How to deal with geometric distortion is an open problem when using the massive amount of satellite images at a national or global scale, especially for multi-temporal image analysis. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed to automatically rectify the geometric distortion of time-series CCD multispectral data of small constellation for environmental and disaster mitigation (HJ-1A/B) which was launched by China in 2008. In this algorithm, the area-based matching method was used to automatically search tie points firstly, and then the polynomial function was introduced to correct the systematic errors caused by the satellite motion along the roll, pitch and yaw direction. The improved orthorectification method was finally used to correct pixel displacement caused by off-nadir viewing of topography, which are random errors in the images and cannot be corrected by the polynomial equation. Nine scenes of level 2 HJ CCD images from one path/row were taken as the warp images to test the algorithm. The test result showed that the overall accuracy of the proposed algorithm was within 2 pixels (the average residuals were 37.8 m, and standard deviations were 19.8 m). The accuracies of 45.96% validation points (VPs) were within 1 pixel and 90.33% VPs were within 2 pixels. The discussion showed that three main factors including the distortion patterns of HJ CCD images, percent of cloud cover and the varying altitude of the satellite orbit may affect the search of tie points and the accuracy of results. Although the influence of varying altitude of the satellite orbits is less than the other factors, it is noted that detailed satellite altitude information should be given in the future to get a more precise result. The proposed algorithm should be an efficient tool for the geo-correction of HJ CCD multi-spectral images.
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Bian, Jh., Li, An., Jin, Ha. et al. Auto-registration and orthorecification algorithm for the time series HJ-1A/B CCD images. J. Mt. Sci. 10, 754–767 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-013-2545-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-013-2545-4