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Analysis of Filter-Bank-Based Methods for Fast Serial Acquisition of BOC-Modulated Signals


Binary-offset-carrier (BOC) signals, selected for Galileo and modernized GPS systems, pose significant challenges for the code acquisition, due to the ambiguities (deep fades) which are present in the envelope of the correlation function (CF). This is different from the BPSK-modulated CDMA signals, where the main correlation lobe spans over 2-chip interval, without any ambiguities or deep fades. To deal with the ambiguities due to BOC modulation, one solution is to use lower steps of scanning the code phases (i.e., lower than the traditional step of 0.5 chips used for BPSK-modulated CDMA signals). Lowering the time-bin steps entails an increase in the number of timing hypotheses, and, thus, in the acquisition times. An alternative solution is to transform the ambiguous CF into an "unambiguous" CF, via adequate filtering of the signal. A generalized class of frequency-based unambiguous acquisition methods is proposed here, namely the filter-bank-based (FBB) approaches. The detailed theoretical analysis of FBB methods is given for serial-search single-dwell acquisition in single path static channels and a comparison is made with other ambiguous and unambiguous BOC acquisition methods existing in the literature.



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Lohan, E. Analysis of Filter-Bank-Based Methods for Fast Serial Acquisition of BOC-Modulated Signals. J Wireless Com Network 2007, 025178 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1155/2007/25178

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2007/25178
