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TCP Traffic Control Evaluation and Reduction over Wireless Networks Using Parallel Sequential Decoding Mechanism
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking volume 2007, Article number: 052492 (2007)
The assumption of TCP-based protocols that packet error (lost or damaged) is due to network congestion is not true for wireless networks. For wireless networks, it is important to reduce the number of retransmissions to improve the effectiveness of TCP-based protocols. In this paper, we consider improvement at the data link layer for systems that use stop-and-wait ARQ as in IEEE 802.11 standard. We show that increasing the buffer size will not solve the actual problem and moreover it is likely to degrade the quality of delivery (QoD). We firstly study a wireless router system model with a sequential convolutional decoder for error detection and correction in order to investigate QoD of flow and error control. To overcome the problems along with high packet error rate, we propose a wireless router system with parallel sequential decoders. We simulate our systems and provide performance in terms of average buffer occupancy, blocking probability, probability of decoding failure, system throughput, and channel throughput. We have studied these performance metrics for different channel conditions, packet arrival rates, decoding time-out limits, system capacities, and the number of sequential decoders. Our results show that parallel sequential decoders have great impact on the system performance and increase QoD significantly.
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Darabkh, K., Aygün, R. TCP Traffic Control Evaluation and Reduction over Wireless Networks Using Parallel Sequential Decoding Mechanism. J Wireless Com Network 2007, 052492 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1155/2007/52492
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2007/52492