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Loess of Central Asia

  • Distribution and Chronological Problems of Loess
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Loess deposits are widespread within the piedmont and intramontane depressions of Central Asia. They cover piedmont plains, river terraces, ridge slopes and watersheds. Loess is a significant component in the piedmonts of Tien Shan, eastern Fergana depression, the Afgan-Tajik depression, piedmonts of Kopetdag, Badchyz and Karabil Hills north of Parapamiz, in the Kashmir valley, on the Potwar Plateau and in the Peshawar Basin.

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Dodonov, A.E. Loess of Central Asia. GeoJournal 24, 185–194 (1991). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00186015

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00186015
