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ALMA CO Observations of the Mixed-morphology Supernova Remnant W49B: Efficient Production of Recombining Plasma and Hadronic Gamma Rays via Shock–Cloud Interactions

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Published 2021 October 1 © 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation H. Sano et al 2021 ApJ 919 123 DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/ac0dba

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We carried out new CO(J = 2–1) observations toward the mixed-morphology supernova remnant (SNR) W49B with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. We found that CO clouds at ∼10 km s−1 show a good spatial correspondence to the synchrotron radio continuum as well as to an X-ray deformed shell. The bulk mass of molecular clouds accounts for the western part of the shell, not the eastern shell, where near-infrared H2 emission is detected. The molecular clouds at ∼10 km s−1 show higher kinetic temperatures of ∼20–60 K, suggesting that modest shock heating occurred. The expanding motion of the clouds with ΔV ∼ 6 km s−1 was formed by strong winds from the progenitor system. We argue that the barrel-like structure of Fe-rich ejecta was possibly formed not only by an asymmetric explosion, but also by interactions with dense molecular clouds. We also found a negative correlation between the CO intensity and the electron temperature of recombining plasma, implying that the origin of the high-temperature recombining plasma in W49B can be understood to be the thermal conduction model. The total energy of accelerated cosmic-ray protons Wp is estimated to be ∼2 × 1049 erg by adopting an averaged gas density of ∼650 ± 200 cm−3. The SNR age–Wp diagram indicates that W49B shows one of the highest in situ values of Wp among gamma-ray-bright SNRs.

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1. Introduction

Mixed-morphology supernova remnants (SNRs) are characterized by a center-filled thermal X-ray morphology with a synchrotron radio shell, accounting for more than 25% of Galactic SNRs (Rho & Petre 1998). Most mixed-morphology SNRs are interacting with a dense interstellar medium (ISM) evidenced by radio-line emission such as CO, H i, and/or 1720 MHz OH masers (e.g., Seta et al. 1998; Yusef-Zadeh et al. 2003; Kuriki et al. 2018). In addition, some of them are associated with GeV/TeV gamma-ray sources, which likely arise from interactions between accelerated cosmic-ray (CR) protons and dense clouds in the vicinity of the SNRs (e.g., Aharonian et al. 2008; Bamba et al. 2016). Moreover, shock propagation into the clumpy ISM and/or dense circumstellar matter (CSM) has the potential to explain their mixed morphology and thermal X-ray radiation (e.g., Shimizu et al. 2012; Slavin et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2019). Therefore, the shock-interacting ISM plays an important role in understanding their morphology, plasma conditions, and CR acceleration (see also reviews by Vink 2012; Yamaguchi 2020; Sano & Fukui 2021). To unveil the physical processes and high-energy phenomena in mixed-morphology SNRs, detailed comparative studies among the radio-line emission, X-rays, and gamma rays are needed.

W49B (also known as G43.3−0.2) is a well-studied Galactic mixed-morphology SNR with a bright radio continuum shell and thermal-dominated center-filled X-rays as shown in Figure 1. The SNR is thought to lie on the far side of the Galaxy from us (e.g., Lockhart & Goss 1978; Brogan & Troland 2001). The small apparent diameter of ∼3'–5' is consistent with the larger distance of ∼7.5–11.3 kpc (Zhu et al. 2014; Ranasinghe & Leahy 2018; Lee et al. 2020) and its young age (5–6 kyr; Zhou & Vink 2018). W49B is also thought to be an efficient accelerator of CR protons owing to its bright GeV/TeV gamma rays with a pion-decay bump (H.E.S.S. Collaboration et al. 2018). The total energy of CR protons was derived to be ∼1049–1051 erg, assuming a targeted gas density of 10–1000 cm−3 (Abdo et al. 2010).

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Intensity map of Chandra broadband X-rays (E: 0.5–7.0 keV; e.g., Lopez et al. 2013b) superposed on the Very Large Array (VLA) radio continuum contours at 20 cm obtained from the Multi-array Galactic Plane Imaging Survey (MAGPIS; Helfand et al. 2006). The contour levels are 5.0, 7.6, 15.4, 28.4, 46.6, and 70.0 mJy beam−1. The region enclosed by a dashed rectangle corresponds to the observed region with the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA).

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The X-ray radiation of W49B is characterized by three properties: the highest luminosity in Fe K-shell line emission (Yamaguchi et al. 2014), nonthermal bremsstrahlung (Tanaka et al. 2018), and recombining (overionized) plasma, where the ionization temperature goes even higher than the electron temperature (Ozawa et al. 2009; Miceli et al. 2010; Lopez et al. 2013a; Yamaguchi et al. 2018; Zhou & Vink 2018; Holland-Ashford et al. 2020; Siegel et al. 2020; Sun & Chen 2020). The elongated structure of Fe-rich ejecta is believed to be related to a bipolar/jet-driven Type Ib/Ic explosion and/or interactions between the shock and a surrounding interstellar cloud (Keohane et al. 2007; Lopez et al. 2013b). On the other hand, recent X-ray studies on metal abundances favor Type Ia models (Zhou & Vink 2018; Siegel et al. 2020). Additionally, Sun & Chen (2020) conclude that the supernova type is unclear, with neither core-collapse nor Ia models perfectly reproducing their best-fit abundances. The origin of recombining plasma—thermal conduction with cold dense clouds and/or adiabatic cooling—is still being debated (e.g., Yamaguchi et al. 2018; Sun & Chen 2020; Holland-Ashford et al. 2020). If we detect decreasing electron temperature toward the shocked clouds, we can confirm the thermal conduction scenario as the formation mechanism of the recombination plasma (e.g., Matsumura et al.2017b; Okon et al. 2018, 2020).

Although W49B is thought to be interacting with interstellar clouds, it is a perplexing question which clouds are physically associated. Keohane et al. (2007) discovered 2.12 μm shocked H2 emission toward the eastern and southwestern shells by near-infrared photometric observations. The total mass of shocked H2 is estimated to be 14–550 M. Subsequent radio observations using CO line emission have revealed three molecular clouds at velocities of ∼10, ∼40, and ∼60 km s−1, which are possibly associated with the SNR (e.g., Zhu et al. 2014; Kilpatrick et al. 2016; Lee et al. 2020). Zhu et al. (2014) argued that the molecular cloud at ∼40 km s−1 is interacting with W49B because of its wind-bubble-like morphology. On the other hand, Kilpatrick et al. (2016) found a line broadening of the 12CO profile in a molecular cloud at ∼10 km s−1 located toward the western shell of W49B, and hence the authors claimed that the cloud at 10 km s−1 is interacting with the SNR. The velocity is roughly consistent with H i absorption studies (Brogan & Troland 2001; Ranasinghe & Leahy 2018). Most recently, Lee et al. (2020) performed near-infrared spectroscopy of shocked H2 emission toward four strips on W49B. The authors found that the central velocity of shocked H2 is ∼64 km s−1 and then concluded that the molecular cloud at ∼60 km s−1 located toward the center and the southwest shell of W49B is likely associated with the SNR. In any case, detailed spatial and kinematic studies as well as derivation of cloud properties (e.g., mass, density, and kinetic temperature) have not been performed due to the modest sensitivity and angular resolution of CO data sets up to ∼20'', corresponding to a spatial resolution of ∼1 pc at a distance of 10 kpc.

In the present paper, we report the results of new millimeter-wavelength observations using CO(J = 2–1) line emission with the ACA (also known as the Morita Array), which is a part of ALMA. The unprecedented sensitivity and high angular resolution of ∼7'' (∼0.3 pc at a distance of 10 kpc) of the ALMA CO data enable us to identify the interacting molecular cloud and its physical relation to the high-energy phenomena in W49B. Section 2 describes the observational data sets and reductions. Section 3 comprises five subsections: Sections 3.13.3 present overviews of the distributions of X-rays, the radio continuum, and CO; Sections 3.43.5 show the physical conditions of the molecular clouds. A discussion and conclusions are given in Sections 4 and 5, respectively.

