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ALMA Detection of a Linearly Polarized Reverse Shock in GRB 190114C

, , , , , , , , , , , , , and

Published 2019 June 13 © 2019. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Tanmoy Laskar et al 2019 ApJL 878 L26 DOI 10.3847/2041-8213/ab2247

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We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array 97.5 GHz total intensity and linear polarization observations of the mm-band afterglow of GRB 190114C spanning 2.2–5.2 hr after the burst. We detect linear polarization at the ≈5σ level, decreasing from Π = (0.87 ± 0.13)% to (0.60 ± 0.19)%, and evolving in polarization position angle from (10 ± 5)° to (−44 ± 12)° during the course of the observations. This represents the first detection and measurement of the temporal evolution of polarized radio/millimeter emission in a γ-ray burst. We show that the optical and X-ray observations between 0.03 days and ∼0.3 days are consistent with a fast-cooling forward shock expanding into a wind environment. However, the optical observations at ≲0.03 days, as well as the radio and millimeter observations, arise from a separate component, which we interpret as emission from the reverse-shocked ejecta. Using the measured linear polarization, we constrain the coherence scale of tangled magnetic fields in the ejecta to an angular size of θB ≈ 10−3 radian, while the rotation of the polarization angle rules out the presence of large-scale, ordered axisymmetric magnetic fields, and in particular a large-scale toroidal field, in the jet.

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1. Introduction

The interaction of gamma-ray burst (GRB) jets with their ambient medium generates two shocks: (i) a relativistic forward shock (FS) in the ambient medium that powers the long-lasting X-ray to radio afterglow radiation, and (ii) a short-lived reverse shock (RS) propagating into, and decelerating, the jet (Sari et al. 1998; Zhang & Kobayashi 2005). Whereas observations and modeling of the FS emission reveal the burst energetics, outflow geometry, and the density structure of the pre-explosion environment, the self-similar hydrodynamic evolution of the FS is insensitive to the composition of the jet itself.

Instead, the composition (baryon content), initial Lorentz factor, and magnetization of GRB jets can be probed through the short-lived RS emission (Granot & Königl 2003; Granot & Taylor 2005; Zhang & Kobayashi 2005). The expected signature of RS synchrotron radiation is a bright optical flash as the shock crosses the ejecta (typically lasting a few tens of seconds) followed by a radio flare (typically lasting a few days), a phenomenon predicted to be prevalent, if not ubiquitous, in GRBs (Akerlof et al. 1999; Sari & Piran 1999). Isolating the RS requires careful decomposition of the observed multi-frequency (radio-to-X-ray) spectral energy distribution (SED) at different epochs into FS and RS contributions (Laskar et al. 2013; Perley et al. 2014; van der Horst et al. 2014; Laskar et al. 2016; Alexander et al. 2017; Laskar et al. 2018a, 2018b).

RS emission is expected to be polarized, particularly if the jet contains large-scale ordered magnetic fields advected from the central engine (Granot & Königl 2003; Granot & Taylor 2005), and thus RS polarization observations provide a powerful measure of ejecta magnetization (Mundell et al. 2013). The degree of RS polarization is sensitive to the magnetic field anisotropy in the jet, with levels of up to ≈60% expected in the presence of ordered magnetic fields or ≲10% in the case of tangled fields (Granot 2003; Granot & Königl 2003; Lyutikov et al. 2003). The polarization angle is predicted to remain stable in jets with large-scale magnetic fields (Lazzati et al. 2004), or vary randomly with time if the field is produced locally by plasma or magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities (Gruzinov & Waxman 1999). Thus measurements of polarization degree and position angle, and of the evolution of these quantities with time, should provide diagnostics for the magnetic field structure in GRB jets.

