An integrated model system was developed to apply surge-wave coupled simulations to the southern coast of Korea during Typhoon Sanba in 2012. Numerical experiments were carried out to examine the effects of land-dissipated wind on storm surges and the influence of wave-surge coupled simulations on storm surges and surface waves. These numerical experiments used a finite volume ocean model, FVCOM, coupled with a wave model SWAVE. Due to the complex geometry of the coastal area investigated, a high-resolution terrain-following unstructured grid was employed. Atmospheric forcing was generated by a planetary boundary layer model, which was revised by incorporating the effect of the land’s roughness on the typhoon wind. A detailed comparison shows generally good agreement between the measured and simulated wind, surge, and waves. In particular, improved results have been found for the simulation of storm winds and surges when considering the effect of land-dissipated wind. In addition, clearly improved results for storm surges were obtained when adding the coupling effect between waves and surges. The results show a maximum contribution of ~40% by the waveinduced surge to the peak surge height along the coasts. The mean rate of error for peak surge heights decreased from 29.6% to 21.3% after considering the effects of wind dissipation, and decreased again to 17.9% when adding the effects of the waves. These results imply that the effect of wind dissipation caused by land roughness and waves should be taken into account when determining storm surge heights. The results also show the effects of wave-current coupling influences the generation of waves. However, the magnitude of this coupling effect on wave heights was found to be relatively insignificant.
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Yoon, JJ., Jun, KC. Coupled storm surge and wave simulations for the Southern Coast of Korea. Ocean Sci. J. 50, 9–28 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12601-015-0002-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12601-015-0002-8