2. Observations and Data Reductions

2.1. CO

Observations of 12CO(J = 2–1) and 13CO(J = 2–1) line emission were conducted using ALMA ACA Band 6 (211–275 GHz) as a Cycle 6 project (proposal No. 2018.1.01780.S). We used the mosaic observation mode with 10–12 antennas of a 7 m array and four antennas of a 12 m total-power (TP) array. The observed areas were $5\buildrel{\,\prime}\over{.} 1\times 2\buildrel{\,\prime}\over{.} 7$ rectangular regions centered at (αJ2000, δJ2000) = (19h11m09fs00, $+9^\circ 06^{\prime} 24\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} 8$) and (19h11m07fs44, $+9^\circ 05^{\prime} 56\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} 2$). The actual observed area is shown in Figure 1. The combined baseline length of the 7 m array data is 8.85 to 48.95 m, corresponding to uv distances of 6.8 to 37.6 kλ at 230.538 GHz. Two quasars, J1924−2914 and J1751+0939, were observed as bandpass and flux calibrators. We also observed four other quasars, J1907+0127, J1922+1530, J1938+0448, and J1851+0035, as phase calibrators. We performed data reduction using the Common Astronomy Software Application (CASA; McMullin et al. 2007) package version 5.5.0. We utilized the "tclean" task with a multiscale deconvolver and natural weighting. The emission mask was also selected using the auto-multithresh procedure (Kepley et al. 2020). We combined the cleaned 7 m array data and the calibrated TP array data using the "feather" task to recover the missing flux and diffuse emission. The beam size of the feathered data is 8farcs23 × 4farcs77 with a position angle of −75.31° for the 12CO(J = 2–1) data, and 8farcs28 × 5farcs04 with a position angle of −79fdg37 for the 13CO(J = 2–1) data. The typical noise fluctuations are ∼0.065 K for the 12CO(J = 2–1) data and ∼0.055 K for the 13CO(J = 2–1) data at the velocity resolution of 0.4 km s−1.

We also used archival data sets of 12CO(J = 1–0) and 12CO(J = 3–2) line emission for estimating physical properties of molecular clouds. The 12CO(J = 1–0) data are from the FOREST Unbiased Galactic Plane Imaging Survey with the Nobeyama 45 m telescope (FUGIN; Umemoto et al. 2017), and the 12CO(J = 3–2) data are from the CO High-resolution Survey (Dempsey et al. 2013), obtained with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). The angular resolution is ∼20'' for the 12CO(J = 1–0) data and ∼16farcs6 for the 12CO(J = 3–2) data. The velocity resolutions of the 12CO(J = 1–0) and 12CO(J = 3–2) data are 1.3 and 1.0 km s−1, respectively. To improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the 12CO(J = 3–2) data, we combined four spatial pixels and the rebinned pixel size was 12''. The typical noise fluctuations are ∼1.4 K for the 12CO(J = 1–0) data and ∼0.18 K for the 12CO(J = 3–2) data at each velocity resolution.

2.2. Radio Continuum

The radio continuum data at the 20 cm wavelength are from MAGPIS (Helfand et al. 2006), obtained with the VLA and the Effelsberg 100 m telescope. The angular resolution is ∼6'', which is compatible with the ALMA ACA resolution. The typical noise fluctuations are ∼1–2 mJy.

2.3. X-Rays

We utilized archival X-ray data obtained by Chandra (the observation IDs are 117, 13440, and 13441), which have been published in numerous papers (e.g., Kawasaki et al. 2005; Lopez et al. 2009a, 2009b, 2011, 2013a, 2013b; Yang et al. 2009; Koo et al. 2016; Zhou & Vink 2018). The X-ray data sets were taken with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer S-array (ACIS-S3). We used the Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (CIAO; Fruscione et al. 2006) software version 4.12 with CALDB 4.9.1 (Graessle et al. 2007) for data reduction and imaging. After reprocessing for all data sets using the "chandra_repro" procedure, we created an energy-filtered, exposure-corrected image using the "fluximage" procedure in the energy bands of 0.5–7.0 keV (broad band; see Figure 1), 0.5–1.2 keV (soft band), 1.2–2.0 keV (medium band), 2.0–7.0 keV (hard band), and 4.2–5.5 keV (continuum band). Because the soft- and medium-band images are heavily affected by interstellar absorption (e.g., Zhou & Vink 2018), in this paper we focus on the X-ray images at energies greater than 2.0 keV. We also created an exposure-corrected, continuum-subtracted image of Fe Heα line emission (6.4–6.9 keV) following the method presented by Lopez et al. (2013b). The typical angular resolution of the Chandra images is ∼0farcs5.

3. Results

3.1. Overview of X-Ray, Radio Continuum, and CO Distributions

Figure 1 shows the Chandra broadband X-ray image of W49B superposed on the VLA radio continuum contours at a 20 cm wavelength. As presented in previous studies, a barrel-shaped radio continuum shell with several co-axis filaments and center-filled X-rays are seen (e.g., Keohane et al. 2007; Lopez et al. 2009a, 2011). The X-ray elongated feature brighter than ∼5 × 10−7 photons cm−2 s−1 is roughly consistent with the spatial distribution of Fe Heα emission (see Figure 3 in Lopez et al. 2013b). We note that the overall distributions of X-rays and the radio continuum are quite different between the northeastern and southwestern halves: the shell boundaries of the northeastern halves roughly coincide with each other, whereas the southwestern shell of X-rays is significantly deformed compared to that of the radio continuum. In particular, the X-rays are dim around positions of (αJ2000, δJ2000) ∼ (19h11m00fs0, $+09^\circ 06^{\prime} 00^{\prime\prime} $), (19h11m03fs0, $+09^\circ 05^{\prime} 00^{\prime\prime} $), and (19h11m08fs0, $+09^\circ 06^{\prime} 06^{\prime\prime} $): the first two correspond to the bright peaks of the radio continuum and the other is partially surrounded by radio filaments. This trend is also seen in the 4.2–5.5 keV band image, which is mostly free from interstellar absorption as well as line emission.

Figure 2 shows integrated intensity maps of 12CO(J = 2–1) and 13CO(J = 2–1) for three velocity ranges of 1–15 km s−1 (hereafter the "10 km s−1 cloud"), 38–47 km s−1 (hereafter the "40 km s−1 cloud"), and 57–67 km s−1 (hereafter the "60 km s−1 cloud") as previously mentioned in several papers (e.g., Zhu et al. 2014; Kilpatrick et al. 2016; Lee et al. 2020). The kinematic distance of the molecular cloud is ∼11 kpc for the 10 km s−1 cloud, ∼9 kpc for the 40 km s−1 cloud, 8 and ∼7 kpc for the 60 km s−1 cloud (Sofue et al. 2021). Note that there are no other CO clouds within the velocity range of −15.0 to 92.6 km s−1, and hence we focus on the three molecular clouds in the present paper.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Integrated intensity maps of ALMA ACA 12CO(J = 2–1) (upper panels) and 13CO(J = 2–1) (lower panels) for (a), (b) the 10 km s−1 cloud, (c), (d) the 40 km s−1 cloud, and (e), (f) the 60 km s−1 cloud. The integration velocity range is 1–15 km s−1 for the 10 km s−1 cloud, 38–47 km s−1 for the 40 km s−1 cloud, and 57–67 km s−1 for the 60 km s−1 cloud. The superposed contours are the same as those shown in Figure 1.

