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On the density of translation networks defined on the unit ball
We call a translation function class a set of zonal translation networks if it is produced by the translations of a convolutional structure, which is a composite function reunited with an even function defined on $ [-1, 1] $ and a geodesic distance. In the present paper, we consider the density of a class of zonal translation networks produced by a convolution structure on the unit ball from the view of Fourier-Laplace series and give a sufficient condition to ensure the zonal translation class is density in $ L^p $ spaces defined on the unit ball. In particular, we construct with De La Vallée Poussin operators a sequence of zonal translation networks and show the approximation order.
- Convolutional structure on the unit ball,
- Jacobi orthogonal polynomials,
- zonal translations,
- Fourier-Laplace series,
- density.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 68Q32, 68T05.Citation: -
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