Opinion statement
The small bowel is a challenging area for endoscopic evaluation and therapy due to its length and angulated configuration. A small lumen diameter and segmental peristalsis made it a perfect fit for examination by a novel ingestible wireless camera in a capsule. The development of capsule endoscopy changed the diagnosis and management of bleeding lesions, ulcers, and tumors deep in the small bowel, allowing earlier diagnosis with excellent patient acceptance. Device-assisted enteroscopy revolutionized small bowel therapy, particularly management of bleeding, Peutz-Jeghers polyposis, and tumor marking for minimally invasive surgery. Small bowel stricture dilation in select patients is safe and effective. Tools for a spectrum of small bowel therapies are available but remain suboptimal to tackle lesions on angulated folds deep in the small bowel. Universal terminology to describe the endoscopic appearance of vascular lesions will facilitate studies of endoscopic and medical therapy. The future holds improvements in imaging, easier advancement through the small bowel, and therapeutic capacity. This review focuses on methods of small bowel endoscopy, therapy, and outcomes.
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Carol E. Semrad is a consultant for CapsoVision and Fujinon.
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Micic, D., Semrad, C.E. Small Bowel Endoscopy. Curr Treat Options Gastro 14, 220–235 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11938-016-0095-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11938-016-0095-x