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Load Losses and Short-Circuit Resistances of Distribution Transformers According to IEEE Standard C57.110

Vicente León-Martínez
Elisa Peñalvo-López
Clara Andrada-Monrós
Juan Ángel Sáiz-Jiménez
Electrical Engineering Department, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera, 14, 46022 València, Spain
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Inventions 2023, 8(6), 154; https://doi.org/10.3390/inventions8060154
Submission received: 31 October 2023 / Revised: 1 December 2023 / Accepted: 6 December 2023 / Published: 8 December 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Advances and Challenges in Emerging Power Systems)


Load losses determine transformers’ efficiency and life, which are limited by overheating and deterioration of their elements. Since these losses can be characterized by short-circuit resistances, in this article, we have developed expressions for the short-circuit resistances of three-phase transformers according to IEEE Standard C57.110. Imposing the condition that these resistances must cause load losses of the transformer, two types of short-circuit resistance have been established: (1) the effective resistance of each phase ( R c c , z ) and (2) the effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ). The first is closely related to the power loss distribution within the transformer. The second is just a mathematical parameter. Applying these resistances to the 630 kVA oil-immersed distribution transformer of a residential network, we have concluded that both types of resistances determine the total load losses of the transformer. However, only R c c , z accurately provides the load losses in each phase. R c c , e f can give rise to errors more significant than 16% in calculating these losses, depending on imbalances in the harmonic currents.

