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Identifying stress level can provide valuable data for mental health analytics as well as labels for annotation systems. Although much research has been conducted into stress detection models using heart rate variability at a higher cost of data collection, there is a lack of research on the potential of using low-resolution Electrodermal Activity (EDA) signals from consumer-grade wearable devices to identify stress patterns. In this paper, we concentrate on performing statistical analyses on the stress detection capability of two popular approaches of training stress detection models with stress-related biometric signals: user-dependent and user-independent models. Our research manages to show that user-dependent models are statistically more accurate for stress detection. In terms of effectiveness assessment, the balanced accuracy (BA) metric is employed to evaluate the capability of distinguishing stress and non-stress conditions of the models trained on either low-resolution or high-resolution Electrodermal Activity (EDA) signals. The results from the experiment show that training the model with (comparatively low-cost) low-resolution EDA signal does not affect the stress detection accuracy of the model significantly compared to using a high-resolution EDA signal. Our research results demonstrate the potential of attaching the user-dependent stress detection model trained on personal low-resolution EDA signal recorded to collect data in daily life to provide users with personal stress level insight and analysis.
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