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The Risks and Challenges of Electric Vehicle Integration into Smart Cities

Department of Electrical Engineering Technology, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg 2028, South Africa
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2023, 16(14), 5274; https://doi.org/10.3390/en16145274
Submission received: 2 June 2023 / Revised: 22 June 2023 / Accepted: 3 July 2023 / Published: 10 July 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Application and Management of Smart Energy for Smart Cities)


The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into smart cities presents a promising opportunity for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing urban sustainability. However, there are significant risks and challenges associated with the integration of EVs into smart cities, which must be carefully considered. Though there are various reviews available on the challenges of integrating EVs into smart cities, the majority of these are focused on technical challenges, thereby ignoring other important challenges that may arise from such integration. This paper therefore provides a comprehensive overview of the risks and challenges associated with the integration of EVs into smart cities in one research paper. The different challenges associated with the integration of EVs into smart cities have been identified and categorized into four groups, namely: technical, economic, social, and environmental, while also discussing the associated risks of EV integration into smart cities. The paper concludes by highlighting the need for a holistic approach to EV integration into smart cities that considers these challenges and risks. It also identifies possible future trends and outlooks to address these challenges and promote the successful integration of EVs into smart cities. Overall, this paper provides valuable insights for policymakers, city planners, and researchers working towards sustainable urban transportation systems.

1. Introduction

The concept of smart cities has been around for several decades, but it has gained significant attention in recent years due to advances in technology and growing urbanization. The idea of using technology to improve urban living can be traced back to the 1970s, when researchers began to explore the potential of using computer networks to manage urban infrastructure. In the 1990s, the concept of the “digital city” emerged, which focused on using digital technologies to improve urban services and public participation. The term “smart city” was first coined in the early 2000s, and it has since become a popular buzzword in urban planning and development. The smart city concept gained momentum in 2008 when IBM launched its Smarter Planet initiative [1,2], which focused on using technology and data to address global challenges such as climate change, energy management, and urbanization. Since then, smart city initiatives have been implemented in cities around the world, and the concept has continued to evolve with advances in technology. These cities use sensors, devices, and networks to collect and analyse data, which is used to inform decision-making processes and optimize resource usage. One of the key challenges faced by smart cities is reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainable transportation. Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising solution to this challenge, as they offer a more efficient and cleaner alternative to conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. This can be seen in the exponential growth of EV sales globally when compared to conventional gasoline-powered vehicles [3]. As seen from Figure 1, statistics available from [4] show that Germany had the highest EV share at 26% in 2021 compared to other countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Korea.
From Figure 2, it is observed that the Tesla Y model was the highest selling EV for the year 2022 [5]. By integrating EVs into smart cities, urban planners can create a more sustainable and efficient transportation system, while also reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality, and increasing energy efficiency.
The integration of EVs into smart cities offers numerous benefits. First and foremost, EVs reduce the carbon footprint of cities. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the transportation sector accounts for 24% of global CO2 emissions [6], with road transport being the largest contributor. By replacing conventional vehicles with EVs, cities can significantly reduce their carbon emissions and improve air quality since EVs are mostly powered by electricity generated from renewable sources such as wind and solar power. This makes them a sustainable alternative to conventional vehicles that rely on fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel. The different benefits of EVs have been well documented in various literature amongst which are [7,8,9,10]. The authors in [11] carried out a study using a life cycle assessment (LCA) to compare the environmental impacts of conventional gasoline-powered vehicles and electric vehicles in Hong Kong. The results showed that electric vehicles have lower environmental impacts in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and resource depletion compared to conventional fossil-fuelled vehicles. A comparative analysis of different results obtained by various authors in terms of LCA of EVs and conventional fossil-fuel-powered vehicles was carried out in [12]. The findings revealed that with the adoption of EVs, there are reduced greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) compared to conventional vehicles even though there is an increase in the human toxicity levels. Despite their numerous benefits, the integration of EVs into smart cities also poses several challenges. These challenges include the need for adequate charging infrastructure [13], efficient energy management [14,15], effective communication and data management [16,17], and addressing social and cultural factors. Addressing these challenges requires a coordinated and collaborative approach involving government agencies, private companies, and other stakeholders. With careful planning and implementation, the integration of EVs into smart cities can help create a more sustainable, efficient, and liveable urban environment. These challenges have been discussed in various literature. The majority of research papers discussing the challenges associated with the integration of EVs into smart cities, smart grids, or conventional grids are focused on the technical challenges. In [18], the authors presented some challenges such as the cost of EV batteries and charger issues. The authors in [19] discussed the status of charging infrastructure development for EVs in the UK. The issues of increased load demand due to charging are discussed in [20], where the authors reviewed various smart charging strategies to tackle this challenge. A review of the critical impacts of grid-tied EVs is presented in [21], where the authors focused on the interaction of EVs in a smart grid environment. In [22], the issues of charging infrastructure are also presented and the authors presented a critical review on applications of machine learning for solving the issues around infrastructure planning.
A systematic and comprehensive review of the charging infrastructure planning for smart cities is presented in [23], while ref. [24] discusses the possibility of increased stress on the electricity grid during peak load as a result of high penetration of EVs in residential low-voltage networks. A centralized control algorithm was proposed to manage the EV charging points to mitigate congestion while the challenge of a reduction in battery life as a result of an extreme case of full daily battery discharge is reported in [25]. A systematic literature review on the integration of EVs into the smart grid is also presented in [26], where the authors presented various results from different research works on the subject of EV integration into smart cities and smart grids. However, the bulk of this systematic review done in [26] also focused on the various technological challenges associated with integrating EVs into smart grids and smart cities, particularly the problems of charging infrastructure. As seen in [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24], most reviews and research papers concerning the risks and challenges of integrating electric vehicles into smart cities are focused on technical challenges. However, there are other associated risks and challenges associated with EV integration into smart cities, such as the security risks of electric vehicle infrastructure. Charging stations could be hacked, leading to significant damage to the energy management systems of smart cities. Another risk factor associated with electric vehicle adoption is the potential for battery disposal. Electric vehicle batteries have a limited lifespan, and if not appropriately disposed, can cause significant environmental damage. Therefore, implementing disposal strategies that minimize the environmental impact is essential.
Unlike so many other review papers focused on individual risk factors or challenges associated with EV integration into smart cities, this paper has grouped all of the various challenges and associated risks of EV integration into smart cities into four groups, namely: technical, economic, social, and environmental. By categorizing the challenges into technical, economic, social, and environmental aspects, the paper provides a structured framework for understanding the multiple dimensions involved in the integration process. The technical challenges include issues related to EV infrastructure, such as charging stations and battery management systems, as well as interoperability and standardization. The economic challenges involve costs associated with EV deployment and infrastructure, as well as the potential impact on traditional transportation systems and industries. The social challenges involve the need to address issues related to equity and accessibility, as well as concerns about user acceptance and behavioural change. The environmental challenges involve the potential impact of EVs on the electricity grid and the need to address the life cycle emissions associated with EV production and disposal. The paper concludes by highlighting the need for a holistic approach to EV integration into smart cities that considers these challenges and risks. It also identifies potential research directions to address these challenges and promote the successful integration of EVs into smart cities. Overall, this paper provides valuable insights for policymakers, city planners, and researchers working towards sustainable urban transportation systems.