Polarized RS emission in the radio or millimeter band has not been detected to date due to sensitivity and response time limitations, with the best limits of ≲7% (linear) and ≲9% (circular) for likely RS emission in GRB 991216 at 8.46 GHz, 1.5 days after the burst (Granot & Taylor 2005), and <3.9% (linear) and <2.7% (circular) at 1.5 days after the burst for the strong RS observed in GRB 130427A (van der Horst et al. 2014). However, RS emission, although visible for up to ∼ a week in the cm-band, is often self-absorbed at these frequencies (Laskar et al. 2013, 2016, 2018a, 2018b); as self-absorption suppresses intrinsic polarization (Toma et al. 2008), this could potentially explain the cm-band upper limits. In contrast, RS emission is expected to be optically thin in the mm-band; however, the limited sensitivity and response time of mm-band facilities has precluded such a measurement to date.

Here, we present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Band 3 (97.5 GHz) full Stokes observations of GRB 190114C, beginning at 2.2 hr after the burst and lasting for 3 hr, together with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations spanning 4.7–6.3 hr after the burst. Our data reveal the first polarization detection9 at radio or millimeter frequencies. By combining the radio, millimeter, optical, and X-ray observations, we demonstrate that the mm-band flux is dominated by an RS, which allows us to constrain the magnetic field geometry in the outflow powering this burst. We assume Ωm = 0.31, Ωλ = 0.69, and H0 = 68 km s−1 Mpc−1. All times are relative to the Swift trigger time and in the observer frame, unless otherwise indicated.

2. GRB Properties and Observations

2.1. Gamma-Ray, X-Ray, and Optical

GRB 190114C was discovered by the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT; Barthelmy et al. 2005) on the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (Swift; Gehrels et al. 2004) on 2019 January 14 at 20:57:03 UT (Gropp et al. 2019). The GRB was also detected by Konus-Wind in the 30 keV to 20 MeV band, which observed decaying emission until ≈320 s after the trigger (Frederiks et al. 2019), by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM; Meegan et al. 2009) with T90 ≈ 116 s, and by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Hamburg et al. 2019; Kocevski et al. 2019). In a historic first, high-energy emission from this burst was also detected by the twin Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescopes at ≳300 GeV, starting 50 s after the BAT trigger (Mirzoyan et al. 2019).

The optical afterglow was discovered by the Swift UV/Optical Telescope (UVOT; Roming et al. 2005) starting 73 s after the BAT trigger (Gropp et al. 2019). Spectroscopic observations with the ALFOSC instrument on the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) beginning ≈29 minutes after the BAT trigger yielded a redshift of z = 0.42 (Selsing et al. 2019), which was further refined with X-shooter spectroscopy at the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope to z = 0.4245 (Kann et al. 2019).

The Swift X-ray Telescope (XRT; Burrows et al. 2005) began observing GRB 190114C 64 s after the BAT trigger. We use the photon index for WT- and PC-mode observations listed on the Swift website, together with the corresponding unabsorbed counts-to-flux conversion rate to convert the 0.3–10 keV count rate light curve10 to flux density at 1 keV. We performed photometry on the UVOT data at 6 × 10−3 days with a 3farcs5 aperture (including aperture corrections) using standard techniques (Poole et al. 2008). We further include observations of the afterglow reported in GCN circulars, in particular, the NOT observations at 2 × 10−2 days (Selsing et al. 2019) and the GROND observations at ≈0.16 days (Bolmer & Schady 2019).

2.2. Radio: VLA

We observed the afterglow using the VLA starting 4.7 hr (≈0.2 days) after the burst through program 18A-088 (PI: T. Laskar). In our first epoch, we obtained a full sequence of observations spanning 5–38 GHz. We used 3C48 as the flux density and bandpass calibrator and J0402-3147 as the complex gain calibrator. We carried out data reduction with CASA (McMullin et al. 2007) using the pwkit package (Williams et al. 2017). The highest-frequency (K- and Ka-band) observations exhibited significant post-calibration residuals, which we remedied using phase-only self-calibration. We are continuing observations of the afterglow in the cm-band at the time of writing, and defer a detailed analysis of the cm-band properties of this event at ≳1 day to a future work. We list the results of our VLA observations in Table 1.