1. Introduction

Three-phase transformers are essential machines for the operation and stability of power systems. They interconnect electrical networks with different voltage levels, transferring electrical energy from generation centers (large power transformers) to consumption points (distribution transformers), and their use is growing due to the strong demand for energy in today’s societies. However, in their operation, these machines waste energy in the core and windings [1,2], which reached worldwide values of 1181 TWh in 2020 and could be higher than 1845 TWh in 2040 according to estimates provided by the organization United for Efficiency (U4E) [2], patronized by the United Nations. These energy losses raise the temperature of the transformers and cause the following adverse effects:
  • emission of greenhouse gases [2,3,4,5],
  • deterioration in the properties of the core material and insulation, reducing the transformer’s life [6,7],
  • decrease in power transmission capacity [6,7].
Core losses ( P 0 ) are little affected by voltage harmonics [8], and their values are usually considered the same as those provided by the manufacturers. Winding losses or load losses ( P c c ) are caused by the circulation of currents through the primary and secondary windings of the transformer [9].
When the transformers supply non-linear loads, the load losses can be calculated by applying IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 [10,11,12,13] and other well-known standards [14,15,16,17,18,19,20]. Alternatively, the load losses of three-phase transformers can be determined with the use of short-circuit resistances ( R c c ) according to the well-known equation [21,22]:
P c c = R c c   ·   I A 2 + I B 2 + I C 2  
in which ( I A ,   I B ,   I C ) are the RMS values of the currents measured in each phase ( z = A , B , C ) of the primary or secondary winding depending on R c c , which is the short-circuit resistance referred to the primary or secondary winding.
The short-circuit resistances determine not only the load losses but also efficiency and proper operation of the transformers. These parameters, jointly with the short-circuit reactance, determine the short-circuit impedances that limit the values of short-circuit currents and their adverse effects on the transformer windings due to vibrations [23,24,25,26] and electromagnetic forces [27,28,29,30].
References [31,32,33,34,35] establish different methods for determining a transformer’s short-circuit impedances, but none specifies expressions for the short-circuit resistances as a function of the harmonic frequencies.
In 2023, L. Sima et al. [36] established expressions for the short-circuit resistance of three-phase transformers feeding non-linear loads. L. Sima et al. worked with a transformer model like the one depicted in Figure 1, which is implicit in IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 [10]. As we know, the paper published by L. Sima et al. is the only one in the technical literature that develops short-circuit resistances with values depending on harmonic frequencies.
The short-circuit resistance referred to as the primary winding ( R k ) developed by L. Sima et al. by direct application of IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 [10] is expressed as follows:
R k = P K I p 2 = R D C + R E C + R O S L
where P K represents the total load losses of the transformer defined by this standard, and I p is the combined RMS value of the three currents of the primary winding, that is, I p 2 = I p A 2 + I p B 2 + I p C 2 .
The short-circuit resistance of L. Sima et al. ( R k ), as indicated by Equation (2), is the sum of three resistances: R D C ,   R E C , and R O S L (Figure 1). Each characterizes the load losses caused by the three power phenomena present in the operation of three-phase transformers, as established by IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 [10].
In Equation (2), R D C [37] is the combined direct current (or ohmic) resistance of the primary ( R D C p ) and secondary ( R D C s ) windings of the transformer:
R D C = R D C p + r u 2 R D C s = P D C I p 2
where r u V p / V s 0 is the transformation ratio, approximately defined by the quotient between the primary ( V p ) and the no-load secondary ( V s 0 ) voltages. The resistance R D C characterizes the load losses ( P D C ) when direct currents circulate through the transformer windings.
The resistance R E C due to the combined skin effects of the primary ( R E C p ) and secondary ( R E C s ) windings of the transformer
R E C = R E C p + r u 2 R E C s = P E C I p 2
causes the eddy current losses ( P E C ), which are expressed by IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 as follows:
P E C = P E C N   ·   h = 1 h 2 I p h I p N 2
where P E C N is the value of the eddy current losses at the nominal frequency ( f N = 50 60   Hz ), I p h is the RMS value of the harmonic of order h = f h / f 1 of the transformer’s primary currents, and I p N is the rated RMS value of these currents.
The short-circuit resistance R O S L is obtained by L. Sima et al. from Equation (2) as:
R O S L = R k R D C R E C
As explained by L. Sima et al. [36], R O S L is not defined in the primary or secondary windings, unlike the previous two ( R D C and R E C ), since its losses do not cause additional heating in the windings, but in the tank and other metallic parts of the transformers.
Reference [36] constitutes the first approximation in the technical literature in the study of short-circuit resistances of transformers feeding non-linear loads according to IEEE Standard C57.110-2018.
The direct relationship between the short-circuit resistances and the load losses of the three-phase transformers, implicit in Equations (1) and (2), allows the use of these resistances as indicators for monitoring the operating status of these machines, as well as being sufficient to determine deterioration caused by overheating. To do this, the short-circuit resistance expressions must provide the correct values of the load losses in each phase of the windings, regardless of the type of currents and their RMS values in the three phases.
The short-circuit resistances referred to as “primary” by L. Sima et al. ( R k ) can determine the total load losses of three-phase transformers according to IEEE Standard C57.110-2018; however, they do not correctly determine the load losses in each phase of the transformer, as will be demonstrated in this article. This is because the expressions for the short-circuit resistances of L. Sima et al. are established using both the total load losses included in IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 [10] and the combined RMS values of the primary currents ( I p ).
To avoid the errors that these two technologies introduce in the calculation of the load losses of each phase of the three-phase transformers, the expressions for the effective short-circuit resistances of each phase ( R c c , z ) have been developed in the second section of this article (Materials and Methods) referring to the secondary winding of the transformer. These resistances constitute the main novelty of this paper and are unpublished in the technical literature. The expressions of the resistances R c c , z have been established by imposing the condition that they must dissipate the actual load losses of each phase of the transformer according to IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 ( P c c , z ), when each phase’s secondary currents ( I s z ) flow through them. Because IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 [10] does not include the expressions for P c c , z , before developing the resistances R c c , z , the expressions for the phase load losses ( P c c , z ) have been obtained by adapting the expressions of the total load losses included in this standard [5,10] as another novelty of the article.
Likewise, in the second section of the article, the expressions for the effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ) have been developed, referring to the secondary winding. These short-circuit resistances have been defined following the same procedure used by L. Sima et al. in [36], but using the secondary combined currents ( I s ) instead of the primary currents ( I p ). That is, R c c , e f are the short-circuit resistances of L. Sima et al. ( R k ) referred to as secondary ( R k ). Thus, R c c , e f and R k have the same properties and disadvantages.
In the third section of the article (Results), the short-circuit resistances referred to as secondary ( R c c , z and R c c , e f ) developed in Section 2, are calculated from the measurements carried out by a Fluke 435 Series II analyzer on the secondary of a 630 kVA, immersed in oil, and three-phase distribution transformer, which supplies a moderately distorted residential area. In the fourth section (Discussion), the effective short-circuit resistances R c c , z , and R c c , e f are used to calculate the load losses in each phase ( P c c , z ) and total ( P c c ) in the analyzed distribution transformer of Section 3. The results demonstrate that both short-circuit resistances determine the same values of total load losses ( P c c ) as IEEE Standard C57.110-2018; however, only the load losses calculated with R c c , z match the load losses determined in each phase applying the standard. The use of R c c , e f and R k resistances determine errors in the values of P c c , z greater than 16% for the analyzed distribution transformer. The fifth section summarizes the main conclusions.