2. Methodology

In order to carry out a comprehensive overview of the different risks and challenges associated with the integration of EVs into smart cities, this research has identified existing review papers, research articles, reports, and relevant publications on the topic to gain insights into the current state of knowledge. Based on the identified existing literature, a technical, economic, social, and environmental analysis has been carried out and the different challenges associated with the integration of EVs into smart cities have been broadly categorized into four groups. This makes this review outstanding from the different reviews already conducted in existing literature since it incorporates all of these risks and challenges into one research paper. From a technical standpoint, challenges include the availability and scalability of charging infrastructure, interoperability of charging stations, battery range limitations, and the capacity and stability of the power grid. Economic risks encompass the high costs of EVs, charging infrastructure deployment, and maintenance, along with potential impacts on industries such as automotive manufacturing, energy, and transportation services. Social challenges involve addressing public acceptance and perception of EVs, addressing range anxiety, ensuring equitable access to charging infrastructure, and accommodating diverse user needs. Environmental risks include the need to carefully evaluate the lifecycle environmental impacts of EVs and their batteries, while also considering the potential benefits of reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improved air quality. Addressing these risks is crucial for successful integration of EVs into smart cities, requiring collaborative efforts among stakeholders to develop sustainable solutions that foster technological advancements, economic viability, social equity, and environmental sustainability.

3. Risks of EV Integration into Smart Cities

The integration of EVs into smart cities is critical in promoting sustainable transportation solutions and reducing the impact of climate change. However, this integration process presents several risks. The major risks associated with integrating EVs into smart cities are the risks of cybersecurity and data privacy. Policymakers, energy managers, and other stakeholders must address these risks and develop effective strategies to mitigate these risks.

3.1. Cybersecurity Risks

As EVs gain traction in smart cities, the risks and challenges associated with their integration are becoming increasingly evident. Cybersecurity risks are one of the most significant challenges that need to be addressed during the integration of EVs into smart cities. With the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the energy sector, the power grid components and utility servers of a smart city are susceptible to malware attacks from EVs [27]. Previous research on cybersecurity of the smart grid has largely focused on local attacks that impact specific components of the grid. This is because local attacks are often more straightforward to execute and require less skill and fewer resources than global attacks that impact the entire grid. As a result, local attacks remain the most common cyber threats to the smart grid, with malicious actors employing various techniques such as jamming, denial of service (DoS), controller malfunction, and load alteration attacks. Jamming attacks involve degrading the quality of communication signals between grid components, resulting in information loss and system malfunction [28]. Similarly, DoS attacks aim to disrupt normal communication channels by flooding them with traffic, and degrading the components of the grid. The issue of cybersecurity in smart cities has been well documented in different pieces of literature. In [29], the authors categorized the risk of cybersecurity in smart cities into passive and active attacks. A passive cyberattack in a smart city refers to a type of cyber threat where an attacker attempts to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information or systems without actively disrupting or altering their normal functioning. These attacks often target the vulnerabilities in the smart city’s infrastructure, such as communication networks, sensors, data repositories, and control systems. The attacker aims to exploit weaknesses in these systems to gain access to sensitive data, monitor activities, or gather information for further malicious activities. The active cyberattack typically involves actions taken by an attacker to gain unauthorized access, disrupt operations, manipulate data, or cause damage to critical infrastructure components. The attacker may employ various techniques, such as hacking, malware, social engineering, or denial-of-service attacks, to compromise the security and integrity of the smart city’s systems. Ref. [30] carried out a comprehensive literature review detailing the various privacy and security concerns in a smart city and proposed various solutions to addressing them.
A model was designed in [31] to detect attacks on the industrial control system (ICS) of smart cities, and by using interactive visualization, false alarms can be filtered out. The risk of cyberattacks originating from online social networks was studied in [32], where focal structure analysis (FSA) and deviant cyber flash mob detection (DCFM) techniques were used to develop a model to prevent damage from such attacks. Ref. [33] presented the Application, Communication, Infrastructure, Data, and Stakeholders (ACIDS) security framework to develop security measures and identify possible threats in the various layers of a smart city system. The overall security of a smart city system was improved by this proposed layered approach. Different cybersecurity issues and their associated risks in the operations of a smart city as well as different strategies for reducing such cyber-attacks in a smart city have been well documented in [34,35], respectively. The charging infrastructure of EVs are typically connected to a network, making them potential targets for cyber-attacks. The authors in [36] conducted a semi-quantitative analysis of the vulnerabilities between the various end-to-end subsystems of an EV. Malicious actors can exploit the connection between EVs and the grid to disrupt power supply, potentially causing widespread blackouts or other disruptions. In [37], the authors presented the various challenges and issues that can be exploited to seriously harm the charging stations of EVs, the power grid, or both. The communication protocols between EVs, chargers, and back-end systems are vulnerable to tampering. The protocols used to communicate the state of charge, the authentication of the charging process, and the billing systems can be manipulated by hackers to steal personal data and query the charging status of the vehicle. The report presented by the Kaspersky Lab in [38] indicated that the threats of cyber-attacks were linked to the charge points of home electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) units. This report validated the previous research done by the authors in [39], which outlined the risks associated with the deployment of EVSE devices. The various authors in [40,41,42,43] identified potential areas of vulnerabilities associated with EVSE. These could lead to security breaches in a smart city such as spoofing, data loss, and DoS. The phasor measurement unit (PMU) networks and electric vehicle infrastructure (EVI) in a smart city are vulnerable to cyberattacks, with potential consequences ranging from grid instability and power disruptions due to compromised PMU data, to unauthorized access and control of EV charging infrastructure leading to service disruptions and potential safety risks. This is well discussed and highlighted in [44] where the authors researched on the vulnerability of EVI and PMU networks to cyberattacks. Overall, cyberattacks on phasor measurement units (PMUs) in smart cities can lead to inaccurate power system measurements, faulty control strategies, and pose a significant threat to the overall reliability and safety of the power grid.
The use of third-party libraries in implementing various features such as navigation and communication in an EV makes it vulnerable to cyberattacks, thereby posing a significant risk in smart cities. Attackers may target vulnerabilities in the EV’s software or network connectivity to gain unauthorized remote access to the vehicle’s systems [45]. Once inside, they can potentially manipulate or disrupt critical functions, such as braking, acceleration, or steering. Electric vehicles often use keyless entry systems or wireless key fobs for authentication and remote access. Attackers may use various techniques to intercept or clone these key fobs, allowing them to gain unauthorized access to the vehicle without physical contact. The vulnerability of EVs with regards to third party libraries is well documented in [46], where a vulnerable application in a Tesla car was well exploited by a hacker to remotely access the features of the car and even bypass its keyless entry to start the vehicle. In [47], the infotainment system of an EV was attacked using third-party libraries to remotely perform software updates on the vehicle. While the integration of third-party libraries in EVs integrated into a smart city offers numerous advantages, it is crucial to carefully consider and address the associated risks. By prioritizing security measures, conducting thorough evaluations, and fostering collaboration, we can harness the benefits of these libraries while safeguarding the integrity, privacy, and safety of the smart city ecosystem. Only through diligent risk management can we ensure the successful integration of third-party libraries in EVs within smart cities, paving the way for a sustainable and secure future of transportation.

