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Internet developments caused a lot of changes in scientific periodical publishing. Majority world publishers of scientific journals, beside hardcopy, at the same time publish e-print (electronic) version of journal, wherewith remarkably contribute to visibility and availability of their own publishing. Besides that, electronic journals enable end users to read all published articles in field of their research, in a very short time. Gainst articles in full text, end users can also read articles cited in original work (naturally, if subscription is paid).That simple “navigation” from bibliographic description to full text is provided trough DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers.

Typical attributes of scientific journal in developing country are (1) majority of them are published by professional society, institute or faculty, (2) all job are doing on volunteer base (saving money, losing responsibility), (3) no marketing and promotion (the biggest issue is to send paper copy to "friends" society or institutes), (4) making "one-time" web page from some small grant without updated in the future, (5) trying to have some money from subscription (never successful, because they could not have new issue without Government financial support). Additionally in small scientific countries there is not professional scientific publishers, who will implement all new technologies in electronic world. The DOISerbia was started as a project to improve the visibility of a local journal in the international community. The idea was to make article clickable and (more) visible. It is journal repository which provide technical support for electronic publishing and archiving, and to deposit metadata about articles into the Cross-Ref. In 2005 we were the first National Library who became the regular member of Cross-Ref system. Metadata from the DOISerbia are regularly harvested by OA repositories and search engines like Google Scholar. During last two years we deposited our content to DOAJ, and harvetsed by TEL and Europeana. All journals include backfiles from 2002 onwards. Enabling completely free and unrestricted access to all articles in a journal is a prerequisite for started indexing in DOISerbia.

What is DOI

DOI is unique alpha-numerical character applied to a unique digital object (article, book chapter etc.). Trough that character is established connection to the Internet page where document is impound. Connecting data about articles, DOI numbers and url (web) addresses is accomplished trough service CrossRef (www.crossref.org). That service support DOI numbers data base, meta-data and links to full text.

DOI in Serbia

Usually, publishers of scientific journals communicate with CrossRef for accessing system and preparing meta-data according to determinate standards. That is reasonable when one publisher publishes few dozens of titles. According as in Serbia the most part of scientific journals has been published by association or institutions, it seems to be reasonable that DOI number assignment and preparing meta data has to be assignment, so should it be simpler and more efficacy. In past few years, in National library of Serbia whole DOI system has been tested and applied, and cooperation with CrossRef has been established. Ministry of science funded assigning DOI numbers for 54 Serbian scientific journals, for the period 2002 to 2010. Contract about assigning DOI numbers has been sign on with the publishers of those 35 journals and intercommunication rights and obligations has been established. Number of journals which will be included in DOI system, as is planed, will be enlarged from year to year.

Achieved links to "our" DOI numbers

Acta Veterinaria http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00436-006-0288-7
referenca: Wiśniewski M, Cabaj W, Moskwa B, Wędrychowicz H (2002) The first detection of Neospora caninum DNA in brains of calves in Poland. Acta Vet (Beogr) 52:393–400
Arch of Oncology http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1534735406295311
Singh NP, Verma KB. Case report of a laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated with artesunate. Arch Oncol. 2002;10: 279-280
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2005.02.014
[6] I. Gutman, Two theorems on connectivity indices, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 67 (2002), pp. 99–102
Jugoslovenska medicinska biohemija http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.acthis.2006.03.004
referenca: Sekulić, 2003 M. Sekulić, Pituitary thyrotropic cells are affected by steroid hormones, Jugoslov Med Biohem 22 (2003), pp. 185–200
Medicinski pregled http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10517-006-0258-1
referenca: V.V. Sherstnev, Med. Pregl., 57, No. 3–4, 120–124 (2004).
Science of Sintering http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.05.227
pogledajte referencu
13. N. Ignjatovic, E. Suljovrujic, Z. Stojanovic and D. Uskokovic, Structure and characteristics of the hot pressed hydroxyapatite/poly--lactide composite biomaterial. Sci. Sint. 34 (2002), pp. 79–93. Full Text via CrossRef
Serbian Astronomical Journal http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10511-005-0031-6
12. O. H. Guseinov, A. Ankay, and S. O. Tagieva, Serb. Astron. J., 168, 55 (2004). 13. O. H. Guseinov, A. Ankay, and S. O. Tagieva, Serb. Astron. J., 169, 65 (2004).
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2006.05.012
Chen and Lan, 2002 M.S. Chen and C.H. Lan, Achieving optimal design of the production line with obtainable resource capacity, Yugoslavia Journal of Operations Research 12 (2002) (2), pp. 203–214.

