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Phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography at up to 370,000 lines per second using buffered Fourier domain mode-locked lasers

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Buffered Fourier domain mode-locked (FDML) lasers are demonstrated for dynamic phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography (OCT) and 3D OCT phase microscopy. Systems are operated at sweep speeds of 42, 117, and 370kHz, and displacement sensitivities of 39, 52, and 102pm are achieved, respectively. Sensitivities are comparable to spectrometer-based OCT phase microscopy systems, but much faster acquisition speeds are possible. An additional factor of 2 improvement in noise performance is observed for differential phase measurements, which is important for Doppler OCT. Dynamic measurements of piezoelectric transducer motion and static 3D OCT phase microscopy are demonstrated. Buffered FDML lasers provide excellent displacement sensitivities at extremely high sweep speeds.

© 2007 Optical Society of America

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