En tidligere undersøgelse af flere tusinde børnebilleder fremstillet i perioden 1900-1990 danner ... more En tidligere undersøgelse af flere tusinde børnebilleder fremstillet i perioden 1900-1990 danner grundlag for denne artikel'. Med udgangspunkt i det omfattende materiale er eksempler på et barns billeder og billedfremstilling valgt ud. Artiklen sigter mod at belyse det udvalgte barns billede som eksempel på, hvordan billeder kan betragtes som midler i læring, der bearbejder forhold mellem børn i udvikling og disse børns virkelighed.
André Breton (1924/1972, p. 20) skrev i sit første surrealistiske manifest at han nok skulle vogt... more André Breton (1924/1972, p. 20) skrev i sit første surrealistiske manifest at han nok skulle vogte sig for at spøge med psykologien, men er dog samtidig dybt optaget af evnen til at forestille sig noget ved hjælp af fantasien. Omtrent samme år skrev Lev Vygotsky (1925) i sin bog om kunstpsykologi at den skabende proces er en måde at forestille sig noget mentalt som derefter skabes i form af et produkt. Vygotsky argumenterer for at kunsten hjælper til at skaffe ligevægt mellem individet og dets omgivelser. Hos Breton er der ikke tale om en overordnet logik i form af dialektik mellem det mentale – bevidstheden – og omgivelserne. Der er derimod tale om en kamp mellem rationalitet og fantasi: “Ordet frihed er det eneste, der stadig kan begejstre mig. (…). Midt i al den vanære der er gået i arv til os, må vi dog erkende, at vi også har fået overladt tankens allerstørste frihed. (…). Alene fantasien beretter om det, der kan komme, og det er nok til at lette det frygtelige interdikt en smu...
This article presents a theoretical argument exploring how visual images appeal to sensory knowle... more This article presents a theoretical argument exploring how visual images appeal to sensory knowledge, and how sensory knowledge can contribute to qualitative research where visual images are included as part of the method. The argument is based on a phenomenological approach and a conceptual model of 'the aesthetic object'. The experience of the aesthetic object comprises three different attitudes, each of which approaches specific aspects of the aesthetic object. By reflectively differentiating between these various attitudes, the contribution of sensory-experienced knowledge can become explicit in qualitative research.
De senere ar har der vaeret en kraftig stigning i praksisformer, der har fokus pa bevidsthed og o... more De senere ar har der vaeret en kraftig stigning i praksisformer, der har fokus pa bevidsthed og opmaerksomhed og pa deres regulering. Maengden af kursusaktiviteter i yoga, meditation, mindfulness og lignende aktiviteter er stadig stigende, ligesom anvendelsen af sadanne praksisser inden for psykologisk behandling, arbejdsliv og uddannelse er i vaekst, og forskningen i virkningerne af disse praksisformer oges. Der udvikles og anvendes ogsa teknologiske hjaelpemidler til regulering af opmaerksomhedsfunktioner. Det er fx til ADHD-behandling i interface mellem hjerne og computer. Det er til opmaerksomhed pa fx sovnmonstre ved brug af baerbar biofeedback-teknologi i form af smartphone-forbundne armband til registrering. Det er ogsa teknologiske hjaelpemidler til regulering af bevidst afspaending og andre bevidsthedstilstande via apps med guidninger af meditation, mindfulness, yogaovelser etc. Tilsvarende ser vi en voksende interesse for, hvordan teknologier, praksisformer og mediebarne s...
Crime, resocialization and totalinstitutions define three research fields. Some discourses about ... more Crime, resocialization and totalinstitutions define three research fields. Some discourses about social integration common to these research fields also constitute the field of social psychology. These discourses are presented and discussed in the article. Based on the discussion, a common field of research is outlined. This common field is the study of zones of contrasting laws, rules and/or codes of conduct in marginal positions, where participants are in transition from one community to another, and needs to negotiate and/or change motives, intentions, values and attitudes in order to behave according to the laws/ rules/codes of conduct in the future community (for example, a prison can be the future community for the sentenced time). This research field is labeled zones of contrasting margins. Some of the challenges that may rise due to the outlined characteristics of zones of contrasting margins are discussed. Finally, some questions are posed considering the implications of th...
International Review of Theoretical Psychologies, 2021
In this article, we put forward the concept ‘relational awareness’ to describe a conscious awaren... more In this article, we put forward the concept ‘relational awareness’ to describe a conscious awareness of the experience of relational responsivity and dynamics of change in stressful intersubjective encounters in pedagogy and education. This concept is inspired by phenomenology and cultural-historical theory. We introduce the theories of extended affectivity, embodied resonance and intersubjectivity and relate these to cultural-historical psychology in order to explore how people appraise and understand situations related to societal goals, motives, practices and mediating means. Relational awareness, which involves being consciously aware of embodied, pre-reflective relational responsivity, is specific to the cultural context, to the mediating means, and the lived experiences of the person. Relational awareness and responsivity can be objects of reflection and education when educational practices include deliberate work on embodied experience and mediational means to reflect on and ...
