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Photometry and Polarimetry of 2010 XC15: Observational Confirmation of E-type Near-Earth Asteroid Pair

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Published 2023 September 27 © 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.
, , Citation Jin Beniyama et al 2023 ApJ 955 143 DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/ace88f

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Asteroid systems such as binaries and pairs are indicative of the physical properties and dynamical histories of small solar system bodies. Although numerous observational and theoretical studies have been carried out, the formation mechanism of asteroid pairs is still unclear, especially for near-Earth asteroid (NEA) pairs. We conducted a series of optical photometric and polarimetric observations of a small NEA 2010 XC15 in 2022 December to investigate its surface properties. The rotation period of 2010 XC15 is possibly a few to several dozen hours and the color indices of 2010 XC15 are derived as gr = 0.435 ± 0.008, ri = 0.158 ± 0.017, and rz = 0.186 ± 0.009 in the Pan-STARRS system. The linear polarization degrees of 2010 XC15 are a few percent at the phase angle range of 58°–114°. We found that 2010 XC15 is a rare E-type NEA on the basis of its photometric and polarimetric properties. Taking the similarity of not only physical properties but also dynamical integrals and the rarity of E-type NEAs into account, we suppose that 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 are of common origin (i.e., an asteroid pair). These two NEAs are the sixth NEA pair and first E-type NEA pair ever confirmed, possibly formed by rotational fission. We conjecture that the parent body of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 was transported from the main belt through the ν6 resonance or Hungaria region.

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1. Introduction

Gravitationally bound multiple systems among small solar system bodies (SSSBs) have an important role in the study of the solar system; they provide us with rare opportunities to understand the physical properties, such as density and mass, of SSSBs (see, e.g., Merline et al. 2002; Margot et al. 2015; Walsh & Jacobson 2015, for reviews). The usefulness of the binary system has been demonstrated by a planetary defense mission, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART; Rivkin et al. 2021). The spacecraft changed the orbital period of Dimorphos (secondary) around Didymos (primary) by approximately 33 minutes (Thomas et al. 2023), which indicates a high momentum transfer efficiency. Additional characterizations will be performed by Hera, a European Space Agency rendezvous mission (Michel et al. 2022). The DART mission has provided never-before-heard-of science cases by comparing the observational results pre- and post-DART impact (e.g., Bagnulo et al. 2023).

The first satellite of SSSBs was discovered around the main-belt asteroid (MBA) (243) Ida by the Galileo spacecraft (Belton et al. 1995; Chapman et al. 1995). Later, lots of binaries were identified by lightcurve observations (e.g., Pravec & Harris 2007) and direct imaging (e.g., Rojo & Margot 2011; Brož et al 2022). A number of binary systems have been reported in the near-Earth region as well. Binary asteroids are not a rare population among near-Earth asteroids (NEAs; Pravec et al. 2006; Scheirich & Pravec 2009). Lightcurve observations are, in principle, biased toward the detection of close binaries while radar observations are biased toward the detection of binaries with large separations (Margot et al. 2002; Ostro et al. 2006). Homogeneous spectra of binaries have been reported by simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric observations (Polishook et al. 2009). Besides binary systems, Marchis et al. (2005) reported the MBA (87) Sylvia as the first triple system observed using the adaptive optics system on the Very Large Telescope (VLT). Recently, Berdeu et al. (2022) discovered the third satellite around the MBA (130) Elektra using the Spectro-polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch adaptive optics system and coronagraphic facility (SPHERE) and an integral field spectrograph on the VLT, making Elektra the first quadruple asteroid.

Two gravitationally unbound asteroid components with a common origin in an SSSB are called pairs. Asteroid pairs were first reported by Vokrouhlický & Nesvorný (2008). The formation time of pairs (i.e., their ages) were estimated with differences in the mean anomaly ΔM and semimajor-axis separation Δa of cluster members (Vokrouhlický & Nesvorný 2008). As with binaries, lots of lightcurve (Pravec et al. 2019) and spectroscopic observations (Duddy et al. 2013; Polishook et al. 2014a, 2014b) have been carried out. Most asteroid pairs have similar spectra (Polishook et al. 2014a, 2014b) while the pair (17198) Gorjup and (229056) 2004 FC126 have slightly different spectra (Duddy et al. 2013). Asteroid pairs are mainly studied for MBAs since in the near-Earth region, only four asteroid pairs have currently been reported.

The first NEA pair, 20 (3200) Phaethon and (155140) 2005 UD, was discovered by Ohtsuka et al. (2006). They performed backward and forward orbital integrations of both NEAs and found that their same orbital evolutionary phase had been shifted by 4600 yr, which indicates they are of common origin. The similarity of the visible spectra of Phaethon and 2005 UD classified as B-types supports the hypothesis of common origin. Their similar polarimetric properties also support this hypothesis (Devogèle et al. 2020; Ishiguro et al. 2022); however, their near-infrared spectra are different (Kareta et al. 2021).

Ohtsuka et al. (2008) reported that another NEA (225416) 1999 YC is dynamically related to Phaethon and 2005 UD. The visible color measurements of 1999 YC indicate that the NEA is classified under C-type taxonomy, not under the B-type one (Kasuga & Jewitt 2008). Ohtsuka et al. (2007) found the second NEA pair, (1566) Icarus–2007 MK6, using the same method of Ohtsuka et al. (2006). As written in Ohtsuka et al. (2007), the determination of additional physical parameters of both Icarus and 2007 MK6 is crucial to further investigating their common origin. After more than 10 years, de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos (2019) reported the discovery of a third NEA pair 2017 SN16–2018 RY7. The orbits of the pair asteroids are stable owing to the 3:5 mean motion resonance (MMR) with Venus, avoiding close encounters with it. Moskovitz et al. (2019) found that 2017 SN16 and 2018 RY7 have similar visible spectra, which supports the hypothesis that they are of common origin. Moskovitz et al. (2019) also found that the visible spectra of the two NEAs 2015 EE7 and 2015 FP124 resemble each other and concluded that the NEAs are a pair candidate. Recently, Fatka et al. (2022) discovered a very young NEA pair 2019 PR2–2019 QR6. The visible spectra of 2019 RP2 and 2019 QR6 are similar to primitive D-types, which are a rare type in the near-Earth region. D-types have similar colors to cometary nuclei (e.g., Capaccioni et al. 2015). The backward orbital integrations of the two NEAs did not show close encounters (i.e., breakup events) without cometary-like nongravitational force. They concluded that the separation time is approximately 300 yr ago with the cometary-like nongravitational model, which implies that 2019 PR2–2019 QR6 is the youngest pair known to date.

