Tomáš Janák
Josef Kohout
University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Musculoskeletal Model, Medical Simulation, Soft-Body, Deformable Objects, Collision Detection, Mass-Spring System.
Animation and Simulation
Animation and Simulation of Natural Environments
Animation of Particle Systems
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Signal Processing
Collision Detection
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Geometry and Modeling
Interactive Environments
Modeling of Natural Scenes and Phenomena
Motion Control
Physics-Based Animation
Physics-Based Modeling
Plausible Motion Simulation
This paper presents a methodology for interactive muscle simulation. The fibres of individual muscles are
represented by particles connected by springs, thus creating a deformable model of the muscle. In order to
be able to describe human musculoskeletal system, contact between pairs of muscles as well as muscles and
bones must be accounted for. Therefore, collision detection and response mechanism which allows both
types of contact (soft body vs. rigid body and soft vs. soft body) is presented. The solution is a part of a project
dedicated to improvement of the effectiveness of osteoporosis prediction and treatment.