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Escape analysis for JavaTM: Theory and practice

Published: 01 November 2003 Publication History


Escape analysis is a static analysis that determines whether the lifetime of data may exceed its static scope.This paper first presents the design and correctness proof of an escape analysis for JavaTM. This analysis is interprocedural, context sensitive, and as flow-sensitive as the static single assignment form. So, assignments to object fields are analyzed in a flow-insensitive manner. Since Java is an imperative language, the effect of assignments must be precisely determined. This goal is achieved thanks to our technique using two interdependent analyses, one forward, one backward. We introduce a new method to prove the correctness of this analysis, using aliases as an intermediate step. We use integers to represent the escaping parts of values, which leads to a fast and precise analysis.Our implementation [Blanchet 1999], which applies to the whole Java language, is then presented. Escape analysis is applied to stack allocation and synchronization elimination. In our benchmarks, we stack allocate 13% to 95% of data, eliminate more than 20% of synchronizations on most programs (94% and 99% on two examples) and get up to 43% runtime decrease (21% on average). Our detailed experimental study on large programs shows that the improvement comes more from the decrease of the garbage collection and allocation times than from improvements on data locality, contrary to what happened for ML. This comes from the difference in the garbage collectors.


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Michael Zastre

Escape analysis is becoming increasingly important for those interested in constructing compilers for the Java programming language. An object is said to escape a subsystem when that object can be accessed from outside of the system; the analysis is actually an extension of traditional aliasing analysis. If we know that an object does not escape a subsystem, then we can use that information to optimize away some of the expense of using the object (namely, eliminate some locking/unlocking operations on the object, hence reducing runtime overhead). This paper on escape analysis is organized into three broad parts. The first part includes sections 1, 2, and 3, and describes the benefits obtained from escape analysis in Java, such as stack allocation and synchronization elimination. Also included in this part of the paper is a review of previous work in the area. Sections 4 through 7 make up the middle part of the paper, which is the most difficult to understand. Readers unfamiliar with abstract interpretation may wish to have a copy of Abstract interpretation of declarative languages [1] handy when reading it. Of particular interest here is a description of a less precise, but fast, escape analysis that approximates access paths by type height. This is where abstract interpretation comes into play, in that one kind of value (a list of fields, array indexes, and so on, used to obtain a value) is approximated by another, simpler kind of value (for example, we can infer relations between paths by their lengths, with lengths represented as integers). Sections 8 through 12 comprise the final part of the paper, and focus on an actual implementation of the analyses and optimizations. Papers applying abstract interpretation to imperative languages are relatively rare, and this paper has even greater relevance for compiler writers, given its description of an actual implementation. The paper is definitely not an easy read, but should be required reading for all those interested in applying static analyses to Java. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 25, Issue 6
November 2003
198 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Publication History

Published: 01 November 2003
Published in TOPLAS Volume 25, Issue 6


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  1. Java
  2. optimization
  3. stack allocation
  4. static analysis
  5. synchronization elimination


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