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Polymeric dual-slab waveguide interferometer for biochemical sensing applications

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A polymer based dual-slab waveguide Young’s interferometer was demonstrated for biochemical sensing. Evanescent field is utilized for probing the binding events of biomolecules on the waveguide surface. Refractive index sensing in analyte and protein adsorption on the sensing surface were investigated with glucose de-ionized water solution and bovine serum albumin, immunoglobulin G solutions in phosphate buffered saline buffer. A detection limit of 105 RIU and 4pg/mm2 was achieved for homogeneous and surface sensing, respectively. Also, the influence of water absorption inside the polymeric device on the measurement stability was evaluated. The results indicate that the waveguide polymer sensor fabricated with the spin coating technique can achieve a satisfactory sensitivity for homogeneous refractive index sensing and, as well, for monitoring molecular binding events on the surface.

©2012 Optical Society of America

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