3.2. Data Privacy Risks

With the increasing adoption of EVs in smart cities, there has been a significant increase in the amount of data generated by these vehicles and their supporting infrastructure. The data generated include information about the location of the vehicle, battery life, driving patterns, and more. All of these data provide valuable information that can be used in many ways, including optimizing traffic management, predicting maintenance needs, and developing new business models. However, there are significant privacy risks associated with collecting these data. In particular, the collection of personal data and driving patterns is a major concern. This information can be used to identify an individual’s behavior, movements, and preferences, creating a high risk of identity theft, stalking, and other privacy violations. Moreover, as seen in [48], these data can also be used for targeted marketing or insurance pricing, exposing drivers to financial risks. The data collected from EVs, when combined with other datasets, can lead to the identification and tracking of individuals. For example, by correlating location data from EVs with other publicly available information, it may be possible to determine an individual’s home address, workplace, or frequently visited locations. This personal identifiability increases the risk of privacy breaches and surveillance. In some cases, EV data may be shared with third parties, such as service providers, government entities, or researchers, for various purposes, such as traffic management or infrastructure planning. However, the sharing of data raises concerns about who has access to the data, how they will be used, and whether individuals’ privacy rights are adequately protected. According to [49], it is estimated that by the year 2030, global profits from vehicle generated information could reach a staggering USD 75 billion, making EVs an ideal target for hackers to steal data from.
As EVs become increasingly connected and integrated into smart city ecosystems, they generate vast amounts of data that can include personally identifiable information (PII), vehicle telemetry, location data, and more. Understanding the sensitivity of these data is essential for implementing appropriate security measures and ensuring privacy protection in the smart city. It is important to note that different data from the EV require different amounts of protection based on their sensitivity. It is therefore important to determine the sensitivity of EV data. Data classification involves categorizing data based on their levels of sensitivity, enabling organizations to allocate appropriate security controls and determine access privileges. By applying data classification techniques to EV data, it becomes possible to identify and differentiate between different types of information based on their potential impact if compromised. The authors in [50] determined the sensitivity of EV data using data classification techniques. These data have been grouped into confidential, sensitive, unclassified, and secret by the authors in [45,51] and depicted in Figure 3.
One approach to data classification is the use of metadata tags [53], which can be attached to individual data elements to indicate their sensitivity level. For example, PII, such as driver’s license numbers, social security numbers, or credit card information, would be classified as highly sensitive, while anonymized vehicle telemetry data may be considered less sensitive. Another technique is automated machine learning (AutoML) [54,55], which can analyze large volumes of EV data and classify them based on patterns, features, or predefined rules. By training machine learning models on labeled datasets, it becomes possible to automate the classification process and identify sensitive data accurately. By leveraging data classification techniques, EV manufacturers, smart city operators, and other stakeholders can gain insights into the sensitivity of EV data. This knowledge enables them to implement appropriate security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and data anonymization, to protect sensitive information effectively. Additionally, data classification aids in compliance with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or other regional privacy laws.

4. Challenges of EV Integration into Smart Cities

The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into smart cities represents a transformative shift in urban transportation and sustainability. With the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease reliance on fossil fuels, and enhance overall energy efficiency, EVs offer numerous benefits for smart cities. However, this integration also presents a range of complex challenges that must be addressed to ensure the successful adoption and integration of EVs within the urban fabric. This section will explore and analyze the key challenges associated with EV integration into smart cities, covering aspects such as infrastructure, charging networks, grid capacity, policy and regulations, consumer adoption, and environmental considerations. These challenges have been broadly categorized into four groups in this research paper: technical, economic, social, and environmental. Each category presents unique hurdles and considerations that need to be addressed for successful integration of EVs into the smart city.

4.1. Technical Challenges

One of the primary technical challenges of integrating EVs into a smart city is establishing an extensive and robust charging infrastructure to meet the charging needs of EVs. This includes deploying a network of charging stations that are conveniently located, easily accessible, and equipped with the necessary charging equipment. There has been a lot of focus in this research area lately. The charging infrastructure for electric vehicles is a critical component of their integration into smart cities. The charging infrastructure of an EV comprises a communication and power system [56]. It encompasses the network of charging stations, equipment, and supporting systems necessary to provide convenient and reliable charging options for EVs. EVs are an integral part of sustainable transportation and reducing carbon emissions. In a smart city, where the focus is on environmentally friendly and efficient mobility solutions, the lack of charging infrastructure can hinder the adoption of EVs. Insufficient charging stations may discourage people from choosing electric vehicles as their primary mode of transportation, limiting the city’s progress towards achieving sustainable mobility goals. Ensuring an adequate number of charging stations to meet the increasing demand as the number of EVs grows requires strategic planning, coordination with stakeholders, and proactive expansion of charging infrastructure to prevent bottlenecks. One of the challenges for widespread electric vehicle adoption, especially in the context of a smart city, is the availability and accessibility of charging infrastructure. This has been well researched and highlighted by the various authors in [57,58,59,60]. Insufficient public charging stations can also create range anxiety among potential electric vehicle owners, as they may be concerned about the availability of charging points and the possibility of running out of power during their daily commutes or longer journeys. The authors in [61] identified the charging infrastructure location for EVs as an optimization problem and approached it by proposing a genetic algorithm to solve this problem.
In as much as it is important to ensure an adequate number of charging stations, there is also a concern about the type of charge available to the EV in a smart city as well as charging time and waiting time of such charging stations. Offering charging stations with various charging speeds (e.g., level 1, level 2, and DC fast charging) to cater to different EV models and user preferences, ensuring compatibility and interoperability between charging connectors and vehicle charging systems, is crucial for user convenience. The different types of charging available to EVs have been well documented in [62]. Level 1 charging refers to using a standard household outlet (120 volts AC) to charge an EV. It is the slowest charging option, typically providing around 2 to 5 miles of range per hour of charging. Level 1 charging is suitable for overnight charging at home or in locations where the vehicle remains stationary for an extended period. However, there is no support for communication control and this can negatively impact the grid such as grid power congestion. Level 2 charging operates at higher voltages (240 volts AC) and provides faster charging compared to Level 1. It typically offers 10 to 30 miles of range per hour of charging, depending on the EV and charging equipment. Level 2 charging is commonly found in residential settings, workplaces, public parking areas, and commercial establishments. As seen in [17], though level 2 charging has a lot of advantages, there are drawbacks with it, such as a surge in power consumption up to 25%. DC fast charging (also known as Level 3 charging) provides the fastest charging speeds and is typically found along highways, at rest areas, and in commercial areas. DC fast chargers can charge an EV up to 80% in 30 min or less, significantly reducing charging time. These chargers operate at higher voltages and convert AC power directly into DC power, bypassing the vehicle’s onboard charger. A significant challenge is the slow charging speeds of certain charging stations. While EVs can be charged using a regular household power outlet, it can take several hours to fully charge the vehicle. However, the deployment of fast-charging stations can mitigate this issue. Though DC fast charging has numerous advantages such as a high-power output, the chargers are quite bulky [62]. The authors in [63,64] have documented the different drawbacks of such charging infrastructure. The type of charging infrastructure for an EV impacts a smart city by influencing charging speed, availability, load management, grid stability, demand response capabilities, integration with mobility solutions, and data-driven decision-making. Despite the attractiveness of fast charging for EVs, this presents a significant complex problem that requires traffic flow, utility considerations, and integration of energy supply in the smart city.
The integration of EVs into smart cities holds great promise for sustainable transportation and improved energy efficiency. However, this integration also introduces a significant challenge into the distribution network of the smart city. As the number of EVs on the road increases and their charging demands grow, the electrical grid may face unprecedented challenges in meeting the energy requirements of these vehicles. The increased energy demand from charging EVs requires careful management to ensure grid stability, prevent overloads, and accommodate the growing energy needs of transportation. Without careful planning and infrastructure upgrades, the influx of EVs can strain the existing power grid. The studies carried out in [65,66,67] emphasize the need for long-term smart grid investment planning, showing the effects of EVs on the distribution network planning. Table 1 presents a summary of the significant challenges that the integration of EVs can pose for electric utilities in smart cities.
Establishing standardized communication protocols, charging connectors, and interoperability among various charging networks and EV models is essential to enable seamless charging experiences and compatibility across different systems within a smart city. The challenge of interoperability and standardization is a significant hurdle when integrating electric vehicles (EVs) into a smart city environment. EV charging infrastructure comes in various types, such as different plug designs, power levels, and communication protocols. The lack of interoperability and standardization means that EV owners may encounter compatibility issues when trying to charge their vehicles at different charging stations. This can lead to inconvenience, decreased user experience, and even situations where certain EV models are incompatible with specific charging stations, limiting the options for EV owners. Different regions and countries may have varying regulations, standards, and protocols for EV charging, making it challenging for manufacturers, service providers, and policymakers to align their efforts. The lack of harmonization can slow down the deployment of charging infrastructure and hinder the adoption of EVs on a broader scale. The United States, Europe, Japan, and China all have different standards for EV charging as reported in [80]; however, the two most widely used standards that deal with EV charging are the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standards used in Europe and the United States, respectively. Table 2 describes the different globally recognized regulatory bodies and their established standards, which oversee different aspects of EVs. Since different countries follow different charging standards, different EV manufacturers are trying to avoid conflicts in charging standards by coming up with a common charging connector [81], as shown in Figure 4a,b [80]. From Figure 4, it can be concluded that there is a need to urgently harmonize the various charging standards and have a universal solution of EV charging devices. These standards play a very crucial role in the grid integration of EVs into a smart city.

