Heesop Kim
Aluko Ademola
Yumi Kim
Department of Library and Information Science, Kyungpook National University, Daehak-ro 80, Daegu, South Korea
Metacognition Awareness, Digital Library Interaction, Information Searching, University Students, Demographic Factors.
This paper aims to investigate the relationships between the university students’ demographic factors and their metacognition in digital library interaction. To achieve the objectives of this study, the demographic factors were divided into six variables (i.e., gender, age, qualification, academic backgrounds, searching skills, and experience with the digital library) and the metacognition was classified into nine variables (i.e., schema-training, planning, monitoring, evaluation, transfer, memory, comprehension, task, technology). A total of 112 students participated in the online questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 26, and a significant correlation between demographic elements and metacognition was found in digital library interactions. Interestingly, the experience with digital libraries has shown the strongest factor to be considered as the most important variable in the design of digital library interactions.