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Switchless Elastic Rate Node (SERANO) Architecture: A Universal Node for Optical Grooming and Adaptive Networking

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The switchless elastic rate node (SERANO) is an elastic optical network block architecture facilitating reduction in network cost and blocking due to spectral fragmentation while extending the capacity-reach product in translucent optical networks. We present an analytical mathematical method for minimizing the number of transceivers that are solely used to construct this block, albeit a finite blocking probability. Moreover, based on a realistic traffic matrix and making use of a networking planning tool, we deduce a SERANO’s block dimension for BT’s national backbone network. Finally, we estimate the conditions under which the cost of a SERANO block is lower to the corresponding electronic switch for providing important networking functions like 3R regeneration, defragmentation, and network reoptimization.

© 2016 Optical Society of America

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