Zašto DOI

Razvojem Interneta naučno periodično izdavaštvo se značajno izmenilo. Većina svetskih izdavača naučnih časopisa, pored svoje papirne forme, istovremeno objavljuje i svoju elektronsku formu, čime značajno doprinosi vidljivosti i dostupnosti svojih izdanja. Dodatno, elektronska forma omogućava krajnjim korisnicima da za mnogo kraće vreme pročitaju sve objavljene radove na temu njihovog istraživanja. Pored članaka u celini, krajnjem korisniku je omogućeno i da pročita radove koji su citirani u svakom članku (naravno ukoliko je za te plaćena pretplata). Ta jednostavna "navigacija" od bibliografskog opisa reference do punog teksta obezbeđuje se preko DOI (Digital Object Identifier) brojeva.

Šta je DOI

DOI je jedinstvena alfanumerička niska dodeljena pojedinačnom digitalnom objektu (članku, poglavlju u knjizi i sl.). Preko te oznake uspostavlja se veza do Internet stranice na kojoj se dokument nalazi. Povezivanje podataka o člancima, DOI brojeva i veb adresa obavlja se preko servisa CrossRef (www.crossref.org). Taj servis održava bazu DOI brojeva, meta-podatke i linkove do punih tekstova.

DOI u Srbiji

Uobičajeno je da se izdavači naučnih časopisa obraćaju CrossRef-u za pristupanje sistemu i pripremu meta podataka prema zadatim standardima. To je opravdano kada jedan izdavač izdaje više desetina časopisa. Kako u Srbiji većinu časopisa izdaju asocijacije ili institucije, to se čini umesnim da se dodela DOI brojeva i priprema meta podataka objedini i time učini jednostavnijom i efikasnijom. U proteklom periodu u Narodnoj biblioteci Srbije je ispitan i primenjen celokupan DOI sistem, i uspostavljena je saradnja sa CrossRef-om. Ministarstvo za nauku i zaštitu životne sredine je finansiralo dodelu DOI brojeva člancima iz pet naših časopisa, i to za period od 2002. do 2005. godine. Sa izdavačima tih časopisa potpisan je ugovor o dodeli DOI brojeva, i utvrđena su međusobna prava i obaveze. Planirano je da se broj časopisa koji će ući u ovaj sistem poveća u toku naredne godine.

Ostvareni linkovi do "naših" DOI brojeva

Acta Veterinaria http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00436-006-0288-7
referenca: Wiśniewski M, Cabaj W, Moskwa B, Wędrychowicz H (2002) The first detection of Neospora caninum DNA in brains of calves in Poland. Acta Vet (Beogr) 52:393–400
Arch of Oncology http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1534735406295311
Singh NP, Verma KB. Case report of a laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated with artesunate. Arch Oncol. 2002;10: 279-280
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2005.02.014
[6] I. Gutman, Two theorems on connectivity indices, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 67 (2002), pp. 99–102
Jugoslovenska medicinska biohemija http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.acthis.2006.03.004
referenca: Sekulić, 2003 M. Sekulić, Pituitary thyrotropic cells are affected by steroid hormones, Jugoslov Med Biohem 22 (2003), pp. 185–200
Medicinski pregled http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10517-006-0258-1
referenca: V.V. Sherstnev, Med. Pregl., 57, No. 3–4, 120–124 (2004).
Science of Sintering http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.05.227
pogledajte referencu
13. N. Ignjatovic, E. Suljovrujic, Z. Stojanovic and D. Uskokovic, Structure and characteristics of the hot pressed hydroxyapatite/poly--lactide composite biomaterial. Sci. Sint. 34 (2002), pp. 79–93. Full Text via CrossRef
Serbian Astronomical Journal http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10511-005-0031-6
12. O. H. Guseinov, A. Ankay, and S. O. Tagieva, Serb. Astron. J., 168, 55 (2004). 13. O. H. Guseinov, A. Ankay, and S. O. Tagieva, Serb. Astron. J., 169, 65 (2004).
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2006.05.012
Chen and Lan, 2002 M.S. Chen and C.H. Lan, Achieving optimal design of the production line with obtainable resource capacity, Yugoslavia Journal of Operations Research 12 (2002) (2), pp. 203–214.