4.2. Economic Challenges

Historically, one of the main barriers to widespread EV adoption has been the higher upfront cost compared to conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). Affordability and cost competitiveness will play a crucial role in encouraging consumer adoption. The initial cost of an EV is one factor; another factor is the lifetime cost of such vehicles, often expressed as the total cost of ownership (TCO) [88]. It is worth noting that while the purchase cost of EVs has been declining, there may still be a price premium compared to similar-sized ICEVs. The TCO of an EV includes factors such as the purchase price, maintenance costs, fuel/charging costs, and resale value. However, the lower operating costs, potential savings in maintenance, and the long-term benefits of reduced fuel consumption can help offset the initial investment and make EV ownership economically viable for many consumers. The specific pricing and cost dynamics of electric vehicles can vary across manufacturers, models, and regions, so it is advisable to research and compare different options to find the best fit for individual budgets and requirements. A lower TCO makes EVs more affordable and financially attractive to consumers. In a smart city, where sustainable transportation is a priority, a lower TCO encourages more individuals and businesses to consider purchasing EVs. It increases the likelihood of EV adoption and integration into the city’s transportation ecosystem. The authors in [89] carried out a detailed literature review on the total cost of owning an EV while the research in [90] predicts that by 2030, the prices of EVs will be significantly similar to the prices of conventional vehicles. The prices of EVs will to a large extent determine their integration into smart cities.
The significant investment required to build a comprehensive charging infrastructure network can pose financial challenges towards integrating EVs into a smart city. Balancing the costs associated with installation, operation, and maintenance of charging stations is a key consideration. Underdeveloped public charging infrastructure, particularly rapid charging, remains a challenge in the deployment of EVs in smart cities. One of the reasons for this is the cost of building charging stations or upgrading existing infrastructure. The authors in [91] discussed the possibility of smart or managed charging. Managed or smart charging entails scheduling EV charging during periods when the cost of generating and delivering power is less expensive, while still meeting the needs of the vehicle owner. Electricity pricing, sophisticated technology, and the best location of charging infrastructure can all be used to control EV charging. Incorporating more renewable energy sources into EV charging can maximize the use of the current network infrastructure and reduce the need for additional investment. Managed charging can help EVs operate more affordably and give them a competitive edge over gas-powered vehicles. The authors in [92] identified available charging infrastructure as a significant factor in the deployment of EVs. The costs associated with installing a charging infrastructure on private premises to enable stationary charging adds further costs to the purchase and installation of EVs. An analysis of the costs of stationary charging infrastructure is carried out in [93] where the authors identified and carried out an analysis of various factors influencing the economic suitability of different charging infrastructure and the impact on EV deployment. The cost of charging infrastructure can influence the rate of EV adoption within a smart city. If the cost is relatively low, more businesses, homeowners, and municipalities may be willing to install charging stations. This expanded charging network can help increase the confidence of individuals considering purchasing EVs, knowing that they will have convenient access to charging facilities. Conversely, high infrastructure costs may slow down the adoption rate, as potential EV owners may hesitate to invest in a vehicle without an adequate charging infrastructure.
The cost of batteries is a crucial component of the overall price of an electric vehicle. Batteries serve as the primary energy storage system, providing power to propel the vehicle and support various onboard systems. The price of batteries has been a significant concern for consumers and a barrier to the widespread adoption of EVs, especially in smart cities. However, there have been notable advancements and cost reductions in battery technology in recent years. Historically, lithium-ion batteries, which are the most commonly used batteries in EVs, are expensive to produce due to several factors. Firstly, the materials used in lithium-ion batteries, such as lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese, have limited availability and are subject to price fluctuations in the global market. Secondly, the manufacturing processes for battery cells are complex and require specialized equipment and expertise, further driving up costs. The authors in [94] emphasized the importance of reducing the cost of lithium-ion batteries. The authors noted that despite the reduction in costs of batteries for EVs, these costs still remain high when compared to the set targets, and therefore remain a hinderance to the wide scale adoption of EVs. It is therefore expected that as the cost of lithium-ion batteries continues to decline, the number of EVs in smart cities will increase.
Grid upgrades and integration costs play a crucial role in the successful integration of EVs into a smart city. EVs require charging infrastructure, which puts an additional load on the electric grid. The existing grid infrastructure may not be capable of handling the increased demand for electricity that comes with widespread EV adoption. Grid upgrades are necessary to accommodate the charging needs of EVs. These upgrades can involve increasing the capacity of power distribution networks, installing new transformers, upgrading substations, and implementing smart grid technologies. Insufficient grid upgrades can lead to challenges such as voltage drops, power outages, and increased stress on the grid during peak charging times. These issues can hamper the widespread adoption of EVs and create a negative user experience. Adequate grid upgrades ensure a reliable and robust infrastructure capable of supporting the charging needs of EVs, facilitating their integration into a smart city. To promote the successful integration of EVs into a smart city, it is essential to address both grid upgrades and integration costs. Governments, utility companies, and stakeholders need to collaborate to ensure that the grid infrastructure is upgraded to meet the increased demand from EV charging. Simultaneously, efforts should be made to reduce integration costs through economies of scale, incentives, and public–private partnerships. By effectively managing these factors, the integration of EVs into a smart city can be accelerated, leading to a cleaner, more sustainable transportation system.