Some formation mechanisms have been proposed for multiple-asteroid systems, of which one of the leading examples is rotational fission (Walsh et al. 2008; Jacobson & Scheeres 2011; Jacobson et al. 2014, 2016). We use the term rotational fission in this paper instead of rotational breakup or rotational disruption. Walsh et al. (2008) found that satellites are formed by mass shedding events after a spin-up by the Yarkovsky–O'Keefe–Radzievskii–Paddack (YORP) effect, which arises from the asymmetry of scattered sunlight and thermal radiation from the surface (Rubincam 2000). Rotational fission is consistent with the observational fact that many primaries of binary and pair systems are fast-rotating asteroids (Pravec et al. 2010, 2019). As for NEA pairs, the fast rotation of the primary Icarus (approximately 2.3 hr) favors the rotational fission hypothesis. In general, however, the dynamical environments of MBAs and NEAs are different: MBAs are relatively stable in terms of dynamics, whereas NEAs are chaotic in nature due to frequent close encounters with planets. Confirmed NEA pairs are relatively free from close approaches to the inner planets owing to such properties as large eccentricity, large inclination, and MMR. Thus, the formation mechanisms of NEA pairs are still unclear, and other formation mechanisms such as tidal interaction with the planets are under consideration (Richardson et al. 1998; Scheeres et al. 2000; Walsh & Richardson 2006). Additional observations of multiple systems are essential to reaching a consensus regarding the origins of binary and pair systems.

The target NEA of this study, 2010 XC15, was discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey (Drake et al. 2009) with a 0.7 m Schmidt telescope on Mount Bigelow on 2010 December 5. Assuming an absolute magnitude H of 21.70 and a geometric albedo pV of ${0.350}_{-0.151}^{+0.176}$, derived from thermal observations using the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) in 2017 as part of the NEOLegacy project, 21 the diameter of 2010 XC15 was derived to be approximately 100 m. The orbital elements of 2010 XC15 resemble those of (33342) 1998 WT24, which is a well-characterized E-type NEA (Kiselev et al. 2002; Harris et al. 2007; Busch et al. 2008). This NEA, 1998 WT24, has an effective diameter of 415 ± 40 m (Busch et al. 2008). E-types are thought to have mineralogical links to enstatite achondrite meteorites (aubrites) composed of almost iron-free enstatite (Zellner 1975; Zellner et al. 1977). The orbital similarity criterion DSH (Southworth & Hawkins 1963) between two orbits is as small as 0.04 at present, which is comparable to the well-established Phaethon–Geminid meteor stream relation. This value is smaller than the empirical cutoff for significance, ∼0.20 (Drummond 1991), and indicates the orbital similarity of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24. The apparent magnitude of 2010 XC15 in the V band was brightened up to 13 mag in 2022 December, which allowed us to constrain the surface properties of a small asteroid. We conducted a one-week observation campaign of 2010 XC15 with multiple telescopes in 2022 December. In Section 2, we describe our methods: photometry, polarimetry, and orbital integrations. The results are presented in Section 3. The surface properties of 2010 XC15 are investigated in Section 4. The possible dynamical history and origin of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 are also discussed.

2. Methods

2.1. Photometric Observations

We performed multicolor photometry of 2010 XC15 using the TriColor CMOS Camera and Spectrograph (TriCCS) on the Seimei 3.8 m telescope (Kurita et al. 2020) at the Kyoto University Okayama Observatory (133.5967° E, 34.5769° N, and 355 m in altitude). The details of the photometry are presented in Table 1. The single-exposure time was set to 5.0 s, and the telescope was operated in the nonsidereal tracking mode. The data simultaneously obtained with the g, r, and i or z bands in the Pan-STARRS system (Chambers et al. 2016) were analyzed using the same procedure described in Beniyama et al. (2023).

Table 1. Summary of Photometric Observations

Obs. DateFilters Texp Nexp V α Δ rh Air MassWeather
(UT) (s) (mag)(deg)(au)(au)  
2022 Dec 22 16:25:41–18:11:52 g, r, i 547815.958.50.0300.9991.24–1.52Cirrus
2022 Dec 23 16:14:26–21:11:10 g, r, i 5169915.559.20.0240.9961.20–1.57Clear
2022 Dec 23 18:35:51–19:00:50 g, r, z 517215.559.20.0240.9961.20–1.21Clear
2022 Dec 24 15:45:24–21:08:32 g, r, i 5123014.960.90.0180.9921.17–1.80Clear
2022 Dec 25 18:18:53–21:04:21 g, r, z 582114.265.00.0120.9891.13–1.22Clear

Notes. The observation time in UT in the midtime of exposure (Obs. Date), filters (Filters), exposure time (${T}_{\exp }$), number of exposures (Nexp), and weather conditions (Weather) are listed. The predicted V-band apparent magnitude (V), phase angle (α), distance between 2010 XC15 and the observer (Δ), and distance between 2010 XC15 and the Sun (rh) at the observation starting time are from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) HORIZONS as of 2023 May 11 (UTC). The elevations used to calculate the air mass range (Air Mass) are also from NASA JPL HORIZONS.

