Mario G. C. A. Cimino
Alessandro Lazzeri
Gigliola Vaglini
Università di Pisa, Italy
Differential Evolution, Parametric Adaptation, Collaborative Target Detection, Marker-based Stigmergy, Swarm Intelligence.
Learning and Adaptive Control
Pattern Recognition
Software Engineering
In this paper we propose a novel algorithm for adaptive coordination of drones, which performs collaborative target detection in unstructured environments. Coordination is based on digital pheromones released by drones when detecting targets, and maintained in a virtual environment. Adaptation is based on the Differential Evolution (DE) and involves the parametric behaviour of both drones and environment. More precisely, attractive/repulsive pheromones allow indirect communication between drones in a flock, concerning the availability/unavailability of recently found targets. The algorithm is effective if structural parameters are properly tuned. For this purpose DE combines different parametric solutions to increase the swarm performance. We focus first on the study of the principal parameters of the DE, i.e., the crossover rate and the differential weight. Then, we compare the performance of our algorithm with three different strategies on six simulated scenarios. Experimental resu
lts show the effectiveness of the approach.