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Reasoning about inconsistencies in natural language requirements

Published: 01 July 2005 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    The use of logic in identifying and analyzing inconsistency in requirements from multiple stakeholders has been found to be effective in a number of studies. Nonmonotonic logic is a theoretically well-founded formalism that is especially suited for supporting the evolution of requirements. However, direct use of logic for expressing requirements and discussing them with stakeholders poses serious usability problems, since in most cases stakeholders cannot be expected to be fluent with formal logic. In this article, we explore the integration of natural language parsing techniques with default reasoning to overcome these difficulties. We also propose a method for automatically discovering inconsistencies in the requirements from multiple stakeholders, using both theorem-proving and model-checking techniques, and show how to deal with them in a formal manner. These techniques were implemented and tested in a prototype tool called CARL. The effectiveness of the techniques and of the tool are illustrated by a classic example involving conflicting requirements from multiple stakeholders.


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    Gilbert Babin

    A fundamental problem in requirements engineering (RE) is to make the transition from the informal description of requirements on the real-life system to the formal representation of these requirements. Furthermore, even if formalization was easily done, most users find it difficult to understand a formal representation of these requirements. In a very thorough paper, Gervasi and Zowghi propose a pragmatic, yet formal, solution to the problem. They propose the use of propositional logic as the internal representation of the requirements, while using natural language as the external representation. This implies that parsing and unparsing methods are defined to convert natural language phrases into propositional logic, and vice versa. Although the authors only conjecture that the parsing and unparsing methods are correct, they provide a field study (in the appendix) to support this claim. Their use of the belief revision theory enables their system, called CARL, to manage inconsistencies that may appear as new requirements are added. Assertions may be categorized as facts (that always hold), hypotheses (possibly true), and constraints (always false). Inserting a new assertion may force other assertions to become hypotheses, as the new assertion creates inconsistencies. Throughout the paper, they provide very illustrative examples that really help the reader understand the approach. In particular, they provide a complete (yet simple) example using the CARL prototype. Online Computing Reviews Service

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    cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 14, Issue 3
    July 2005
    134 pages
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    Publication History

    Published: 01 July 2005
    Published in TOSEM Volume 14, Issue 3


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    1. Requirements
    2. default logic
    3. inconsistency
    4. natural language


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    • (2024)BERDD: A Behaviour Engineering-Based Approach for Requirements Defects DetectionIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2024.336535212(24368-24386)Online publication date: 2024
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