Sandra Geisler
Rihan Hai
Christoph Quix
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Germany
Ontology Engineering, Patent Analysis, Ontology Matching.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Analytics
Cardiovascular Technologies
Computing and Telecommunications in Cardiology
Data Engineering
Decision Support Systems
Decision Support Systems, Remote Data Analysis
Enterprise Information Systems
Health Engineering and Technology Applications
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge-Based Systems
Ontologies and the Semantic Web
Ontology Engineering
Ontology Matching and Alignment
Ontology Sharing and Reuse
Symbolic Systems
Successful research and development projects start with finding the right partners for the venture. Especially
for interdisciplinary projects, this is a difficult task as experts from foreign domains are not known. Furthermore,
the transfer of knowledge from research into practice is becoming more important in research projects
to enable the quick application of research results. This is in particular relevant for projects in medical engineering.
Patents and publications contain technical knowledge which can be exploited to find suitable experts.
Patents are usually more product-oriented as the inventors have to describe an application area and products
might be protected by patents. On the other hand, scientific publications represent the state-of-the-art in research.
The challenge is finding the right mixture of research- or application-oriented experts from different
domains. Hence, we propose a recommender system for experts for a certain topic based on patent topic
clustering, o
ntologies, and ontology matching, which maps patents to corresponding innovation fields. The
medical engineering domain serves as a first test bed, since projects in this area are highly interdisciplinary.