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After bias subtraction, dark subtraction, and flat-fielding, astrometry of all the reduced images was performed using the astrometry.net software (Lang et al. 2010). Cosmic ray related signals were removed using the Python package Astro-SCRAPPY (McCully et al. 2018) based on Pieter van Dokkum's L.A.Cosmic algorithm (van Dokkum 2001). Circular aperture photometry was performed on 2010 XC15 and reference stars in each frame with the SExtractor-based Python package SEP (Bertin & Arnouts 1996; Barbary et al. 2015). The aperture radii were set to twice the size of the FWHMs of the point-spread functions of the reference stars. The light-travel time of the target asteroid was corrected to obtain the time-series colors and magnitudes (Harris & Lupishko 1989).

Reference stars meeting any of the criteria below were not used in the determination of colors and magnitudes: uncertainties in the g-, r-, i-, or z-band magnitudes in Pan-STARRS Data Release 2 (DR2; Flewelling et al. 2020) are larger than 0.05, (gr)PS > 1.1, (gr)PS < 0.0, (ri)PS > 0.8, or (ri)PS < 0.0, where (gr)PS and (ri)PS are colors in the Pan-STARRS system. We discarded sources close to the edges of the image frame (100 pixels from the edge) or those with any other sources within the aperture. Objects categorized as extended sources, possible quasars, and variable stars were removed with objinfoflag and objfilterflag in Pan-STARRS DR2. After deriving the colors and magnitudes of 2010 XC15 in the Pan-STARRS system for each frame, we used a binning of 60 s for all magnitudes and colors.

2.2. Polarimetric Observations

We conducted polarimetric observations at three sites in Japan: Nayoro Observatory (142.4830° E, 44.3736° N, and 151 m in altitude; Minor Planet Center code Q33; hereinafter referred to as NO), Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory (134.3356° E, 35.0253° N, and 449 m in altitude; hereinafter referred to as NHAO), and Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory (132.7767° E, 34.3775° N, and 511.2 m in altitude; hereinafter referred to as HHO). The observing specifications of the polarimetry are summarized in Table 2. We used the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI; Watanabe et al. 2012) mounted on the 1.6 m Pirka Telescope at NO, the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2 (WFGS2; Uehara et al. 2004; Kawakami et al. 2021) mounted on the 2.0 m Nayuta Telescope at NHAO, and the Hiroshima Optical and Near-InfraRed Camera (HONIR; Akitaya et al. 2014) mounted on the 1.5 m Kanata telescope at HHO. Wollaston prisms and rotatable half-wave plates are installed in all three instruments; thus, data obtained at the three sites were analyzed in the same standard reduction procedure (e.g., Kawabata et al. 1999; Ishiguro et al. 2017). We used the SExtractor-based Python package SEP for the circular aperture photometry. We derived linear polarization degrees relative to the direction perpendicular to the scattering plane, Pr, and the position angles of polarization, θr. Additionally, we observed a polarimetric standard star HD 19820 (Schmidt et al. 1992) to verify the consistency of our measurements (Appendix). We considered deviations between the polarimetric parameters in the literature and those derived here as systematic uncertainties in the measurements of the polarimetric parameters of 2010 XC15.

Table 2. Summary of Polarimetric Observations

Obs. DateInst.Filter Texp Nexp V α ϕ Pr θr Air Mass
(UT)  (s) (mag)(deg)(deg)(%)(deg) 
2022 Dec 20 15:30:37–16:29:49WFGS2 RC 300816.758.2298.21.61 ± 0.44−7.43 ± 7.851.51–1.91
2022 Dec 21 15:46:40–16:37:10MSI RC 1801216.358.2297.91.69 ± 0.56−2.00 ± 8.511.57–1.79
2022 Dec 24 20:36:51–20:55:13HONIR RC 115814.961.0294.91.36 ± 0.201.09 ± 4.091.25–1.29
2022 Dec 25 16:57:21–21:12:51HONIR RC 1151614.264.9292.71.27 ± 0.174.26 ± 3.561.13–1.42
2022 Dec 26 17:40:04–18:49:09HONIR RC 1151613.575.8291.01.74 ± 0.081.44 ± 1.851.17–1.38
2022 Dec 27 19:36:23–20:57:28WFGS2 RC 603214.4113.1316.71.85 ± 0.25−7.41 ± 2.571.36–1.78
2022 Dec 27 20:20:18–21:30:02HONIR RC 115814.4114.2318.11.82 ± 0.15−0.43 ± 2.451.28–1.56

Notes. The observation time in UT in the midtime of exposure (Obs. Date), instrument (Inst.), filter (Filter), exposure time (${T}_{\exp }$), and number of exposures (Nexp) are listed. The predicted V-band apparent magnitude (V), phase angle (α), and position angle of the scattering plane (ϕ) are from NASA JPL HORIZONS as of 2023 May 11 (UTC). The elevations used to calculate the air mass range (Air Mass) are also from NASA JPL HORIZONS.

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2.3. Orbital Integrations

The orbits of 2010 XC15 and the well-characterized E-type NEA 1998 WT24 resemble each other with a small DSH of 0.04. The geometric albedos of these two NEAs derived in previous studies are in agreement (Kiselev et al. 2002). This suggests that the two NEAs could be of common origin and it makes sense to investigate their orbital history.

To investigate the dynamical link and origins of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24, we performed backward orbital integrations using Mercury 6, a general-purpose software package for problems in solar system dynamics (Chambers & Migliorini 1997). We computed close encounters accurately with the general Bulirsch–Stoer algorithm available in Mercury 6. We also performed orbital integrations with the hybrid symplectic and Bulirsch–Stoer integrator in Mercury 6 and confirmed the results of our integrations do not significantly change.

The nominal orbital elements of the asteroids, their uncertainties, and the covariance data were retrieved from the NASA JPL Small-Body DataBase (SBDB). 22 The coordinates and velocities of the Sun and eight planets were obtained from NASA JPL HORIZONS. The nongravitational transverse acceleration parameters, A2 (Farnocchia et al. 2013), are given for both 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 in NASA JPL SBDB. The semimajor axes of these two asteroids have shrunk, possibly due to the Yarkovsky effect (e.g., Vokrouhlický 1998; Vokrouhlický et al. 2000; Bottke et al. 2006). Thus, we also considered the nongravitational transverse acceleration by setting A2 parameters in the integrations. We investigated the time evolutions of the asteroids under the gravity of the Sun and eight planets in the solar system. The first time step was set to 0.1 days in all integrations. The coordinates and velocities of the asteroids were output every 300 days. We converted the coordinates and velocities to orbital elements using element6, a program in Mercury 6.

