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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 175, issue 3, 2006

Modelling and simulation of business systems pp. 1339-1339 Downloads
Leonidas Sakalauskas
The impact of financial leverage on risk of equity measured by loss-oriented risk measures: An option pricing approach pp. 1340-1356 Downloads
Otto Karma and Priit Sander
Neural network approach to forecasting of quasiperiodic financial time series pp. 1357-1366 Downloads
Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy and Sergiy Popov
Balanced random interval arithmetic in market model estimation pp. 1367-1378 Downloads
Julius Zilinskas and Ian David Lockhart Bogle
Model and algorithm of the conceptual scheme formation for knowledge domain in distance learning pp. 1379-1399 Downloads
Oleg Zaikin, Emma Kushtina and Przemyslaw Rozewski
Neuro-dynamic trading methods pp. 1400-1412 Downloads
Patricia Xufre Casqueiro and Antonio J.L. Rodrigues
INSDECM--an interactive procedure for stochastic multicriteria decision problems pp. 1413-1430 Downloads
Maciej Nowak
Feature issue on "Traffic and transportation modelling" pp. 1431-1434 Downloads
Maurizio Bielli and Michele Ottomanelli
Motorway traffic parameter estimation from mobile phone counts pp. 1435-1446 Downloads
Vittorio Astarita, Robert L. Bertini, Sergio d'Elia and Giuseppe Guido
A dynamic network loading model for mesosimulation in transportation systems pp. 1447-1454 Downloads
Mauro Dell'Orco
A continuous whole-link travel time model with occupancy constraint pp. 1455-1471 Downloads
Ricardo Garcia-Rodenas, Maria Luz Lopez-Garcia, Alejandro Nino-Arbelaez and Doroteo Verastegui-Rayo
Experimental tour-based travel demand models pp. 1472-1483 Downloads
Demetrio C. Festa, Daniela Condino and Gabriella Mazzulla
New algorithmic alternatives for the O-D matrix adjustment problem on traffic networks pp. 1484-1500 Downloads
Esteve Codina, Ricardo Garcia and Angel Marin
A set theoretic framework for enumerating matches in surveys and its application to reducing inaccuracies in vehicle roadside surveys pp. 1501-1513 Downloads
Richard G. Clegg
Fuzzy graphs modelling for HazMat telegeomonitoring pp. 1514-1525 Downloads
Azedine Boulmakoul
Handling uncertainty in route choice models: From probabilistic to possibilistic approaches pp. 1526-1538 Downloads
Vincent Henn and Michele Ottomanelli
User equilibrium traffic network assignment with stochastic travel times and late arrival penalty pp. 1539-1556 Downloads
David Watling
A demand model with departure time choice for within-day dynamic traffic assignment pp. 1557-1576 Downloads
Giuseppe Bellei, Guido Gentile, Lorenzo Meschini and Natale Papola
Issues in the implementation of the DSD algorithm for the traffic assignment problem pp. 1577-1587 Downloads
Pablo A. Lotito
Optimal control of road freight flows by route choice inducement: A case from Mexico pp. 1588-1604 Downloads
Eric Moreno-Quintero
A two-phase insertion technique of unexpected customers for a dynamic dial-a-ride problem pp. 1605-1615 Downloads
Luca Coslovich, Raffaele Pesenti and Walter Ukovich
A time-space network based exact optimization model for multi-depot bus scheduling pp. 1616-1627 Downloads
Natalia Kliewer, Taieb Mellouli and Leena Suhl
A model for the management of a tram fleet pp. 1628-1651 Downloads
Stefano Carrese and Giuseppe Ottone
Applications of the urban traffic control strategy TUC pp. 1652-1665 Downloads
Vaya Dinopoulou, Christina Diakaki and Markos Papageorgiou
Intelligent parking systems pp. 1666-1681 Downloads
Dusan Teodorovic and Panta Lucic
Heuristics for urban road network design: Lane layout and signal settings pp. 1682-1695 Downloads
G.E. Cantarella, G. Pavone and A. Vitetta
A decision support approach for the evaluation of transport investment alternatives pp. 1696-1704 Downloads
Nurbanu Caliskan
Object modeling and path computation for multimodal travel systems pp. 1705-1730 Downloads
Maurizio Bielli, Azedine Boulmakoul and Hicham Mouncif
Object oriented model for container terminal distributed simulation pp. 1731-1751 Downloads
Maurizio Bielli, Azedine Boulmakoul and Mohamed Rida
Rich models in discrete optimization: Formulation and resolution (ECCO XVI) pp. 1752-1753 Downloads
Geir Hasle, Arne Lokketangen and Silvano Martello
Periodic airline fleet assignment with time windows, spacing constraints, and time dependent revenues pp. 1754-1766 Downloads
