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Developing clinical prognostic models to predict graft survival after renal transplantation: comparison of statistical and machine learning models



Renal transplantation is a critical treatment for end-stage renal disease, but graft failure remains a significant concern. Accurate prediction of graft survival is crucial to identify high-risk patients. This study aimed to develop prognostic models for predicting renal graft survival and compare the performance of statistical and machine learning models.


The study utilized data from 278 renal transplant recipients at the Ethiopian National Kidney Transplantation Center between September 2015 and February 2022. To address the class imbalance of the data, SMOTE resampling was applied. Various models were evaluated, including Standard and penalized Cox models, Random Survival Forest, and Stochastic Gradient Boosting. Prognostic predictors were selected based on statistical significance and variable importance.


The median graft survival time was 33 months, and the mean hazard of graft failure was 0.0755. The 3-month, 1-year, and 3-year graft survival rates were found to be 0.979, 0.953, and 0.911, respectively. The Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB) model demonstrated the best discrimination and calibration performance, with a C-index of 0.943 and a Brier score of 0.000351. The Ridge-based Cox model closely followed the SGB model’s prediction performance with better interpretability. The key prognostic predictors of graft survival included an episode of acute and chronic rejections, post-transplant urological complications, post-transplant nonadherence, blood urea nitrogen level, post-transplant regular exercise, and marital status.


The Stochastic Gradient Boosting model demonstrated the highest predictive performance, while the Ridge-Cox model offered better interpretability with a comparable performance. Clinicians should consider the trade-off between prediction accuracy and interpretability when selecting a model. Incorporating these findings into the clinical practice can improve risk stratification and personalized management strategies for kidney transplant recipients.

Peer Review reports


Renal transplantation is a life-saving treatment that provides improved quality of life and long-term survival for those suffering from end-stage renal disease (ESRD). However, despite its benefits, graft failure is still a significant concern and a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in transplant recipients. Graft failure can occur due to various factors, such as acute rejection, chronic rejection, infection, and other complications. When graft failure occurs, patients may need to resume dialysis or undergo re-transplantation, both of which are associated with poorer outcomes and increased healthcare costs [1].

In the era of personalized and precision medicine, predicting the prognosis of diseases has become vital for patient management by healthcare personnel [2]. Accurate prediction of renal graft survival is critical since it can aid in identifying individuals at high risk of graft failure for closer monitoring and more aggressive therapy. This can potentially improve transplant outcomes and reduce healthcare costs by preventing or delaying graft failure [3]. Graft survival prediction after renal transplantation is considered one of the most challenging and vital aspects of modern medicine [4]. It is difficult as it depends on various factors associated with the donor, transplant, and recipient, and their importance changes over time and per outcome measure [5].

Survival prognostic models estimate the likelihood of an event in a specified timeframe. There are two common approaches used to estimate survival probability: machine learning and statistical modeling [6]. Machine learning models, a subset of statistical models, use algorithms to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming. Statistical models, on the other hand, are based on statistical theory and use mathematical equations to model the relationship between variables [7]. Machine learning models are often used when the relationship between variables is complex and not well understood, while statistical models are used when the relationship between variables is well understood and can be modeled using mathematical Eq. [8].

Statistical models, such as Cox models, are widely used and well-understood in survival analysis. They are relatively straightforward to implement and interpret and can provide estimates of the effects of individual variables on the outcome [9]. However, statistical models may not capture complex interactions between variables and may not handle high-dimensional data or non-linear relationships. Machine learning models, instead, have the potential to capture complex interactions and provide more accurate and personalized predictions by considering the unique characteristics of each study subject. They can handle high-dimensional data and non-linear relationships but may be more difficult to interpret and require more computational resources [6].

To date, numerous studies have employed statistical methods, particularly Cox regression, to develop prognostic models that predict renal graft survival. Although some studies have utilized machine learning methods, some of these models may be overly complex and prone to overfitting. As a result, when tested on new and independent datasets, these models may exhibit poor generalizability and performance [10]. However, it is still controversial which methods among machine learning algorithms and conventional statistical modeling can achieve better performance in survival analysis, particularly in the field of transplant medicine [11]. This study addresses the shortcomings of previous research, which primarily compared the standard Cox model with random survival forests while overlooking essential sociodemographic factors, such as regular physical exercise and marital status, that significantly impact graft survival in the Ethiopian context. In contrast, the current study provides a thorough comparison of models and predictors for graft survival. We effectively tackle overfitting issues and improve prediction performance using techniques like cross-validation, pre-feature selection, hyperparameter tuning, and the use of penalized and tree-based ensemble models.

