Editor: @ivastar (all papers)
Reviewers: @Yiting206265 (all reviews), @DTCupcakes (all reviews)
Sarah Blunt (0000-0002-3199-2888), Jason Jinfei Wang (0000-0003-0774-6502), Lea Hirsch, Roberto Tejada, Vighnesh Nagpal (0000-0001-5909-4433), Tirth Dharmesh Surti, Sofia Covarrubias (0000-0003-1858-561X), Thea McKenna (0009-0008-0290-2143), Rodrigo Ferrer Chávez, Jorge Llop-Sayson (0000-0002-3414-784X), Mireya Arora, Amanda Chavez, Devin Cody (0000-0002-7713-5937), Saanika Choudhary, Adam J. r. w. Smith, William Balmer, Tomas Stolker (0000-0002-5823-3072), Hannah Gallamore, Clarissa R. Ó (0000-0001-5173-2947), Eric L. Nielsen, Robert J. De Rosa (0000-0002-4918-0247)
Blunt et al., (2024). orbitize! v3: Orbit fitting for the High-contrast Imaging Community. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(101), 6756, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.06756
astronomy Orbit fitting exoplanets high-contrast imaging
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