Table 1.  Radio and Millimeter Stokes I Observations of GRB 190114C

Telescope Frequency Time Flux Density Uncertainty
  (GHz) (days) (mJy) (μJy)
ALMA 97.5 0.0995 11.5 21.8
ALMA 97.5 0.107 11.1 21.2
ALMA 97.5 0.115 10.7 25.7
ALMA 97.5 0.125 10.2 31.4
ALMA 97.5 0.129 10.1 60.8
ALMA 97.5 0.140 9.58 20.8
ALMA 97.5 0.146 9.26 35.5
ALMA 97.5 0.154 8.60 29.6
ALMA 97.5 0.161 8.24 22.2
ALMA 97.5 0.168 8.05 25.5
ALMA 97.5 0.188 7.53 23.0
ALMA 97.5 0.196 7.27 23.1
ALMA 97.5 0.203 7.04 23.7
ALMA 97.5 0.213 7.00 28.8
ALMA 97.5 0.217 6.87 56.7
VLA 37.0 0.197 3.95 39.0
VLA 30.0 0.197 3.28 32.0
VLA 24.5 0.219 2.66 23.0
VLA 19.2 0.219 1.96 18.0
VLA 16.0 0.236 1.52 24.4
VLA 13.5 0.236 1.22 29.9
VLA 11.0 0.249 0.838 19.0
VLA 8.55 0.249 0.607 17.3
VLA 7.10 0.261 0.397 19.3
VLA 5.00 0.261 0.118 32.0

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2.3. ALMA Polarization Observations

We obtained ALMA observations of GRB 190114C beginning 2.2 hr after the burst through program 2018.1.01405.T (PI: T. Laskar) in full linear polarization mode in Band 3, with two 4 GHz-wide basebands centered at 91.5 and 103.5 GHz, respectively. Weather conditions were excellent during the observation. The calibration sources were selected by ALMA, employing J0423-012 as flux density, bandpass, and polarization leakage calibrator, and J0348-274 as complex gain calibrator. The gain calibrator-source cycle time was ≈12 minutes, with 10.5 minutes on source, 30 s on the gain calibrator, and the remaining time used for slewing between the two. The scheduling block was repeated three times in succession in order to achieve sufficient parallactic angle coverage to simultaneously derive the instrumental polarization and the Stokes parameters of the leakage calibrator, with parallactic angle coverage on the leakage calibrator spanning ≈90°.

2.3.1. ALMA Data Analysis

We processed the ALMA data using CASA (McMullin et al. 2007), employing standard techniques (Nagai et al. 2016). In summary, following bandpass calibration, we computed the complex gain solutions on the polarization calibrator. We used these solutions to estimate the intrinsic Stokes parameters of the polarization calibrator, followed by the cross-hand delays, the XY-phase offset, and the calibrator's intrinsic polarization. We resolved the phase ambiguities in the Stokes parameters of the calibrator using the estimates derived from the gain calibration, and revised the gain solutions on the polarization calibrator. The ratio of the parallel hand (XX/YY) gains is uniform and within ≈2% of unity for all antennas after polarization calibration, while the rms gain ratio is uniform across antennas at the ≈1.2% level. The leakage (D-terms) were found to be at the ≈1% level for individual antennas, as expected for the ALMA 12 m array (Nagai et al. 2016).

We used flux density values of (4.15 ± 0.08) mJy at 91.5 GHz and (3.89 ± 0.06) mJy at 103.5 GHz for J0423-012 from the ALMA calibrator catalog, to which we fit a power-law model to fix the flux density scale for each channel. We subsequently calibrated the remainder of the data set using standard interferometric techniques (flux density and gain), and generated Stokes IQUV images of the calibrators and the target, as well as an image of the total linear polarization, .