Accordingly, the current study aimed to compare the performance of statistical and machine learning models for predicting renal graft survival among renal transplant recipients in the Ethiopian National Kidney Transplantation Center (ENKTC). The ENKTC is the sole renal transplant center in Ethiopia and as a newly established facility, it has not yet conducted extensive studies on transplant complications, including graft failure.

Methods and participants

Source of data and study design

The institutional retrospective study was conducted on 278 kidney transplant recipients at the Ethiopian National Kidney Transplantation Center between September 2015 and February 2022. The current study included transplant recipients who had three or more follow-up visits in the defined period. The data, including epidemiological, laboratory, and clinical histories, was extracted from patient follow-up charts and medical records. There were no missing values in the data, as the records were crosschecked and any gaps were filled by contacting patients. The data extraction tool was based on renal post-transplant follow-up guidelines to ensure all variables were accounted for.

Methodological strategies to fix data limitations

Given that our transplant center is new, established in September 2015, we are working with a relatively small cohort of transplant recipients, comprising only 278 cases, and we have observed a limited number of graft failures, a total of 21 cases. We recognize that the small sample size and the imbalanced nature of our data may impact the reliability of our findings. To enhance both the validity and reliability of our results, we have implemented several methodological strategies:

Pre-feature selection

We prioritize identifying and incorporating only the most relevant features in our analysis to enhance model effectiveness and directly address our research questions. Using statistical methods and expert knowledge, we conducted pre-feature selection using the `uni.selection` function in R, which performs univariate Cox regression for each predictor in the training dataset. A variable is deemed significant if its p-value is less than or equal to 0.05. After refining for near-zero variance and correlated predictors, we selected 39 out of 54 features. Among these, the univariate Cox and domain experts confirmed the top 10 candidate prognostic features. The final features for developing clinical prognostic models include episodes of chronic and acute rejection, urological complications, nonadherence, glomerulonephritis, post-transplant admissions, blood urea nitrogen levels, delayed graft function, regular physical exercise, marital status [12].


We use cross-validation techniques to evaluate model performance across different subsets of our data. This method increases the robustness of our findings by minimizing dependence on any single data partition and enhancing overall reliability [13]. Therefore, we consistently performed 5-fold cross-validation for all model development.

Hyperparameter tuning

To improve model accuracy, we conduct hyperparameter tuning, which involves optimizing the parameters that dictate the model’s behavior. This process plays a crucial role in enhancing predictive performance, particularly in datasets with limited events [14]. Consequently, we tuned the hyperparameters for penalized Cox models, random survival forests, and stochastic gradient boosting models using the random search method, which is presented in the study’s results.

Penalized models

Utilizing penalized models allows us to mitigate potential overfitting issues arising from the limited number of events. These models introduce penalties for complexity, promoting simpler models that generalize better to unseen data [15]. Accordingly, the penalized versions of the Cox model were considered.

SMOTE resampling

To address a class imbalance in our dataset, where graft failures represent a minority class, we apply SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique). This technique enhances the model’s learning capabilities by generating synthetic samples from the minority class instead of merely reproducing the existing minority class samples [16]. After applying SMOTE, the class distribution in the training dataset was significantly more balanced. The majority-to-minority class ratio in the training dataset reduced from 12:1 to 1.7:1. This reduction in class imbalance through SMOTE aimed to improve the model’s ability to learn the decision boundaries between the two classes, leading to better generalization performance on the hold-out testing data set.

Tree-based ensemble models

We leverage tree-based ensemble models that are known for their resilience against overfitting and their ability to capture complex interactions among features. These models effectively address the challenges posed by imbalanced data and small sample sizes. Their robustness against overfitting, ability to generalize well, and adaptability through parameter tuning make them a preferred choice in various machine learning tasks. The effectiveness of tree-based ensembles can be further enhanced by combining them with resampling techniques like the SMOTE method. This combination can help balance the dataset while leveraging tree-based models’ strengths [17].

Despite the constraints of our data, we aim to derive significant insights from it by employing these methodological tools. This rigorous approach justifies the adequacy of our sample size and deepens our understanding of graft failure dynamics within the context of our emerging transplant center. Moreover, the study adhered to the TRIPOD (Transparent Reporting of a Multivariable Prediction Model for Individual Prognosis or Diagnosis) guidelines to ensure transparent reporting of our prediction model [18].

