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High Precision ≠ High Cost: Temporal Data Fusion for Multiple Low-Precision Sensors

Published: 30 May 2024 Publication History


High-quality data are crucial for practical applications, but obtaining them through high-precision sensors comes at a high cost. To guarantee the trade-off between cost and precision, we may use multiple low-precision sensors to obtain the nearly accurate data fusion results at an affordable cost. The commonly used techniques, such as the Kalman filter and truth discovery methods, typically compute fusion values by combining all the observations according to predictions or sensor reliability. However, low-precision sensors can often cause outliers, and such methods combining all observations are susceptible to interference. To handle this problem, we select a single observation from multiple sensor readings as the fusion result for each timestamp. The selection strategy is guided by the maximum likelihood estimation, to determine the most probable changing trends of fusion results with adjacent timestamps. Our major contributions include (1) the problem formalization and NP-hardness analysis on finding the fusion result with the maximum likelihood w.r.t. local fusion models, (2) exact algorithms based on dynamic programming for tackling the problem, (3) efficient approximation methods with performance guarantees. Experiments on various real datasets and downstream applications demonstrate the superiority and practicality of our work in low-precision sensor data fusion.

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    Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 2, Issue 3
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    Published in PACMMOD Volume 2, Issue 3


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