The orbital evolution of NEAs often turns chaotic after a short period (∼100 yr) of integration due to frequent close encounters with planets (Yoshikawa et al. 2000). We generated clones utilizing the classical Monte Carlo using the covariance matrix (MCCM; Avdyushev & Banshchikova 2007; de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos 2015) approach to check this chaotic behavior. Each clone had initial orbital elements slightly different from the nominal ones. In total, we generated 1000 clones considering uncertainties of the eccentricity (e), perihelion distance (q), time of perihelion passage (τ), longitude of ascending node (Ω), argument of perihelion (ω), and inclination (i). The 1000 clones were generated with random numbers made with the np.random.randn function in the Python package NumPy (Oliphant 2015; Harris et al. 2020). We set the seed of the random number to 0. The semimajor axis (a) was calculated as a = q/(1 − e) after the orbital integrations. The epochs of the orbital elements of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 were 2018 January 1 UT, JD 2458119.5, and 2016 April 16 UT, JD 2457494.5, respectively.

To discuss whether the asteroids are of common origin, we used the following three integrals of motion of the asteroids in the circular restricted three-body problem (Lidov 1962) in von Zeipel–Lidov–Kozai (vZLK) oscillation (Kozai 1962; Lidov 1962; Ito & Ohtsuka 2019):

Equation (1)

Equation (2)

Equation (3)

When an asteroid breaks up into multiple bodies by catastrophic impacts or rotational fission, the fragments have slightly different orbital elements at that time. In the orbital evolutions of NEAs, the orbital parameters could be drastically changed due to close encounters with planets. On the other hand, the integrals of C0, C1, and C2 are kept constant for a longer time. Thus, these integrals should be good indicators of whether the asteroids are an NEA pair (Ohtsuka et al. 2006, 2007).

3. Results

3.1. Lightcurves and Rotation Period

For periodic analysis, we calculated reduced magnitudes from the observed magnitudes as

Equation (4)

where n is the index of the band, mred,n (α) is a reduced magnitude in the n band, mobs,n (α) is an observed magnitude in the n band, Δ is the distance between 2010 XC15 and the Earth, and rh is the distance between 2010 XC15 and the Sun. We performed phase angle correction since the phase angle of 2010 XC15 changed significantly during our observations, by ∼6fdg5 (Table 1). In general, an empirical relation, such as the HG model (Bowell et al. 1989), which was originally applied for photometric data taken at phase angles smaller than ∼30°, is used for phase correction. The phase angles of 2010 XC15 in our observations are as large as 60°, where the brightness dependence on the solar phase angle, the phase curve, is still poorly understood. We assumed a phase curve in linear form as follows:

Equation (5)

where Hn is an absolute magnitude in the n band, and b is the linear slope of the phase curve. We converted the reduced magnitudes to absolute magnitudes using Equation (5). Carefully checking the corrected lightcurves while setting b = 0.010, 0.015, 0.020, 0.025, 0.030, and 0.035 mag deg−1, we finally adopted b = 0.030 mag deg−1 for the corrected lightcurves, as shown in Figure 1. Clear variations with amplitudes of approximately 0.1 mag are seen in the corrected lightcurves.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Phase-corrected lightcurves of 2010 XC15. Phase-corrected lightcurves in the g (circles), r (triangles), i (squares), and z bands (diamonds) are presented. Time zero is set to JD 2459936.125 (2022 December 22 15:00:00 UT). Bars indicate the 1σ uncertainties.

Standard image High-resolution image

The rotation period of 2010 XC15 has been reported in the Asteroid Lightcurve Database (LCDB; Warner et al. 2009). The period derived as 2.673 ± 0.001 hr with 2 days of optical photometry in 2022 December by Petr Pravec 23 is a possible solution with a quality code U in the LCDB of 2-. Another period has been derived from radar observations using the Goldstone Radar at DSS-14. 24 Assuming that the effective diameter of 2010 XC15 is approximately 150 m, the conclusion was that the Doppler broadening of approximately 1.3 Hz at a wavelength of 3.5 cm corresponds to a rotation period of approximately 11.5 hr. The rotation period was constrained using the relation given by $B=(4\pi D)/(\lambda {P}_{\mathrm{rot}})\sin \beta $, where B is the measured bandwidth, D is the diameter, λ is the transmitted wavelength, Prot is the rotation period, and β is the angle between the line of sight and the spin vector of the object (Ostro et al. 1988). The 11.5 hr value can be derived assuming a $\sin \beta $ of 1. Thus, 11.5 hr is an upper limit of the rotation period since the pole orientation of 2010 XC15 is unknown.

We performed a periodic analysis with the g-band lightcurves using the Lomb–Scargle method limiting the period range to between 0.16 and 11.5 hr, as shown in Figure 2. We found no significant peak in the Lomb–Scargle periodogram. Figure 3 shows the phased lightcurves folded by a rotation period of 2.673 hr reported in the LCDB. We checked other phased lightcurves but it is difficult to conclude which peak to prefer over others as our lightcurve coverage is insufficient and the lightcurve amplitude of 2010 XC15 is small at approximately 0.1 mag. The small lightcurve amplitude implies that 2010 XC15 has a nearly spherical shape or its rotational axis is parallel to the line of sight. Lightcurves with small amplitudes sometimes show more than two maxima in a single rotation (Harris et al. 2014). For example, (5404) Uemura shows six maxima (Harris et al. 2014), and (101955) Bennu shows three maxima (Hergenrother et al. 2013) in a single rotation. Additional observations are necessary for more constraints on the rotation state of 2010 XC15. Furthermore, we cannot rule out the possibility that 2010 XC15 is a non–principal axis rotator (i.e., a tumbler; Paolicchi et al. 2002; Pravec et al. 2005).