Experimental setups

The experiment starts by cleaning, preprocessing, and exploration of the dataset. In this study, we utilized baseline records for longitudinal predictors. Continuous predictors were standardized using the mean-centering method, while categorical predictors were appropriately coded. Predictors with high correlation and near-zero variance were excluded from the dataset. The preprocessed dataset was divided into a training (70%) and validation set (30%), while maintaining the event/censoring proportion of the original data. Before the model training phase, we conducted data-driven pre-feature selection and applied class imbalance handling techniques to mitigate the risk of overfitting. The refined predictors and balanced training data were used throughout the model development. Models were trained using 5-fold cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning. The predictive performance of the candidate models was evaluated using the hold-out testing dataset, which remained unseen and unmodified during the training and resampling procedures. The appropriate prediction performance evaluation metrics, such as concordance index, Brier score, and area under the ROC curve were used to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of the prognostic models to predict renal graft survival. All experiments were executed on the R platform and R packages like; “survival”, “RandomForestSRS”, “glmnet”, and “gbm” were used to train and validate the specified statistical and machine learning models. The process of selecting significant predictors for graft survival was conducted by assessing the statistical significance and relative importance of candidate variables. Variables that were selected as significant or important by most models were considered potential predictors of graft survival. Ultimately, the best-performing model was reported as a calibrated clinical prognostic model to predict graft survival among renal transplant recipients. Figure 1 illustrates the workflow of the study’s computations.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Computational workflow of the study

Clinical endpoint (outcome)

The clinical outcome for this study is renal graft survival where graft failure is a primary event of interest. Patients who died with a functioning graft were not considered positive for graft failure but were included in all models and censored at their death time. The time to graft failure was measured in months from the date of transplantation. Given the retrospective nature of the study, we defined patients who did not experience graft failure during the study period (September 2015 to February 2022) as right-censored. Moreover, patients who died with a functioning graft during the study period were also treated as right-censored observations. The time of censorship (death or end of the study period) was still included in the analysis. This retrospective approach preserves valuable survival information and enhances the integrity of our survival analysis, ultimately improving the model’s predictive accuracy.

Consideration of survival prognostic models

Based on the nature of the data and the motive of the current study various statistical and machine-learning models assumed to be effective in this scenario were selected. From the statistical perspective, standard and regularized Cox models such as Lasso-based Cox, Ridge-based Cox, and Elastic net-based Cox were chosen based on their interpretability and appropriateness for rare event analysis. Particularly, penalized Cox models were selected to address sparsity and multicollinearity issues, while the standard Cox model was chosen for its robustness in survival data analysis [19]. Meanwhile, for the machine learning approach, random survival forests and stochastic gradient boosting models were selected as they were deemed effective based on previous work done on renal graft failure datasets, as tree-based ensemble models are particularly effective for imbalanced data [20].

Standard cox regression

It is a type of statistical model that is widely used to predict survival outcomes. The model estimates the hazard ratio for each variable, which represents the relative risk of the event occurring for a particular level of the variable. The model assumes a proportional hazards assumption, which means that the hazard ratio is constant over time [21]. Its mathematical expression is given by:

$$h(t\mid {\bf{X}}) = {h_0}(t)\exp \left( {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^p {{\beta _i}} {x_i}} \right) = {h_0}(t)\exp \left( {^ \top {\bf{\beta X}}} \right),$$

Where \(\:h(t\mid\:\mathbf{X})\) is the risk of graft failure given a set of predictors, \(\:{h}_{0}\left(t\right)\) is the baseline hazard (the hazard when all predictors are equal to zero), \(\:\varvec{\beta\:}={\left({\beta\:}_{1},\dots\:,{\beta\:}_{\rho\:}\right)}^{T}\) is the column vector of regression parameters, and \(^ \top \beta \) means its transpose, \({\bf{X}}{ = ^ \top }\left( {{x_1}, \ldots,{x_p}} \right)\) denotes the set of considered predictor variables. After some algebraic manipulation, the log-partial likelihood function of the Cox model becomes:


The standard maximum likelihood estimation method can be applied to calculate unknown parameters (β). As a general rule, logistic and Cox models can be fitted with at least 10 events of the outcome variable per predictor variable, to prevent overfitting [16]. However, in our study, the total number of outcome events (graft failure) is 21 out of 278 subjects and several predictor variables have been taken into account. As a result, there are relatively few events per predictor. This rare event results in overfitting and inconsistent estimates when fitted with the standard Cox regression. Penalization alleviates this issue by restricting the size of regression coefficients through the use of a complexity parameter that controls shrinkage [22]. The three commonly used Cox penalization models are the Lasso-based, Ridge-based, and Elastic net-based Cox models.