Nicolas Belanger, Guy Desaulniers, Francois Soumis and Jacques Desrosiers
The stochastic U-line balancing problem: A heuristic procedure pp. 1767-1781 Downloads
Wen-Chyuan Chiang and Timothy L. Urban
Profitability in product line pricing and composition with manufacturing commonalities pp. 1782-1797 Downloads
Jamison M. Day and M.A. Venkataramanan
Enriched workflow modelling and Stochastic Branch-and-Bound pp. 1798-1817 Downloads
Karl Doerner, Walter J. Gutjahr, Gabriele Kotsis, Martin Polaschek and Christine Strauss
Integrated production and material handling scheduling using mathematical programming and constraint programming pp. 1818-1832 Downloads
Ghada El Khayat, Andre Langevin and Diane Riopel
Multi-objective metaheuristics for a location-routing problem with multiple use of vehicles on real data and simulated data pp. 1833-1849 Downloads
C.K.Y. Lin and R.C.W. Kwok
A branch-and-price approach for operational aircraft maintenance routing pp. 1850-1869 Downloads
Abdulkadir Sarac, Rajan Batta and Christopher M. Rump
An iterative sequential heuristic procedure to a real-life 1.5-dimensional cutting stock problem pp. 1870-1889 Downloads
X. Song, C.B. Chu, Y.Y. Nie and J.A. Bennell
Multiagent visual area coverage using a new genetic algorithm selection scheme pp. 1890-1907 Downloads
Helman Stern, Yoash Chassidim and Moshe Zofi

Volume 175, issue 2, 2006

Selecting and weighting features using a genetic algorithm in a case-based reasoning approach to personnel rostering pp. 649-671 Downloads
Gareth R. Beddoe and Sanja Petrovic
A new insertion-based construction heuristic for solving the pickup and delivery problem with time windows pp. 672-687 Downloads
Quan Lu and Maged M. Dessouky
A common notion of clockwise can help in planar rendezvous pp. 688-706 Downloads
Steve Alpern and Vic Baston
A hybrid metaheuristic for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem pp. 707-721 Downloads
Lin-Yu Tseng and Shih-Chieh Chen
Algorithms for single machine total tardiness scheduling with sequence dependent setups pp. 722-739 Downloads
Skylab R. Gupta and Jeffrey S. Smith
Location of slaughterhouses under economies of scale pp. 740-750 Downloads
John v.d. Broek, Peter Schutz, Leen Stougie and Asgeir Tomasgard
Scheduling with controllable release dates and processing times: Makespan minimization pp. 751-768 Downloads
T.C. Edwin Cheng, Mikhail Y. Kovalyov and Natalia V. Shakhlevich
Scheduling with controllable release dates and processing times: Total completion time minimization pp. 769-781 Downloads
T.C. Edwin Cheng, Mikhail Y. Kovalyov and Natalia V. Shakhlevich
A parallelizable dynamic fleet management model with random travel times pp. 782-805 Downloads
H. Topaloglu
Learning genetic algorithm parameters using hidden Markov models pp. 806-820 Downloads
Jackie Rees and Gary J. Koehler
Maintenance of continuously monitored degrading systems pp. 821-835 Downloads
Haitao Liao, Elsayed A. Elsayed and Ling-Yau Chan
Modeling country risk ratings using partial orders pp. 836-859 Downloads
P.L. Hammer, A. Kogan and Miguel Lejeune
Characterization of the core in games with restricted cooperation pp. 860-869 Downloads
Manuel A. Pulido and Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano
Electoral strategies in a dynamical democratic system. Geometric models pp. 870-878 Downloads
Manuel Abellanas, Isabel Lillo, M Dolores Lopez and Javier Rodrigo
Portfolio rebalancing model with transaction costs based on fuzzy decision theory pp. 879-893 Downloads
Yong Fang, K.K. Lai and Shou-Yang Wang
Applications of sensitivity analysis for probit stochastic network equilibrium pp. 894-911 Downloads
Stephen D. Clark and David P. Watling
Dominance of capacities by k-additive belief functions pp. 912-930 Downloads
Pedro Miranda, Michel Grabisch and Pedro Gil
Experiments with classification-based scalarizing functions in interactive multiobjective optimization pp. 931-947 Downloads
Kaisa Miettinen, Marko M. Makela and Katja Kaario
The aspiration level interactive method (AIM) reconsidered: Robustness of solutions pp. 948-958 Downloads
Jingguo Wang and Stanley Zionts
A variable neighborhood decomposition search method for supply chain management planning problems pp. 959-976 Downloads
Miguel Lejeune
Optimal lot size model for deteriorating items with demand rate dependent on displayed stock level (DSL) and partial backordering pp. 977-991 Downloads
A.K. Pal, A.K. Bhunia and R.N. Mukherjee
