algorithms under the Repulsive Force sub-category [42].
The obtained coverage of DSSA and the nature of the distributed partial force used in the algorithm make DSSA a leading approach to provide blanket coverage. However, many of the assumptions in DSSA are not feasible in realistic applications. The two major challenges of DSSA are recognised as high energy cost and latency. These are due to the fact that almost all sensor nodes move at every timestep, even if it is not necessary. Moreover, every sensor node receives obsolete location information from its neighbouring node as they report their current location while they are still moving at the same time as the report.
SSND is another proposed algorithm under the Repulsive Force sub-category, which is inspired by the equilibrium of molecules [42]. The SSND algorithm elects a prior sensor node in each neighbourhood to avoid the unnecessary movement of all sensor nodes at each timestep. Therefore, at each timestep, only a selected number of sensor nodes move to improve the coverage.
The SSND procedure calls an eligibility function that returns an eligibility value. The eligibility value along with location and some other information are exchanged among one-hop neighbouring nodes. Afterwards, the received information composes the final entered force between the neighbouring node, as shown in Figure 5, and identifies the sensor node with the highest eligibility value in the neighbourhood. The most eligible sensor node moves to the desired location at each timestep while other sensor nodes remain in their locations. The movement of only one sensor node in each neighbourhood at every timestep ultimately distributes the sensor nodes uniformly while normalising the local density in every neighbourhood.
The SSND algorithm has developed the final percentage of coverage while reducing energy consumption. This clarifies the fact that moving only necessary sensor nodes in each neighbourhood provides not only the accurate location of the neighbouring sensor but also sufficient sensor movement to improve the coverage. However, SSND consumes more energy than those under Geometrical algorithms due to a lack of environmental information.
In the work of Mathews et al. [77], a virtual spring force algorithm and an improved virtual spring force algorithm together with a performance evaluation method for sensor deployment algorithms in a large-scale MSN are presented. The virtual spring force moves sensor nodes based on their relative position to neighbouring nodes and the presence of an event [124]. The goal of the proposed algorithms is to create a hexagonal structure (i.e., a triangular pattern) of the sensor node’s locations in the network, which is a known solution, as mentioned earlier. In some sub-regions, the process of calculating spring virtual forces resulted in the prior creation of a stable hexagonal structure [77]. These sub-regions are still connected with sensor nodes as a hexagon with no exact number. However, in a large-scale network, a hollow or distorted balance is created, which is unavoidable.
VFA-SP became applicable in large-scale networks by enhancing the algorithm through adding an external force that starts from the centre of the target area. As central areas are more important to be covered than the edges of the area, the external force is added to the sensor nodes that are at the corners. The applied external force to these sensors encourages the formation of a hexagonal structure while avoiding the formation of unusual structures or holes at the early stages of the algorithm. The presented simulation results confirm the legitimacy of the algorithm’s assertation and creation of a complete hexagonal structure. However, the provided coverage is highly dependent on the precise reported locations of sensor nodes, and failure in detecting the precise location hugely affects the performance of the algorithm. Moreover, sensor nodes need to wait for an update of their neighbours’ locations before approaching the estimated location, which causes some delay in the process. Finally, different environment requirements need different initial parameters for the algorithm that are neither specified values nor relevant to previous conditions.
In summary, the Force-based deployment algorithms are costly in terms of consumed energy. However, the deployment algorithms in the Nearest Neighbour rule-based sub-category guarantee full coverage if there is no failure in the system due to the existence of a single leadership cluster in the network. In the Repulsive Force sub-category, unlike the Nearest Neighbour group, sensor nodes can freely move in the area with less energy consumption while being more robust to system failure due to losing one or more sensor nodes.