Lasso-based cox regression

Lasso-based Cox regression is a type of Cox model that includes a penalty term to encourage sparsity in the model coefficients. This can help to identify the most important predictors and reduce overfitting. The model penalty term shrinks the coefficients towards zero, which can help to prevent the coefficients from becoming too large and unstable. To incorporate the regularization term into the Cox regression model, the log partial likelihood function would be rewritten as follows.


where \(\:\lambda\:\) is a tuning (regularization) parameter and \(\:p\) is the number of predictors. The L1-penalized (Lasso) characterized by simultaneous variable selection and shrinkage is a useful method for determining interpretable prediction rules in high-dimensional data [23].

Ridge-based cox regression

Ridge-based Cox regression, on the other hand, is a regression method that shrinks the regression coefficients towards zero (not exactly zero) by imposing a penalty on the sum of the squared values of the coefficients. This technique is useful when there are many potentially relevant predictors for survival outcomes, as it can help stabilize the estimates of the coefficients in the presence of multicollinearity [24]. The L2-penalized (ridge) log partial likelihood is written as:


Elastic net-based cox regression

Elastic net-based Cox regression is a hybrid of lasso-based and ridge-based Cox regression. The model includes both L1 and L2 penalty terms, which can help to identify important predictors and prevent overfitting. The model is particularly useful when there are many correlated predictors and when the outcome is sparse [25]. Its penalization is given by:


where \(\:{\lambda\:}_{1}\) and \(\:{\lambda\:}_{2}\) are corresponding regularization parameters of \(\:{L}_{1}\) and \(\:{L}_{2}\) penalties, respectively.

Random survival forest

In survival analysis, the main challenge of applying machine learning methods is the difficulty of appropriately dealing with censored information and the time estimation of the model [26]. Random survival forest is a type of ensemble machine learning model as an extension of random forest it uses a combination of decision trees and survival analysis techniques to predict the time-to-event outcome. The model randomly selects features and survival times to build a decision tree and then combines multiple decision trees to form a forest. Combining information from the separate trees like survival probabilities and ensemble cumulative hazard estimates can be calculated using the Kaplan-Meier and Nelson-Aalen methodologies, respectively. The model is useful for handling high-dimensional data, capturing non-linear relationships, and mitigating overfitting [27].

Stochastic gradient boosting survival

Stochastic gradient boosting survival is another machine learning model that uses an ensemble of decision trees to predict survival outcomes [28]. It is an extension of stochastic gradient boosting suited for survival predictions. The model iteratively adds decision trees to the ensemble, with each tree correcting the errors of the previous tree. The model can handle non-linear relationships between variables and can provide accurate and personalized predictions. The two machine learning algorithms (SGB and RSF) were selected based on their superior prediction performance in predicting renal graft failure [20].

Model comparison

Each model’s performance is assessed and compared based on its calibration, discrimination, and interpretability. We used global metrics like the concordance index (C-index) and Brier score, as well as graphical methods such as the ROC curve and calibration plot. In the evaluation process, we followed a 3-stage comparison approach: first, we assessed the model’s discrimination (accuracy), followed by calibration (absolute accuracy), which is often neglected despite its importance (only 36% of published models provided a calibration measure). Finally, we evaluated the model’s interpretability, in terms of the most prognostic factors identified [29].


Patient characteristics

The study cohort consists of a total of 278 transplant recipients under the follow-up of the Ethiopian National Kidney Transplant Center. The survival times of the graft ranged from 1 to 73 months, with an average hazard of graft failure of 0.0755 and a median survival time of 33 months. The 3-month, 1-year, and 3-year graft survival rates were found to be 0.979, 0.953, and 0.911, respectively. Of the patients, 74.8% were male and 25.2% were female, with a median age of 37 years. The original entire group was divided into training and testing sets to develop and test clinical prognostic models. It was essential to ensure that the survival rates of both datasets were proportional. The Kaplan-Meier survival function and log-rank test were utilized to confirm this, and it was found that there was no significant difference (p = 0.96) in survival probability between the training and testing sets, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The Kaplan-Meier Survival Curves for Training and Testing Datasets

Construction of the clinical prognostic models

This study involved developing a range of statistical and machine-learning models to predict renal graft survival by utilizing a balanced dataset and carefully chosen features. After the models were developed with a cross-validation hyperparameter tuning technique, their predictive performance was evaluated using a testing dataset that remained unseen by the models and was not resampled.

Random survival forests (RSF)

The RSF model was developed using 5-fold cross validation and hyper parameter tuning. Important results of the model were presented in Fig. 3. Based on the figure, the error rate was relatively low and started to stabilize when the number of survival trees was 500. The feature importance score of each prognostic variable was calculated and the features were ranked in descending order. Accordingly, blood urea nitrogen level, an episode of chronic rejection, an episode of acute rejection, post-transplant urological complications, the number of post-transplant admissions, post-transplant regular physical exercise, and marital status were the top seven prognostic features for renal graft survival.