2. Materials and Methods

The expressions for the total load losses of three-phase transformers ( P c c ) with non-linear loads that were obtained in [5] by adaptation of IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 are used in this section to establish the transformer load losses for each phase ( P c c , z ). Based on these losses, the expressions for the effective short-circuit resistances of each phase ( R c c , z ) and the effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ) are developed.

2.1. Load Losses of Three-Phase Transformers Adapted from IEEE Standard C57.110-2018

According to IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 [10], the load losses ( P c c ) of three-phase transformers are expressed as the sum of three losses:
P c c = P D C + P E C + P O S L
Each of these losses is due to three different phenomena, which occur because of the circulation of currents through the transformer windings:
  • P D C are the power losses by Joule effect that would be produced when direct currents circulate through the transformer windings [37].
  • P E C are the eddy current losses due to the skin phenomenon in the conductors of the coils.
  • P O S L are the other stray losses that originate in the tank and other metallic parts of the transformer due to electromagnetic induction.
The direct current losses ( P D C ) are determined, in general, as follows [5]:
P D C = 1 3 · P D C N z = A , B , C h z = 1 h z , m a x I h z I s N 2
  • P D C N are the nominal losses in direct current.
  • I s N is the rated RMS value of the secondary currents of the transformer.
  • I h z is the RMS value of the harmonic of order h z = f h z / f 1 ( f h z = harmonic frequency, f 1 = 50–60 Hz is the fundamental frequency) of each phase ( z = A , B , C ) of the secondary currents.
  • h z , m a x is the order of the highest-frequency harmonic used in the calculation.
The losses caused by the skin effect ( P E C ) are proportional to the square of the RMS values of each phase harmonic current ( I h z ) and frequency according to the following expression [5]:
P E C = 1 3 · P E C N z = A , B , C h z = 1 h z , m a x h z 2 · I h z I s N 2
where I s N , I h z , h z and h z , m a x have the meanings previously indicated and P E C N represents the nominal losses due to the skin effect, measured with the nominal secondary currents ( I s N ), at the fundamental frequency.
The losses produced by the eddy currents induced in the metallic parts of the transformer ( P O S L ) are obtained as follows [5]:
P O S L = 1 3 · P O S L N z = A , B , C h z = 1 h z , m a x h z 0.8 · I h z I s N 2
where P O S L N is the nominal value of these losses, measured when the transformers operate with the nominal secondary currents ( I s N ), at the fundamental frequency.
Transformer manufacturers usually provide nominal load losses ( P D C N , P E C N , P O S L N ). Their sum is equal to the nominal load losses of the transformer ( P c c N = P D C N + P E C N + P O S L N ) included in the manufacturer catalogues. However, sometimes manufacturers do not provide the individual values of P E C N and P O S L N , but rather provide them together ( P S L N = P E C N + P O S L N ). On these occasions, IEEE Standard C57.90TM [38] establishes that P E C N = 0.33 · P S L N and P O S L N = 0.66 · P S L N in oil-immersed transformers, P E C N = 0.66 · P S L N and P O S L N = 0.33 · P S L N in dry-type transformers.
Substituting expressions (8)–(10) in Equation (7), the total load losses ( P c c ) adapted from IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 [10] for three-phase transformers with unbalanced and non-linear loads can be calculated as [5]:
P c c = z = A , B , C P c c , z = 1 3 · z = A , B , C h z = 1 h z , m a x P D C N + P E C N · h z 2 + P O S N · h z 0.8 · I h z I s N 2
From the above expression, the load losses of each phase ( z = A , B , C ) can be determined as follows:
P c c , z = 1 3 · h z = 1 h z , m a x P D C N + P E C N · h z 2 + P O S L N · h z 0.8 · I h z I s N 2