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Lomb–Scargle periodogram of 2010 XC15. The number of harmonics of the model curve is 5.

Standard image High-resolution image
Figure 3.

Figure 3. Phased lightcurves of 2010 XC15. From top to bottom, the g-, r-, i-, and z-band lightcurves are presented. The lightcurves are folded by the derived period of 2.673 hr. Phase zero is set to JD 2459936.125 (2022 December 22 15:00:00 UT). The lightcurves in each band are horizontally offset by 0.2 mag for the sake of clarity. Bars indicate the 1σ uncertainties.

Standard image High-resolution image

3.2. Colors and Reflectance Spectrum

We present the colors of 2010 XC15 in Figure 4. We estimated the systematic uncertainties of the gr, ri, and rz colors in our observations, δgr , δri , and δrz , on the basis of the photometric measurements of the reference stars (Beniyama et al. 2023): δgr = 0.03 and δri = 0.03 in the observations with the g-, r-, and i-band filters on December 23; δgr = 0.02 and δrz = 0.02 in the observations with the g-, r-, and z-band filters on December 23; δgr = 0.02 and δri = 0.02 in the observations with the g-, r-, and i-band filters on December 24; and δgr = 0.01 and δrz = 0.01 for the observations with the g-, r-, and z-band filters on December 25. The weighted average colors of 2010 XC15, except for the first night, when the conditions of the sky were not ideal, were derived as gr = 0.435 ± 0.008, ri = 0.158 ±0.017, and rz = 0.186 ± 0.009. The colors correspond to VR = 0.41 ± 0.02 and RI = 0.39 ± 0.03 in the Johnson system (Tonry et al. 2012). We could not find notable rotational spectral variations when assuming rotation periods of 2.673 hr.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Time variations of colors of 2010 XC15. The gr (circles), ri (triangles), and rz (squares) colors are presented. Time zero is set to JD 2459936.125 (2022 December 22 15:00:00 UT). Bars indicate the 1σ uncertainties.

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In Figure 5, we show the observed reflectance spectrum of 2010 XC15. The reflectances at the central wavelength of the g, i, and z bands, Rg , Ri , and Rz , were calculated as follows (e.g., DeMeo & Carry 2013):

Equation (6)

Equation (7)

Equation (8)

where ${(g-r)}_{{\mathrm{XC}}_{15}}$, ${(i-r)}_{{\mathrm{XC}}_{15}}$, and ${(z-r)}_{{\mathrm{XC}}_{15}}$ are the colors of 2010 XC15, whereas (gr), (ir), and (zr) are the colors of the Sun in the Pan-STARRS system. We referred to the absolute magnitude of the Sun in the Pan-STARRS system: g = 5.03, r = 4.64, i = 4.52, and z = 4.51 (Willmer 2018). We set the uncertainties of the magnitude of the Sun to 0.02.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Reflectance spectrum of 2010 XC15 (circles). Vertical bars indicate the 1σ uncertainties. Horizontal bars indicate the filter bandwidths. Visible spectra of other E-types are shown: 1998 WT24 (upper solid line on the right side; Lazzarin et al. 2004) and Nysa (lower solid line on the right side; Bus & Binzel 2002). Template spectra of S- (dashed line), Xe- (dotted line), and Xc-types (dotted–dashed line) are shown (Bus & Binzel 2002; DeMeo & Carry 2013). The reflectance spectra are normalized at 0.617 μm.

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The reflectance spectra in Figure 5 are normalized at the band center of the r band in the Pan-STARRS system, 0.617 μm (Tonry et al. 2012). Horizontal bars in 2010 XC15's spectrum indicate filter bandwidths (Tonry et al. 2012). The reflectance spectra other than those of 2010 XC15 were originally normalized at 0.55 μm. We renormalized the spectra at 0.617 μm as follows:

Equation (9)

where $R(\lambda )^{\prime} $ is the renormalized reflectance at wavelength of λ, R(λ) is the original reflectance at wavelength of λ, and R(0.617 μm) is the original reflectance at wavelength of 0.617 μm. We normalized the spectra after smoothing every 0.03 μm.

3.3. Linear Polarization Degrees

The derived linear polarization degrees and position angles of 2010 XC15 are listed in Table 2. Figure 6 shows the observed phase angle dependence of the linear polarization degrees of 2010 XC15. The derived polarization degrees are a few percent at the phase angle range of 58°–114°. The small linear polarization degrees combined with the spectrum imply that 2010 XC15 is an E-type asteroid with a high geometric albedo. This is consistent with the pV of ${0.350}_{-0.151}^{+0.176}$ derived from thermal observations using the IRAC on SST.

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Phase angle dependences of linear polarization degrees of 2010 XC15 and other E-type asteroids. The polarization degrees of 2010 XC15 are represented by circles (WFGS2), triangles (HONIR), and a square (MSI). The polarization degrees of other E-types are also shown: 1998 WT24 (diamonds; Kiselev et al. 2002), 2004 VD17 (inverted triangles; De Luise et al. 2007), and Nysa (hexagons; Zellner & Gradie 1976). Bars indicate the 1σ uncertainties. The polarization phase curve of 1998 WT24 and 2010 XC15 fitted with the empirical function (Lumme & Muinonen 1993; Penttilä et al. 2005) is indicated by a solid line. Uncertainty envelopes representing the 95% highest-density interval values are indicated by dashed lines.

