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Journal of Urban Economics

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): S.S. Rosenthal and W.C. Strange

From Elsevier
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Volume 54, issue 3, 2003

Clearing the air in Atlanta: transit and smart growth or conventional economics? pp. 379-400 Downloads
Alain Bertaud
The social and private micro-level consequences of homeownership pp. 401-450 Downloads
Robert Dietz and Donald Haurin
Can partial fiscal coordination be welfare worsening?: A model of tax competition pp. 451-458 Downloads
Maurice Marchand, Pierre Pestieau and Motohiro Sato
Airport infrastructure spillovers in a network system pp. 459-473 Downloads
Jeffrey Cohen and Catherine Morrison Paul
Understanding gentrification: an empirical analysis of the determinants of urban housing renovation pp. 474-498 Downloads
Andrew C. Helms
On the profitability of collusion in location games pp. 499-510 Downloads
Steffen Huck, Vicki Knoblauch and Wieland Müller
A new look at the two-mode problem pp. 511-530 Downloads
Marvin Kraus
Inside the queue:: hypercongestion and road pricing in a continuous time-continuous place model of traffic congestion pp. 531-565 Downloads
Erik Verhoef
Residential mobility and job changes under uncertainty pp. 566-586 Downloads
Kamhon Kan
Residential segregation and preference misalignment pp. 587-609 Downloads
Jacob Vigdor
Private demands for public capital: evidence from school bond referenda pp. 610-638 Downloads
Ed Balsdon, Eric Brunner and Kim Rueben
Is it tax competition or tax exporting? pp. 639-647 Downloads
Luc Noiset

Volume 54, issue 2, 2003

In search of yardstick competition: a spatial analysis of Italian municipality property tax setting pp. 199-217 Downloads
Massimo Bordignon, Floriana Cerniglia and Federico Revelli
New urbanism and housing values: a disaggregate assessment pp. 218-238 Downloads
Yan Song and Gerrit-Jan Knaap
Homeowners, property values, and the political economy of the school voucher pp. 239-257 Downloads
Eric Brunner and Jon Sonstelie
Intercity trade and the industrial diversification of cities pp. 258-276 Downloads
Alex Anas and Kai Xiong
The political economy of school choice: linking theory and evidence pp. 277-308 Downloads
Danny Cohen-Zada and Moshe Justman
Neighborhood characteristics and the targeting of tax increment financing in Chicago pp. 309-327 Downloads
Diane Gibson
Terrorism insurance subsidies and social welfare pp. 328-338 Downloads
David Barker
Increasing returns and perfect competition: the role of land pp. 339-367 Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Thijs ten Raa
A hedonic price model for islands pp. 368-377 Downloads
Philippe Bonnetain

Volume 54, issue 1, 2003

Equilibria with local governments and commuting: income sorting vs income mixing pp. 1-20 Downloads
Charles de Bartolome and Stephen Ross
Optimal cordon pricing pp. 21-38 Downloads
Se-il Mun, Ko-ji Konishi and Kazuhiro Yoshikawa
How large are the welfare costs of tax competition? pp. 39-60 Downloads
Ian Parry
School finance, spatial income segregation, and the nature of communities pp. 61-88 Downloads
Thomas Nechyba
A three-input model of the spatial effects of a central-city wage tax pp. 89-109 Downloads
Ralph M. Braid
Tax base effects and fiscal externalities of local capital taxation: evidence from a panel of German jurisdictions pp. 110-128 Downloads
Thiess Buettner
Spatial mismatch, search effort, and urban spatial structure pp. 129-156 Downloads
Tony E. Smith and Yves Zenou
Need and generosity: how markets for free goods equilibrate pp. 157-172 Downloads
Brendan O'Flaherty
Tax competition and the choice of tax structure in a majority voting model pp. 173-180 Downloads
Rainald Borck
Social insurance competition between Bismarck and Beveridge pp. 181-196 Downloads
Helmuth Cremer and Pierre Pestieau
Erratum to "Spillover effects of public capital formation: evidence from the Spanish regions": [Journal of Urban Economics 53 (2003) 238-256] pp. 197-197 Downloads
Alfredo Pereira and Oriol Roca-Sagales

Volume 53, issue 3, 2003

The number of subcenters in large urban areas pp. 321-338 Downloads
Daniel McMillen and Stefani C. Smith
An empirical model of transfers within a federation, with an application to the European Union pp. 339-356 Downloads
George Deltas and Gregor Van Der Beek
Migration consequences of welfare reform pp. 357-376 Downloads
Robert Kaestner, Neeraj Kaushal and Gregg Van Ryzin
Outsourcing business services and the role of central administrative offices pp. 377-395 Downloads
Yukako Ono
The intraurban spatial distribution of employment: which government interventions make a difference? pp. 396-412 Downloads
Christopher Bollinger and Keith Ihlanfeldt
Anchor stores pp. 413-435 Downloads
Hideo Konishi and Michael T. Sandfort
Subsidies as sorting devices pp. 436-457 Downloads
William Hoyt and Kangoh Lee
Why has the number of teachers per student risen while teacher quality has declined?: The role of changes in the labor market for women pp. 458-481 Downloads
Christiana Stoddard
Overeducation, regional labor markets, and spatial flexibility pp. 482-493 Downloads
Felix Buchel and Maarten van Ham
Targeted saving by renters for housing purchase in Japan pp. 494-509 Downloads
Yoko Moriizumi
Transport tax reform, commuting, and endogenous values of time pp. 510-530 Downloads
Bruno De Borger and Kurt Van Dender
The impact of a state mandated expenditure floor on aggregate property values pp. 531-540 Downloads
Laurie Bates and Rexford Santerre
Regional integration: an empirical assessment of Russia pp. 541-559 Downloads
Daniel Berkowitz and David DeJong

Volume 53, issue 2, 2003

Valuing English primary schools pp. 197-219 Downloads
Stephen Gibbons and Stephen Machin
Owner-occupied housing and investment in stocks: an empirical test pp. 220-237 Downloads
Takashi Yamashita
Spillover effects of public capital formation: evidence from the Spanish regions pp. 238-256 Downloads
Alfredo Pereira and Oriol Roca-Sagalés
Waiting for Mr. Right: rising inequality and declining marriage rates pp. 257-281 Downloads
Eric Gould and M. Daniele Paserman
Social networks and inequality pp. 282-299 Downloads
Lisa Finneran and Morgan Kelly
Persistence and stability in city growth pp. 300-320 Downloads
Shalini Sharma

Volume 53, issue 1, 2003

Marshall's scale economies pp. 1-28 Downloads
J. Vernon Henderson
Reaction or interaction? Spatial process identification in multi-tiered government structures pp. 29-53 Downloads
Federico Revelli
Airport charges and capacity expansion: effects of concessions and privatization pp. 54-75 Downloads
Anming Zhang and Yimin Zhang
The waxing and waning of regional economies: the chicken-egg question of jobs versus people pp. 76-97 Downloads
Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman
Evidence on the political economy of the urbanization process pp. 98-125 Downloads
James Davis and J. Vernon Henderson
Product diversity, taste heterogeneity, and geographic distribution of economic activities:: market vs. non-market interactions pp. 126-144 Downloads
Yasusada Murata
Interactive property valuations pp. 145-170 Downloads
Yannis Ioannides
Nominal loss aversion, housing equity constraints, and household mobility: evidence from the United States pp. 171-195 Downloads
Gary V. Engelhardt
Page updated 2025-02-22