2.2. Short-Circuit Resistances Referred to Secondary of Three-Phase Transformers

2.2.1. Effective Short-Circuit Resistance for Each Phase of the Transformer

The effective short-circuit resistances ( R c c , z ) referred to as the secondary could be defined for each phase ( z = A , B , C ) of the transformer as those that would produce the same load losses in each phase ( P c c , z ), that is:
P c c , z = R c c , z · h z = 1 h z , m a x I h z 2
Matching the last equation and (12), it turns out that:
R c c , z = R D C N + R E C N h z = 1 h z , m a x h z 2 · I h z 2 h z = 1 h z , m a x I h z 2 + R O S L N h z = 1 h z , m a x h z 0.8 · I h z 2 h z = 1 h z , m a x I h z 2
being the loss coefficients of each phase ( z = A , B , C ) caused by the eddy currents in the windings ( F H L z ) and in other parts of the transformer ( F H L S T R z ), respectively,
F H L z = h z = 1 h z , m a x h z 2 · I h z 2 h z = 1 h z , m a x I h z 2                         F H L S T R z = h z = 1 h z , m a x h z 0.8 · I h z 2 h z = 1 h z , m a x I h z 2
and R D C N , R E C N , and R O L S N are the nominal short-circuit resistances, which characterize the nominal direct current losses ( P D C N ), the nominal eddy current losses ( P E C N ), and the rated other stray losses ( P O S L N ), according to the following expressions.
R D C N = P D C N 3 · I s N 2           R E C N = P E C N 3 · I s N 2           R O S L N = P O S L N 3 · I s N 2
R c c , z = R D C N + R E C N · F H L z + R O S L N · F H L S T R z = R D C N + R E C , z + R O S L , z
R E C , z = R E C N · F H L z                       R O S L , z = R O S L N · F H L S T R z
are the short-circuit resistances due to the phenomena of the eddy current ( R E C , z ) and other stray losses ( R O S L , z ) in each phase of the transformer. The values depend on the order ( h z ) and the RMS values ( I h z ) of the current harmonics of each secondary phase, as observed in Equation (14). Therefore, the short-circuit resistances R E C , z and R O S L , z are responsible for:
  • the increase in the short-circuit resistance of the transformer feeding non-linear loads, and
  • the different values of the short-circuit resistances in each phase of the transformer with non-linear loads, not foreseen by L. Sima et al. in Equation (2).
From Equations (14) and (17), it can also be seen that the direct current short-circuit resistance ( R D C N ) is independent of the frequencies and RMS values of the harmonic currents.
The effective short-circuit resistance of each phase ( R c c , z ) is a physical parameter, since its values accurately determine the load losses originating in each phase of the transformer ( P c c , z ), which can be interchangeably calculated with Equations (12) and (13). These short-circuit resistances make it possible to calculate the total load losses of the three-phase transformers according to the following expression derived from (11).
P c c = z = A , B , C P c c , z = z = A , B , C R c c , z · h z = 1 h z , m a x I h z 2
Figure 2 shows the actual operating model of the transformer based on the effective short-circuit resistance of each phase. The elements included in this equivalent model of the three-phase transformer have the following physical meanings.
R c c , A ,   R c c , B and R c c , C are the effective short-circuit resistances referring to each phase of the secondary, which represents the load losses in each phase of the three-phase transformers ( P c c , A ,   P c c , B ,   P c c , C ) according to IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 [10], caused by the circulation of currents ( I s A ,   I s B ,   I s C ) through each phase of the secondary winding. These resistances usually have different values in each phase when currents are distorted.
X c c is the short-circuit reactance referred to as the secondary, representing the transformer’s scattered magnetic fluxes. This reactance has the same value in the three phases, because it depends only on the harmonic frequencies, not the current RMS values.
R a is the resistance that represents the transformer’s core losses. This resistance has the same value in each phase because it is not practically affected by the voltage harmonic frequencies.
X μ is the magnetic reactance, which represents the main magnetic flux of the transformers and drives its electromotive forces. This reactance usually has the same values in each phase because of the same reasons indicated for X c c .