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We fit the linear polarization degrees of 2010 XC15 using an empirical model curve as follows:

Equation (10)

where b, c1, c2, and α0 are free parameters (Lumme & Muinonen 1993; Penttilä et al. 2005). We used the curve_fit function in the Python package SciPy (Virtanen et al. 2020). The curve_fit routine determines the best-fit parameters using the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. Our polarimetric measurements were obtained at the phase angle range of 58°–114°. The free parameters were not constrained well with only our measurements since our phase angle coverage was insufficient. It is known that asteroids that belong to the same spectral class show a similar phase angle dependence of linear polarization (Belskaya et al. 2017). As for E-types, polarimetric measurements at phase angles larger than 50° have been reported for two NEAs: 1998 WT24 (Kiselev et al. 2002) and (144898) 2004 VD17 (De Luise et al. 2007). In Figure 6, we plot the polarization degrees of these two asteroids. These two asteroids were also not observed at small phase angles. We plotted the polarization degrees of the prototype E-type MBA (44) Nysa (Zellner & Gradie 1976). We adopted the polarization degrees determined using the R-band or 678 nm filter for 1998 WT24, and those determined using the R-band filter for Nysa as our observations of 2010 XC15 were conducted in the R band. We note that 2004 VD17 was observed with the V filter. A good match was found between the phase angle dependences of the linear polarization degrees of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24, whereas the linear polarization degrees of 2004 VD17 indicated a different trend. Therefore, we combined and fit the linear polarization degrees of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 with the empirical model curve above. There is a good match between the model curve and the linear polarization degrees of Nysa.

We generated 3000 polarization data sets by randomly resampling the measured data assuming each polarization degree follows a normal distribution with a standard deviation of its uncertainty. We obtained 3000 sets of fitting parameters from the generated data sets. The maximum polarization degree of 2010 XC15 was derived as approximately 2% at α of approximately 100°.

3.4. Dynamical Evolution

The time evolutions of the orbital elements of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 during the last 1000 yr are presented in Figure 7. The orbital elements of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 can be successfully traced for approximately 200 and 250 yr, respectively. The orbital elements of clones become scattered, and chaotic behaviors can be seen.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Time evolution of orbital elements and integrals of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 during 1000 yr backward integration: (a) semimajor axis, (b) eccentricity, (c) perihelion distance, (d) inclination, (e) longitude of ascending node, (f) argument of perihelion, (g) C1 integral, and (h) C2 integral. The time evolution of nominal and averaged values for 2010 XC15 is represented by solid and dashed lines, respectively. The time evolution of nominal and averaged values for 1998 WT24 is represented by dotted and dotted–dashed lines, respectively. The time evolution of clones for 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 is shown by gray and black lines, respectively.

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We checked the distance between the inner planets and both 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24, outputting the coordinates and velocities of the asteroids every 0.1 days. Close approaches at a few lunar distances from the Earth–Moon system had strong influences on the orbital evolution of both 1998 WT24 and 2010 XC15. The three integrals of motion, C0 (= 1/a), C1, and C2, have been stable for 1000 yr. The C0 of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 are within the ranges of 1.350–1.361 and 1.391–1.398, respectively; their C1 are within the ranges of 0.809–0.813 and 0.809–0.812, respectively; and their C2 are within the ranges of 0.067–0.069 and 0.069–0.071, respectively.

4. Discussion

4.1. Observational Confirmation of E-type NEA Pair 1998 WT24–2010 XC15

In Figure 5, we show the template spectra of S-, Xe-, and Xc-types (Bus–DeMeo taxonomy; Bus & Binzel 2002; DeMeo & Carry 2013), 25 and the spectra of the E-type (Tholen taxonomy) and Xc-type (Bus–DeMeo taxonomy) MBA Nysa (Bus & Binzel 2002) and the E-type NEA 1998 WT24 (Lazzarin et al. 2004). The latter two were obtained via the M4AST online tool (Modeling for Asteroids; Popescu et al. 2012). We confirm the similarity between the spectra of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24.

We checked the difference of the phase angles at the observations as it is known that the slope of the visible spectrum changes depending on the solar phase angles, also known as the phase reddening effect (Sanchez et al. 2012). Phase angles and specific dates and times of observations of 1998 WT24 are not described in Lazzarin et al. (2004). We carefully combined the available information in Lazzarin et al. (2004): their observations were performed on 2000 October 26–28 or on 2001 November 17–20 and the V-band magnitude of 1998 WT24 was 16.0 mag at the observations. According to the ephemerides provided by NASA JPL HORIZONS, the V-band magnitudes are approximately 20 mag and 16 mag on 2000 October 26–28 and 2001 November 17–20, respectively. The V-band magnitudes indicate that the observations were conducted in the latter period. The phase angles of 1998 WT24 on 2001 November 17–20 were 73°–77°, which are not far from those of our 2010 XC15 observations, 58°–65°. Therefore, we ignored the phase reddening effect.

We found that the linear polarization degrees of 2010 XC15 are a few percent at the phase angles across wide ranges. The linear polarization degrees of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 at phase angles around 60° match well. The Pmax of 2010 XC15 is about 2%. This is almost equivalent to the Pmax of 1998 WT24, 1.6–1.8, derived in Kiselev et al. (2002), although it must be noted that the Pmax of 2010 XC15 was derived with the polarization degrees of 1998 WT24. We further note that the Pmax of 1998 WT24 in Kiselev et al. (2002) was derived with the polarization degrees of other E-types, Nysa and (64) Angelina.

The physical properties and orbital elements of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 are summarized in Table 3. Based on the photometric and polarimetric properties described above, the surface properties of the two E-type asteroids 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 resemble each other. A recent spectroscopic survey of NEAs shows E-types comprise only a few percent of the total NEA population (Marsset et al. 2022). Taking the similarity of not only physical properties but also dynamical integrals and the rarity of E-types in the near-Earth region into account, we suppose that 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 are fragments from the same parent body (i.e., an asteroid pair). They are the sixth NEA pair and the first E-type NEA pair ever confirmed. The next close approaches of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 will take place in 2027 December with V ≤ 17 mag and in 2029 December with V ≤ 14 mag, respectively. Additional spectroscopic observations in wide wavelength coverage are encouraged to investigate the common origin of the two NEAs.