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In the 10 km s−1 cloud (Figures 2(a) and (b)), there is an intensity gradient increasing from southeast to northwest. The radio continuum shows fairly good spatial correspondence to molecular clouds in the northern inward protrusion and along the north, northwest, and southwest rims. On the other hand, both the 12CO and 13CO emission lines are faint in the southeastern shell, where shocked H2 emission is strongly detected (e.g., Keohane et al. 2007). Dense clouds traced by 13CO emission are located not only outside the shell boundary, but also inside the radio continuum shell.

In the 40 km s−1 cloud (Figures 2(c) and (d)), the 12CO emission has a relatively uniform distribution compared to that of the 10 km s−1 cloud, but the 13CO emission shows an intensity gradient increasing from northwest to southeast. We note that the radio-brightest shell in the west shows a lack of both 12CO and 13CO emission lines. The bright 12CO emission and 13CO clumps are located both toward the southwest of the SNR and inside the southeastern shell. The southwestern CO clumps seem to be located along the sharp edge of the radio shell, whereas the CO clumps inside the SNR show no significant spatial correlations with the radio shell morphology. At this spatial coverage, we could not find the bubble-like CO structure toward W49B mentioned by Zhu et al. (2014).

In the 60 km s−1 cloud (Figures 2(e) and (f)), there are dense clouds across the SNR from northeast to southwest with two bright CO peaks at (αJ2000, δJ2000) ∼ (19h11m17fs0, $+09^\circ 07^{\prime} 30^{\prime\prime} $) and (19h10m57fs5, $+09^\circ 05^{\prime} 07^{\prime\prime} $). The former contains two H ii regions cataloged by Urquhart et al. (2009), whereas the latter does not have any cataloged objects. The diffuse CO emission inside the SNR appears to be spatially anticorrelated with the radio continuum contours.

To derive the masses of the three molecular clouds, we used the following equations:

Equation (1)

Equation (2)

where mH is the mass of hydrogen, μ = 2.8 is the mean molecular weight, Ω is the solid angle of each pixel, D is the distance to W49B, Ni (H2) is the column density of molecular hydrogen for each pixel, X is the CO-to-H2 conversion factor of 2 × 1020 cm−2 (K km s−1)−1 (Bertsch et al. 1993), and W(CO) is the velocity-integrated intensity of the 12CO(J = 1–0) emission line obtained from the FUGIN data (Umemoto et al. 2017). We estimated the mass of the molecular cloud inside the radio shell to be ∼4.1 × 104 M for the 60 km s−1 cloud and ∼2.7 × 104 M for the other two clouds, where we adopted a shell radius of 2farcm5 centered at (αJ2000, δJ2000) = (19h11m07fs34, $+09^\circ 06^{\prime} 01\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} 1$). These values are roughly consistent with previously derived cloud masses using the 13CO(J = 1–0) emission and the 13CO-to-H2 conversion factor (H.E.S.S. Collaboration et al. 2018).

3.2. Detailed Spatial Comparison with the Radio Continuum Shell

Figure 3 shows the velocity channel maps for each molecular cloud superposed on the radio continuum contours. We find that the dense 13CO clumps at the velocity range of 3.8 to 9.4 km s−1 are superposed nicely not only on the northern and southern shells, but also on radio filaments inside the SNR at positions of (αJ2000, δJ2000) ∼ (19h11m06fs4, $+09^\circ 07^{\prime} 03^{\prime\prime} $) and (19h11m05fs5, $+09^\circ 05^{\prime} 56^{\prime\prime} $). We also find that both the 12CO and 13CO clouds at the velocity range of 9.4–12.2 km s−1 show global anticorrelation with the radio shell. In addition, 12CO emission at the velocity range of 12.2–15.0 km s−1 shows a good spatial correspondence to the western shell especially for the sharp edge of the southwestern rim. This velocity range is consistent with that inferred from Kilpatrick et al. (2016). The southwestern CO clumps at 42.0–44.0 km s−1 seem to be located along the sharp edge of the radio shell especially prominent in the 13CO line emission. Moreover, the 13CO clouds at 38.0–40.0 km s−1 show good spatial correspondence to the southeastern half of the radio continuum shell. Furthermore, the 63–65 km s−1 12CO map shows a lack of CO emission along the eastern shell and shows bright CO emission in the gaps between the western and northern radio contours. Although the other CO clouds also appear to be overlapped with the radio continuum shell and filaments, their spatial correspondence is not clear.

Figure 3.
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Figure 3.

Figure 3. Velocity channel maps of ALMA ACA 12CO(J = 2–1) (upper panels) and 13CO(J = 2–1) (lower panels) for each cloud. Each panel shows the CO integrated intensity distribution integrated over the velocity range of 1–15 km s−1 every 2.8 km s−1 for the 10 km s−1 cloud, 38–48 km s−1 every 2 km s−1 for the 40 km s−1 cloud, and 57–67 km s−1 every 2 km s−1 for the 60 km s−1 cloud. The superposed contours are the same as those shown in Figure 1.

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3.3. Position–Velocity Diagrams

Figure 4 shows the position–velocity diagrams for the three molecular clouds. The velocity distributions of 12CO and 13CO emission are similar to each other except for a velocity at ∼40 km s−1, suggesting that the 12CO emission at ∼40 km s−1 is subject to self-absorption due to an optically thick component. In fact, the 12CO emission at ∼40 km s−1 shows a dip-like feature, whereas the 13CO spectrum at the same velocity has strong line emission. We also find incomplete and complete cavity-like structures in the 10 and 40 km s−1 clouds, respectively (see dashed curves in Figures 4(a)–(d)). The incomplete cavity (or arc-like distribution) in the 10 km s−1 cloud lies at 5–11 km s−1 with a velocity dispersion of a few kilometers per second. On the other hand, the complete cavity in the 40 km s−1 cloud is clearly seen especially for 12CO emission, whose velocity range is 41–47 km s−1. Note that the spatial extents of these cavities are roughly consistent with the diameter of the radio continuum shell. By contrast, there is no clear evidence for such cavity-like structures in the position–velocity diagram of the 60 km s−1 cloud (see Figures 4(e) and (f)).

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Position–velocity diagram of ALMA ACA 12CO(J = 2–1) (upper panels) and 13CO(J = 2–1) (lower panels) for (a), (b) the 10 km s−1 cloud, (c), (d) the 40 km s−1 cloud, and (e), (f) the 60 km s−1 cloud. The integration range of R.A. is 283fdg76 to 287fdg79. Dashed curves and circles delineate expanding gas motion (see the text). Vertical dashed lines indicate the integration velocity ranges for each cloud.

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3.4. Intensity Ratio Maps

Figure 5 shows the intensity ratio maps of 12CO(J = 3–2)/13CO(J = 2–1) (hereafter R12CO32/13CO21) toward the three molecular clouds. A higher value of R12CO32/13CO21 tends to be observed in diffuse warm gas thermalized by supernova shocks and/or stellar radiation assuming that the abundance ratio of 12CO/13CO is constant within a molecular cloud complex (see Bieging & Peters 2011; Dell'Ova et al. 2020). We find that high intensity ratios of R12CO32/13CO21 ∼ 10 are distributed toward the shell of W49B in the 10 km s−1 cloud. The southwestern edge of the shell (hereafter the SW-edge) shows the highest value of R12CO32/13CO21 ∼ 20, where the radio continuum shell is strongly deformed. On the other hand, the 40 km s−1 cloud shows no significant enhancement of R12CO32/13CO21 toward the SNR shell. The southeastern shell in the 60 km s−1 cloud also shows higher values of R12CO32/13CO21, while regions with high intensity ratios continuously extend beyond the radio shell boundary and may not be related to W49B.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Intensity ratio maps of 12CO(J = 3–2)/13CO(J = 2–1) for (a) the 10 km s−1 cloud, (b) the 40 km s−1 cloud, and (c) the 60 km s−1 cloud. Each data was smoothed to match the beam size of 16farcs6. The velocity range of each cloud and the superposed solid contours are the same as those shown in Figure 1. The superposed dashed contours indicate the 13CO(J = 2–1) integrated intensities, whose lowest contour levels are 3 K km s−1 and whose contour intervals are 1.0 K km s−1 for the 10 km s−1 cloud, 0.5 K km s−1 for the 40 km s−1 cloud, and 1.5 K km s−1 for the 60 km s−1 cloud. The gray areas represent the 12CO(J = 3–2) and/or 13CO(J = 2–1) data showing lower significance than ∼7σ. The yellow crosses (Reference-SW/NW, SW/NE-shell, and Central-filament) and dashed circle (SW-edge) discussed in Section 3.5 are indicated. Green squares and triangles also indicate the positions of H ii regions and IRAS point sources, respectively (Beichman et al. 1988; Urquhart et al. 2009).