Fig. 3
figure 3

a) Error rate across tree numbers; b) variable importance from random survival forests

Stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) model

Similarly, the hyper parameter tuning for SGB model was performed using 5-fold cross validation. As depicted in Fig. 4, the top seven predictors of graft survival are blood urea nitrogen level, the number of post-transplant admissions, an episode of acute rejection, an episode of chronic rejection, post-transplant urological complications, post-transplant regular physical exercise, and post-transplant nonadherence.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Variable importance from the SGB model

The standard cox PH model

The standard Cox regression model was developed using the Breslow estimation method. After fitting the model, proportionality was tested and achieved with a global p-value of 0.650. According to the Cox PH regression model results in Table 1, an episode of acute rejection, higher blood urea nitrogen level, an episode of chronic rejection, post-transplant urological complication, and post-transplant non-adherence were associated with a significantly higher risk of graft failure (p < 0.05). whereas, patients who are married (cohabited) and those who perform regular physical exercise after the transplant have a significantly lower risk of graft failure.

Based on the Table, patients who experienced an episode of acute rejection had a 3.782 times higher risk of graft failure compared to those who did not have an acute rejection episode. Similarly, every one-unit increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level was associated with a 39.6% higher risk of graft failure. Patients who developed an episode of chronic rejection had a 2.136 times greater risk of graft failure relative to those without chronic rejection. The presence of a post-transplant urological complication was also a significant risk factor, increasing the risk of graft failure by 1.735 times. Additionally, patients who were non-adherent to the post-transplant treatment regimen had a 1.640 times higher risk of graft failure compared to adherent patients.

In contrast, the analysis identified two protective factors against graft failure. Being married (cohabited) was associated with a 40.8% lower risk of graft failure compared to living alone (single, divorced, separated, or widowed). This may be due to the emotional, practical, and financial support a partner can offer. This helps patients follow the complicated medication schedules after a transplant keep up with medical appointments, and cope with the recovery demands. Such a social support network can have a beneficial impact on mental health and overall well-being, which are vital for positive graft outcomes, like elongated graft survival. Moreover, engaging in regular physical exercise after the transplant was even more strongly protective, reducing the risk of graft failure by 73.8% compared to those who did not exercise regularly.

Table 1 Cox Regression Analysis Results for predictors of renal graft survival

Lasso-based Cox model

The lasso-based Cox model is a type of Cox model that includes a penalty term to encourage sparsity in the model coefficients. In this case, all ten predictors were returned as non-zero coefficients, as the data-driven pre-feature selection was conducted before the model development phase. In the order of their effect size, acute rejection, chronic rejection, post-transplant regular physical exercise, post-transplant urological complications, post-transplant nonadherence, blood urea nitrogen level, and marital status were found to be the top seven significant prognostic predictors of graft survival, as presented in Table 2. Consistent with the result of the standard Cox model, regular physical exercise and marital status (being married or cohabited) appear to have a protective effect against the risk of graft failure.

Table 2 Lasso-Cox Regression Analysis results for predictors of renal graft survival

Ridge-based Cox model

This is another regularized version of the Cox model that shrinks the regression coefficients towards zero (not exactly zero) by imposing a penalty on the sum of the squared values of the coefficients. Similarly, it returns ten features with non-zero coefficients, indicating that the coefficients were penalized but not reduced to zero. According to Table 3, the seven leading predictors of graft survival, ranked by effect size, are acute rejection, chronic rejection, post-transplant urological complications, post-transplant regular physical exercise, post-transplant nonadherence, post-transplant delayed graft functioning, and marital status.

Table 3 Ridge-Cox Regression Analysis results for predictors of renal graft survival

Elastic Net-based Cox model (EN-based Cox)

The EN-based Cox model is a hybrid of lasso-based and ridge-based Cox regression models. Based on the EN-based Cox results in Table 4, acute rejection, chronic rejection, post-transplant regular physical exercise, post-transplant urological complications, post-transplant nonadherence, blood urea nitrogen levels, and marital status have been identified as the top seven significant prognostic predictors of graft survival, ranked by the magnitude of their effect size. Post-transplant regular physical exercise and marital status (being married or cohabited) still have a protective effect against the risk of graft failure.