2.2.2. Effective Short-Circuit Resistance of the Transformer

Similarly to the short-circuit resistances of each phase ( R c c , z ), an effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ) can be defined. The short-circuit resistance R c c , e f determines the total load losses of the transformer according to the following expression:
P c c = R c c , e f · h = 1 h m a x I h 2
I h being the combined RMS value of the harmonic currents of order h z :
I h = z = A , B , C I h z 2
Matching expressions (11) and (20) and considering that there are usually harmonics of the same frequencies in the three phases of the transformer, the expression for the effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ) is obtained, as follows:
R c c , e f = R D C N + R E C N h = 1 h m a x h 2 · I h 2 h = 1 h m a x I h 2 + R O S N h = 1 h m a x h 0.8 · I h 2 h = 1 h m a x I h 2 = R D C N + R E C N · F H L + R O S N · F H L S T R
F H L = h = 1 h m a x h 2 · I h 2 h = 1 h m a x I h 2                   F H L S T R = h = 1 h m a x h 0.8 · I h 2 h = 1 h m a x I h 2
are the transformer loss factors included in IEEE Standard C57.110-2018.
According to Equation (22), the effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ) usually has the same values in the three phases (Figure 3), because this parameter has been established using the values of the combined currents ( I h ). Thus, the circulation of the phase currents through these resistances gives values of the losses in each phase that are different from those calculated with Equations (12) and (13). This result shows that R c c , e f is a merely mathematical parameter and that the three-phase transformer model based on these resistances (Figure 3) is not related to the actual operation of these machines.
For the above reasons, the resistances R c c , e f can only be used to calculate the total load losses of the transformers ( P c c ), according to expression (20).
The effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ) coincides with the short-circuit resistance of L. Sima et al. ( R k ) [36], referred to as the secondary ( R k ), i.e.,
R c c , e f = R k r u 2 = R k
Therefore, R k has the same drawbacks found for R c c , e f .

3. Results

The expressions for the losses and short-circuit resistances developed in Section 2.2 are used in this section to calculate the values of the load losses and short-circuit resistances of a 630 kVA distribution transformer when feeding to the low-voltage (LV) installations of residential consumers (homes) in a town near the city of Valencia (Spain). The RMS values and harmonic content of the currents absorbed by these installations were recorded by a Fluke 435 Series II analyzer, which was connected to the secondary of the transformer. The measurements were carried out at one-hour intervals over a week between 7 November and 13 November 2022.
The distribution transformer is oil-immersed with Dyn11 connections from the manufacturer Ormazabal, with nominal features summarized in Table 1.
The currents measured by the Fluke analyzer in the secondary phases of the transformer confirm the presence of unbalanced and non-linear loads in the residential installations. The imbalances are deduced from the RMS values of the fundamental-frequency currents recorded in each phase ( z = A , B , C ) throughout the 24 h of 11 November 2022 (Figure 4a). The non-linear loads are denoted by the total harmonic distortion (Figure 4b) of the currents measured in each secondary phase ( T H D i % z ) by the Fluke analyzer as the quotient between the RMS value of all harmonics without the fundamental and the total RMS value of that phase current.
Table 2 and Table 3 summarize the RMS values of the first 25 harmonics, including the fundamental, of the currents recorded in the three secondary phases of the transformer at 6:55 p.m. and 0:55 a.m. on 11 November 2022. Based on the RMS values of the fundamental-frequency currents in the three phases of the secondary (Figure 4a) on 11 November 2022, it is observed that the transformer operates with more significant imbalances at 6:55 p.m. (Table 2) than at 0:55 a.m. (Table 3).
In addition, these residential installations were similarly distorted in both analyzed cases, with values of T H D i % z in each phase ( z = A , B , C ), as follows (Figure 4b): 24.17%, 17.63%, and 25.36%, respectively, at 6:55 p.m. and 27.81%, 24.32%, and 24.18%, respectively, at 0:55 a.m. (Table 2 and Table 3).
Table 4 summarizes the values of the loss factors corresponding to the two cases analyzed: (1) consumption at 6:55 PM, with significant current imbalances (Table 2), and (2) consumption at 0:55 AM, with slight current imbalances (Table 3). The loss factors of each phase and the total of the transformer have been calculated according to Equations (15) and (23), respectively.
Table 5 shows the values of the short-circuit resistances R c c , z and R c c , e f , calculated with Equations (17) and (22), respectively, with the values of the nominal resistances R D C N = 2.262   m Ω , R E C N = 0.088   m Ω , and R O S L N = 0.177   m Ω , obtained from (16), being the nominal secondary current I s N = 866   A (Table 1).
From Table 4 and Table 5, obtained for similarly distorted loads as those indicated in Table 2 and Table 3, it is verified that:
the values of loss factors and short-circuit resistances increase with the imbalances of the current harmonics, and
the effective short-circuit resistances ( R c c , z ) have values different in each phase ( z = A , B , C ) and are different from the effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ); these differences increase with the imbalances in the harmonics, as noted in case 1.