The mm-band afterglow is clearly detected in Stokes I, with a signal-to-noise of ≈580, allowing us to divide the source data set into individual scans. We fit for the flux density of the source in the image plane using imfit. The derived flux density values are listed in Table 1. The mm afterglow fades by ≈40% between 2.2 and 5.2 hr after the burst (Figure 1; top panel).

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Total intensity (Stokes I) and RS model (top panel; Section 3.2) and linear polarized intensity obtained from a Monte Carlo analysis (gray, and binned orange points, lower panel) for our ALMA observations at 97.5 GHz spanning 2.2–5.2 hr (134–313 minutes) after the burst. The afterglow fades by ≈40% during these first three hours of observation, while the polarized intensity drops by ≈50%.

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2.3.2. Measurement of Polarization and Validation Against Potential Instrumental Effects

The P image of GRB 190114C reveals a point source with flux density 61 ± 14 μJy (undebiased) at a position consistent with the position in the Stokes I image (Figure 2). The rms noise level in the Stokes QUV images is ≈10 μJy. We split the uv data into the three individual runs of the scheduling block, and re-imaged the target. The detection in the first P image is 6.6σ (statistical), and the polarized intensity declines by ≈50% over the course of the observation (Figure 1; bottom panel). The limit on Stokes V is 30 μJy, corresponding to a formal 3σ limit on circular polarization of ΠV < 0.3% (statistical only) relative to the mean Stokes I; however, the 1σ systematic circular polarization calibration uncertainty is ≈0.6%.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Stokes IQUV and linear polarized intensity, images of the mm-band emission at mean times of 2.74 hr (top), 3.70 hr (center), and 4.86 hr (bottom) after the burst. All images in the same column have the same color bar and scaling parameters. The three color bars from top to bottom provide the scales for the Stokes I, Stokes QUV, and P images, respectively. The images demonstrate the fading Stokes I emission, as well as the rotation of the polarization angle (evolving U/Q ratio).

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We plot the values of Stokes Q and U, measured by fixing the position and beam parameters using the Stokes I image, in Figure 3. A rotation in the plane of polarization is apparent from the Stokes QU images. As images of P are biased for faint sources, we do not measure P from images of polarized intensity, but rather from the measured QU values directly using a Monte Carlo method. We generate 105 random realizations from the individual Q and U measurements and calculate , the polarization angle, , and the fractional linear polarization, Π = P/I. For the latter, we incorporate the uncertainty in the measurement of Stokes I. We plot the derived distributions of P, χ, and Π in Figures 3 and 4, and list the median and standard deviations of the distributions in Table 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Left panel: Stokes Q vs. Stokes U for our ALMA observations of GRB 190114C at 2.2–5.2 hr after the burst, colored by the time of observation from earliest (yellow) to last (violet). Small squares correspond to individual scans on the target and have large uncertainties, while large circles correspond to measurements from images made with combined uv data from each of the three executions of the scheduling block. The degree of linear polarization is represented by the magnitude of the vector from the origin to the (Q, U) measurement, while the polarization position angle () is equal to one-half of the angle subtended by that vector and the x-axis. The plot has the same linear scale on both axes, with the origin displaced. Right panel: probability density for the total polarized intensity at mean times of 2.74 hr (yellow), 3.70 hr (green), and 4.86 hr (blue) after the burst, generated by sampling from the distributions of the individual measured Stokes Q and U values for these three epochs, and assuming Gaussian errors. The polarized intensity decreases with time.

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Figure 4.

Figure 4. Top row: probability density for the fractional linear polarization (Π = P/I, left panel) and polarization angle (χ, right panel) at mean times of 2.74 hr (yellow), 3.70 hr (green), and 4.86 hr (blue) after the burst, generated by sampling from the probability density of the total polarized intensity (Figure 3) and the total intensity in these three epochs (assuming Gaussian errors for the latter). The fractional polarization decreases with time, while the polarization angle rotates by δχ = 54 ± 13 degrees. Bottom row: same as top row but for the complex gain calibrator, which was not used in the polarization calibration. The fractional polarization is stable at ≲0.15% and the polarization angle within ≲1°, conforming to the specifications for linear polarization observations in ALMA Cycle 6.