Table 3. Comparison of Physical Properties and Orbital Elements of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24

 2010 XC15 1998 WT24 References
Absolute magnitude, H (mag)21.7018.69 ± 0.31, 2
Geometric albedo, pV ${0.350}_{-0.151}^{+0.176}$ 0.34 ± 0.20, 0.56 ± 0.21, 2, 3
Rotation period (hr)a few to several dozen3.6970 ± 0.0002This study, 2
Volume-equivalent diameter (m) ${102}_{-17}^{+30}$ 415 ± 401, 2
Maximum polarization degree, Pmax (%)∼21.6–1.8This study, 4
Shapenearly sphericalnearly sphericalThis study, 2
Semimajor axis, a (au)0.732375383 (0.000000015)0.7187740919 (0.0000000027)5
Eccentricity, e 0.419862999 (0.000000040)0.4176018439 (0.0000000098)5
Inclination, i (deg)8.2392588 (0.0000060)7.3675902 (0.0000019)5
Longitude of ascending node, Ω (deg)94.4069555 (0.0000035)81.6663922 (0.0000021)5
Argument of perihelion, ω (deg)158.1007878 (0.0000069)167.5262827 (0.0000028)5
Mean anomaly, M (deg)323.063632 (0.000012)136.978426 (0.000022)5

Notes. References column: (1) NEOLegacy, (2) Busch et al. (2008), (3) best-fit values from thermal-infrared observations in Harris et al. (2007), (4) Kiselev et al. (2002), (5) NASA JPL SBDB. The orbital elements of 2010 XC15 are from epoch JD 2460000.5 (2023 February 25.0) TDB (Barycentric Dynamical Time, J2000.0 ecliptic and equinox). They are based on 279 observations with a data-arc span of 4406 days (solution date, 2023 February 14 15:10:21). The orbital elements of 1998 WT24 are from epoch JD 2460000.5 (2023 February 25.0) TDB. They are based on 1842 observations with a data-arc span of 8489 days (solution date, 2023 March 1 06:14:53). The values in parentheses are the 1σ uncertainties of the orbital elements.

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4.2. Dynamical History and Origin of E-type NEA Pair

The six confirmed NEA pairs are presented on an aemin or 1/C0emin plane in Figure 8: Phaethon–2005 UD (Ohtsuka et al. 2006), Icarus–2007 MK6 (Ohtsuka et al. 2007), 2017 SN16–2018 RY7 (de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos 2019; Moskovitz et al. 2019), 2015 EE7–2015 FP124 (Moskovitz et al. 2019), 2019 PR2–2019 QR6 (Fatka et al. 2022), and 1998 WT24–2010 XC15. The emin is the minimum value of the orbital eccentricity over one period of ω (Gronchi & Milani 2001). The orbital elements were extracted from the NEA element catalogs of NEODyS-2 26 as of 2023 May 1. The C1 and C2 of 2010 XC15, 1998 WT24, and the other NEA pairs are plotted on the Lidov diagram in Figure 9 (Lidov 1962; Ito & Ohtsuka 2019). The Lidov diagram helps us understand the dynamical characteristics of the system. The orbital elements used to calculate C1 and C2 were extracted from the Minor Planet Center Orbit Database file 27 as of 2023 May 1. The separations of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 in Figures 8 and 9 are as small as those of the other NEA pairs as summarized in Table 4. This supports the idea that the two asteroids are of common origin as these integrals are useful indicators for confirming NEA pairs (Ohtsuka et al. 2006, 2007). As shown in Figure 7, the orbital elements of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 become scattered after backward integrations of 200 and 250 yr, respectively. Thus, we could not determine the exact time of the breaking-up event.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. Semimajor axis (a) vs. minimum eccentricity (emin) of NEAs. Larger (primary) asteroids are plotted with larger markers compared to smaller (secondary) asteroids for all pairs. Orbital elements were extracted from NEODyS-2 as of 2023 May 1.

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Figure 9.

Figure 9. Lidov diagram with C1 and C2 of NEAs. Larger asteroids (primary) are plotted with larger markers compared to smaller asteroids (secondary) for all pairs. The area to the left of the separatrix (dashed line) is the libration mode (the argument of perihelion librates), and the area to the right is the circulation mode (the argument of perihelion circulates). The forbidden region is hatched. The orbital elements used to calculate C1 and C2 were extracted from the Minor Planet Center Orbit Database file as of 2023 May 1.

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Table 4. Proper Orbital Elements and Integrals of NEA Pairs

  a emin C0 C1 C2
2005 UD1.27480.81110.784440.184030.26681
2007 MK6 1.08080.78620.925210.270290.24572
2017 SN16 1.01610.03390.984170.926350.00797
2018 RY7 1.01620.03280.984030.926180.00813
2015 EE7 1.70170.35670.587650.656360.05328
2015 FP124 1.70840.35840.585330.648970.05501
2019 PR2 5.77210.77440.173250.349740.23851
2019 QR6 5.77270.77450.173230.349720.23857
1998 WT24 0.71850.41791.391830.812050.06962
2010 XC15 0.73490.41351.360730.808870.06889

Notes. Semimajor axis a, minimum eccentricity emin, C0, C1, and C2 of NEA pairs. The absolute differences of the five parameters for each pair are listed. The a (≡ 1/C0) and emin were extracted from the NEA element catalogs of NEODyS-2 as of 2023 May 1. The orbital elements used to calculate C1 and C2 were extracted from the Minor Planet Center Orbit Database file as of 2023 May 1.

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It is worth mentioning that the mass ratio of 1998 WT24–2010 XC15 as well as those of Phaethon–2005 UD and Icarus–2007 MK6 is close to 0.25. The rotation period of the primary 1998 WT24 is 3.6970 hr (Busch et al. 2008), which is also close to that of another primary Phaethon. Busch et al. (2008) revealed that the shape of 1998 WT24 looks like a spherical body with three basins. They suggested that the basins may be impact craters or a relic of past dynamical disruption. The overall shape of 1998 WT24 resembles top-shaped asteroids such as 2008 EV5 and 2000 DP107, on which rotational fissions may have occurred (Tardivel et al. 2018). The mass ratio and rotation period are consistent with the theory of rotation fission (Scheeres 2007; Pravec et al. 2010). This is also the case for the Phaethon–2005 UD pair (Hanuš 2016). Therefore, rotational fission is favored as the formation mechanism of the 1998 WT24–2010 XC15 pair. Considering the diameter of the parent body of 1998 WT24–2010 XC15 is almost equivalent to that of 1998 WT24 at approximately 400 m, YORP spin-up might play an important role in rotational fission since it strongly changes the rotation state of such small bodies (Rubincam 2000). In terms of the spherical shape of the primary 1998 WT24, rotational fission is preferred over tidal disruption, which typically expects elongated primaries (Walsh & Richardson 2006).

