This article describes the organization principles for wireless mesh networks (softwaredefined networks of mobile objects). The emphasis is placed on developing effective routing algorithms for these networks. The mathematical model of the system is the standard transportation network. The key parameter of the routing system is the node reachability coefficient, i.e., the function that depends on several basic and additional parameters (mesh factors), which characterize the route between two network nodes. Each pair (arc, node) has been juxtaposed to a composite parameter, which characterizes the reachability of the node by the route, which begins with this arc. The best (shortest) route between two nodes is the route with the maximum reachability coefficient. The rules of building and updating the routing tables by the network nodes have been described. With the announcement from the neighbor, the node gets information about the connection energy and reliability, the announcement time of receipt, and the absence of transient nodes, as well as about the connection capability. This information is used by the nodes as the basis for applying the penalization (decreasing the reachability coefficient) or the reward (increasing the reachability coefficient) to all routes through this neighbor node. The penalization/reward scheme has the following separate aspects: (1) penalization for actuality of information; (2) penalization/reward for node reliability; (3) penalization for connection energy; (4) penalization for the current connection capability. The simulator of the wireless mesh network of mobile objects has been developed based on the suggested heuristic routing algorithms. The description and characteristics of the simulator have been stated in the article. The peculiarities of its program realization have also been considered.
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Original Russian Text © V.A. Sokolov, S.V. Korsakov, A.V. Smirnov, V.A. Bashkin, E.S. Nikitin, 2015, published in Modelirovanie i Analiz Informatsionnykh Sistem, 2015, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 546–562.
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Sokolov, V.A., Korsakov, S.V., Smirnov, A.V. et al. Instrumental supporting system for developing and analysis of software-defined networks of mobile objects. Aut. Control Comp. Sci. 50, 536–545 (2016). https://doi.org/10.3103/S0146411616070208
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3103/S0146411616070208