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Table 2.  ALMA Band 3 (97.5 GHz) Polarization Measurements of GRB 190114C

Time Q σQ U σU P σP χ σχ Π σΠ
(days) (μJy) (μJy) (μJy) (μJy) (μJy) (μJy) (deg) (deg) (%) (%)
0.114 89.5 14.6 32.0 15.3 96.3 14.6 9.8 4.6 0.87 0.13
0.154 55.9 14.5 −33.4 14.8 66.7 14.4 −15.4 6.6 0.76 0.16
0.202 1.84 14.5 −41.1 14.6 43.7 14.0 −43.7 11.7 0.60 0.19

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On applying the polarization calibration to the gain calibrator J0348-274, we find that drift in the linear polarized intensity of the calibrator is ≲0.15%, while its measured polarization angle is stable at the ≲1% level over the course of the 3 hr observation (Figure 4; bottom panel). Both values are within the specifications of ALMA Cycle 6 polarization observations.

One possible manifestation of any errors arising from leakage calibration is a scattering of flux density in the Stokes QU images away from the phase center. We check this by imaging the gain calibrator, which appears as a point source; observed secondary peaks in both Stokes Q and U images are ≲0.5% of the peak flux, consistent with noise. We also imaged the upper and lower basebands separately for both the flux density calibrator, phase calibrator, and GRB 190114C. The polarization properties of both calibrators and of GRB 190114C are consistent between the two basebands and thus stable across ALMA Band 3.

As linear polarization observations are a non-standard mode for ALMA, the data were also calibrated and imaged by a data analyst (Erica Keller) at ALMA before delivery. We compared the results of our reduction with those from ALMA, and also by imaging the calibrated measurement set provided by the Observatory. All three sets of images yield results consistent within measurement uncertainty. These tests indicate that the detection of linearly polarization in GRB 190114C is unlikely to arise from a calibration artifact.

3. Basic Considerations

As the focus of this Letter is on the ALMA polarization observations, we defer a discussion of the full multi-wavelength modeling to a future work (T. Laskar et al. 2019, in preparation). To provide context for the polarization detection, here we consider the basic properties of the afterglow at ≲0.3 days, during the time of the ALMA observations. We interpret this under the standard synchrotron framework (Sari et al. 1998; Granot & Sari 2002), for a given isotropic equivalent kinetic energy, and circumburst density parameter n0 (for a constant-density environment) and (for a wind-like environment with density, ). We assume that the radiation is produced by nonthermal electrons accelerated to a power-law distribution with energy index p, with a fraction of the post-shock internal energy given to relativistic electrons and a fraction to magnetic fields. In this model, the observed SED is characterized by power laws connected at spectral breaks: the synchrotron self-absorption frequency (), the characteristic synchrotron frequency (), and the cooling frequency (), and is completely specified by the location of these break frequencies and the overall flux density normalization ().

3.1. Optical and X-Rays: Circumburst Density Profile

The spectral index11 between the GROND - and K-bands, when corrected for Galactic extinction, is βNIR-opt = −2.4 ± 0.2, indicating that extinction is present. The r'-band light curve decays as αr = −0.69 ± 0.02 between 3 × 10−2 days and 0.3 days, while the X-ray decay rate over this period is αX = −1.27 ± 0.02, indicating that the optical and X-rays are on different power-law segments of the synchrotron spectrum. In the slow cooling regime with , we expect , which is inconsistent with the measured δα = 0.58 ± 0.03. The only other means for the optical light curve to decay slower than the X-rays is if the system is fast cooling with and the circumburst density profile is a wind-like environment. In this regime, we expect αopt ≈ −2/3, which is consistent with the observed r'-band light curve over this period. The shallow optical light curve also places a lower limit on the jet break time, days.