3.2 Geometrical Deployment Algorithms

Several algorithms have been proposed under the Geometrical deployment category over the past decade, which all are Voronoi-based algorithms. In this section, an overview of them (i.e., those presented in other works [73, 75, 115, 116] are discussed.
Voronoi-Based algorithms. In this section, an introduction on the Voronoi diagram is presented, followed by related node deployment algorithms. These algorithms are Minimax [116], the VEDGE algorithm [75] and VEVF [73].
An MSN contains a set of sensor nodes, S, where \(S=\lbrace s_1,s_2,\ldots ,s_n | n \in \mathbb {N} \rbrace\) . In Voronoi-based algorithms, every sensor node, \(s_i \in S\) , forms its own territory of the area called the polygon cell, where every point of that area is closer to \(s_i\) than any other sensor nodes in the network [8]. All of these polygon cells together form a structure called the Voronoi diagram. In Figure 6, an example of a Voronoi diagram is shown. The plus signs present the locations of the sensor nodes, which are surrounded by lines that show the edges of the polygon. For example, the sensor node \(s_i\) at location \(p_i(x_i,y_i)\) is inside Voronoi cell \(G_i=\lt \mathcal {V}_i,\mathcal {E}_i\gt\) , where selected points \(\mathcal {V}_1 = \lbrace v_1,v_2,v_3,v_4\rbrace\) present the vertices of the \(s_1\) polygon while \(\mathcal {E}_1 = \lbrace e_{12},e_{23},e_{34},e_{45}, e_{51}\rbrace\) define the edges of this polygon.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. An example of a Voronoi diagram with related Voronoi polygons.
A Voronoi-based iterative algorithm, Minimax, is proposed to provide full area coverage [116]. In this algorithm, sensor nodes broadcast their locations and create their Voronoi cells based on the obtained locations from their neighbouring nodes in every timestep. If there is any coverage hole after examining the Voronoi cell, the new location for the sensor is calculated by itself to cover that hole. In the Minimax algorithm, sensor nodes choose their desired location inside their Voronoi cell, which is not too far from each of the Voronoi cells’ vertices. Therefore, when sensor nodes are distributed uniformly, every sensor node has a minimum distance to its farthest vertex; hence, as calculated in the algorithms presented elsewhere [81, 109, 118], the desired location of every sensor node is the centre of the smallest enclosing circle of its Voronoi cell’s vertices.
Sensor nodes can only move if their movement increases their local coverage (i.e., Voronoi cell coverage) according to the Minimax algorithm. Therefore, based on the movement adjustment heuristic, sensor nodes terminate the algorithm if they cannot provide higher local coverage. Based on the Voronoi diagram attributes, the increase of coverage in one polygon increases the total area coverage. Therefore, the sensors will stop when the coverage of any polygon can no longer be increased [116]. Moreover, the reduction in the variance of distances to the Voronoi vertices results in a more uniform formed Voronoi polygon, which the sensor node efficiently covers [116]. Although the Minimax algorithm increases the final coverage, the performance of the Minimax algorithm is not efficient for certain network configurations. For example, if a sensor is located near a narrow edge in its Voronoi cell, the sensor does not move that much. Therefore, the existing coverage hole is not repaired.
A new combination of the Voronoi-based algorithm, VEDGE, is suggested in the work of Mahboubi et al. [75], to overcome the limitations of vertex-based algorithms, like Minimax, that are not suitable in some configurations to provide full coverage. VEDGE is a combination of Minimax (as a vertex-based algorithm) and Maxmin-edge (as an edge-based algorithm) [75]. For every sensor in every iteration of the algorithm, there are two points to move to: one point is based on the Minimax algorithm, and the other one is based on the Maxmin-edge algorithm. The new location of the sensor at every timestep is the one that provides better coverage. The VEDGE process continues until there are no more sensors to move to any new locations. Although the VEDGE algorithm provides better coverage, the complexity of finding a new location is still high, in addition to the high energy consumption and the number of movements. Moreover, its performance is not efficient for certain network configurations [73].
