Cited By
View all- Chen CLiu JTan HLi XWang KLi PSakurai KDou D(2024)Trustworthy federated learning: privacy, security, and beyondKnowledge and Information Systems10.1007/s10115-024-02285-267:3(2321-2356)Online publication date: 26-Nov-2024
Federated Learning enables data owners to train an artificial intelligence model collaboratively while keeping all the training data locally, reducing the possibility of personal data breaches. However, the heterogeneity of local resources and ...
While fairness-aware machine learning algorithms have been receiving increasing attention, the focus has been on centralized machine learning, leaving decentralized methods underexplored. Federated Learning is a decentralized form of machine ...
Federated learning faces challenges in real-world deployment scenarios due to limited client resources and the problem of stragglers caused by high heterogeneity. Despite efforts to reduce the training and communication overhead of federated ...
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