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3.5. Physical Conditions of the Molecular Clouds

To reveal the physical conditions for each cloud in detail, we performed large velocity gradient (LVG) analysis (e.g., Goldreich & Kwan 1974; Scoville & Solomon 1974). LVG analysis can calculate the radiative transfer of molecular line emission, assuming a spherically isotropic cloud with a uniform photon escape probability, temperature, and radial velocity gradient of dv/dr. Here, dv is the half-width half-maximum of the CO line profiles and dr is the cloud radius. We selected six individual CO peaks for each cloud, which are significantly detected in both the 12CO and 13CO emission lines. Four of them appear to be located along the radio continuum shell or filaments (hereafter referred to as "shell clouds"), and the others were selected as reference, which are located outside of the shell (hereafter referred to as "reference clouds"). The CO spectra toward each position are shown in Figure 6. We adopted dv/dr = 2.5 km s−1 pc−1 for the 10 km s−1 SW-shell and the 40 km s−1 SE-shell; 1.5 km s−1 pc−1 for the 60 km s−1 SW-edge, NW-shell, and Reference-SE; and 1.0 km s−1 pc−1 for the others. We also utilized an abundance ratio of [12CO/H2] = 5 × 10−5 (Blake et al. 1987) and an isotope abundance ratio of [12CO/13CO] = 49 (Langer & Penzias 1990).

Figure 6.

Figure 6. CO intensity profiles toward individual CO peaks in (a)–(f) the 10 km s−1 cloud, (g)–(l) the 40 km s−1 cloud, and (m)–(r) the 60 km s−1 cloud. The CO spectra enclosed by vertical lines represent the individual CO peaks that are focused on in the present study. Each CO data was smoothed to match the beam size of 16farcs6 and the velocity resolution of 1 km s−1. In the SW-edge spectra of the 10 km s−1 cloud, we combined four pixels around the highest intensity ratio of 12CO(J = 3–2)/13CO(J = 2–1) as shown in Figure 5(a).

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Figure 7 shows the LVG results on the number density of molecular hydrogen, n(H2), and the kinematic temperature, Tkin, toward the six positions for each cloud. The best-fit values of n(H2) and Tkin are summarized in Table 1. In the 10 km s−1 cloud, we find that the shell clouds show Tkin ∼ 20–60 K, which are significantly higher than that of the reference clouds (Tkin = 15 K). By contrast, all shell clouds in both the 40 km s−1 and 60 km s−1 components show Tkin ∼ 10 K, which is roughly consistent with their reference clouds except for Reference-SE in the 60 km s−1 cloud (Tkin = 21 K). We also note that there is no relation between the number density of molecular hydrogen and the kinetic temperature for each cloud.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. LVG results on the number density of molecular hydrogen, n(H2), and the kinetic temperature, Tkin, for each cloud as shown in Figure 6. The red lines and blue dashed–dotted lines indicate the intensity ratios of 12CO(J = 3–2)/12CO(J = 2–1) and 12CO(J = 3–2)/13CO(J = 2–1), respectively. The shaded areas in red and blue represent the 1σ error ranges of each intensity ratio. Yellow crosses indicate the best-fit values of n(H2) and Tkin for each cloud. The results are summarized in Table 1.

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Table 1. Results of LVG Analysis at the 10 km s−1, 40 km s−1, and 60 km s−1 Clouds

  12CO 13CO
Name J = 3–2 J = 2–1 J = 2–1 n(H2) Tkin
 (K)(K)(K)(×103 cm−3)(K)
10 km s−1 Cloud     
SW-edge1.021.350.14 $0.{83}_{-0.05}^{+0.10}$ ${60}_{-26}^{+47}$
SW-shell3.123.971.12 $2.{45}_{-0.16}^{+0.50}$ ${18}_{-3}^{+7}$
Inner-filament2.063.250.37 $0.{78}_{-0.02}^{+0.03}$ ${23}_{-5}^{+9}$
NE-shell2.162.960.60 ${1.26}_{-0.09}^{+0.15}$ ${20}_{-4}^{+8}$
Reference-SW3.024.031.43 $1.{86}_{-0.08}^{+0.14}$ ${15}_{-2}^{+3}$
Reference-NW2.493.191.41 $2.{29}_{-0.20}^{+0.46}$ ${15}_{-3}^{+6}$
40 km s−1 Cloud     
SE-shell1.813.320.68 $1.{78}_{-0.00}^{+0.08}$ ${10}_{-2}^{+1}$
SW-edge1.783.132.40 $1.{26}_{-0.03}^{+0.03}$ ${9}_{-1}^{+2}$
Inner-filament0.641.910.22 $0.{69}_{-0.00}^{+0.02}$ ${8}_{-2}^{+3}$
N-shell0.935.220.23 $0.{76}_{-0.02}^{+0.05}$ ${13}_{-3}^{+6}$
Reference-SW1.652.830.77 $1.{32}_{-0.09}^{+0.09}$ ${10}_{-2}^{+2}$
Reference-N1.052.400.42 $0.{93}_{-0.00}^{+0.03}$ ${9}_{-2}^{+2}$
60 km s−1 Cloud     
SW-edge2.784.611.62 $2{.04}_{-0.04}^{+0.05}$ ${9}_{-1}^{+1}$
SW-shell2.093.661.19 $1.{48}_{-0.03}^{+0.03}$ ${9}_{-1}^{+1}$
Inner-filament5.227.932.82 $1.{66}_{-0.04}^{+0.08}$ ${11}_{-1}^{+1}$
NW-shell3.986.131.31 $1.{51}_{-0.03}^{+0.04}$ ${14}_{-2}^{+1}$
Reference-SW1.763.640.42 ${0.91}_{-0.00}^{+0.02}$ ${12}_{-1}^{+3}$
Reference-SE5.207.151.33 $1.{17}_{-0.02}^{+0.06}$ ${21}_{-2}^{+3}$

Note. Column (1): Region name for each cloud. Columns (2)–(3): Radiation temperature for each line emission derived by least-squares fitting using a single Gaussian function. Column (4): Number density of molecular hydrogen. Column (5): Kinetic temperature.

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4. Discussion

4.1. Molecular Clouds Associated with W49B

Previous studies have proposed three candidates of molecular clouds that are interacting with the SNR W49B: namely a 10 km s−1 cloud, a 40 km s−1 cloud, and a 60 km s−1 cloud (Zhu et al. 2014; Kilpatrick et al. 2016; Lee et al. 2020). Their claim is mainly based on three elements: (1) a line-broadening feature of CO emission at ∼10 km s−1, (2) a wind-bubble-like morphology of a CO cloud at ∼40 km s−1, and (3) a central velocity of shocked H2 line emission at ∼64 km s−1. In this section, we discuss which cloud is the most likely to be associated with W49B in terms of spatial distributions, the presence of expanding gas motion, and the physical conditions of the CO clouds.