In another Vornoi-based algorithm (VVF) [73], virtual forces are used to find the target location of sensor nodes in the Voronoi cell. Unlike the virtual forces that are proposed under the Force-based category, which are applied from sensors, the virtual forces here are applied from the Voronoi cells’ vertices. There are two types of entered force: pull and push. The type of force is defined by using the distance between the sensor node and every vertex. If the distance is higher than the sensing range, the vertex force pulls the sensor towards itself, and otherwise it pushes the sensor away. Finally, at every timestep, every sensor node moves towards a point in its cell, which is the ending point of the resultant virtual force vector (i.e., the cumulative vector of all entered virtual forces).
Although the VVF algorithm is quite effective in many scenarios, it is not an adequate solution for some specific sensor configurations. For example, in Figure 7, the Voronoi cell of sensor S is shown while the sensing range of S is the circle around it. The point A is inside the Voronoi cell which is the ending point of the resultant virtual forces from the Voronoi cell’s vertexes. The coverage in the current cell can be further extended by moving the sensor node towards the up-left direction. The VVF algorithm though mandates the sensor node to move to point A that is in opposite direction of the desired location. However, this movement would not even happen due to the existence of the explained movement adjustment scheme.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. An example of a Voronoi polygon for sensor node S showing that vertex-based algorithms are not effective. The circle represents the sensing range of the sensor node.
The VVF algorithm limitations are discussed in the same paper while proposing an edge-based method, the EVF algorithm, to overcome these shortcomings [73]. The total virtual forces applied from the edges of each Voronoi cell resulted in the movement of each sensor in the EVF process. The EVF virtual forces operate the same as those of VVF except that they are entered from the edges of its Voronoi cell. Therefore, like the VVF, the EVF algorithm has limitations in some configurations. For instance, in Figure 8, EVF virtual forces choose the point A for the sensor to move based on the entered virtual forces from the edges of the Voronoi cell, which is against the direction of the desired location of the sensor.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. An example of a Voronoi polygon for sensor node S showing that edge-based algorithms are not effective. The circle represents the sensing range of the sensor node.
Inspired by VVF and VEF algorithms, a new algorithm, called VEVF, was proposed in the work of Mahboubi and Aghdam [73]. Every sensor node in every iteration of VEVF runs both VEF and VVF algorithms at the same time after creating its Voronoi cell and finds two points to move. Afterwards, the VEVF algorithm chooses the point which provides more coverage in the Voronoi cell as the selected point at every timestep. Therefore, by taking advantage of calculating one point by each algorithm, the VEF limitations are recovered by the VVF algorithm and vice versa. Although VEVF obtains full coverage in most of the configurations without VEF and VVF limitations and is a pioneer in Voronoi-based algorithms, the complexity of the algorithm is much higher compared to those of other algorithms. Moreover, all Voronoi-based algorithms, including VEVF, can only operate with a relatively high communication range, as the constructed Voronoi diagram with a short communication range is not accurate.
In summary, the energy consumption of Voronoi-based algorithms is less than those of other proposed deployment algorithms in other categories. However, the Voronoi-based algorithms are highly dependent on the initial location of sensor nodes in general, and a compact initial deployment does not normally provide an evenly distributed final coverage. Besides, the Voronoi cell creation process in each sensor node is computationally substantial with the necessity of a broader communication range compared to that of the other category. The features of Nearest Neighbour rule-based, Repulsive Force and Voronoi algorithms are summarised in Table 2.
Table 2.
Criterion for ComparisonNearest Neighbour Rule BasedRepulsive ForceVoronoi
Neighbourhood definitionInvolve only nearest neighbours in the decision-making process.Involve all sensors in the communication range.Involve all sensors in the communication range for creating the Voronoi cells and only the Voronoi cell’s neighbour for the decision-making process.
Communication rangeCan afford lower communication rate.Can afford lower communication rate.Cannot afford lower communication rate.
Communication range effectThe performance is not affected by \(r_c\) .The performance is directly affected by \(r_c\) .The performance is directly affected by \(r_c\) .
Table 2. Comparison Among the Nearest Neighbour Rule-Based, Repulsive Force, and Voronoi Algorithms

