The effects of four monoterpenes—camphor, eucaliptol, limonene, and α-pinene—on the oxidative metabolism of mitochondria isolated from maize root (Zea mays), on maize seed germination, and on primary root growth were investigated. The effects of individual monoterpenes on respiration were variable. α-Pinene concentrations of 0.05–1.0 mM stimulated respiration with a mixture of substrates composed of NADH, L-malate, succinate, and L-glutamate, and in the absence of exogenously added ADP (basal respiration). However, at concentrations higher than 1.0 mM, α-pinene inhibited respiration both in the absence (basal respiration) and presence of ADP (coupled respiration). Limonene at 0.1 mM or above stimulated basal respiration and inhibited in parallel the coupled respiration. Similar effects were promoted by eucaliptol, but at a higher concentration range (1.0 mM or above). Camphor was less active. At 10 mM concentration, it caused stimulation of basal respiration but did not affect coupled respiration. In the concentration range 0.1–10.0 mM, limonene was inactive on seed germination and primary root growth. Camphor and eucaliptol did not inhibit germination but reduced fresh and/or dry weight of roots at 5.0 mM and above. α-Pinene inhibited both seed germination and fresh weight of primary roots at 10.0 mM concentration. The results indicate that intact seeds and primary roots are less sensitive than isolated mitochondria. The relatively more lipophilic monoterpenes α-pinene and limonene had less activity than the more water-soluble oxygenated monoterpenes camphor and eucaliptol in inhibiting seed germination and/or primary root growth, despite the fact that they had a higher activity on the oxidative metabolism of isolated mitochondria. The findings suggest that the solubility of monoterpenes may be the major factor implicated in these differences.
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Abrahim, D., Braguini, W.L., Kelmer-Bracht, A.M. et al. Effects of Four Monoterpenes on Germination, Primary Root Growth, and Mitochondrial Respiration of Maize. J Chem Ecol 26, 611–624 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1005467903297
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1005467903297