The steep X-ray light curve with αX ≈ −1.3 in fast cooling implies , which suggests p ≈ 2.36. The observed X-ray spectral index over this period is βX = −0.81 ± 0.14. Whereas this is inconsistent with a predicted slope of βX ≈ −1.2, it is consistent with a spectral slope of β ∼ −(p/2–1/4) ∼ −0.93 when Klein-Nishina (KN) corrections are taken into account (Nakar et al. 2009). We note that a similar discrepancy in the X-ray spectral index of GRB 161219B was also attributable to KN corrections (Laskar et al. 2018a). We leave a detailed exploration of KN corrections to further work. In summary, the optical and X-ray light curves until 0.3 days are consistent with FS emission in wind-like environment with p ≈ 2.36 and days.

3.2. Radio and Millimeter: RS

The radio SED at 0.2 days comprising the VLA cm-band and ALMA mm-band data (Figure 5) can be fit with a broken power-law model, transitioning from β = 2 (fixed) to β = 0.3 ± 0.2 at νbreak = 24 ± 4 GHz. In addition, the mean Stokes I intra-band spectral index between the two ALMA basebands at 91.5 and 103.5 GHz is ≈−0.4, implying that the mm-band emission is optically thin at this time. The optical to mm-band spectral index of βmm-opt = −0.24 ± 0.01 between the GROND K-band observation and the ALMA detection at 0.16 days is inconsistent with a single power-law extrapolation from the optical.12 This shallow slope cannot be caused by the location of between the radio and optical bands13 because all light curves at should be flat in the wind model (or rising in the interstellar medium (ISM) model), while the ALMA light curve is declining over this period. Thus, the radio and mm-band emission arises from a separate component than that responsible for the X-ray and optical emission. We note that a similar radio-to-X-ray spectral index of βradio,opt ≈ −0.25 in the case of GRB 130427A indicated the presence of an RS in that system (Laskar et al. 2013). The early optical r'-band light curve declines as αopt = −1.4 ± 0.1 between the MASTER observation at ≈6 × 10−4 days14 and the NOT observation at ≈2 × 10−2 days, flattening to between the NOT observation and the GROND observation at 0.16 days (Figure 5). The steep optical light curve at ≲2 × 10−2 days can also not be explained as FS emission.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Left panel: SEDs at 6 × 10−4 days (MASTER; Tyurina et al. 2019), 6 × 10−3 days (Swift/UVOT), 2 × 10−2 days (NOT; Selsing et al. 2019) and 0.2 days (VLA, ALMA, and GROND; Bolmer & Schady 2019) after the burst, with an afterglow model (lines) decomposed at 0.2 days into forward shock (dashed) and reverse shock (dotted) components. The RS model employs , , Hz, and mJy at 0.2 days. The red shaded region indicates the expected variability due to scintillation in the radio. The model explains the radio to X-ray SED, the X-ray light curve, and the optical light curve before 0.2 days. The Compton Y ≈ 20 for this model is high, and the discrepancy in the X-rays above ≈1018 Hz may arise from the KN correction. Right panel: X-ray (1 keV), optical r'/R/Rc-band, and ALMA 97.5 GHz light curves of GRB 190114C from the first MASTER detection at ≈6 × 10−4 days to ≈0.3 days, together with the same afterglow model as the left panel, with the RS contribution indicated (dotted lines).