4.1.1. Spatial Distributions of CO Clouds

We first emphasize that the 10 km s−1 cloud shows a clear spatial correspondence to the radio continuum shell and filaments (see Figure 3 and Section 3.2). In particular, a majority of CO clouds at ∼10 km s−1 are located along the outer boundary of the radio continuum shell: 13CO clouds in the northern shell at 6.6–9.4 km s−1, and arc-like 12CO clouds in the southwestern shell at 12.2–15.0 km s−1. Moreover, 13CO clumps at 3.8–9.4 km s−1 spatially coincide well with radio filaments inside the shell. Such spatial correspondence is naturally expected as a result of shock–cloud interactions. According to magnetohydrodynamical simulations, interactions between supernova shocks and clumpy clouds enhance the turbulent magnetic field by up to ∼1 mG on the surface of the shocked clouds, where the synchrotron radio/X-ray radiation becomes brighter (Inoue et al. 2009, 2012; Celli et al. 2019). This has been further supported by several observations toward Galactic and Magellanic SNRs (Sano et al. 2013, 2017a, 2017b, 2019b, 2020b; Yamane et al. 2018; Kuriki et al. 2018), and hence it should not be surprising that shock–cloud interactions with magnetic field amplification have occurred in W49B as well.

However, we cannot rule out the possibility of shock interaction with the 40 km s−1 and 60 km s−1 clouds from spatial comparative studies alone. In fact, molecular clouds at 38.0–40.0 km s−1 and 42.0–44.0 km s−1 show good spatial correspondence to the southeastern half and southwestern shell of the SNR, respectively (see Figure 3). The 63.0–65.0 km s−1 CO map also shows a good anticorrelation with the radio shell, which is not inconsistent with the picture of magnetic field amplification via shock–cloud interaction.

4.1.2. Shock- and Wind-induced Expanding Gas Motion

We argue that the cavity-like structures in the position–velocity diagrams at the 10 km s−1 and 40 km s−1 clouds provide further support for shock interactions (see Figures 4(a)–(d)). Because such cavity-like structures toward an SNR indicate an expanding gas motion, they are thought to be formed by a combination of shock acceleration and strong gas winds from the progenitor system—stellar winds from a high-mass progenitor or disk winds from a progenitor system of post single-degenerate explosion. In the present study, the expanding velocity ΔV is derived to be ∼6 km s−1 for the 10 km s−1 cloud and ∼3 km s−1 for the 40 km s−1 cloud. These values are roughly consistent with other Galactic/Magellanic SNRs (e.g., Koo et al. 1990; Koo & Heiles 1991; Sano et al. 2017b, 2019c; Kuriki et al. 2018).

It is noteworthy that the two expanding cavities are independent because their ΔV values are much smaller than the velocity difference of the 10 km s−1 and 40 km s−1 clouds. Therefore, either expanding shell is located at the same distance to W49B, and the forward shock has been impacted by the wind–cavity wall where the shock–cloud interaction occurred. The other expanding shell is likely to be not associated with W49B. According to Sofue (2020), there are many relics of fully evolved SNRs in the Galactic plane that cannot be observed by the radio continuum, optical, infrared, and X-ray bands. Because thermal radiation from SNRs has shorter cooling time (below ∼10 kyr) compared to the lifetime of giant molecular clouds (∼10 Myr; e.g., Fukui et al. 1999; Kawamura et al. 2009), the expanding gas motion of the 10 km s−1 or 40 km s−1 cloud is likely one of such objects that happen to be located along the line of sight.

4.1.3. Kinetic Temperature of Molecular Clouds

According to the LVG analysis in Section 3.5, a higher kinetic temperature Tkin ∼ 20–60 K of the shell clouds is seen in the 10 km s−1 cloud, suggesting that shock heating likely occurred, because the Tkin values are roughly consistent with previous studies of shock-heated molecular clouds in the vicinity of middle-aged SNRs (e.g., Seta et al. 1998; Gusdorf et al. 2012; Yoshiike et al. 2013; Anderl et al. 2014; Dell'Ova et al. 2020). In addition, the presence of high-temperature dust components of 45 ± 4 K and 151 ± 20 K supports the shock heating scenario (Zhu et al. 2014). Moreover, bright 24 μm emission is detected in the southwestern shell, where the SW-edge of the 10 km s−1 cloud shows the highest kinetic temperature of ∼60 K. It is noteworthy that there are no other extra heating sources such as IRAS point sources or H ii regions toward the shell clouds (see also Figure 5).

By contrast, all shell clouds in the 40 km s−1 and 60 km s−1 components show Tkin ∼ 10 K, implying quiescent molecular clouds without any extra heating processes such as shock heating or stellar radiation. Interestingly, Reference-SE in the 60 km s−1 cloud shows warmer temperature of ∼20 K, despite the fact that the reference cloud is far from the SNR shell. A possible scenario is that a part of the 60 km s−1 cloud is located at the tangent point of the Galaxy, and hence velocity crowding would accumulate diffuse gas and increase the ambient gas temperature (e.g., Liu et al. 2019). In any case, there is no shock-heated gas in both the 40 and 60 km s−1 clouds.

4.1.4. Final Decision and Consistency with Previous Studies

In conclusion, we claim that the 10 km s−1 cloud is the one most likely associated with W49B in terms of spatial distribution, kinetics, and physical conditions. This velocity is consistent not only with the line-broadening measurements by Kilpatrick et al. (2016), but also with the latest H i absorption measurement toward W49B by Ranasinghe & Leahy (2018). In this case, the kinematic distance of W49B is slightly revised to 11.0 ± 0.4 kpc assuming the Galactic rotation curve model of Brand & Blitz (1993) and the latest Galactic parameters of R0 = 7.92 kpc and Θ0 = 227 km s−1 (VERA Collaboration et al. 2020). This value is also roughly consistent with the previous distance to W49B of 11.3 ± 0.4 kpc derived by H i absorption (Ranasinghe & Leahy 2018).

On the other hand, there is a large gap in radial velocities between the 10 km s−1 cloud and the shocked H2 line emission at ∼64 km s−1 (Lee et al. 2020). We argue that this inconsistency should not be a problem considering the excitation condition for each line emission. In general, the CO line emission at 2.6 mm (also known as the 12CO J = 1–0 transition line) can trace a bulk mass of molecular cloud with a low kinetic temperature of ∼10 K. On the other hand, the supernova-shocked H2 line emission traces only a small portion of molecular cloud, which is highly excited into ∼2000–3000 K (e.g., Mouri 1994; Lee et al. 2020). In W49B, the CO-traced molecular cloud mass is ∼2.7 × 104 M for the 10 km s−1 cloud, whereas the mass of shocked H2 is only 14–550 M (Keohane et al. 2007). This indicates that the shocked H2 mass is only ∼2% of the CO-traced molecular cloud mass at most. Considering momentum conservation between the SNR shocks and interacting clouds, the shocked H2 component is more easily accelerated than the CO-traced molecular cloud. We therefore argue that the velocity inconsistency between the CO cloud and shocked H2 component is caused by the differences between their excitation conditions and masses.

In any case, the physical interaction of the 10 km s−1 cloud with W49B means that the bulk mass of molecular clouds is concentrated in the northwestern half of W49B, not in the southwest shell. This is consistent with the hydrogen density maps derived by Zhou & Vink (2018), who found higher plasma densities in the west of W49B by X-ray spectral modeling. The inhomogeneous gas distribution will significantly inform understanding of the origins of recombining plasma and gamma rays from W49B. We will discuss them later in Sections 4.3 and 4.4.

