High-frequency-peaked BL Lacs (HBLs) dominate the extragalactic TeV sky, with more than 50 objects detected by the current generation of TeV observatories. Still, the properties of TeV-emitting HBLs as a population are poorly understood due to biases introduced by the observing strategies of Cherenkov Telescopes, limiting our ability to estimate the potential contribution of TeV blazars to the diffuse neutrino, gamma-ray, and cosmic-ray background as well as their role in the late-stage evolution of active galactic nuclei. The VERITAS telescope array has designed a program to quantify and minimize observational biases by selecting a sample of 36 HBLs and measuring their TeV flux at times that are not weighted towards high-flux states.
Such a survey could form the basis for a measurement of the luminosity function of TeV-emitting HBLs.