4 Qualitative Comparisons

Over the past few years, many deployment algorithms for full area coverage under various assumptions have been reported in the literature. Therefore, it is crucial to define a set of criteria to be used for the proper evaluation of these algorithms. Without defining such criteria, discussions about the factors that influence their efficiency and effectiveness can be either essentially fruitless or even counterproductive. In this section, we compare all existing deployment algorithms in terms of their quality and effectiveness to cover the RoI by defining a set of criteria. The features of all deployment algorithms presented in this article are summarised in Table 3.
Table 3.
AlgorithmCategoryParticipating NodesSensitivity to Initial DeploymentProcessing Time to Reach the Order StateCommunication to Sensing Range Ratio ( \(\frac{r_c}{r_s}\) )Communication OverheadEnergy Efficiency
TBC [21]Force-basedLowMediumHigh \(\geqslant\) \(\sqrt {3}\) HighLow
BTDCS [1]Force-basedLowMediumHigh \(\geqslant\) \(\sqrt {3}\) HighLow
DCA [100]Force-basedLowMediumHigh \(\geqslant\) \(\sqrt {3}\) HighLow
Swarm [77]Force-basedHighMediumMedium \(\ge\) 2MediumMedium
DSSA [53]Force-basedHighMediumMedium2MediumMedium
SSND [42]Force-basedHighLowMedium-Low2MediumMedium
VFA-SF [30]Force-basedHighMediumMedium \(\geqslant\) \(\sqrt {3}\) MediumMedium
VEVF [73]GeometricalMediumHighLow \(\frac{20}{6}\) LowHigh
Minimax [116]GeometricalMediumHighLow \(\frac{20}{6}\) LowHigh
VEDGE [75]GeometricalMediumHighLow \(\frac{20}{6}\) LowHigh
Table 3. Characteristics of Distributed Node Deployment Algorithms

4.1 Participating Nodes

The number of sensors that at each timestep are involved in the decision-making process of the deployment algorithm is different. In some algorithms, each sensor communicates to all of the sensors in its communication range. In contrast, in other algorithms, sensors only communicate with a few of the nearest sensor nodes in their communication range.
In some works [1, 21, 100] that are under the Nearest Neighbour rule-based sub-category, the number of participating neighbours in the decision making process is low, as they only consider their nearest neighbours when calculating the virtual force. In other works [73, 75, 116] that are under the Geometrical category, it is medium because the effective sensor nodes in the driving force are the Voronoi cell neighbours while all neighbouring nodes are involved in Voronoi cell creation. Finally, the proposed algorithms under the Repulsive Force sub-category [30, 42, 53, 77] consider all visible neighbours of every sensor node in their decision-making process, meaning that a high number of sensors are involved.
In distributed deployment algorithms where the movement decision depends on the local sensor nodes, the higher the number of local sensor nodes, the more accurate the calculated location becomes. Although the higher number of sensors provides a better estimation of the sensor nodes’ next locations, the higher energy consumption in every decision-making process due to more involved sensor nodes is inevitable. At the same time, the lower number of sensor nodes involved in the decision-making process increases the chance of miscalculating the sensor nodes’ locations, which can consequently affect the final coverage.