When supplier's availability affects the replenishment lead time--An extension of the supply-interruption problem pp. 992-1008 Downloads
Esmail Mohebbi and Daipeng Hao
Evaluating the shop-wide performance effect of pooling synergy with analytical models pp. 1009-1020 Downloads
William Manning and John Jensen
Quality improvement and goodwill accumulation in a dynamic duopoly pp. 1021-1032 Downloads
Fouad El Ouardighi and Federico Pasin
An optimal solution technique for the joint replenishment problem with storage and transport capacities and budget constraints pp. 1033-1042 Downloads
M.A. Hoque
Solving machine-loading problem of a flexible manufacturing system with constraint-based genetic algorithm pp. 1043-1069 Downloads
Akhilesh Kumar, Prakash, M.K. Tiwari, Ravi Shankar and Alok Baveja
A Lagrangian-based heuristic for the capacitated lot-sizing problem in parallel machines pp. 1070-1083 Downloads
Franklina Maria Bragion Toledo and Vinicius Amaral Armentano
Simple heuristics for push and pull remanufacturing policies pp. 1084-1102 Downloads
Erwin van der Laan and Ruud H. Teunter
The multiple-job repair kit problem pp. 1103-1116 Downloads
Ruud H. Teunter
Build-pack planning for hard disk drive assembly with approved vendor matrices and stochastic demands pp. 1117-1140 Downloads
T.S. Ng, L.H. Lee and E.P. Chew
A hybrid algorithm for solving the economic lot and delivery scheduling problem in the common cycle case pp. 1141-1150 Downloads
Jens Clausen and Suquan Ju
Optimal workforce size and allocation for urban retail chains pp. 1151-1163 Downloads
Mozart B.C. Menezes, Seokjin Kim and Rongbing Huang
Finding the K best policies in a finite-horizon Markov decision process pp. 1164-1179 Downloads
Lars Relund Nielsen and Anders Ringgaard Kristensen
Estimating the number of undetected software errors via the correlated capture-recapture model pp. 1180-1192 Downloads
Young H. Chun
Replacement times and costs in a degrading system with several types of failure: The case of phase-type holding times pp. 1193-1209 Downloads
Delia Montoro-Cazorla and Rafael Perez-Ocon
Sampling on successive occasions to re-estimate future asset management expenditure pp. 1210-1223 Downloads
A.T. Brint
Modelling and optimisation of electricity, steam and district heating production for a local Swedish utility pp. 1224-1247 Downloads
Dag Henning, Shahnaz Amiri and Kristina Holmgren
A simulation study of IT outsourcing in the credit card business pp. 1248-1261 Downloads
Sineenad Paisittanand and David L. Olson
Advertising a new product in a segmented market pp. 1262-1267 Downloads
Alessandra Buratto, Luca Grosset and Bruno Viscolani
A Bayesian causal map for inflation analysis: The case of Turkey pp. 1268-1284 Downloads
Sule Onsel Sahin, Fusun Ulengin and Burc Ulengin
Finding the most preferred alliance structure between banks and insurance companies pp. 1285-1299 Downloads
Pekka Korhonen and Raimo Voutilainen
A financial alliance compromise between executives and supervisory authorities pp. 1300-1310 Downloads
Pekka Korhonen, Lasse Koskinen and Raimo Voutilainen
The super-efficiency procedure for outlier identification, not for ranking efficient units pp. 1311-1320 Downloads
Rajiv D. Banker and Hsihui Chang
A note on makespan minimization in two-stage flexible flow shops with uniform machines pp. 1321-1327 Downloads
George J. Kyparisis and Christos Koulamas

Volume 175, issue 1, 2006

Buyer vendor coordination models in supply chain management pp. 1-15 Downloads
S.P. Sarmah, D. Acharya and S.K. Goyal
Integrating Bayesian networks and decision trees in a sequential rule-based transportation model pp. 16-34 Downloads
Davy Janssens, Geert Wets, Tom Brijs, Koen Vanhoof, Theo Arentze and Harry Timmermans
The evidential reasoning approach for multiple attribute decision analysis using interval belief degrees pp. 35-66 Downloads
Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang, Dong-Ling Xu and Kwai-Sang Chin
Supplier-manufacturer coordination in capacitated two-stage supply chains pp. 67-89 Downloads
Diwakar Gupta and Waressara Weerawat
A multi-attribute e-auction mechanism for procurement: Theoretical foundations pp. 90-100 Downloads
Jeffrey E. Teich, Hannele Wallenius, Jyrki Wallenius and Alexander Zaitsev
Pairwise solutions and the core of transportation situations pp. 101-110 Downloads
Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano
Simulation of fuzzy multiattribute models for grey relationships pp. 111-120 Downloads