Table 4 EN-Cox Regression Analysis results for predictors of renal graft survival

Identification of significant predictors

To determine the significant predictors of renal graft survival, we employed a combination of statistical and machine-learning models. The selection of predictor variables was based on their identification as the top seven significant predictors by most models, with particular emphasis on the best-performing and most interpretable models. Each predictor selected within the top seven was ranked from 1 to 7 across each model and marked with an ‘x’ if not selected (Table 5). Through a comprehensive ranking of predictors across the prognostic models, episodes of acute and chronic rejection, post-transplant regular physical exercise, post-transplant urological complications, post-transplant nonadherence, blood urea nitrogen levels, and marital status emerged as the most significant prognostic predictors of renal graft survival.

The findings suggest that regular physical exercise and being married or cohabiting are significantly associated with a reduced risk of graft failure. Consistent physical activity not only enhances overall health but also promotes better immune function and adherence to medical protocols. Likewise, having a supportive partner can improve psychological well-being, which is crucial for maintaining adherence to post-transplant care.

In contrast, several factors contribute to an increased risk of graft failure. Episodes of acute and chronic rejection are critical events that can severely compromise graft integrity and function. Additionally, urological complications may lead to further medical issues that jeopardize graft health. High blood urea nitrogen levels serve as vital indicators of kidney function; elevated levels often signify deteriorating graft health. Furthermore, post-transplant nonadherence to prescribed medication regimens significantly undermines the likelihood of long-term graft success. A more detailed discussion of these predictors is provided in the discussion section.

Table 5 The variables chosen as the top seven predictors by at least one model

Validation and comparison of the candidate models

The prediction performance of each model was validated using the testing dataset. We compared different statistical and machine learning models using various prediction performance metrics and clinical relevance. The ROC curve, calibration plot, concordance index (C-index), brier score, and interpretability of the model were used as evaluation criteria to compare the prognostic models. The ROC curve was used to compare the discrimination performance of the models. The result of the ROC curve in Fig. 5 indicated that the stochastic gradient boosting models had the highest discrimination performance with an AUC of 0.89, followed by the random survival forest with an AUC of 0.88. The ridge-based Cox model was ranked third in discrimination performance with an AUC of 0.84, while the standard, lasso-based, and EN-based Cox models shared the fourth-highest discrimination performance with an AUC of 0.83.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The ROC curves for each candidate model

The calibration plot in Fig. 6 suggests that the random survival forest and stochastic gradient boosting models have superior calibration performance, as indicated by their proximity to the ideal 45-degree line. The overlaid black line represents the penalized versions of the Cox model (lasso, ridge, and EN-based Cox), which also demonstrate good calibration. In contrast, the standard Cox model’s calibration lines are noticeably further away.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The calibration plot for each candidate model

Table 6 Model comparison using global performance measures

Based on the C-index in Table 6, the Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB) model emerged as the best performer, with a C-index of 0.943. The Ridge-based Cox model came in second with a C-index of 0.932. A C-index above 0.80 is generally considered adequate for clinical applications, and our results demonstrate that both the SGB and the Ridge-based Cox model meet this criterion. These scores demonstrate the model’s superior ability to rank individuals according to their predicted survival probabilities. In terms of the Brier score, which evaluates the accuracy of predicted survival probabilities, the SGB model maintained its lead with the lowest score of 0.000351, highlighting its remarkable precision in survival probability predictions. The Ridge-based Cox model closely follows SGB with a Brier score of 0.000389. This low score highlights its precision in providing reliable risk assessments, which is essential for clinical decision-making. Accurate predictions can help clinicians tailor treatment plans and improve patient outcomes by effectively stratifying risk among renal transplant recipients.

The Cox model and its penalized versions are widely utilized in survival analysis due to their high interpretability. These models provide hazard ratios, which help in understanding the impact of predictor variables on survival outcomes. In contrast, while Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB) achieves impressive predictive performance, its interpretability is limited compared to Cox-based models, as it does not offer explicit hazard ratios or easily interpretable coefficients. However, SGB can provide insights into variable importance through feature importance rankings. For those Cox-based models, we primarily focused on interpreting the standard Cox model. The penalized versions yielded results consistent with those of the standard model when fitted based on features selected from the penalized Cox models. Thus, our interpretation of significance and effect size was centered on the standard Cox model’s hazard ratios.

Although the SGB model demonstrated superior calibration and discrimination performance, it lacks the interpretability of the Ridge-based Cox model, which is our second-best model. The Ridge-Cox model not only delivers robust performance but also offers clear insights into the impact of individual predictors on renal graft survival. This balance between predictive accuracy and interpretability is crucial in clinical settings, where understanding the rationale behind model predictions can significantly influence decision-making. When the primary goal is accurate prediction, the SGB model is preferable. Conversely, if interpretability is prioritized, we recommend the Ridge-Cox model, even if it entails a slight trade-off in predictive performance. This nuanced approach allows clinicians to select the most suitable model based on their specific needs and the context of their practice.