4.2 Sensitivity to Initial Deployment

The most common type of sensor nodes’ initial deployment is the random deployment of the sensors. Although the random initial deployment of sensor nodes can depict an exhaustive picture of the algorithm’s performance, it is not a feasible condition in many applications. In many situations, such as disaster areas and chemical sensitive environments, random deployment is not possible. Moreover, natural phenomena such as wind and also obstacles, like trees and buildings, do not allow the scattered sensor nodes to be randomly positioned [116]. Therefore, various scenarios for initial deployment should be considered when evaluating the performance of an algorithm.
However, the performance of the deployment algorithm should be ideally identical for the same number of sensor nodes regardless of their initial arrangement. Therefore, a robust and predictable algorithm should provide the same result (i.e., the final coverage) with a different initial deployment. In other words, the sensitivity to the initial deployment and minimum percentage of initial coverage should be minimum. However, many algorithms generate different results for the final coverage when the initial arrangement of sensors is different. Therefore, the algorithm is unstable and uncertain due to the unknown output for a specific number of sensors. Moreover, these algorithms require a minimum initial coverage to distribute the sensor nodes evenly. Hence, the full coverage requirement in an area is not provided if the initial coverage percentage is less than a certain threshold, which is an impractical situation in many applications.
In the Geometrical category, the size and shape of initial Voronoi cells created after the initial deployment directly depend on the initial locations of sensor nodes. However, the movements of sensors in Voronoi-based algorithms are restricted to the area within their Voronoi cells. In other words, much less freedom is provided for node movements in Voronoi-based algorithms compared to that of other categories. Hence, the final coverage achieved by this category of algorithms (e.g., [73, 75, 116] is highly dependent on the initial deployment of nodes. In contrast, higher node movements are noticeable in the Force-based category due to the higher level of freedom provided. However, the sensor nodes’ movements still require some levels of adjustments to properly react to different initial deployments. Therefore, the sensitivity to initial deployment for algorithms presented elsewhere [1, 21, 30, 53, 77, 100] is considered medium compared to Voronoi-based algorithms. Although most of the Force-based algorithms have medium dependency to initial coverage, the algorithm proposed in the work of Ghahroudi et al. [42] has a low dependency on the initial coverage with the same performance for different deployments as the movement of sensor nodes are adjusted based on sensor nodes’ deployment. As mentioned before, the high dependency on initial coverage increases the uncertainty to achieve the expected coverage in most scenarios. Therefore, the performance of the algorithms presented in other works [1, 21, 30, 53, 73, 75, 77, 110, 116] are quite low in comparison to those of Ghahroudi et al. [42].

4.3 Chaos to Order Transition Time

The movement of the sensor nodes to their final locations happens using several displacements (i.e., steps). Sensor nodes can move variously: using long steps at the beginning and move slowly afterwards or travelling almost the same distance at every timestep. In both scenarios, the travelled distance by sensor nodes is smaller than their initial steps at the final timesteps. Therefore, the chaos to order transition time or the time that the movement of sensor nodes is limited to a threshold distance (i.e., a very short distance) exists in both scenarios.
Although the transition time from chaos to order exists in all deployment algorithms, this time is not the same for different algorithms with the same initial deployment. The transition time from chaos to order state presents how fast an algorithm locates all sensors in their almost perfect positions, which confirms the lowest time that an algorithm can achieve an acceptable result before terminating the algorithm.
The chaos to order state is also independent of the total travelled distance by sensor nodes as the transition time is recognised as timesteps that all sensors travel more than the minimum distance at each step and is regardless of the sensor node’s total travelled distance. For example, one algorithm (i.e., algorithm a) can reach its order state sooner than another algorithm (i.e., algorithm b) but terminates the algorithm later than algorithm b. Therefore, algorithm a has a higher total travelled distance by its sensor nodes while having a shorter processing time from chaos to order state in comparison to algorithm b.
Under the Nearest Neighbour rule-based sub-category, the algorithms presented in other works [1, 21, 100] initially attempt to arrange all sensor nodes as a serial string. Afterwards, they slowly move the nodes across the area to expand their distances from each other while keeping the string form in order to finally cover the whole area. This process takes a long time to reach the steady state, during which the nodes move together as one string very slowly. However, the processing time in some works [30, 53, 77] is considered to be medium, where sensor nodes have freedom in their movements and do not require to follow a certain pattern. Therefore, sensor nodes in these algorithms can reach their final locations sooner than those under the Nearest Neighbour rule-based sub-category. The optimisation of sensor movements in the algorithms presented elsewhere [42, 73, 75, 116] has made the chaos to order transition time to the shortest time possible. The short processing time in the work of Ghahroudi et al. [42] is achieved by prioritising the sensor movements, which leads to shorter travelling distances. Additionally, more precise movements in other works [73, 75, 116] is obtained by the limited movements of sensor nodes within their Voronoi cells.