4.3. Environmental Challenges

The integration of EVs into smart cities holds tremendous potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality, and mitigating the environmental impacts associated with traditional transportation systems. However, this transition is not without its environmental challenges. One of the primary environmental challenges is the upstream impact of EVs. While EVs themselves produce zero tailpipe emissions, the electricity used to charge them is generated from various sources, which may include fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas. The carbon intensity of the electricity grid plays a crucial role in determining the overall environmental benefit of EVs. Therefore, a key challenge is to ensure that the electricity powering EVs is generated from renewable and low-carbon sources [95].
The production of EVs requires the extraction of raw materials such as lithium, cobalt, and rare earth elements. Irresponsible extraction practices can have severe environmental and social consequences, including deforestation, water pollution, and human rights violations. Additionally, the end-of-life management of EV batteries raises concerns about recycling and proper disposal. As EVs reach the end of their lifespan, proper disposal and recycling becomes crucial. EV batteries contain valuable materials that can be recovered and reused. Without a proper recycling infrastructure and processes, there is the risk of hazardous waste and environmental contamination as reported in [96]. Recycling of lithium-ion batteries is a research area that has continued to gain attention. The authors in [97] have presented a comprehensive overview of various technologies relevant for recycling lithium-ion batteries. It is also important to note that improper recycling or reuse of lithium-ion batteries can generate a lot of toxic waste, as recorded in [98]. However, in [99], the author noted that the price of permanently disposable materials used in an EV battery is far less than the price of the fully used battery. EV batteries can be reused, especially for less demanding applications as shown in [100], prompting the concept of second demonstration use of EV.
Typically, when an EV reaches the end of its useful life for personal transportation, it still retains a significant portion of its battery capacity. Instead of retiring the vehicle entirely, the second demonstration use concept aims to repurpose these EVs to serve other functions, maximizing their lifespan and optimizing resource utilization. The batteries in EVs can store surplus electricity generated from renewable sources, such as solar or wind power, and discharge it back to the grid during times of high demand. By integrating EVs into energy storage systems, they can help balance the grid, smooth out fluctuations in renewable energy generation, and improve overall grid stability. This approach promotes renewable energy integration and enhances the efficiency and reliability of the electricity system. The research in [101] showed that batteries with potential reuse had more ratings than the ratings of batteries increasingly suitable for recycling [102]. However, several challenges remain, including technical considerations, regulatory frameworks, and standardization of interfaces and protocols. Ensuring compatibility and interoperability among different EV models and systems is crucial for the widespread adoption and success of the second demonstration use concept.
Choosing between reuse and recycling depends on factors such as battery condition, feasibility of secondary applications, recycling infrastructure availability, and market demand for recycled materials. A comprehensive approach may involve a combination of both strategies, maximizing the lifespan of batteries through reuse and recovering valuable resources through recycling. This approach will help to optimize resource utilization, minimize waste, and contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy for EV batteries within a smart city.

4.4. Social Challenges

The integration of EVs in smart cities can be limited by societal obstacles just like the technical and economic challenges. A consumer’s choice of an EV can be affected by a mix of various emotions and practicality. It is therefore important to investigate the perceptions of consumers to support large-scale acceptance of EVs within the smart city. The social challenges associated with integrating EVs into smart cities encompass various aspects of society, including accessibility, equity, and behavioral changes. These challenges arise from the need to ensure that the benefits of EV adoption are accessible to all members of the community and that the transition is inclusive and fair.
One of the primary social challenges of adopting EVs in a smart city is vehicle safety. Consumers prioritize safety when considering any vehicle purchase, and EVs are no exception. Perceptions of EV safety can be influenced by factors such as battery performance, crash test ratings, and overall vehicle design. Providing accurate information about the safety features and crashworthiness of EVs, along with conducting rigorous safety testing and certification processes, helps build trust and confidence among consumers. Battery safety is a significant concern for EV consumers. While lithium-ion batteries used in EVs have a strong safety record, isolated incidents of battery fires or thermal runaway events can create negative perceptions. Enhancing battery safety through robust design, engineering, and advanced thermal management systems is crucial. Transparent reporting and effective communication about battery safety measures, emergency response protocols, and real-world safety data can help address consumer concerns.
Resiliency and range anxiety is another social challenge that has impacted negatively on consumers embracing EVs [103]. Range anxiety, the fear of running out of battery charge with limited charging infrastructure, can impact consumer perceptions of EV resiliency. Consumers may worry about the availability and accessibility of charging stations, particularly during long-distance travel or in areas with limited charging infrastructure. The time required to charge an EV can also contribute to range anxiety. While charging technology is continuously improving, longer charging times compared to refueling a conventional vehicle can create concerns about travel delays or inconvenience, especially during long trips. The estimated range provided by EVs is based on various factors such as driving conditions, weather, and battery condition. If drivers perceive that the estimated range is not accurate or may not account for real-world driving scenarios, it can exacerbate range anxiety. Uncertainty about how far the vehicle can travel on a single charge can lead to concerns about being stranded.
Equity is another important social consideration in the integration of EVs into smart cities. The benefits of EV adoption, such as reduced emissions and improved air quality, should be shared equitably across communities. It is essential to avoid exacerbating existing socio-economic disparities and ensure that the transition to electric transportation does not disproportionately affect vulnerable populations or contribute to environmental injustice. This requires proactive policies and programs that address the specific needs and concerns of disadvantaged communities, promoting access to EVs, charging infrastructure, and associated benefits for all.
Furthermore, integrating EVs into smart cities requires significant behavioral changes from both individuals and organizations. The widespread adoption of EVs necessitates a shift in attitudes, habits, and infrastructure planning [104]. Encouraging public acceptance and awareness of EV benefits, supporting behavior change initiatives, and providing education on charging infrastructure and maintenance are crucial to facilitate a smooth transition. Additionally, fostering collaborations between public and private sectors, including automakers, utilities, and urban planners, is essential for effective integration and to address the complex social dynamics involved.

