Slums from Space—15 Years of Slum Mapping Using Remote Sensing
:1. Global Urbanization and Slum Dynamics: The Context
2. The Utility of Remote Sensing for Slum Mapping
3. Methodology of Review
- ITC’s database of Satellites and Sensors:
- Gunter’s Space Page:
- Satellite on the Net:
4. Contextual Factors
4.1. Terminological Differences
4.2. Purposes of Slum Mapping Using Remote Sensing
4.3. Geographic Locations, Climate and Topography
5. Physical Characteristics of Slum Areas
5.1. Characterization of Slum Areas
5.2. The Diversity of Slums
6. Data Availability and Spatial Requirements
6.1. Our Remote Eyes: Available Sensors
6.2. Spatial Requirements of Slum-Mapping Studies
7. Slum-Mapping Approaches
7.1. Methods Employed for Slum Mapping
7.2. Accuracy Levels and Employed Methods
8. Challenges and Promising Aspects for a Global Slum Monitoring System
8.1. Access to Image Data and Contextual Factors
8.2. Systematic Conceptualization of Slums: Methods and Slum Characteristics
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
RS | Remote sensing |
VHR | Very high resolution |
OBIA | Object-based image analysis |
SSA | Sub-Saharan Africa |
GE | Google Earth |
DSM | Digital surface model |
LBP | Local binary pattern |
OSM | Open street map |
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Features | Slum Areas | Formal Built-Up Areas |
Size |
Density |
Pattern |
Site Characteristics |
Terms | Frequency | Percent (%) |
Informal settlement/area | 41 | 47.1 |
Slum | 25 | 28.7 |
Slum and informal settlement/area | 5 | 5.8 |
Squatter area | 4 | 4.6 |
Unplanned area | 3 | 3.5 |
Deprived area | 2 | 2.3 |
Refugee camp | 2 | 2.3 |
Sub-standard area | 2 | 2.3 |
Informal homesteading | 1 | 1.1 |
Informal and unplanned settlement | 1 | 1.1 |
Migrant and informal housing | 1 | 1.1 |
Total | 87 | 100 |
Domain | Application Areas |
Economy |
Environment |
Governance/Planning |
Social |
Geographical Area | Building Geometry | Density | Arrangement Pattern/Roads | Roofing Materials | Site Characteristics | |
ASIA | Ahmedabad [5] | Small roof sizes, number of floors | High density | Absence and/or irregular roads (width/unpaved) | Specific roof materials (e.g., iron, plastic) | Lack of green/open spaces, irregularly shaped boundaries |
Bangalore [84] | Low building height | Limited space between shelter units | Lack of access roads and irregular patterns | Specific (brown or grey roofs) | Lack of shadow | |
Dehradun [75] | Small roof sizes | Irregular patterns | Diverse (plastic, wood, cement/concrete) | |||
Delhi [54] | Small roof sizes | High density ~80% | Irregular patterns; no access roads | Hazardous locations (e.g., railway, river, highway) | ||
Delhi [94] | Small roof sizes, mostly 1–2 floors | High density | Irregular patterns; narrow streets in bad conditions | Diverse poor and non-permanent materials | Complex settlement shape, hazardous locations) | |
Hyderabad [10,45] | Small roof sizes | High density | Irregular patterns; narrow streets | Often at city edge and close to industrial sites. | ||
Mumbai [4] | Small roof sizes (<60 m2, average height 2.3 floors) | High density >50%: narrow streets/footpaths (below 1 m) | Low heterogeneity of spatial patterns | |||
Guangzhou [97] | Mostly square roofs (~12 × 12 m), additional floors | High density; distance between shelters 1 to 3 m | Patterns vary depending on location | Specific (spectrally similar) | ||
Shenzhen and Wuhan [72] | Small roof sizes | High density | Irregular patterns | Often specific roofing material | Little vegetation and other open spaces | |
AMERICAS | Guatemala City [6] | Small roof sizes, simple shapes, diverse orientation | High density | Irregular patterns | Diverse | Dirt roads; less green; poor accessibility; steep slope; proximity to hazards |
Medellin [61] | Small roof sizes | High density | Complex patterns | Diverse | ||
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [44] | Small roof sizes | High density | Irregular patterns | |||
Sao Paulo State [96] | Small roof sizes | High density | Specific (ceramic tile and asbestos) | Lack of vegetation | ||
SSA | Accra [120] | Small roof sizes | High density | Specific (spectrally similar) | Lack of vegetation | |
Cape Town [87] | Small roof sizes | Diverse (e.g., plastic, tin, wood) | Degradation of the local ecosystem | |||