4. Discussion

In this section, our short-circuit resistances of three-phase transformers have been compared with those developed by L. Sima et al. [36], which is the only known work in the technical literature that develops an expression for the short-circuit resistance of transformers based on IEEE Standard C57.110-2018.
Table 6 summarizes the RMS values of the currents of each secondary phase ( I s A ,   I s B ,   I s C ), as well as the combined RMS value of the currents of the three phases of the secondary ( I s ) and the primary ( I p ). The RMS values of the currents of each secondary phase ( I s A ,   I s B ,   I s C ) were obtained by the Fluke 435 Series II analyzer and are summarized in Table 2 and Table 3 for each of the analyzed cases. The combined RMS value of the three secondary phases ( I s ) is also indicated in Table 2 and Table 3, and was obtained as follows:
I s = I s A 2 + I s B 2 + I s C 2
The combined RMS values of the currents of the primary phases ( I p ) indicated in Table 6 were calculated as:
I p I s r u
where r u V p / V s 0 is the transformation ratio of the transformer.
It is observed in Table 7 that the total load losses have the same values in each of the analyzed cases (1264.321 W, in case 1, and 411.011, in case 2), either using IEEE Standard C57.110-2018 with Equation (11), or applying Equation (19) with the effective short-circuit resistances of each phase ( R c c , A ,   R c c , B ,   R c c , C ), or using Equation (20), with the effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ).
The short-circuit resistance referred to the primary R k developed by L. Sima et al. relates the total load losses defined by IEEE Standard C57.110 with the primary current ( I p ), as indicated in Equation (2). Substituting the calculated values of the total load losses according to IEEE Standard C57.110, included in Table 7, and the RMS value of the combined primary currents, indicated in Table 6, the short-circuit resistances of L. Sima et al. referred to the primary ( R k ) and the secondary ( R k ) have the values indicated in Table 8.
Comparing the values of the short-circuit resistance of L. Sima et al., referred to as the secondary ( R k ), indicated in Table 8, with those of our effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ), summarized in Table 5, it is noted that they are identical. This result shows that our R c c , e f is the L. Sima short-circuit resistance referred to as the secondary of the transformer, as had been advanced in Equation (24).
Table 9 shows the values of the load losses that would be obtained in each phase of the transformer using the effective short-circuit resistance R c c , e f (or the short-circuit resistance of L. Sima— R k ) instead of the effective short-circuit resistances of each phase ( R c c , A ,   R c c , B ,   R c c , C ).
Comparing the values of the losses in each phase indicated in Table 7 with those shown in Table 9, essential differences are observed at 6:55 PM of greater than 16%. These high errors in the calculation of the load losses of each phase confirm that the resistances R c c , e f and R k are parameters not related to the energy phenomena that occur in the phases of the transformer, and thus these resistances should not be used to calculate the load losses of each phase of the transformers.
Specifically, it has been verified in this section that:
The load losses calculated with our short-circuit resistances, referred to as the secondary of the three-phase transformers, developed in Section 2.2, are equal to those resulting from applying the IEEE Standard C57.110-2018.
The short-circuit resistance of L. Sima, referred to as secondary ( R k ), coincides with our effective short-circuit resistance ( R c c , e f ), referred to as the primary of the transformer.
In general, the effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ) and therefore the resistance of L. Sima et al. cannot be used to calculate the load losses of each phase.

