19 - April 2016
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Marco Moniz - Saul Neves de Jesus - Eduardo Gonçalves - Andreia Pacheco - João Viseu Decision-making in adult unipolar depressed patients and healthy subjects: significant differences in Net Score and in non-traditional alternative measuresdoi: 10.7358/neur-2016-019-moni Emma Brambilla Tourette Syndrome and Learning Disabilities: a focus on correlations in a neurodevelopmental perspective doi: 10.7358/neur-2016-019-bram Rachel K. Peterson - Chad A. Noggle - Lokesh Shahani - Raymond S. Dean Residuals in post-chemotherapy, non-depressed patients with leukemia that is in remission doi: 10.7358/neur-2016-019-pete Davide Crivelli Electrophysiological correlates of social information processing for detecting agents in social interaction scenes: P200 and N250 components doi: 10.7358/neur-2016-019-criv Michela Balconi Brain plasticity and rehabilitation by using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy doi: 10.7358/neur-2016-019-balc Maria Elide Vanutelli - Jean-Louis Nandrino - Michela Balconi The boundaries of cooperation: sharing and coupling from ethology to neuroscience doi: 10.7358/neur-2016-019-vanu