David L. Olson and Dash Wu
Obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree situations and their monotonicity properties pp. 121-134 Downloads
Stef Tijs, Rodica Branzei, Stefano Moretti and Henk Norde
Interactive meta-goal programming pp. 135-154 Downloads
Rafael Caballero, Francisco Ruiz, M. Victoria Rodriguez Uria and Carlos Romero
Choices and kernels in bipolar valued digraphs pp. 155-170 Downloads
Raymond Bisdorff, Marc Pirlot and Marc Roubens
Scheduling sports competitions at multiple venues--Revisited pp. 171-186 Downloads
A. Lim, B. Rodrigues and X. Zhang
Modeling and solving a Crew Assignment Problem in air transportation pp. 187-209 Downloads
F.M. Zeghal and M. Minoux
Reachability cuts for the vehicle routing problem with time windows pp. 210-223 Downloads
Jens Lysgaard
Dynamic programming and minimum risk paths pp. 224-237 Downloads
Paolo Serafini
The lower and upper forcing geodetic numbers of block-cactus graphs pp. 238-245 Downloads
Fu-Hsing Wang, Yue-Li Wang and Jou-Ming Chang
A new approach to solving the multiple traveling salesperson problem using genetic algorithms pp. 246-257 Downloads
Arthur E. Carter and Cliff T. Ragsdale
Scheduling trainees at a hospital department using a branch-and-price approach pp. 258-278 Downloads
Jeroen Belien and Erik Demeulemeester
Properties of multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problems with resource vacations and activity splitting pp. 279-295 Downloads
Jirachai Buddhakulsomsiri and David S. Kim
Heuristics and augmented neural networks for task scheduling with non-identical machines pp. 296-317 Downloads
Anurag Agarwal, Selcuk Colak, Varghese S. Jacob and Hasan Pirkul
A multi-objective tabu search for a single-machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times pp. 318-337 Downloads
F. Fred Choobineh, Esmail Mohebbi and Hansen Khoo
Aversion scheduling in the presence of risky jobs pp. 338-361 Downloads
Gary W. Black, Kenneth N. McKay and Thomas E. Morton
System delay versus system content for discrete-time queueing systems subject to server interruptions pp. 362-375 Downloads
Bart Vinck and Herwig Bruneel
Seasonal clustering technique for time series data pp. 376-384 Downloads
Tasha R. Inniss
A method for processing the unreliable expert judgments about parameters of probability distributions pp. 385-398 Downloads
Lev V. Utkin
An extended optimal replacement model of systems subject to shocks pp. 399-412 Downloads
Yu-Hung Chien, Shey-Huei Sheu, Zhe George Zhang and Ernie Love
Using virtual sample generation to build up management knowledge in the early manufacturing stages pp. 413-434 Downloads
Der-Chang Li and Yao-San Lin
A reliability assessment tool for distributed software development environment based on Java and J/Link pp. 435-445 Downloads
Yoshinobu Tamura, Shigeru Yamada and Mitsuhiro Kimura
Portfolio performance evaluation in a mean-variance-skewness framework pp. 446-461 Downloads
Tarja Joro and Paul Na
Dynamics of competing with quality- and advertising-based goodwill pp. 462-474 Downloads
Anand Nair and Ram Narasimhan
OR/MS research in disaster operations management pp. 475-493 Downloads
Nezih Altay and Walter G. Green
Double-layered dynamics: A unified theory of projected dynamical systems and evolutionary variational inequalities pp. 494-507 Downloads
Monica-Gabriela Cojocaru, Patrizia Daniele and Anna Nagurney
Earliness-tardiness production planning for just-in-time manufacturing: A unifying approach by goal programming pp. 508-515 Downloads
Lei Li, Daniel J. Fonseca and Der-San Chen
A robust nonparametric approach to evaluate and explain the performance of mutual funds pp. 516-542 Downloads
Cinzia Daraio and Leopold Simar
An operational profit sharing and transfer pricing model for network-manufacturing companies pp. 543-565 Downloads
Salem Lakhal
Heuristic approaches to determine base-stock levels in a serial supply chain with a single objective and with multiple objectives pp. 566-592 Downloads
J. Sudhir Ryan Daniel and Chandrasekharan Rajendran
Inventory control with indivisible units of stock transfer pp. 593-601 Downloads
Roger M. Hill
Multi-location transshipment problem with capacitated transportation pp. 602-621 Downloads
Deniz Ozdemir, Enver Yucesan and Yale T. Herer
The joint replenishment problem with variable production costs pp. 622-640 Downloads
Z.P. Bayindir, S.I. Birbil and J.B.G. Frenk
Page updated 2025-02-13