5. Conclusions

Efficiency, warm-up, and power transmission capacity, among other quantities that determine the proper steady-state operation of electrical transformers, depend on the values of load losses. In three-phase transformers, load losses can be calculated either by applying IEEE Standard C57.110 or by using short-circuit resistances derived from that standard. The last procedure has been used by L. Sima et al. with the development of their short-circuit resistance, referred to as the primary ( R k ).
In this article, two types of short-circuit resistance referring to the secondary have been developed, deduced from IEEE Standard C57.110: (1) the effective short-circuit resistance of each phase ( R c c , z ) and (2) the effective short-circuit resistance of the transformer ( R c c , e f ). The total load losses of three-phase transformers ( P c c ) can be calculated by any of these resistances, which have their own properties and applications.
In our opinion:
  • The effective short-circuit resistances of the transformer ( R c c , e f ) and therefore the short-circuit resistances of L. Sima et al. ( R k ) are mathematical parameters unrelated to the energy phenomena of the transformer. The use of these resistances gives rise to errors in the calculation of the load losses in the transformer phases ( P c c , z ), which increase with the harmonic imbalances. This fact has been verified in the operation of the transformer of an actual residential distribution network feeding two very differently unbalanced loads, both with the same T H D i % 25 % . We have verified that if the loads are slightly unbalanced, the errors in the calculation of P c c , z barely exceed 1% in some phases, while with moderately unbalanced loads, the errors exceed 16% (Table 9).
  • Based on the above, the effective short-circuit resistances of the transformer ( R c c , e f ) can only be used to calculate the total load losses of three-phase transformers according to IEEE Standard C57.110, but their use is not suitable for monitoring the operation of three-phase transformers.
  • The effective short-circuit resistances of each phase ( R c c , z ) can be used to monitor the operating status of three-phase transformers. Both resistances are related to the energy phenomena that manifest in the transformer, since with them, the load losses of each phase ( P c c , z ) and total ( P c c ) of the transformer can be accurately calculated.
  • The effective short-circuit resistances of each phase ( R c c , z ) define the accurate operating model of three-phase transformers, represented in Figure 2.

6. Patents

This article has been based on our patent P202330968—“Use of short-circuit resistors, procedure and device for monitoring the operating state of a three-phase transformer in service”—lodged with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Agency.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, V.L.-M., E.P.-L. and J.Á.S.-J.; methodology, V.L.-M. and E.P.-L.; software, V.L.-M. and C.A.-M.; validation, V.L.-M., E.P.-L. and J.Á.S.-J.; formal analysis, V.L.-M., E.P.-L. and C.A.-M.; investigation, V.L.-M., E.P.-L., C.A.-M. and J.Á.S.-J.; resources, V.L.-M., E.P.-L. and C.A.-M.; data curation, V.L.-M.; writing—original draft preparation, V.L.-M., E.P.-L., and J.Á.S.-J.; writing—review and editing, V.L.-M., E.P.-L. and C.A.-M.; visualization, V.L.-M., C.A.-M. and J.Á.S.-J.; supervision, V.L.-M. and J.Á.S.-J.; funding acquisition, E.P.-L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research and APC was funded by the Generalitat Valenciana within the ValREM Project (CIAICO/2022/007).