5. Case Studies of Successful EV Integration into Smart Cities

In recent years, the integration of EVs into smart cities has emerged as a key strategy for promoting sustainable urban transportation. Cities around the world are actively exploring innovative solutions to reduce carbon emissions, enhance energy efficiency, and improve the overall quality of life for their residents. Though the integration of EVs into smart cities is not without its challenges, there have been notable success stories from various regions across the globe. These success stories showcase the potential and benefits of EV integration despite the complexities involved. Through case studies of successful EV integration into smart cities, we can gain insights into the transformative impact of this technology on urban mobility.
Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands, has emerged as a leading example of successful EV integration into a smart city. The city has embraced sustainable urban planning and has taken bold steps to promote electric mobility as a key component of its transportation system. One of the key factors behind Amsterdam’s success is the establishment of an extensive charging infrastructure. The city boasts over 3000 public charging points, ensuring that EV owners have convenient access to charging facilities throughout the city. This widespread availability of charging infrastructure has helped alleviate range anxiety and encourage the adoption of EVs. In addition to the charging network, Amsterdam has implemented various smart mobility solutions to optimize EV usage. Real-time data analytics are utilized to monitor and manage the charging infrastructure effectively. This data-driven approach enables the city to identify high-demand areas, optimize charging schedules, and efficiently allocate resources. Furthermore, Amsterdam has embraced dynamic charging infrastructure, allowing EVs to be charged while driving. This innovative approach eliminates the need for extended charging stops and provides continuous power to EVs, further enhancing their convenience and usability.
San Diego, located on the southern coast of California, is another city that has made significant strides in integrating EVs into its smart city infrastructure. The city has been proactive in promoting sustainable transportation and has implemented various initiatives to support EV integration. One of the key achievements of San Diego is the establishment of a robust charging infrastructure. The city has partnered with public and private stakeholders to install thousands of EV charging stations across the region. These charging stations are strategically located in public spaces, workplaces, and residential areas, ensuring convenient access for EV owners. To maximize the efficiency of EV charging, San Diego has implemented a smart grid infrastructure. This intelligent system optimizes energy usage and load balancing, allowing for intelligent charging management. EVs can be charged during off-peak hours when electricity demand is lower, reducing strain on the grid and minimizing the overall energy consumption. San Diego has also emphasized the integration of renewable energy sources into its charging infrastructure. The city has a strong commitment to clean energy, and a significant portion of its electricity comes from renewable sources such as solar and wind. By integrating renewables into the charging infrastructure, San Diego ensures that EVs contribute to a lower carbon footprint and align with the city’s sustainability goals. Furthermore, San Diego has implemented various incentive programs to encourage EV adoption. These include financial incentives, such as rebates and grants for EV purchases, as well as perks like free or discounted parking for EVs. By providing these incentives, the city aims to make EV ownership more accessible and attractive to residents.
Shenzhen, a bustling metropolis in southern China, has emerged as a global leader in the successful integration of EVs into its smart city infrastructure. The city has made remarkable strides in electrifying its transportation system and has become a prominent example of sustainable urban mobility. One of the standout achievements of Shenzhen is its electrification of the entire bus fleet. With over 16,000 electric buses in operation, Shenzhen boasts the world’s largest electric bus fleet. This transformation has not only significantly reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, but has also enhanced the overall quality of life for residents. Shenzhen’s success in EV integration can be attributed to its comprehensive charging infrastructure. The city has established an extensive network of charging stations to support the growing number of electric buses and private EVs. These charging facilities are strategically located throughout the city, including bus terminals, public parking lots, and residential areas, providing convenient access to charging for EV owners.
To facilitate the efficient management of EV charging, Shenzhen has implemented advanced technologies. This includes the use of smart charging stations that can monitor and control the charging process, optimize charging schedules, and ensure a stable power supply. Additionally, the city has developed intelligent dispatch systems for its electric bus fleet, enabling efficient routing and reducing downtime. Shenzhen’s success in EV integration can be attributed to strong government support and incentives. The city provides financial subsidies for EV purchases, making them more affordable for residents. It has also implemented favorable policies such as preferential treatment for electric vehicles, including access to dedicated bus lanes and exemption from certain traffic restrictions. The integration of EVs into Shenzhen’s smart city ecosystem has had significant environmental and social benefits. The electric buses have improved air quality and reduced noise pollution, contributing to a cleaner and healthier urban environment. The increased adoption of EVs has also spurred the development of a vibrant ecosystem of charging infrastructure and related services, generating employment opportunities and fostering technological advancements.
Yokohama, a vibrant city in Japan, has achieved significant success in EVs into its smart city initiatives. The city has been at the forefront of sustainable urban mobility and has implemented a range of innovative measures to promote the adoption of EVs and build a greener transportation system. One of the notable achievements of Yokohama is the successful integration of electric buses into its public transportation network. The city has introduced a considerable number of electric buses, reducing emissions and noise pollution. This transition has not only improved the overall air quality but has also enhanced the commuting experience for residents and visitors. To support the growing number of EVs, Yokohama has developed a comprehensive charging infrastructure. The city has deployed numerous charging stations across key locations, including public parking lots, residential areas, and commercial centers. This extensive network ensures that EV owners have convenient access to charging facilities, promoting the use of electric vehicles and alleviating range anxiety. Yokohama has also implemented an intelligent transportation system that optimizes the management of EV charging and overall traffic flow. Through the integration of smart technologies, the city can monitor the status of charging stations, provide real-time information to drivers regarding the availability of charging points, and optimize the routing of electric buses for maximum efficiency. Furthermore, Yokohama has been proactive in utilizing renewable energy sources to power its EV charging infrastructure. The city has integrated solar panels and other clean energy generation systems into selected charging stations, reducing the reliance on conventional energy sources and contributing to a lower carbon footprint. The successful integration of EVs into Yokohama’s smart city framework has had numerous benefits. It has significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions, enhanced energy efficiency, and improved the overall sustainability of the transportation system. Additionally, the transition to electric mobility has increased the use of renewable energy and helped Yokohama move closer to its ambitious environmental targets.
Oslo, the capital city of Norway, has been a pioneer in the successful integration of EVs into its smart city infrastructure. The city has implemented a comprehensive set of measures and incentives to promote EV adoption, making it one of the leading EV-friendly cities in the world. One of the key factors behind Oslo’s success is its strong policy support for EVs. The city has implemented a range of financial incentives to encourage EV purchases, including tax exemptions, reduced toll fees, and access to bus lanes. These incentives have made EV ownership more attractive and affordable for residents, resulting in a significant increase in EV sales. Oslo has also focused on developing a robust charging infrastructure. The city has established an extensive network of public charging stations, making it convenient for EV owners to charge their vehicles throughout the city. Moreover, the charging stations are strategically located in public spaces, parking areas, and residential buildings, ensuring easy access for EV users. To further support EV integration, Oslo has prioritized the use of renewable energy for charging infrastructure. The city has increased the share of renewable energy sources in its electricity grid, ensuring that EVs are charged using clean energy. This approach contributes to a significant reduction in carbon emissions from the transportation sector, aligning with Oslo’s commitment to sustainability and climate change mitigation. In addition to these measures, Oslo has actively promoted electric public transportation. The city has electrified a significant portion of its bus fleet, making electric buses a common sight on the streets of Oslo. This transition has not only reduced emissions, but has also improved air quality and provided a quieter and more pleasant commuting experience for residents.