There are some escape regions from MBAs to NEAs (Granvik et al. 2018). One is the ν6 resonance at the inner edge of the main belt with a semimajor axis of approximately 2.1 au. Nysa is located at the inner main belt with a semimajor axis of approximately 2.4 au. Reddy et al. (2016) characterized a tiny (D ∼ 2 m) E-type NEA 2015 TC25 in radar, optical lightcurves, and near-infrared spectroscopic observations. They combined the spectral and dynamical properties of 2015 TC25 and concluded that it is a fragment possibly ejected from Nysa. Another representative escape region for E-types is the Hungaria region with a semimajor axis of approximately 1.9 au and an inclination of about 20°. It is known that the fraction of NEAs from the Hungaria region is smaller than that from the inner main belt through the ν6 resonance (Granvik et al. 2018). On the other hand, considering the relative fractions of E-types in different regions of the main belt, the probability of their originating from the Hungaria region is higher than that from the ν6 resonance or is comparable within uncertainties (Binzel et al. 2019). Thus, the source region of 2010 XC15, 1998 WT24, and their parent body cannot be clearly determined.

5. Conclusion

We performed optical photometry and polarimetry of a small NEA 2010 XC15 in 2022 December. We found that the rotation period of 2010 XC15 is possibly a few to several dozen hours and the color indices of 2010 XC15 are gr = 0.435 ± 0.008, ri = 0.158 ± 0.017, and rz = 0.186 ± 0.009 in the Pan-STARRS system. Additionally, we found that the linear polarization degrees of 2010 XC15 are a few percent at the phase angle range of 58°–114°. We found that 2010 XC15 is a rare E-type NEA on the basis of its photometric and polarimetric properties. Taking the similarity of not only physical properties but also dynamical integrals and the rarity of E-type NEAs into account, we suppose that 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 are an E-type NEA pair. These two NEAs are the sixth NEA pair and first E-type NEA pair ever confirmed and were possibly formed by rotational fission. We conjecture that the parent body of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 is from the main belt through the ν6 resonance or the Hungaria region. The next observing windows of 2010 XC15 and 1998 WT24 will arrive in 2027 December with V ≤ 17 mag and 2029 December with V ≤ 14 mag, respectively. Additional spectroscopic observations in wide wavelength coverage are encouraged to further investigate the common origin of these two NEAs.


We would like to thank Jooyeon Geem and Ryota Fukai for their help and discussions regarding polarimetry and E-type asteroids, respectively. We are grateful for the insights provided by Patrick Michel. The authors are grateful to the anonymous referee for a very constructive review of this manuscript. J.B. would like to express his gratitude to the Public Trust Iwai Hisao Memorial Tokyo Scholarship Fund for its grants. This research is partially supported by the Optical and Infrared Synergetic Telescopes for Education and Research (OISTER) program funded by MEXT of Japan. This work is supported in part by JST SPRING, grant No. JPMJSP2108, and the UTEC UTokyo Scholarship as well as by a grant from the Hayakawa Satio Fund awarded by the Astronomical Society of Japan. This work has been supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) grant Nos. 21H04491 and 23KJ0640. The authors thank the TriCCS developer team (which has been supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant Nos. JP18H05223, JP20H00174, and JP20H04736, and by NAOJ Joint Development Research). The Pan-STARRS1 Surveys (PS1) and the PS1 public science archive have been made possible through contributions by the Institute for Astronomy, the University of Hawaii, the Pan-STARRS Project Office, the Max Planck Society and its participating institutes, the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (Heidelberg) and the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (Garching), the Johns Hopkins University, Durham University, the University of Edinburgh, Queen's University Belfast, the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network Incorporated, the National Central University of Taiwan, the Space Telescope Science Institute, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under grant No. NNX08AR22G issued through the Planetary Science Division of the NASA Science Mission Directorate, the National Science Foundation grant No. AST-1238877, the University of Maryland, Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE), the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. We wish to thank the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa; IASF-INAF; SpaceDyS srl; JPL; the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Valladolid; Hyperborea srl; and the OrbFit Consortium for operating and contributing to the convenient web-based interface NEODyS.

Facilities: - Kanata (HONIR) - .

Software: NumPy (Oliphant 2015; Harris et al. 2020), pandas (Wes 2010), SciPy (Virtanen et al. 2020), AstroPy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013, 2018), Astro-SCRAPPY (McCully et al. 2018), astroquery (Ginsburg et al. 2019), Matplotlib (Hunter 2007), Source Extractor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996), SEP (Barbary et al. 2015), astrometry.net (Lang et al. 2010).

Appendix: Validation of Polarimetric Measurements

We present the polarimetric results of a polarimetric standard star HD 19820 (Schmidt et al. 1992) in Figure 10 for validation purposes. We derived the linear polarization degrees, P, and position angles of polarization, θ, of HD 19820 with high accuracy. We considered deviations between the photometric parameters in Schmidt et al. (1992) and those derived here as systematic uncertainties in the measurements of the polarimetric parameters of 2010 XC15.

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Results of polarimetry of polarimetric standard star HD 19820 at each site on each day. The Stokes parameters Q and U normalized by the intensity I, qQ/I and uU/I, before and after series of corrections are presented as diamonds and triangles, respectively. The q and u of HD 19820 calculated from P and θ in Schmidt et al. (1992) are shown by hexagons. Bars indicate the 1σ uncertainties. The polarization degrees of HD 19820 after series of corrections and those in Schmidt et al. (1992) are represented by large solid circles and dashed circles, respectively. The deviations ΔP, the polarization degrees in Schmidt et al. (1992) minus those derived here, and Δθ, the position angles of polarization in Schmidt et al. (1992) minus those derived here, are shown.

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