4.2. A Detailed Comparison with X-Rays

To reveal a physical relation between the 10 km s−1 cloud and X-ray radiation, we here compare the CO distributions with Chandra X-ray images. 9 Figure 8(a) shows the ALMA ACA 12CO(J = 2–1) integrated intensity overlaid with the Chandra X-ray contours at the energy band of 2–7 keV. In the integration velocity range of 12.2–15.0 km s−1, the CO clouds are perfectly located along the zigzag pattern of the western X-ray shell, indicating that shock ionization occurred. Note that spatial correspondence is also seen in the X-ray image at 4.2–5.5 keV, which is mostly free from interstellar absorption. We thus suggest that the shockwave was strongly decelerated and deformed in the western shell along the dense clouds, whereas the eastern shell was freely expanded with a smooth shape of the forward shock. This also indicates that the shock velocity of the eastern shell is faster than that of the western shell. Further proper-motion studies might be able to reveal the velocity difference in the east–west direction.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. (a) Integrated intensity maps of ALMA ACA 12CO(J = 2–1) superposed on the Chandra X-ray intensity contours in the energy band of 2–7 keV. The integration velocity range of CO is 12.2 to 15.0 km s−1. The contour levels are 0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 1.2, 1.9, 2.8, 3.9, and 5.2 × 10−7 photons cm−2 s−1. (b) Integrated intensity maps of ALMA ACA 13CO(J = 2–1) superposed on the continuum-subtracted Fe Heα emission. The integration velocity range of CO is 1.0 to 15.0 km s−1. The contour levels are 0.5, 0.8, 1.1, 1.4, 1.7, and 2.0 × 10−7 photons cm−2 s−1.

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Figure 8(b) shows an overlay map of the 13CO(J = 2–1) intensity image and the continuum-subtracted Fe Heα emission in white contours. To compare the Fe-rich ejecta with the total amount of dense clouds, we use 13CO with the whole velocity range of 1.0–15.0 km s−1. Although the elongated structure of Fe-rich ejecta is believed to be related to a bipolar/jet-driven Type Ib/Ic explosion (Keohane et al. 2007; Lopez et al. 2013a), the Fe-rich ejecta is mainly located in the void of dense molecular clouds. Moreover, the Fe-rich ejecta is almost completely surrounded by dense molecular clumps. We argue that this situation is consistent with the supernova explosion inside a barrel-shaped cavity that was proposed by Zhou & Vink (2018). The authors revealed that an enhancement of the cool plasma component along the Fe-rich ejecta (or in the void of dense clouds) was observed by spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy (see Figure 4 in Zhou & Vink 2018). Following the proposed scenario, the forward shock was freely expanded in the low-density medium at the beginning, and then it suddenly encountered the dense gaseous materials traced by 13CO line emission and/or the cool plasma component. Since shock–cloud interaction generates multiple-reflected (or inward) shocks, the Fe-rich ejecta is efficiently heated up at higher densities toward the center of the SNR (see also Sano et al. 2019b). The X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM; XRISM Science Team 2020) will provide us with further understanding of shock interactions through a detailed spatial comparison between X-ray-derived ionic properties and CO clouds.

4.3. Origin of the High-temperature Recombining Plasma in W49B

It is a long-standing question how recombining (overionized) plasma is formed in SNRs since its discovery in 2002 (IC443; Kawasaki et al. 2002). Subsequent detailed X-ray spectroscopic observations have revealed that nearly 20 SNRs show an overionized state (e.g., W49B, Ozawa et al. 2009; G359.1−0.5, Ohnishi et al. 2011; W28, Sawada & Koyama 2012; W44, Uchida et al. 2012; G346.6−0.2, Yamauchi et al. 2013; 3C 391, Ergin et al. 2014; CTB 37A, Yamauchi et al. 2014; G290.1−0.8, Kamitsukasa et al. 2015; LMC N49, Uchida et al. 2015; Kes 17, Washino et al. 2016; G166.0+4.3, Matsumura et al. 2017a; 3C400.2, Ergin et al. 2017; LMC N132D, Bamba et al. 2018; HB21, Suzuki et al. 2018; CTB1, Katsuragawa et al. 2018; Sagittarius A East, Ono et al. 2019; and G189.6+3.3, Yamauchi et al. 2020; see also a review by Yamaguchi 2020). However, the physical origin of recombining plasmas is still under debate.

Since recombining plasma is characterized by higher ionization temperature kTi compared to the electron temperature kTe, rapid electron cooling or an increasing ionization state is needed to produce the plasma state. Three scenarios have been proposed to explain the origin of recombining plasmas in SNRs, called the adiabatic cooling, thermal conduction, and photoionization scenarios. In the adiabatic cooling (a.k.a. rarefaction) scenario, rapid electron cooling occurs when the shockwaves break out from a dense ISM (e.g., CSM) into a much less dense medium (e.g., Itoh & Masai 1989; Masai 1994; Yamaguchi et al. 2018). In the thermal conduction scenario, such rapid electron cooling is caused by interactions between the shockwaves and cold dense clouds through thermal conduction (e.g., Kawasaki et al. 2002; Matsumura et al. 2017a, 2017b; Okon et al. 2018, 2020). On the other hand, the photoionization scenario proposes that external X-ray radiation or low-energy CRs increase the ionization state via photoionization (e.g., Nakashima et al. 2013; Ono et al. 2019; Hirayama et al. 2019). Because photoionization can be seen in limited environments such as near the Galactic center or an SNR with strong Fe i Kα emission, the adiabatic cooling and thermal conduction scenarios are thought to be the formation mechanisms of recombining plasmas in most SNRs.

The origin of recombining plasma in W49B has been discussed in the past decade. The thermal conduction scenario was initially proposed by Kawasaki et al. (2005), whereas the adiabatic cooling scenario is more highly favored in subsequent studies (Miceli et al. 2010; Lopez et al. 2013a; Zhou et al. 2011; Yamaguchi et al. 2018) because the recombining plasma in W49B shows a positive correlation between the ionization timescale ne t and kTe. Further, there is no correlation between the plasma condition and ambient clouds traced by near-infrared emission (Yamaguchi et al. 2018). This trend is in contrast to what is observed in W44 (see also Okon et al. 2020 and a review in Yamaguchi 2020). On the other hand, most recent X-ray studies have presented the observation that the X-ray spectra from W49B are reproduced by two ejecta components (low- and high-temperature plasma). The authors have proposed thermal conduction scenarios especially for the high-temperature recombining plasma in W49B, considering the conduction timescale (Sun & Chen 2020; Holland-Ashford et al. 2020). Note that Holland-Ashford et al. (2020) argued that thermal conduction is a possible origin of recombining plasma in the eastern regions of W49B because dense molecular clouds are thought to be associated with the southwestern shell (Keohane et al. 2007; Zhu et al. 2014). In this section, we argue that the origin of the high-temperature recombining plasma in W49B can be understood to be the thermal conduction scenario considering the CO-traced interacting molecular clouds in W49B.

Figure 9(a) shows the 12CO(J = 2–1) integrated intensity map of the 10 km s−1 cloud superposed on the NuSTAR Fe Heα flux contours (Yamaguchi et al. 2018). The 12 1' × 1' boxes indicate the regions used for spatially resolved spectral analysis using NuSTAR by Yamaguchi et al. (2018). The authors fitted X-ray spectra above 3 keV using a single-temperature model, because the energy band is dominated by the high-temperature plasma. We note that the CO integrated intensities are significantly changed region to region, which shows an intensity gradient from the southeast to the northwest as mentioned in Section 3.

Figure 9.