6. Discussion

One of the key aspects of successfully integrating EVs into smart cities is comprehensive planning and collaboration among various stakeholders, including city authorities, utility providers, transportation agencies, and private businesses. This approach ensures that all parties work together towards a shared vision of sustainable mobility. Comprehensive planning involves assessing the current infrastructure and identifying the gaps and requirements for EV integration. This includes evaluating the existing charging infrastructure, grid capacity, and transportation networks. It also involves developing long-term strategies and roadmaps for scaling up the charging infrastructure and aligning it with the city’s renewable energy goals. Collaboration is essential to leverage the expertise and resources of different stakeholders. Public–private partnerships can play a crucial role in funding and implementing charging infrastructure projects. Additionally, collaboration with utility providers helps in managing grid capacity and integrating EV charging with smart grid technologies. Engaging with transportation agencies can facilitate the integration of EVs into public transportation systems, promoting multimodal options, and seamless connectivity.
Public–private partnerships (PPPs) have proven to be effective in accelerating the integration of EVs into smart cities. These partnerships bring together the resources, expertise, and innovation of both the public and private sectors, leading to faster and more efficient deployment of charging infrastructure and supportive services. PPPs can provide funding and investment for charging infrastructure projects, which often require significant capital investment. Private companies can contribute their knowledge and experience in building and operating charging stations, while the government provides regulatory support and incentives. This collaboration can result in a more extensive and diversified charging network, catering to the needs of different user groups, such as residential, commercial, and public transport.
Integrating EV charging with the smart grid is essential for managing the increased demand for electricity and optimizing energy usage. Smart grid technologies enable efficient charging management, load balancing, and demand response capabilities. Smart grid integration involves utilizing advanced technologies such as communication systems, sensors, and control mechanisms to monitor and manage EV charging. This integration allows for dynamic load management, optimizing charging schedules to avoid peak demand periods and balance the grid’s load. Additionally, demand response programs incentivize EV owners to adjust their charging patterns based on grid conditions, promoting grid stability and reducing strain during peak hours. A case study is Tokyo, Japan, which has made significant progress in smart grid integration for EV charging. The city has implemented demand response programs that encourage EV owners to charge during off-peak hours by offering time-of-use pricing incentives. This approach not only helps manage grid demand but also supports renewable energy integration by aligning EV charging with periods of high renewable energy generation.
Future-proofing EV charging infrastructure is crucial to ensure its long-term viability and scalability. As the EV market continues to grow, it is essential to design and deploy infrastructure that can accommodate the increasing demand for charging services and adapt to technological advancements. Future-proof infrastructure entails considering factors such as charging station capacity, power supply requirements, and flexibility for upgrades. It involves deploying charging infrastructure that can support various charging standards, including fast charging and high-power charging, to cater to the evolving needs of different EV models. Scalability is another critical aspect of future-proofing infrastructure. As EV adoption increases, the charging network must expand to meet the growing demand. This may involve deploying charging stations in strategic locations, such as highways, public parking lots, and commercial areas, to ensure convenient access for EV owners. Furthermore, future-proofing infrastructure involves integrating smart features and connectivity. This includes implementing technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, real-time data monitoring, and remote management capabilities. These features enable efficient operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the charging infrastructure and support advanced functionalities such as dynamic pricing, user authentication, and grid integration.
The integration of EVs into smart cities involves various aspects, and one crucial element for seamless operation is interoperability [105]. Interoperability refers to the ability of different systems, technologies, or devices to communicate, exchange data, and work together effectively [106]. In the context of EV integration into smart cities, interoperability plays a pivotal role in enabling efficient charging infrastructure, grid management, and overall sustainable transportation systems. Interoperability in charging infrastructure ensures that EVs can be charged at different charging stations, regardless of the vehicle manufacturer or charging infrastructure provider. Standardization of charging protocols, such as CHAdeMO, CCS (Combined Charging System), and Tesla’s Supercharger network, facilitates interoperability by allowing EVs to charge at any compatible charging station. These protocols ensure that EVs can access charging services irrespective of the charging station’s operator, ensuring convenience and eliminating the need for multiple memberships or access cards. Interoperability extends beyond physical charging connections. It also involves the seamless exchange of data and communication between EVs, charging stations, the power grid, and other components of the smart city ecosystem. Standardized communication protocols, such as Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) and OpenADR (Automated Demand Response), enable interoperability between different devices and systems. This allows for dynamic pricing, load management, demand response programs, and efficient grid integration of EVs. EVs have the potential to act as distributed energy resources, providing storage capacity and grid stabilization services. Interoperability enables bidirectional communication between EVs and the power grid, allowing for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capabilities. V2G systems enable EVs to feed surplus energy back into the grid during peak demand periods or provide ancillary services, promoting grid stability and renewable energy integration. Interoperable systems enable seamless coordination between EV charging, energy management systems, and the power grid, optimizing energy utilization and reducing strain on the grid. Interoperability must also address the critical aspects of data security and privacy. As various systems exchange data and communicate with each other, it is essential to establish robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive information. Standardization of security protocols and encryption methods ensures secure data transmission and prevents unauthorized access or manipulation of EV-related data. To achieve interoperability in EV integration into smart cities, standardization plays a vital role. Governments, industry stakeholders, and standards organizations collaborate to develop common technical standards, protocols, and interfaces. These standards enable interoperability between different vendors, manufacturers, and service providers. Policy frameworks and regulations also play a crucial role in driving interoperability by mandating compliance with specific standards and encouraging open access to charging infrastructure and data. The need for stakeholder engagement and collaboration cannot be overemphasized: collaboration among various stakeholders, including EV manufacturers, charging infrastructure providers, utility companies, government agencies, and technology developers. These stakeholders must work together to define and implement interoperable solutions, ensuring compatibility across different systems and technologies. Collaborative efforts foster innovation, enhance user experience, and drive the adoption of EVs in smart cities.

7. Future Trends and Outlook

One of the key future trends in EV integration into smart cities is the deployment of high-power charging infrastructure. As the demand for EVs continues to grow and battery technology improves, high-power charging solutions will be necessary to address the issue of charging time and provide a seamless experience for EV owners. High-power chargers allow for faster charging times and increased convenience for EV owners. As EV battery technology improves, high-power chargers will become essential to meet the growing demand for fast and efficient charging. These chargers will be capable of delivering significantly higher power levels, reducing charging times to a matter of minutes rather than hours. This advancement will encourage greater EV adoption by addressing the issue of charging convenience and range anxiety. High-power charging infrastructure may become more tailored to specific EV models, taking into account their battery technology, charging capabilities, and power requirements. This approach can optimize charging efficiency and ensure compatibility between the charger and the vehicle, maximizing the charging speed and battery health. The establishment of high-power charging hubs at key locations, such as shopping centers, airports, and rest areas, can further enhance the convenience and accessibility of fast charging. These hubs could feature a cluster of high-power charging stations, providing a centralized and efficient charging solution for EV owners. High-power charging infrastructure can also support battery swapping systems, where EV owners can exchange their depleted battery with a fully charged one at designated stations. This approach eliminates the need for long charging times and allows for instant battery replenishment, making it suitable for commercial and fleet applications.
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology is an innovative concept that allows EVs to not only draw energy from the grid but also to feed excess energy back into the grid when needed. V2G technology enables bidirectional energy flow between EVs and the electrical grid, transforming EVs into mobile energy storage units and facilitating a more flexible and resilient energy system. As V2G technology continues to advance, several developments are expected in the future. The establishment of common standards and protocols for V2G communication and interoperability will be crucial for widespread adoption. Standardization ensures compatibility between different EV models, charging infrastructure, and grid systems, enabling seamless integration and scalability. Integration between V2G technology and advanced grid management systems, such as smart grids and distribution management systems, will enhance the efficiency and coordination of EV charging and discharging. This integration will optimize the use of renewable energy, improve grid stability, and enable more sophisticated grid services.
Wireless charging technology is an emerging trend that has the potential to revolutionize the way EVs are charged in smart cities. Wireless charging eliminates the need for physical cables and connectors, enabling convenient and automated charging experiences. With wireless charging, EVs can be charged simply by parking over a charging pad or driving over a charging lane embedded in the road surface. This technology offers seamless integration of charging infrastructure into existing urban infrastructure, reducing clutter and visual impact. Wireless charging solutions will become more prevalent, especially in public spaces, residential areas, and fleet operations, enhancing the overall user experience and encouraging greater EV adoption. As wireless charging technology continues to evolve, several developments are expected in the future. Wireless charging systems will be able to deliver higher power transfer rates, reducing charging times and increasing the efficiency of charging EVs. The development of dynamic wireless charging systems will enable EVs to charge while on the move. This technology can be integrated into roadways or highways, allowing EVs to replenish their battery levels during long-distance travel, without the need for frequent stops. Furthermore, the establishment of common standards and interoperability between different wireless charging systems will be crucial for widespread adoption. Standardization ensures compatibility between various EV models and charging infrastructure, allowing EV owners to use any wireless charging station, regardless of the vehicle brand.
Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication is a key aspect of integrating EVs into smart cities. It refers to the exchange of information between EVs and the surrounding infrastructure, such as traffic lights, charging stations, parking systems, and grid networks. V2I communication enables seamless interaction between EVs and the urban environment, facilitating efficient and optimized transportation and charging experiences. V2I communication allows EVs to receive real-time traffic information, such as traffic congestion, road conditions, and signal timings, from the infrastructure. With these data, EVs can optimize their routes, avoiding congested areas and selecting the most efficient paths. This not only reduces travel time for EV owners but also helps alleviate traffic congestion and improve overall traffic flow in the city. As V2I communication technology progresses, standardization of V2I communication protocols and connectivity standards will be essential for widespread implementation. Common standards will ensure interoperability between different EV models, infrastructure providers, and cities, enabling seamless communication and integration. The deployment of 5G networks and Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) technology will enhance V2I communication capabilities. Networks that are 5G offer increased bandwidth, low latency, and high reliability, enabling fast and reliable data exchange between EVs and the infrastructure, facilitating real-time communication and ensuring quick response times. Ongoing advancements in 5G and C-V2X will focus on improving the reliability of V2I communication. This includes developing robust communication protocols, redundancy mechanisms, and ensuring uninterrupted connectivity, even in challenging urban environments.