This study aimed to compare statistical and machine learning models for predicting renal graft survival and identify significant prognostic predictors. The main findings of the study have been discussed. In the evaluation of various models, the study found that the Stochastic Gradient Boosting model demonstrated the best calibration and discrimination performance. This finding is consistent with previous studies [20, 30]. Based on the global performance measures, the Ridge-based Cox model has the second-best calibration and discrimination performance. As a Cox-based model, it also offers the advantage of interpretability, allowing for a clear understanding of the impact of predictors on renal graft survival. This finding is supported by previous studies [31, 32] that confirmed the superiority of the Cox-based model over the tree-based models in terms of interpretability.

Therefore, the choice of model should consider the trade-off between prediction performance and interpretability. It is crucial for clinicians to carefully evaluate the strengths and limitations of each model and consider the context of their clinical practice when making a decision. If the primary concern is an accurate prediction (calibration and discrimination), the SGB model demonstrates the best prediction performance. On the other hand, if interpretability on the impact of predictors with the expense of a slight loss in accuracy the Cox (Ridge-Cox) model would be recommended.

Regarding prognostic predictors, our analysis identified several variables that were significant predictors of renal graft survival, including an episode of acute and chronic rejection, post-transplant urological complications, post-transplant nonadherence, blood urea nitrogen level, post-transplant regular exercise, and marital status. The discussion of each significant predictor is provided as follows.

Episodes of chronic rejection were significant predictors of graft survival. Chronic rejection occurs when the recipient’s immune system gradually damages the transplanted kidney over time. This predictor suggests that the occurrence of chronic rejection significantly impacts renal graft survival. This finding agrees with previous studies [33, 34] which states that patients with chronic rejection were subjected to shorter graft survival. Managing immunosuppressive therapy and closely monitoring patients with a history of chronic rejection may be crucial for improving graft survival.

Episodes of acute rejection were found as significant predictors of graft survival. Acute rejection refers to an immune response against the transplanted kidney shortly (days to months) after the transplantation. This predictor indicates that experiencing episodes of acute rejection can negatively impact graft survival. This result is in line with the literature [20, 35, 36]. Prompt diagnosis, effective immunosuppression, and close monitoring are crucial in managing acute rejection and improving graft outcomes.

Post-Transplant Urological Complications were also found to be significant predictors of renal graft survival. Urological complications following a kidney transplant include urinary tract infections, ureteral obstruction, and vesicoureteral reflux. This predictor suggests that the occurrence of post-transplant urological complications is associated with decreased graft survival. This finding is consistent with previous studies [37, 38] Early detection, appropriate management, and preventive measures can help mitigate the impact of urological complications on graft outcomes.

Post-transplant nonadherence significantly affects graft survival. Nonadherence refers to a patient’s failure to adhere to the prescribed medication regimen or follow recommended lifestyle modifications after transplantation. This predictor indicates that nonadherence is a significant risk factor for graft failure and is associated with poor graft survival. This finding is well supported by the literature [39,40,41]. Patient education, counseling, and support systems are crucial in promoting adherence to immunosuppressive medications and post-transplant care, thereby improving graft survival.

The study found that blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level is a significant predictor of renal graft survival. BUN is a well-known biomarker of kidney function. Elevated BUN levels indicate impaired kidney function and inadequate clearance of urea, which can be attributed to poor graft function, medication non-adherence, or the presence of comorbidities. This is supported by previous studies [42, 43]. Monitoring BUN levels in kidney transplant recipients allows for early detection of graft dysfunction and the need for intervention, such as medication adjustments, patient education, lifestyle modifications, and comorbidity management, thereby improving graft survival.

Post-transplant regular physical exercise has been shown to have a protective effect against the risk of graft failure. Physical exercise can help maintain a healthy body weight, improve cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of metabolic complications that can contribute to graft failure. It can also boost the immune system and help prevent rejection of the transplanted kidney. This finding is consistent with a previous study [44]. Healthcare providers should encourage their patients to maintain a regular exercise routine for overall well-being, which can significantly reduce the risk of renal graft failure in transplant recipients.