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We find that propagating the excess emission component dominating the radio and mm-band data at ≈0.2 days earlier, using the RS light curve evolution from Zou et al. (2005) and the SED shape from Laskar et al. (2013), can explain the optical observations at days, provided and for this component (Figure 5). This matches a Newtonian RS with15 , which is higher than expected for the wind environment but not unprecedented (Laskar et al. 2013, 2016, 2018a; Perley et al. 2014). The parameters for the FS that match the X-ray and optical light curves at ≲0.3 days are p ≈ 2.36, , , , erg, and AV ≈ 2.2 mag. For these parameters, the FS is fast cooling until ≈0.2 days, with the spectral ordering for the FS at 10−2 days. However, we note that we do not locate and thus the model parameters are subject to some degeneracies (possibly explaining the high value of ). We defer a more complete analysis of the FS and the joint RS–FS dynamics to future work.

4. Discussion

We now derive constraints on the magnetic field structure in the jet using our polarization measurement. The low level of measured linear polarization in the mm-band,16 Π ∼ 0.6–0.9%, rules out an ordered transverse magnetic field (Bord) in the ejecta with an angular coherence length θB ≳ 1/Γ, where Γ is the Lorentz factor of the emitting region, as such a field would produce a polarization of several tens of percent (Granot 2003; Granot & Königl 2003; Lyutikov et al. 2003). We now consider scenarios where the received radiation is a superposition of distinct emission components in regions comprising a transverse ordered field (Bord) on the one hand, and a random (Brand) magnetic field (Granot & Königl 2003) on the other. Such a scenario might correspond to co-located field components such as a shocked ISM with an ordered upstream field compressed at the FS and a random shock-generated Brand, or to the superposition of emission from two distinct regions, e.g., a dominant Bord in the shocked ejecta and a dominant Brand in the shocked ISM. In such scenarios, Π and χ depend on the ratio of the intensities of synchrotron radiation due to the two magnetic field components, , and thus can vary with time (Granot & Königl 2003). However, the significant change in χ we measure would require comparable polarized intensities from the two components, with a ratio varying on the dynamical time. This is not easy to realize at , and where the 97.5 GHz light curve is dominated by RS emission, and thus such scenarios are disfavored.

Next, we consider a model where the observed polarization is the sum of emission from intrinsically polarized but mutually incoherent patches, each with a magnetic field ordered over a typical angular scale, θB (Granot & Königl 2003; Nakar & Oren 2004; Granot & Taylor 2005). In this model the visible region, θ ∼ 1/Γej, around the line of sight gradually increases as the jet decelerates. The number of patches contributing to the observed emission is given by . In general, the ejecta lags behind the FS and Γej ≲ Γsh; however, a Newtonian RS does not significantly decelerate the ejecta (Kobayashi 2000). For g ≈ 3 and k = 2, we have (Granot & Taylor 2005). Taking from Fermi/GBM17 , at the time of our mm-band polarization measurement. At this time, the Lorentz factor of the fluid shocked by the FS, (Granot & Sari 2002), so that Γej ≈ 15.

The maximum degree of polarization, Π0 = (1–β)/(5/3–β), where β is the spectral index (Granot & Taylor 2005). Because the ALMA band is near the peak of the SED (Figure 5), we take , yielding Π0 ∼ 0.6. The observed polarization is a random walk of N steps in the QU plane, with , which implies θB ∼ Π/(ΓejΠ0) ≈ 10−3. The uncertainty on this estimate from the signal-to-noise of the measurement of Π is ≈15%; however, larger systematic uncertainties arise from the approximations used in the RS dynamics as well as the stochastic nature of the 2D random walk.

In this model, the polarization angle is expected to vary randomly over the dynamical timescale as new patches enter the visible region. The mm-band light curve spans a factor of ≈2.2 in time. During this period, Γsh declines from ≈34 to ≈28 from our afterglow model and Γej declines from ≈16 to ≈11. Assuming θB remains constant, the number of emitting patches increases by a factor of ≈2 over this period, which may be sufficient to change the average χ as we observe. Whereas we expect fluctuations in Π over this period, our measurements do not have sufficient signal-to-noise to resolve such variations (Figure 3).