4.4 The Communication to Sensing Range Ratio

The study of deployment algorithms in this article is for homogeneous sensor networks where all of the sensor nodes are similar. Therefore, the communication range, \(c_R\) , and the sensing range, \(s_R\) , are the same for every sensor node in the network. The communication range is the area where every sensor is able to communicate with its neighbours in that range, and the sensing range is the area where every sensor can sense the requested area. The final coverage of sensor nodes at every timestep is the total sensing area of all sensor nodes that are within the target area. The sensing area of every sensor node can have different shapes [83]. It can be directional sensing with a specific angle or a circle shape with a defined radius. In this article, all sensing areas are considered to be circular with radius \(s_R\) , which can be different from the communication range which is another circle around the sensor node.
In the literature, the communication range, \(c_R\) , to sensing range, \(s_R\) , ratio is based on different assumptions. The \(c_R\) to \(s_R\) ratio affects the number of neighbours at every timestep, the ability to sense the area and finally the calculation of the next locations of the sensor nodes. In most of the deployment algorithms with a circular sensing area, the \(\frac{c_R}{s_R}\) ratio is assumed to be a value higher than 1 (i.e., \(c_R\gt s_R\) ).
The \(\frac{c_R}{s_R}\) ratio is considered \(\sqrt {3}\) in some works [1, 21, 30, 100], while the following condition \(c_R \ge \sqrt 3 s_R\) is met. As pointed out in the work of Bai et al. [9], when the \(c_R \ge \sqrt 3 s_R\) , the deployed sensors in triangular lattice pattern provides 1-coverage and 6-connectivity. In the work of Heo and Varshney [53] and Ghahroudi et al. [42], the \(\frac{c_R}{s_R}\) ratio is 2 and in the work of Mathews et al. [77] is 2 or greater as this implies connectivity in the network while providing the coverage [9]. Additionally, in Voronoi-based algorithms, because of the limitation in making the Voronoi polygon, the communication range is generally much longer than sensing range. For instance, this value is assumed to be \(20/6\) in other works [73, 75, 116]. For the case of \(k_1\) -coverage with \(k_2\) -connectivity, the sensing and communication radius are precisely calculated in the work of Das and Kapelko [28] to achieve the optimal values for the time and energy cost to obtain the desired \(k_1\) -coverage with \(k_2\) -connectivity.
The ideal value of the \(\frac{c_R}{s_R}\) ratio depends on the algorithm’s characteristics. The more neighbouring nodes located in the vicinity of a node, the more data the algorithm receives and hence results in a more accurate calculation of the nodes’ new locations. However, in some algorithms, including more nodes not only includes more irrelevant information but also can lead to more energy consumption. For the case of applications with a limited communication range, an optimal deployment solution is also provided in the work of Guo and Jafarkhani [50] to maximise the sensing quality under a specific network lifetime constraint. In general, finding a tradeoff between the next location’s accuracy and the energy consumption is as always challenging.

4.5 Communication Overhead

As another metric, the node deployments should ideally incur minimum overhead in terms of the number and size of the control packets. Taking into account the relatively narrow bandwidth and restricted available energy in MSNs, the large amount of control information that needs to be exchanged between sensor nodes using long control packets is a significant performance issue and should be avoided [43]. In node deployments reported in the literature, the size of the packets is not usually discussed. However, the amount of information that needs to be exchanged usually receives attention. Considering the same communication protocol, the deployment algorithm that needs more information from neighbouring nodes for its decision-making process imposes more costs on the network. Moreover, the higher number of neighbours to propagate the location information, the higher the communication cost. However, less communication overhead causes less energy consumption and results in a more stable network. Therefore, proper coverage should be provided by the node deployment and worsening it due to minimising communication overhead is not acceptable.
The communication overhead in Nearest Neighbour rule-based sub-category algorithms, such as those presented elsewhere [1, 21, 100], is considerably high due to the high amount of control data needed to be transferred between sensor nodes. This includes the heading and location information of all neighbouring nodes, which are required when making a decision about the next location of each node. Moreover, the execution time of these algorithms is higher than that of other sub-categories, mainly due to the sensor nodes’ serial movements. Under the Repulsive Force sub-category, such as the algorithms presented in other works [30, 42, 53, 77], the communication overhead is decreased by reducing the exchanged control information between neighbouring nodes and also due to shorted execution time. However, the communication overhead in the work of Ghahroudi et al. [42] is slightly higher as it also needs priority information of neighbouring nodes after receiving their locations. Algorithms presented under the Geometrical category (e.g., [73, 75, 116]) have less communication overhead as they use only the environment information alongside the received data from neighbouring nodes to locate the sensor nodes at each step, and unlike the algorithms under the Repulsive Force sub-category, they do not communicate with all of the available sensor nodes in the area.