Being married or cohabitated has been identified as a factor that can reduce the risk of renal graft failure compared to patients who live alone. Married or cohabitated individuals often have a spouse or partner who can provide valuable support, such as helping with medication adherence, attending medical appointments, and assisting with daily self-care tasks. This support system can improve the transplant recipient’s mental health, reduce their stress levels, and encourage healthier behaviors - all of which contribute to better outcomes for the transplanted kidney. This protective effect of being married (cohabitated) against the risk of graft failure is supported by a previous study [45].

Clinical implication, strength, and limitation of the study

This study has important clinical implications. The prognostic models developed can help clinicians make informed decisions about the management of transplant patients. Early identification of high-risk patients for graft failure allows for early interventions, such as intensifying immunosuppression or closer monitoring. The models can also be used to track changes in the predicted probability of graft survival over time. Furthermore, the best models can guide the development of personalized treatment plans by incorporating patient-specific factors. These clinically relevant models can also inform patients and their families about the expected outcomes of renal transplantation ultimately leading to optimized long-term outcomes for recipients. We recommend that healthcare providers incorporate these models into clinical routine practice to standardize risk assessment and improve long-term outcomes for renal transplant recipients.

The main strength of this study is the use of a time-to-event dataset, which is more suitable for modeling graft survival compared to assuming known event status for all subjects. The comprehensive comparison of statistical and machine learning models provides a deeper understanding of the strengths and limitations of each approach, helping to identify the most effective method for predicting renal graft survival. The study’s rigorous evaluation using measures like calibration, discrimination, and interpretability enhances the reliability and credibility of the findings. The inclusion of advanced techniques in survival prediction, such as random survival forest and stochastic gradient boosting survival, adds novelty and expands the methodological landscape. The study also addressed potential issues of data imbalance and overfitting and incorporated relevant clinical and prognostic predictors to improve the clinical relevance of the models.

The study has some limitations. While these issues have been effectively addressed, using small sample sizes and resampling techniques to tackle class imbalance can still introduce biases and restrict the generalizability of the models developed. The lack of external validation in independent datasets makes it difficult to assess the models’ performance in different clinical settings. Lastly, the limited interpretability of ensemble machine learning models poses a challenge for clinical applications. Future research should address these limitations by using a larger sample and conducting external validation to strengthen the validity and generalizability of the findings.


This study compared various statistical and machine learning predictive models for renal graft survival. The study found that the Stochastic Gradient Boosting model had the best calibration and discrimination performance. Moreover, Cox-based models offer great interpretability with a comparable prediction performance. Clinicians should consider the trade-off between accuracy and interpretability when choosing a model. The significant prognostic factors for renal graft survival were an episode of acute and chronic rejections, post-transplant urological complications, post-transplant nonadherence, blood urea nitrogen level, post-transplant regular exercise, and marital status (alone or cohabited). Incorporating these findings into clinical practice can improve personalized medicine and long-term outcomes for kidney transplant recipients.

Data availability

The findings of this study are supported by data obtained from the National Kidney Transplantation Center at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College. However, the data is subject to certain restrictions and is not publicly available. If you require access to the data, you can contact the authors and obtain permission from the National Kidney Transplantation Center at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College.



End Stage Renal Disease


Machine Learning


Random Survival Forests


Receiver Operating Characteristic


Area under the Curve


Concordance Index


Stochastic Gradient Boosting


Elastic Net


Human Leukemia Antigen


Proportional Hazard


Synthetic Minority Over Sampling


Ethiopian National Kidney Transplantation Center


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we greatly acknowledged the kidney transplant nurses and the institutional review board of St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College for their support and cooperation during the data collection process.


This research received no specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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GM contributed to the development of the proposal, supervision of data collection, data analysis, manuscript preparation, and editing of the manuscript. TZ contributed to supervising the overall activities, reading and editing the manuscript based on his rich experience. AST participated in preparing the manuscript and editing and commenting on the manuscript. MBM and LHJ provide a professional review of the proposal, data extraction tool, and manuscript from a clinical perspective. Each author contributed to the conception and design, acquiring data and drafting it critically to ensure intellectual contact.

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Correspondence to Getahun Mulugeta.

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All experimental protocols in this study were conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent was obtained from all participants, including both donors and recipients. Ethical approval was granted by the St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College Institutional Review Board (Reference Number: PM23/459) and the Bahir Dar University Ethical Review Committee (Reference Number: PRCSVD/290/2014). The authors confirm that no organs or tissues were obtained from prisoners. All organs were sourced from the Ethiopian National Kidney Transplant Center, which operates under St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College.

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Mulugeta, G., Zewotir, T., Tegegne, A.S. et al. Developing clinical prognostic models to predict graft survival after renal transplantation: comparison of statistical and machine learning models. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 25, 54 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12911-025-02906-y

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