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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access December 28, 2012

DRL-Prefixspan: A novel pattern growth algorithm for discovering downturn, revision and launch (DRL) sequential patterns

  • Aloysius George EMAIL logo and D. Binu
From the journal Open Computer Science


Discovering sequential patterns is a rather well-studied area in data mining and has been found many diverse applications, such as basket analysis, telecommunications, etc. In this article, we propose an efficient algorithm that incorporates constraints and promotion-based marketing scenarios for the mining of valuable sequential patterns. Incorporating specific constraints into the sequential mining process has enabled the discovery of more user-centered patterns. We move one step ahead and integrate three significant marketing scenarios for mining promotion-oriented sequential patterns. The promotion-based market scenarios considered in the proposed research are 1) product Downturn, 2) product Revision and 3) product Launch (DRL). Each of these scenarios is characterized by distinct item and adjacency constraints. We have developed a novel DRL-PrefixSpan algorithm (tailored form of the PrefixSpan) for mining all length DRL patterns. The proposed algorithm has been validated on synthetic sequential databases. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of incorporating the promotion-based marketing scenarios in the sequential pattern mining process.

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Published Online: 2012-12-28
Published in Print: 2012-12-1

© 2012 Versita Warsaw

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