4.6 Energy Efficiency

Taking into consideration that MSNs are mostly employed in uninhibited areas, saving energy is a major concern due to the difficulties of replacing or recharging batteries. Therefore, the current trend is to develop a node deployment technique which is optimal in terms of energy consumption. In the distributed deployment algorithms with collective movements like the ones presented elsewhere [1, 21, 53, 73, 75, 77, 100, 116] almost all sensor nodes in the area move and consume energy at every timestep. Therefore, the collective movement of sensor nodes causes almost the same energy consumption by all sensor nodes at every timestep. The uniform energy consumption of the sensor nodes is of high significance. Therefore, not only the total energy consumption is high, but there is more chance of a failure in the network affected by a sudden breakdown of most of the sensor nodes that have no more power at the same time. Consequently, the deployment algorithms that limit the sensor nodes’ movement or diverse the sensors by many parameters like the one proposed in the work of Ghahroudi et al. [42] result in a more sustainable network.
Regardless of energy consumption distribution between mobile sensor nodes in a network, every mobile node consumes energy by its mechanical actuation (movement), communication, sensing and computation. However, the movement of mobile sensor nodes consumes much higher power than communication, sensing and computation [25]. For example, the consumed energy to move a sensor for 1 m is calculated to be approximately equal to transmitting 300 messages in the Robomote study [105]. Therefore, optimisation of sensor movements is of much higher significance to increase the energy efficiency of node deployment and the lifetime of sensor nodes. However, the consumed energy by a sensor movement includes the energy to overcome its static friction to move again, the energy that it spends to travel a distance plus the required energy to stop [72]. The relation between the required energy to start and stop a sensor node and the energy to move one unit distance depends on the energy model in the network. For instance, a sensor that spends 8.268 J to travel 1 m can require up to four times more energy to start and stop its movement [92, 120]. Therefore, the higher the number of timesteps in the distributed deployment algorithms (i.e., the higher the execution time), the higher the number of starts and stops, leading to higher energy consumption.
Taking into consideration all of the aforementioned factors, the energy efficiency of the Nearest Neighbour rule-based sub-category algorithms presented elsewhere [1, 21, 100] is low, which is mainly due to their long execution time, long total travelled distance and high communication overhead. The energy efficiency is improved to some extent in Repulsive Force sub-category algorithms such as those presented in other works [30, 42, 53, 77] by reducing the total travelled distance and also the shorter execution time. Finally, the energy efficiency of Voronoi-based algorithms, such as those presented in some works [73, 75, 116] is high. This is mostly attributed to several factors such as fewer participating nodes, lower total travelled distance and shortest execution time compared to those of other sub-categories. Obviously, the less energy consumption, the longer appropriate coverage and network lifetime.

5 Current Challenges and Future Work

The node deployment algorithms in MSNs have received considerable attention over the past decade as discussed in the preceding sections. However, some technical and practical issues have remained for further investigation and are yet to be resolved. Based on the literature surveyed previously, we discuss those challenges and the potential directions to be considered in deployment algorithms in the following sections.

5.1 Tradeoff Between High Accuracy and Deployment Cost

In many affordable sensor technologies, providing the exact locations of the sensor nodes is not feasible. Therefore, the reported locations of the sensors are calculated with some errors [90]. However, in many deployment algorithms, the location of the sensors are considered precise and no error has been considered. Thus, the tradeoff between the high accuracy of sensor node location and the deployment cost of the algorithm is an open research problem and can be studied further.

5.2 Node Deployment with Heterogeneous Sensors

The heterogeneous sensor nodes with different communication or sensing ranges are used in newly proposed deployment algorithms, but there is no discussion around their different technologies in capturing information or localisation [62]. For instance, sensor nodes with different physical measurements can improve the overall system positioning of the network by integrating the various available measurements. The evaluation of a deployment algorithm for a network with heterogeneous sensor nodes depicts a more realistic solution. Therefore, consideration of different sensors’ technologies and their impact on the deployment algorithms can improve the achieved results of those algorithms.

