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Vol. 144
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Novel Data Acquisition Method for Interference Suppression in Dual-Channel SAR
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 144, 79-92, 2014
Various interference sources either intentional or unintentional can mask the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signals and cause image degradation. With a novel data acquisition mode, a new method based on dual-channel SAR is applied to suppress the interference. Using the received dual-channel data, the two-dimensional location of the interference source can be estimated and then the interference can be removed via a Two-Channel Cancelation method. By establishing a linear model of the interference-removed signal, the SAR image is reconstructed based on compressed sensing (CS) theory. Our method requires only a minor change to the traditional SAR system hardware while obtains a higher resolution. Simulation results are shown to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.
Xiao-Hong Lin, Guo-Yi Xue, and Peiguo Liu, "Novel Data Acquisition Method for Interference Suppression in Dual-Channel SAR," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 144, 79-92, 2014.

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