Finally, we note that the gradual change observed in χ rules out any globally axisymmetric magnetic field configuration, regardless of our viewing angle and of the jet's exact axisymmetric angular structure; for example: (i) a global toroidal magnetic field (Lazzati et al. 2004; Granot & Taylor 2005); and (ii) an axisymmetric jet viewed from an angle θobs > 0 from its symmetry axis together with a shock-produced random magnetic field Brand that is symmetric around the local shock normal (tangled in three dimensions on angular scales ≪ 1/Γ, with some non-negligible degree of anisotropy, as a locally isotropic field would produce no net polarization), as in this case the direction of polarization is expected to remain constant well before the jet break time (Ghisellini & Lazzati 1999; Sari 1999; Granot & Königl 2003).

5. Conclusions

We present the first detection and measurement of the temporal evolution of linearly polarized emission in the radio/millimeter afterglow of a GRB, and validate that our measurement does not arise from a calibration artifact. Our detection constitutes the first measurement of a polarized RS signature at radio or millimeter frequencies. The degree of linear polarization decreases from Π = (0.87 ± 0.13)% to Π = (0.60 ± 0.19)% from 2.2 to 5.2 hr after the burst, and the polarization position angle rotates from χ = (10 ± 5)° to χ = (−44 ± 12)° over this period. The smooth variation in χ rules out axisymmetric models such as a global toroidal field in the GRB jet. If the emission arises from small patches of coherent magnetization, then the size of these regions is constrained to θB ≈ 10−3 radian. Future work on GRB 190114C that evaluates the degeneracies in the FS parameters and compares the derived properties of the forward and reverse shocks to infer the dynamics of the jet, may refine these parameters. ALMA polarimetric observations of a sample of GRBs will reveal whether sub-percent levels of polarization are ubiquitous, thus constraining global jet models.

We thank Mark Lacy and Robert Laing for helpful discussions, Erica Keller at ALMA for providing the calibrated measurement sets for a verification of the science results, and the anonymous referee for feedback. This Letter makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2018.1.01405.T. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. VLA observations for this study were obtained via project 18A-088. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. K.D.A. acknowledges support provided by NASA through the NASA Hubble Fellowship grant #HST-HF2-51403.001 awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555. J.G. and R.G. are supported by the Israeli Science Foundation under grant No. 719/14. The Berger Time-Domain Group at Harvard is supported in part by NSF under grant AST-1714498 and by NASA under grant NNX15AE50G. R.B.D. acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation under grant 1816694. This work makes use of data supplied by the UK Swift Science Data Centre at the University of Leicester and of data obtained through the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center On-line Service, provided by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.


  • We note that a manuscript reporting detection of polarized mm-band emission in GRB 171205A at ≈5.2 days after the burst appeared at https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.08111 two days after our article was posted on arXiv.

  • 10 

    Obtained from the Swift website at http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_curves/883832 and re-binned to a minimum signal-to-noise ratio per bin of 10.

  • 11 

    We use the convention throughout.

  • 12 

    We note that extinction correction at optical K-band is expected to be modest. Explaining the declining mm-near-infrared (NIR) SED as due to extincted FS emission would require AK ≈ 4.5 mag (or AV ≈ 35 mag for a Small Magellanic Cloud extinction curve), which would completely extinguish the ultraviolet (UV)/optical emission.

  • 13 

    The subscript "f" refers to the FS.

  • 14 

    While the MASTER observation is calibrated to R-band, the difference between r'- and R-bands is negligible for this argument.

  • 15 

    The Lorentz factor of the RS ejecta, .

  • 16 

    The observed low degree of linear polarization is unlikely to result from Faraday depolarization, as the latter is strongly suppressed at these frequencies (Granot & Taylor 2005). Furthermore, we find no evidence of increased polarization upon decreasing our observing bandwidth by splitting the data into the two basebands (Section 2.3.2).

  • 17 

    The UVOT light curve is definitely declining by (Siegel & Gropp 2019). Taking equal to this upper limit only increases Γej by ≈30%.

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