5.3 Obstacles in the Target Area

In most node deployments, the target area is considered to be without any obstacles. This is not realistic in many scenarios. Thus, designing efficient obstacle avoidance algorithms to address this issue is still an open area for research and needs further exploration. Moreover, the evaluation of obstacles avoidance strategies can be studied to improve the performance of deployment algorithms. An attempt to address this issue using a Voronoi-based approach was presented recently in the work of Eledlebi et al. [33].

5.4 Collision Avoidance

Mobile sensor nodes are used in many node deployment scenarios due to their advantages and flexibility [53, 99]. The mobile sensors can move freely in the target area to fully cover the area. However, the free movement of mobile sensors increases the chance of collision in the network. Therefore, node deployments should consider a collision avoidance technique between mobile sensors to avoid any sensor failure. Yet, the majority of current deployment algorithms do not consider this essential requirement.

5.5 The Effect of the Communication to Sensing Range Ratio

The ratio of communication to sensing range is different in various node deployments. Although this ratio depends on the physical specification of the sensors, their values directly affect the effectiveness of the algorithms. It would be interesting to specify the optimal ratio of communication to sensing range in different node deployments to obtain the best performance of the algorithm. Moreover, in scenarios where specific sensor nodes have been selected, the process of choosing a deployment algorithm with higher performance can be more accurate when this ratio is known.

5.6 3D Localisation

The location of the sensor nodes in most algorithms is defined to be on a 2D plane. However, sensor nodes are deployed in 3D space in real-life scenarios [127]. The 3D localisation is of particular interest in real-life applications of MSNs to provide more accurate coverage [52]. A few early attempts, such as the algorithm presented in the work of Gu et al. [48], have been reported recently, but employing the information of the third dimension to generate realistic results is still a challenging open problem.

5.7 Fault Tolerant Algorithms

A possible future line of study would involve the development of fault tolerant algorithms. A fault tolerant algorithm is an algorithm that can maintain its coverage after a node failure without losing any sensing area. Further to this point, a k-coverage algorithm can be defined as an algorithm that can maintain its coverage after k-1 node failure. K-coverage can also be used as a criterion for comparing algorithms. Obviously, the higher the values for \(k,\) the more fault tolerant the algorithm. A new algorithm of this type was proposed recently in the work of Akram et al. [3].

6 Conclusion

MSNs are one of the most significant emerging technologies of recent years, attracting research interest for providing the real-time monitoring of an area, especially the regions that are prone to disaster. In this article, we investigated the state of the art of node deployment algorithms for blanket coverage in MSNs. First, we classified the current deployment algorithms into two main categories of Force-based and Geometrical deployment algorithms. For each category, all existing deployment algorithms have individually been explored in detail and classified into sub-categories based on their common features.
Afterwards, we developed a set of criteria to base a comprehensive qualitative comparison of the current deployment algorithms reported in the literature. Our qualitative comparison reveals that every algorithm best serves a range of scenarios with some features which has its own strengths as well as its constraints. For instance, the Force-based algorithm allows the sensor nodes to move freely in the area while experiencing high energy consumption during the process. However, the Geometrical algorithms minimise every sensor node movement to their Voronoi cell to avoid unnecessary energy consumption while limiting the final coverage in compact initial deployment scenarios. The wide range of advantages and disadvantages of each category implies a thorough evaluation before choosing the most suitable algorithm for a particular application. Finally, some challenging research areas and open problems have been listed to deal with the blanket coverage problem and to improve the performance of the existing node deployments.


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  1. Distributed Node Deployment Algorithms in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey and Challenges



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      ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 19, Issue 4
      November 2023
      622 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 10 July 2023
      Online AM: 22 May 2023
      Accepted: 15 September 2022
      Revised: 05 July 2022
      Received: 09 July 2021
      Published in TOSN Volume 19, Issue 4

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      1. Mobile sensor network
      2. distributed node deployment
      3. blanket coverage
      4. Voronoi diagram
      5. virtual force


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