k-Same-Net: k-Anonymity with Generative Deep Neural Networks for Face Deidentification †
:1. Introduction
- We introduce a novel algorithm for face deidentification, called k-Same-Net, that is based on a formal privacy protection scheme and relies on GNNs.
- We introduce an additional (proxy) image set that can be used for model training in the deidentification approach, but preserves the formal guaranties that come with k-Anonymity-based privacy protection schemes.
- We present an in-depth analysis of the proposed approach centered on reidentification and facial expression recognition experiments.
2. Background and Related Work
3. Neural-Network-Based Deidentification
3.1. k-Same-Net Overview
3.2. Deidentification with k-Same-Net
3.3. k-Same-Net and Data Utility
3.4. GNN Architecture and Algorithm Summary
Algorithm 1: k-Same-Net. |
4. Experiments and Results
4.1. Datasets
4.2. Network Training
4.3. Qualitative Evaluation
4.4. Recognition and Reidentification Experiments with k-Same-Net
4.5. Comparison with Competing Deidentification Techniques
4.6. Utility Preservation
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Algorithm | Domain | # Assumptions |
2005 | k-Same-Pixel [1] | Pixel | Client specific image set. |
2005 | k-Same-Eigen [1] | PCA space | Client specific image set. |
2005 | k-Same-Select [2] | AAM, PCA space | Need to specify selection criteria |
prior to deidentification. | |||
2008 | k-Same-Model (or k-Same-M for short) [35] | AAM | Model parameters obtained during |
(also known as the ()-map algorithm) | fitting are not unique due to ambiguities. | ||
2013 | Driessen–Durmuth’s algorithm [53] | PCA space, Gabor wavelets | Not achieving very strong k-Anonymity; |
human recognition is still possible. | |||
2014 | k-Same-furthest-FET [37] | AAM, PCA space | Neutral emotion not available explicitly; |
FET not satisfying k-Anonymity; | |||
efficacy experimentally proven. | |||
2014 | GARP-Face [40] | AAM | Utility-specific AAMs for |
(Gender, Age, Race Preservation) | ethnicity, gender, expression. | ||
2015 | k-Diff -furthest [38] | AAM | Distinguishable client specific image set. |
2017 | k-SameClass-Eigen [39] | PCA, LDA space | Depends on LDA classifier accuracy; |
may fail on unknown faces. |
Type | Method | Pros | Cons |
Naive | Pixelization [1] | Easy to implement. Training not required. | No formal privacy guarantees. |
attack | Blurring [1] | ||
Formal | k-Same-Pixel [1] | Easy to implement. | Ghosting effect, visible artifacts. |
k-Same-M [35] | Visually convincing. | Training required. | |
k-Same-Net (ours) | Visually convincing. Offering data utilization. |
Feature Type | Method | Rank-1 ()—Before deid. | Rank-1 (), —After deid. |
Learned | Inception V3 [61] | ||
VGG-Face [60] | |||
SqueezeNet [62] | |||
AlexNet [59] | |||
Hand-crafted | LBP [63] | ||
POEM [64] |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Meden, B.; Emeršič, Ž.; Štruc, V.; Peer, P. k-Same-Net: k-Anonymity with Generative Deep Neural Networks for Face Deidentification. Entropy 2018, 20, 60. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20010060
Meden B, Emeršič Ž, Štruc V, Peer P. k-Same-Net: k-Anonymity with Generative Deep Neural Networks for Face Deidentification. Entropy. 2018; 20(1):60. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20010060
Chicago/Turabian StyleMeden, Blaž, Žiga Emeršič, Vitomir Štruc, and Peter Peer. 2018. "k-Same-Net: k-Anonymity with Generative Deep Neural Networks for Face Deidentification" Entropy 20, no. 1: 60. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20010060
APA StyleMeden, B., Emeršič, Ž., Štruc, V., & Peer, P. (2018). k-Same-Net: k-Anonymity with Generative Deep Neural Networks for Face Deidentification. Entropy, 20(1), 60. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20010060