8. Conclusions

The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into smart cities presents both challenges and opportunities. While there are hurdles to overcome, successful case studies from around the world demonstrate that the benefits of EV integration are substantial. As we move towards a more sustainable future, the electrification of transportation plays a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions, improving air quality, and enhancing energy efficiency.
The case studies of Amsterdam, San Diego, Shenzhen, Yokohama, and Oslo highlight the diverse approaches and strategies employed by smart cities to overcome challenges and create successful EV integration models. These cities have demonstrated the effectiveness of comprehensive planning, infrastructure development, policy support, and collaboration among stakeholders.
To further accelerate the integration of EVs into smart cities, several key recommendations emerge. First, governments and city planners must prioritize the development of robust charging infrastructure to alleviate range anxiety and promote EV adoption. This includes deploying fast-charging stations in strategic locations, incentivizing private and public entities to invest in charging infrastructure, and leveraging smart grid technologies to manage the increased demand.
Secondly, collaboration and partnerships among different stakeholders are crucial. Governments, utilities, automotive manufacturers, technology companies, and the community must work together to create an integrated ecosystem that supports EV integration. This involves aligning policies, sharing data and resources, and fostering innovation in areas such as vehicle-to-grid (V2G) integration and smart charging solutions.
Thirdly, incentives and supportive policies can play a significant role in accelerating the transition to electric mobility. These can include financial incentives for EV purchases, tax incentives, preferential parking, and dedicated EV lanes. Governments should also consider promoting EV sharing services and electrifying public transportation to reduce private vehicle usage and promote sustainable mobility options.
Furthermore, leveraging smart city technologies and data analytics is essential for optimizing EV integration. Intelligent traffic management systems, integrated energy management systems, and advanced data analytics enable efficient charging infrastructure planning, grid management, and demand-response strategies. By leveraging real-time data, cities can anticipate and respond to EV charging needs, balance energy supply and demand, and optimize charging infrastructure utilization.
Future research on the risks and challenges of electric vehicle integration into smart cities should primarily focus on the development of advanced charging infrastructure and energy management systems. These efforts will aim to optimize the placement and density of charging stations, as well as enable efficient utilization of the power grid through smart charging algorithms and V2G capabilities. Additionally, future research should be directed towards developing energy management systems that can effectively balance the energy demand from EVs with the available supply, considering grid constraints and renewable energy generation. By addressing these areas, future research directions will contribute to the seamless integration of electric vehicles into smart cities, fostering sustainable transportation and enhancing the overall efficiency of urban environments.
In conclusion, the successful integration of EVs into smart cities requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. It involves investment in charging infrastructure, supportive policies, collaboration among stakeholders, and the utilization of smart city technologies. With careful planning, effective governance, and the engagement of citizens, smart cities can realize the full potential of electric mobility, creating sustainable, connected, and livable environments for their residents while contributing to global efforts in combating climate change.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. EV registrations for 2021.
Figure 1. EV registrations for 2021.
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Figure 2. Models of EV sold in 2022 [5].
Figure 2. Models of EV sold in 2022 [5].
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Figure 3. Data classification in EV [52].
Figure 3. Data classification in EV [52].
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Figure 4. Schematic of (a) charging ports, (b) charging connectors [80].
Figure 4. Schematic of (a) charging ports, (b) charging connectors [80].
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Table 1. Impacts of grid integration of EVs in a smart city.
Table 1. Impacts of grid integration of EVs in a smart city.
Power loss [66,68]The significant penetration of EVs into the smart grid can lead to a large consumption of real power, leading to power loss in the distribution system. This can reach a high of 40% during off-peak hours.
Voltage and
phase unbalance [69]
Since the chargers used in EVs are majorly single phased, charging large numbers of EVs simultaneously and using same phase can lead to phase unbalance and current unbalances, which create voltage unbalances.
Increase in load demand
The uncontrolled charging of EVs during peak times can lead to an increase in load levels.
Stability [71,72,73]Since EVs are regarded as nonlinear loads and can draw large amounts of power within a short time, they can cause the power system to become unstable. Additionally, a significant penetration of EVs into the grid makes the power system more susceptible to disturbances.
Injection of harmonics
A higher penetration of EVs in the grid can lead to the injection of harmonics in the grid, causing harmonic pollution if not well managed. Although some research has concluded that the total harmonic distortion (THD) level caused by EV charging is well below 1%, this can increase with the number of chargers connected per time in the smart city.
Network component overloading [77,78,79]Without a corresponding upgrade of the network infrastructure in the power system, the high energy demand of EVs can lead to a reduction in the lifespan of network equipment such as transformers and cables due to overload.
Table 2. Standards associated with EV.
Table 2. Standards associated with EV.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) [82]
P1547Grid connection of EVs
P2030Standard for the interoperability of smart grids
P2030.1Electrified transportation infrastructure draft
P2100.1Charging system standardization and wireless power transfer
National Electric Code (NEC) [83]625Standard for offboarding charging system
626Requirements for parking lots for electrified trucks
Deutsches Institut fuer Normung (DIN, Germany) [84]43538Specifications for battery systems
EN50620Specifications on charging cable
VDEO510-11Specifications on testing procedures of Li-ion batteries
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) [85]J2293Requirements for EV and offboard EV supply equipment for charging from the utility grid.
J2847Communication standard between EVs and utility grid.
J2931Standard for digital communication between EV and utility grid.
J2894Power quality requirements and testing procedure for EVs
J1772Conductive charging standards
J1773Contactless charging standards
Japan Electric Vehicle Association (JEVA) [86]C601Standard for charging plugs and receptacles.
D001-002Standardizes the battery characteristics for EV.
G106-109Contactless charging standards
G101-105Quick charging standards
Standardization Administration of China [87] GB/T 20234Standards for plugs, sockets, and connectors for EV conductive charging
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MDPI and ACS Style

Apata, O.; Bokoro, P.N.; Sharma, G. The Risks and Challenges of Electric Vehicle Integration into Smart Cities. Energies 2023, 16, 5274. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16145274

AMA Style

Apata O, Bokoro PN, Sharma G. The Risks and Challenges of Electric Vehicle Integration into Smart Cities. Energies. 2023; 16(14):5274. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16145274

Chicago/Turabian Style

Apata, Oluwagbenga, Pitshou N. Bokoro, and Gulshan Sharma. 2023. "The Risks and Challenges of Electric Vehicle Integration into Smart Cities" Energies 16, no. 14: 5274. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16145274

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