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Single-phase equivalent circuit of three-phase transformers proposed by L. Sima.
Figure 1. Single-phase equivalent circuit of three-phase transformers proposed by L. Sima.
Inventions 08 00154 g001
Figure 2. Physical equivalent model of three-phase transformers feeding non-linear loads, being ABC1 the primary and ABC2 the secondary phases.
Figure 2. Physical equivalent model of three-phase transformers feeding non-linear loads, being ABC1 the primary and ABC2 the secondary phases.
Inventions 08 00154 g002
Figure 3. Mathematical equivalent model of three-phase transformers feeding non-linear loads based on R c c , e f , being ABC1 the primary and ABC2 the secondary phases.
Figure 3. Mathematical equivalent model of three-phase transformers feeding non-linear loads based on R c c , e f , being ABC1 the primary and ABC2 the secondary phases.
Inventions 08 00154 g003
Figure 4. Transformer secondary currents registered on 11 November 2022: (a) fundamental-frequency RMS values and (b) total harmonic distortion ( T H D i % ).
Figure 4. Transformer secondary currents registered on 11 November 2022: (a) fundamental-frequency RMS values and (b) total harmonic distortion ( T H D i % ).
Inventions 08 00154 g004
Table 1. Ratings of the distribution transformer from the manufacturer Ormazabal.
Table 1. Ratings of the distribution transformer from the manufacturer Ormazabal.
Secondary Rated Current (A)Transformation Ratio ( r u )
630590020040086624,000/420 V
Table 2. RMS values of the harmonic currents at 6:55 PM on 11 November 2022.
Table 2. RMS values of the harmonic currents at 6:55 PM on 11 November 2022.
Frequency (Hz)Harmonic Order (h)Secondary Currents (A)
A-PhaseB-PhaseC-PhaseCombined ( I h )
Table 3. RMS values of the harmonic currents at 0:55 AM on 11 November 2022.
Table 3. RMS values of the harmonic currents at 0:55 AM on 11 November 2022.
Frequency (Hz)Harmonic Order (h)Secondary Currents (A)
A-PhaseB-PhaseC-PhaseCombined ( I h )
Table 4. Loss factors of each phase and total corresponding to the cases analyzed.
Table 4. Loss factors of each phase and total corresponding to the cases analyzed.
Case 1
(Table 2)
Case 2
(Table 3)
Table 5. Transformer short-circuit resistances corresponding to the cases analyzed.
Table 5. Transformer short-circuit resistances corresponding to the cases analyzed.
R c c , A
( m Ω )
R c c ,   B
( m Ω )
R c c , C
( m Ω )
R c c ,   e f
( m Ω )
Case 1
(Table 2)
Case 2
(Table 3)
Table 6. RMS values, in amperes (A), of transformer secondary and primary currents corresponding to the cases analyzed.
Table 6. RMS values, in amperes (A), of transformer secondary and primary currents corresponding to the cases analyzed.
I s A I s B I s C I s I p
Case 1
(Table 2)
Case 2
(Table 3)
Table 7. Transformer load losses, in watts (W), using IEEE Standard C57.110 and the effective short-circuit resistances in the two analyzed cases.
Table 7. Transformer load losses, in watts (W), using IEEE Standard C57.110 and the effective short-circuit resistances in the two analyzed cases.
Total Losses Using IEEE Std.C57.110 Total Losses Using R c c , e f Losses Using R c c , z
Case 1
(Table 2)
Case 2
(Table 3)
Table 8. Short-circuit resistances of L. Sima in the cases analyzed.
Table 8. Short-circuit resistances of L. Sima in the cases analyzed.
Referred to Primary ( R k ,   Ω )Referred to Secondary ( R k ,   m Ω )
Case 1
(Table 2)
Case 2
(Table 3)
Table 9. Load losses in watts (W), and relative loss errors calculated in each phase of the transformer with R c c , e f instead of with R c c , A ,   R c c , B ,   R c c , C .
Table 9. Load losses in watts (W), and relative loss errors calculated in each phase of the transformer with R c c , e f instead of with R c c , A ,   R c c , B ,   R c c , C .
Load Losses (W)Relative Loss Errors (%)
Case 1
(Table 2)
Case 2
(Table 3)
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MDPI and ACS Style

León-Martínez, V.; Peñalvo-López, E.; Andrada-Monrós, C.; Sáiz-Jiménez, J.Á. Load Losses and Short-Circuit Resistances of Distribution Transformers According to IEEE Standard C57.110. Inventions 2023, 8, 154. https://doi.org/10.3390/inventions8060154

AMA Style

León-Martínez V, Peñalvo-López E, Andrada-Monrós C, Sáiz-Jiménez JÁ. Load Losses and Short-Circuit Resistances of Distribution Transformers According to IEEE Standard C57.110. Inventions. 2023; 8(6):154. https://doi.org/10.3390/inventions8060154

Chicago/Turabian Style

León-Martínez, Vicente, Elisa Peñalvo-López, Clara Andrada-Monrós, and Juan Ángel Sáiz-Jiménez. 2023. "Load Losses and Short-Circuit Resistances of Distribution Transformers According to IEEE Standard C57.110" Inventions 8, no. 6: 154. https://doi.org/10.3390/inventions8060154

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