Nairobi [74] | Small roof sizes | High density; narrow roads | Irregular patterns | Specific (with low reflectance) | ||
ACROSS | Caracas, Kabul, Kandahar, La Paz [46] | Small roof sizes | High density | Heterogeneity in building orientation, irregular streets | Diverse | Proximity to hazardous locations |
Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro [7,71] | Small roof sizes | High density | Irregular patterns, small road segments | Irregular building materials | Only small patches of vegetation cover | |
Delhi, Dar es Salaam [41] | Small roof sizes | High density | Irregular patterns | |||
Frequency: Asia: 11, Americas: 6, SSA: 5 | 19 | 17 | 16 | 14 | 12 |
No. | Categories | Geographical Area |
2 |
| Quezon City [65] |
2 |
| Caracas, Kabul Kandahar, La Paz [46] |
3 |
| Delhi [54] |
5 |
| Mumbai [85] |
Scale | Frequency | Percent (%) |
Settlement | 21 | 24.1 |
Ward/district | 7 | 8.1 |
Subset | 30 | 34.5 |
City | 24 | 27.6 |
Urban region | 4 | 4.6 |
Country | 1 | 1.1 |
Total | 87 | 100 |
Methods | Total Number (Percentage) | ||||||||
Contour Model | Machine Learning | Object-Based Approach | Pixel-Based Approach | Statistical Model | Texture/Morphology | Visual Image Interpretation | |||
FOCI | Analysis of types of informal/slum areas | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 6 (6.9%) |
Correlation with socioeconomic indicators | 0 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 5 (5.7%) | |
Identification of slum areas | 0 | 8 | 15 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 11 | 48 (55.2%) | |
Extractions of roofs/roads (objects) | 4 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 13 (14.9%) | |
Land use/cover mapping | 0 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 15 (17.2%) | |
Total Number (Percentage) | 4 (4.6%) | 11 (12.6%) | 28 (32.2%) | 11 (12.6%) | 4 (4.6%) | 14 (16.1%) | 15 (17.2%) | 87 (100%) |
Interpretation Elements | Building Geometry | Physical Characteristics | ||||
Density | Arrangement Pattern | Roof Materials | Site Characteristics | |||
Higher | Site/Association | Heterogeneity [4] | Roof density [4], vegetation density [120] | Line segment heterogeneity [78] | Settlement form and distance to river [82], accessibility and slope [6], border length and distances to hazardous areas [105] | |
To be explored | Surrounding building typology, variation of building distances | Heterogeneity of roof density | Heterogeneity of building height | Heterogeneity of roofing material | Distance to livelihood sources, basic infrastructure and service provision | |
Tertiary | Pattern/Height/Shadow | Building distance and height [4], building orientation [72] and shadow [71] | Patch density pattern [41] | Line orientation and distribution [46], entropy of objects (e.g., roads) [6], LBP [63], vegetation pattern [54], aggregation [41], Fourier transformation [190] | Vegetation patch compactness [6] | |
To be explored | Shadow variation | Shadow density | Connectivity of roads/footpaths | Pattern of roofing material | Pattern of vegetation cover | |
Secondary | Shape/Size/Texture | Asymmetry and size of roofs [71], shape of roofs [149] | NA | Texton [46]; GLCM [109] | NA | Vegetation patch size [6] or percentage [111] |
To be explored | Shadow sizes | Size variations (diversity/evenness) | Object size and shape variations | |||
Primary | Color/Tone | NA | NA | Roof colors/material [82] | NDVI [72], road material [96], soil index [104], V-I-S model [43,135] | |
To be explored | Pattern of roof material | Variation of roof material | Land cover variation |
© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (
Share and Cite
Kuffer, M.; Pfeffer, K.; Sliuzas, R. Slums from Space—15 Years of Slum Mapping Using Remote Sensing. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 455.
Kuffer M, Pfeffer K, Sliuzas R. Slums from Space—15 Years of Slum Mapping Using Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing. 2016; 8(6):455.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKuffer, Monika, Karin Pfeffer, and Richard Sliuzas. 2016. "Slums from Space—15 Years of Slum Mapping Using Remote Sensing" Remote Sensing 8, no. 6: 455.
APA StyleKuffer, M., Pfeffer, K., & Sliuzas, R. (2016). Slums from Space—15 Years of Slum Mapping Using Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 8(6), 455.