En tidligere undersøgelse af flere tusinde børnebilleder fremstillet i perioden 1900-1990 danner ... more En tidligere undersøgelse af flere tusinde børnebilleder fremstillet i perioden 1900-1990 danner grundlag for denne artikel'. Med udgangspunkt i det omfattende materiale er eksempler på et barns billeder og billedfremstilling valgt ud. Artiklen sigter mod at belyse det udvalgte barns billede som eksempel på, hvordan billeder kan betragtes som midler i læring, der bearbejder forhold mellem børn i udvikling og disse børns virkelighed.
André Breton (1924/1972, p. 20) skrev i sit første surrealistiske manifest at han nok skulle vogt... more André Breton (1924/1972, p. 20) skrev i sit første surrealistiske manifest at han nok skulle vogte sig for at spøge med psykologien, men er dog samtidig dybt optaget af evnen til at forestille sig noget ved hjælp af fantasien. Omtrent samme år skrev Lev Vygotsky (1925) i sin bog om kunstpsykologi at den skabende proces er en måde at forestille sig noget mentalt som derefter skabes i form af et produkt. Vygotsky argumenterer for at kunsten hjælper til at skaffe ligevægt mellem individet og dets omgivelser. Hos Breton er der ikke tale om en overordnet logik i form af dialektik mellem det mentale – bevidstheden – og omgivelserne. Der er derimod tale om en kamp mellem rationalitet og fantasi: “Ordet frihed er det eneste, der stadig kan begejstre mig. (…). Midt i al den vanære der er gået i arv til os, må vi dog erkende, at vi også har fået overladt tankens allerstørste frihed. (…). Alene fantasien beretter om det, der kan komme, og det er nok til at lette det frygtelige interdikt en smu...
This article presents a theoretical argument exploring how visual images appeal to sensory knowle... more This article presents a theoretical argument exploring how visual images appeal to sensory knowledge, and how sensory knowledge can contribute to qualitative research where visual images are included as part of the method. The argument is based on a phenomenological approach and a conceptual model of 'the aesthetic object'. The experience of the aesthetic object comprises three different attitudes, each of which approaches specific aspects of the aesthetic object. By reflectively differentiating between these various attitudes, the contribution of sensory-experienced knowledge can become explicit in qualitative research.
De senere ar har der vaeret en kraftig stigning i praksisformer, der har fokus pa bevidsthed og o... more De senere ar har der vaeret en kraftig stigning i praksisformer, der har fokus pa bevidsthed og opmaerksomhed og pa deres regulering. Maengden af kursusaktiviteter i yoga, meditation, mindfulness og lignende aktiviteter er stadig stigende, ligesom anvendelsen af sadanne praksisser inden for psykologisk behandling, arbejdsliv og uddannelse er i vaekst, og forskningen i virkningerne af disse praksisformer oges. Der udvikles og anvendes ogsa teknologiske hjaelpemidler til regulering af opmaerksomhedsfunktioner. Det er fx til ADHD-behandling i interface mellem hjerne og computer. Det er til opmaerksomhed pa fx sovnmonstre ved brug af baerbar biofeedback-teknologi i form af smartphone-forbundne armband til registrering. Det er ogsa teknologiske hjaelpemidler til regulering af bevidst afspaending og andre bevidsthedstilstande via apps med guidninger af meditation, mindfulness, yogaovelser etc. Tilsvarende ser vi en voksende interesse for, hvordan teknologier, praksisformer og mediebarne s...
Crime, resocialization and totalinstitutions define three research fields. Some discourses about ... more Crime, resocialization and totalinstitutions define three research fields. Some discourses about social integration common to these research fields also constitute the field of social psychology. These discourses are presented and discussed in the article. Based on the discussion, a common field of research is outlined. This common field is the study of zones of contrasting laws, rules and/or codes of conduct in marginal positions, where participants are in transition from one community to another, and needs to negotiate and/or change motives, intentions, values and attitudes in order to behave according to the laws/ rules/codes of conduct in the future community (for example, a prison can be the future community for the sentenced time). This research field is labeled zones of contrasting margins. Some of the challenges that may rise due to the outlined characteristics of zones of contrasting margins are discussed. Finally, some questions are posed considering the implications of th...
International Review of Theoretical Psychologies, 2021
In this article, we put forward the concept ‘relational awareness’ to describe a conscious awaren... more In this article, we put forward the concept ‘relational awareness’ to describe a conscious awareness of the experience of relational responsivity and dynamics of change in stressful intersubjective encounters in pedagogy and education. This concept is inspired by phenomenology and cultural-historical theory. We introduce the theories of extended affectivity, embodied resonance and intersubjectivity and relate these to cultural-historical psychology in order to explore how people appraise and understand situations related to societal goals, motives, practices and mediating means. Relational awareness, which involves being consciously aware of embodied, pre-reflective relational responsivity, is specific to the cultural context, to the mediating means, and the lived experiences of the person. Relational awareness and responsivity can be objects of reflection and education when educational practices include deliberate work on embodied experience and mediational means to reflect on and ...
Papers by Anne Maj Nielsen