Figure 9. (a) Integrated intensity maps of ALMA ACA 12CO(J = 2–1) for the 10 km s−1 cloud superposed on NuSTAR Fe Heα flux contours (Yamaguchi et al. 2018). The integration velocity range and contour levels are the same as those shown in Figures 2(a) and 6, respectively. The 12 dashed boxes indicate the $1^{\prime} \times 1^{\prime} $ regions used for the spatially resolved spectral analysis in Yamaguchi et al. (2018) and for deriving the CO averaged integrated intensities in Figure 9(b). (b) Scatter plot between the electron temperature kTe (Yamaguchi et al. 2018) and peak integrated intensities of 12CO(J = 2–1) for box regions A1–3, B1–3, C1–3, and D1–3 as shown in Figure 9(a). The error bars of CO and kTe represent the standard deviation of CO integrated intensity and the 1σ confidence level for each box region. The dashed line indicates the linear regression using the least-squares method.

Standard image High-resolution image

Figure 9(b) shows a scatter plot between kTe of the high-temperature recombining plasma (Yamaguchi et al. 2018) and the peak integrated intensity of the 12CO(J = 2–1) line emission for each box. We find a clear negative correlation between the two. More precisely, the kTe values in the high-temperature plasma are increasing from the western (cloud-rich) regions to the eastern (cloud-poor) regions. This is consistent with the thermal conduction scenario: rapid electron cooling occurred in cold/dense cloud-rich regions. Note that this finding does not rule out the adiabatic cooling scenario in W49B. In fact, the X-ray spectra from W49B are reproduced by two ejecta components: the low-temperature recombining plasma favors the adiabatic cooling scenario whereas the high-temperature component is likely produced by thermal conduction (Holland-Ashford et al. 2020; Sun & Chen 2020). In other words, both the thermal conduction and adiabatic cooling processes coexist in W49B.

Finally, we discuss the reason why our conclusion—a thermal conduction origin for the high-temperature plasma—is different from those of some previous studies. One of the most important issues is the previous evaluation of the ISM interacting with W49B. Almost all previous studies have used the shocked H2 distribution as the bulk mass of the ISM. However, as discussed in Section 4.1.4, the shocked H2 mass is only ∼2% of the CO-traced molecular cloud mass. Because the shocked H2 map is bright in the southeast, most researchers believe that the southeast shell is interacting with dense molecular clouds and the ISM mass of the east is higher than that of the west. Some previous studies have therefore concluded that the lower plasma temperature in the west was caused by the adiabatic cooling process (e.g., Holland-Ashford et al. 2020; Yamaguchi et al. 2018). By contrast, it is noteworthy that Zhou & Vink (2018) suggested that molecular cloud density is higher in the west than in the east, which is compatible with our ALMA results. We also note there are different interpretations for the ne t variation in the high-temperature plasma. Yamaguchi et al. (2018) used ne t as a proxy for electron density, assuming uniform time since heating and a uniform initial temperature. The former contrasts with the results of Holland-Ashford et al. (2020) and Zhou & Vink (2018), who found higher recombination ages in the east than in the west. The positive correlation between ne t and kTe in W49B may have to be reconsidered. In any case, we emphasize that proper evaluation of the ISM surrounding an SNR is essential to understanding the origin of recombining plasma correctly. Further detailed comparative studies of CO-based molecular cloud properties and X-ray spectroscopic results are needed to better understand the origin of recombining plasma in SNRs.

4.4. Total Energy of CR Protons

It is a hundred-year problem how CRs, mainly comprising relativistic protons, are accelerated in interstellar space. SNRs are believed to be acceleration sites for Galactic CRs below ∼3 PeV through diffusive shock acceleration (e.g., Bell 1978; Blandford & Ostriker 1978). A conventional value of the total energy of CRs accelerated in an SNR is thought to be ∼1049–1050 erg, corresponding to ∼1%–10% of the typical kinematic energy released by a supernova (1051 erg; e.g., Gabici 2013; Leahy et al. 2019). One of the foremost challenges is to validate these predictions experimentally.

Gamma-ray and radio-line observations hold a key to understanding the acceleration of CRs in SNRs. Gamma rays from SNRs are produced by two different mechanisms: hadronic and leptonic processes (e.g., Aharonian et al. 1994; Drury et al. 1994). For the hadronic process, CR proton–interstellar proton interaction creates a neutral pion that quickly decays into two gamma-ray photons (hadronic gamma rays). For the leptonic scenario, a CR electron energizes a low-energy photon into gamma-ray energy via inverse Compton scattering, in addition to producing gamma rays through nonthermal bremsstrahlung (leptonic gamma rays). To confirm the acceleration of relativistic protons, the main components of CRs, it is crucial to detect the characteristic spectral feature of hadronic gamma rays with a cutoff at a few GeVs known as a pion-decay bump (e.g., Giuliani et al. 2011; Ackermann et al. 2013). In addition, a good spatial correspondence between gamma rays and interstellar protons provides alternative support for CR proton acceleration (e.g., Fukui et al. 2003, 2012, 2017; Aharonian et al. 2008; Yoshiike et al. 2013; Sano et al. 2019a), because the hadronic gamma-ray flux is proportional to the total energy of CR protons and the number density of interstellar protons. Note that bulk components of interstellar protons consist of both neutral molecular and atomic hydrogen traced by CO and Hi radio lines, respectively. Adopting the number density of targeted interstellar protons, the total energy of CR protons is estimated to be Wp ∼ 1048–1049 erg toward a dozen gamma-ray SNRs. However, it is still under debate which parameters are important to understand the variety of observed (or in situ) Wp values. To better understand the origins of CR protons and the variety of Wp, we need more samples as well as detailed gamma-ray and radio-line studies for SNRs.

W49B is thought to be one of the CR proton accelerators because of the detection of hadron-dominant gamma rays with a pion-decay bump in it (H.E.S.S. Collaboration et al. 2018). In fact, the best-fit position of GeV gamma rays detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope is the edge of the SE-shell, where the bright radio continuum, shocked H2 emission, and dense molecular clouds are located. To obtain the total energy of CR protons in W49B, we first estimated the number density of interstellar protons interacting with the SNR. Using Equations (1) and (2) the averaged number density of interstellar protons in molecular form was estimated to be ∼650 ± 200 cm−3 assuming a shell radius of 8 pc and a thickness of 3 pc (e.g., Moffett & Reynolds 1994). The error was derived as the typical uncertainty of the CO-to-H2 conversion factor of ∼30% (see Bolatto et al. 2013). Additionally, the interstellar protons in atomic form are neglectable in W49B because the derived column density of atomic hydrogen is significantly lower than that of molecular hydrogen (see Brogan & Troland 2001). A similar situation is also seen in other middle-aged SNRs (e.g., W44; Yoshiike et al. 2013). We therefore adopted a number density of interstellar protons np of ∼650 ± 200 cm−3.

According to H.E.S.S. Collaboration et al. (2018), the total energy of CR protons Wp is written as

Equation (3)

where d is the distance to the SNR. Adopting np = 650 cm−3 and d = 11 kpc, we then obtained Wp ∼ 2 × 1049 erg, corresponding to ∼2% of the typical kinematic energy released by a supernova explosion. Table 2 compares the physical properties of 11 gamma-ray SNRs including W49B. Here, all values of np and Wp were derived from CO/H i radio-line observations. We find that Wp in W49B is roughly consistent with that in other gamma-ray-bright SNRs located in our Galaxy or in the Large Magellanic Cloud. In addition, it is noteworthy that young SNRs RX J1713.7–3946, RX J0852.0−4622 (a.k.a. Vela Jr.), and RCW 86 as well as an evolved SNR IC 443 show the lowest values of Wp ∼ 1048 erg, while the others hold higher values of Wp ∼ 1049 erg.

Table 2. Comparison of Physical Properties of 11 Gamma-Ray SNRs

NameDistanceDiameterAge np Wp References
 (kpc)(pc)(kyr)(cm−3)(1049 erg) 
RX J1713.7−39461.0181.6130 ${0.16}_{-0.08}^{+0.07}$ Fukui et al. (2012)
RX J0852.0−46220.75 a 241.7 a 100 ${0.07}_{-0.02}^{+0.02}$ Fukui et al. (2017)
RCW 862.5301.875 ${0.11}_{-0.01}^{+0.01}$ Sano et al. (2019a)
HESS J1731−3475.7444.060 ${0.66}_{-0.22}^{+0.22}$ Fukuda et al. (2014)
G39.2−0.36.214 ${5.0}_{-2.0}^{+2.0}$ b 400 ${3.2}_{-0.8}^{+1.1}$ de Oña Wilhelmi et al. (2020)
W49B11.016 ${6.0}_{-1.0}^{+1.0}$ c 650 ${2.1}_{-0.6}^{+1.1}$ This work
Kes 795.516 ${8.3}_{-0.5}^{+0.5}$ 3600.5Kuriki et al. (2018)
W443.0 d 2720.0 e 2001.0Yoshiike et al. (2013)
IC4431.5 f 20 ${25.0}_{-5.0}^{+5.0}$ g 6800.09S. Yoshiike et al. (2021, in preparation)
LMC N132D50.025 ${2.5}_{-0.2}^{+0.2}$ h <2000>0.5Sano et al. (2020a)
LMC N63A50.018 ${3.5}_{-1.5}^{+1.5}$ i 190 ${0.9}_{-0.6}^{+0.5}$ Sano et al. (2019b)

Notes. Column (1): Name of SNR. Column (2): Distance to SNR in units of kiloparsecs. Column (3): Diameter of SNR in units of parsecs. Column (4): Age of SNR in units of kiloyears. Column (5): Averaged number density of total interstellar protons np in units of cm−3. Column (6): Total energy of CR protons Wp in units of 1049 erg. Column (7): References for CO/H i derived np and Wp for each SNR. Other specific references are also shown as follows:

a Katsuda et al. (2008). b Su et al. (2011). c Zhou & Vink (2018). d Caswell et al. (1975). e Wolszczan et al. (1991). f Welsh & Sallmen (2003). g Lee et al. (2008); Olbert et al. (2001). h Law et al. (2020). i Hughes et al. (1998).

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To better understand the trend, we plot the Wp values as a function of the age of the SNRs. Figure 10 shows a scatter plot between the ages of the SNRs and Wp. We find a positive correlation between the two parameters in the SNRs with a young age less than ∼6000 yr, suggesting that in situ values of Wp are strongly limited by a short duration time of acceleration, also known as age-limited acceleration (see Ohira et al. 2010). On the other hand, the SNRs with an older age more than ∼8000 yr show a steady decrease of Wp as they get older. This trend could be understood by considering the energy-dependent diffusion of CRs (e.g., Aharonian & Atoyan 1996; Gabici et al. 2007). In other words, the in situ values of Wp have been decreased due to CR escape from the SNR. In fact, hadron-dominant gamma rays have been detected in nearby giant molecular clouds of W44, suggesting that the molecular clouds are illuminated by CR protons that have escaped from W44 (e.g., Uchiyama et al. 2012; Peron et al. 2020). These authors have suggested the actual value of Wp including escaped CRs is ∼1050 erg, corresponding to 10% of the typical kinematic energy released by a supernova explosion. In any case, W49B shows one of the highest in situ values of Wp in gamma-ray-bright SNRs, which implies that the escape (diffusion) of CRs is not significant at the moment. Further gamma-ray observations using the Cerenkov Telescope Array will unveil a transition phase from age-limited acceleration to the escape-dominant stage in detail.

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Scatter plot between the age of SNRs and the total energy of CR protons Wp. The data points and references are summarized in Table 2. The green solid line indicates the linear regression of the double-logarithmic plot applying the least-squares method.

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5. Conclusions

We summarize our primary conclusions as follows:

  • 1.  
    New ALMA ACA CO(J = 2–1) observations at ∼7'' resolution have revealed the spatial and kinematic distributions of three candidates of interacting molecular clouds with the mixed-morphology SNR W49B, the velocities of which are ∼10 km s−1, ∼40 km s−1, and ∼60 km s−1. We found that the western molecular clouds at ∼10 km s−1 are obviously located along both the radio continuum boundary and the inside filaments as well as along the deformed X-ray shell, suggesting that shock–cloud interactions occurred. The 10 km s−1 cloud also shows a higher kinetic temperature of ∼20–60 K than the reference clouds at ∼15 K, indicating that modest shock heating also occurred. The presence of a wind bubble with an expanding velocity of ∼6 km s−1 provides further evidence for the association of the 10 km s−1 cloud.
  • 2.  
    The barrel-like structure of Fe-rich ejecta is mainly located in the void of dense molecular clouds, where a cool plasma component is enhanced. We propose a possible scenario that the barrel-like structure of Fe-rich ejecta was formed not only by the asymmetric supernova explosion, but also by interactions with dense molecular clouds. A supernova explosion occurred within the cylinder-like gaseous medium and then Fe-rich ejecta was efficiently heated up at higher densities by multiple-reflected shocks formed by shock–cloud interactions.
  • 3.  
    The electron temperature kTe of recombining plasma from Fe Heα shows a negative correlation with the peak integrated intensity of CO line emission in the 10 km s−1 cloud. More precisely, kTe values in the high-temperature recombining plasma are increasing from the western (cloud-rich) regions to the eastern (cloud-poor) regions, suggesting a thermal conduction origin. Note that this finding does not rule out the adiabatic cooling scenario in the low-temperature recombining plasma in W49B, which has previously been discussed (Holland-Ashford et al. 2020; Sun & Chen 2020).
  • 4.  
    The total energy of CR protons Wp is estimated to be ∼2 × 1049 erg, which is one of the highest values in gamma-ray-bright SNRs. We found that in situ values of Wp in gamma-ray SNRs increase with age for the young group (with ages less than ∼6000 yr). On the other hand, older SNRs show a steady decrease of Wp as they get older due to the escape/diffusion effect of CRs. We frame the hypothesis that W49B is undergoing age-limited acceleration without a significant escape or diffusion of CRs from the SNR.

We are grateful to Hiroya Yamaguchi for providing us with the NuSTAR data points used in this paper. This paper makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2018.1.01780.S. ALMA is a partnership between ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), MOST and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. The scientific results reported in this article are based on data obtained from the Chandra Data Archive (observation IDs 117, 13440, and 13441). This research has made use of software provided by the Chandra X-Ray Center in the application package CIAO (v4.12). This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Nos. JP19H05075 (H.S.) and JP21H01136 (H.S.). K. Tokuda was supported by NAOJ ALMA Scientific Research Grant No. 2016-03B. We are also grateful to the anonymous referee for useful comments that helped us improve the paper significantly.

Facilities: ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter Array, Chandra - , NuSTAR - , VLA - , Nobeyama 45 m telescope - , JCMT. -

Software: CASA (v5.6.0; McMullin et al. 2007), CIAO (v4.12; Fruscione et al. 2006), CALDB (v4.9.1; Graessle et al.2007).


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    Although Zhu et al. (2014) suggested the distance of the 40 km s−1 cloud is ∼10 kpc using a Galactic rotation curve model with R0 = 8.5 kpc and Θ0 = 220 km s−1 (Kerr & Lynden-Bell 1986), we adopt a distance of ∼9 kpc using the latest Galactic parameters of R0 = 7.92 kpc and Θ0 = 227 km s−1 (VERA Collaboration et al. 2020). Here R0 is the distance from the Sun to the Galactic center and Θ0 is the rotation velocity of the local standard of rest. We use the latter values throughout the paper.

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    Because the shell boundary of X-rays is almost similar to that of the radio continuum except for the western half, we here only present a spatial comparison with the CO map of 12.2–15.0 km s−1, which is bright in the western part of the shell.

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