Journal of Applied Econometrics
1986 - 2010
Continued by Journal of Applied Econometrics. Current editor(s): M. Hashem Pesaran From John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley-Blackwell Digital Licensing () and Christopher F. Baum (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 9, issue S, 1994
- Calibration and Econometric Research: An Overview: Introduction pp. S1-10
- Adrian Pagan
- The RBC Models through Statistical Inference: An Application with French Data pp. S11-35
- Patrick Fève and Francois Langot
- Testing the Implications of Long-Run Neutrality for Monetary Business Cycle Models pp. S37-70
- James Nason and Timothy Cogley
- Asset Trading, Transaction Costs and the Equity Premium pp. S71-94
- Stephen J Fisher
- A Duration Model of Irreversible Oil Investment: Theory and Empirical Evidence pp. S95-112
- Carlo Favero, Mohammad Pesaran and Sunil Sharma
- Cyclical Properties of a Real Business Cycle Model pp. S113-22
- Paul Söderlind
- Statistical Inference in Calibrated Models pp. S123-44
- Fabio Canova
- The Linear Quadratic Adjustment Cost Model and the Demand for Labour pp. S145-59
- Tom Engsted and Niels Haldrup
Volume 9, issue 4, 1994
- A Structural Model of Aircraft Engine Maintenance pp. 351-68
- David Kennet
- Rank-Ordered Logit Models: An Empirical Analysis of Ontario Voter Preferences pp. 369-88
- Gary Koop and D J Poirier
- Unemployment Dynamics and Labour Market Tightness: An Empirical Evaluation of Matching Function Models pp. 389-419
- Paul Storer
- Attrition in Longitudinal Panel Data and the Empirical Analysis of Dynamic Labour Market Behaviour pp. 421-35
- Gerard van den Berg, Maarten Lindeboom and Geert Ridder
- Allocation of Individuals to Job Levels under Rationing pp. 437-51
- Joop Hartog, Geert Ridder and Michael Visser
- The Determinants of Australian Trade Union Membership pp. 453-68
- Jeff Borland and Sam Ouliaris
- A Review of Stata 3.1 pp. 469-77
- Christopher Ferrall
Volume 9, issue 3, 1994
- Modelling the UK Gilt-Edged Market pp. 231-53
- James Davidson, G Madonia and Peter Westaway
- Estimation of Econometric Models of Some Discrete Games pp. 255-68
- Peter Kooreman
- The Cyclical Nature of Markups in Canadian Manufacturing: A Production Theory Approach pp. 269-82
- Catherine Morrison Paul
- The Response of Small and Medium-Size Business Customers to Time-of-Use (TOU) Electricity Rates in Israel pp. 283-304
- D J Aigner, J Newman and A Tishler
- Energy Crises and Change of Technology pp. 305-20
- Pekka Ilmakunnas and H Torma
- Testing the Proportional Hazards Assumption in the Presence of Unmeasured Heterogeneity pp. 321-34
- Brian McCall
- Review of STATGRAPHICS pp. 335-41
- N Davies and Andrew Tremayne
Volume 9, issue 2, 1994
- A Simulation Estimation Analysis of the External Debt Crises of Developing Countries pp. 109-31
- Vassilis Hajivassiliou
- A Symmetric Approach to the Labour Market with the Household as the Unit of Observation pp. 133-61
- E Eggink, J P Hop and Bernard van Praag
- Prediction, Filtering and Smoothing in Non-linear and Non-normal Cases Using Monte Carlo Integration pp. 163-79
- Hisashi Tanizaki and Roberto Mariano
- Large Shocks, Small Shocks, and Economic Fluctuations: Outliers in Macroeconomic Time Series pp. 181-200
- Nathan Balke and Thomas Fomby
- Estimates of the Demand for Medical Care under Different Functional Forms pp. 201-18
- Janet Hunt-McCool, B F Kiker and Ying Chu Ng
- SC Version 1.107: A Review pp. 219-23
- G Austin
Volume 9, issue 1, 1994
- Estimating Consumer Preferences Using Market Data--An Application to U.S. Automobile Demand pp. 1-18
- N M Arguea, Cheng Hsiao and G A Taylor
- Can a Well-Fitted Equilibrium Asset-Pricing Model Produce Mean Reversion? pp. 19-29
- Marco Bonomo and René Garcia
- A Univariate Analysis of EMS Exchange Rates Using a Target Zone Model pp. 31-45
- Frank de Jong
- Economic Fluctuations, Market Power, and Returns to Scale: Evidence from Firm-Level Data pp. 47-69
- Bob Chirinko and Steven Fazzari
- Immigrant Earnings, Relative to What? The Importance of Earnings Function Specification and Comparison Points pp. 71-90
- A M Yuengert
- LIMDEP, Version 6.0: A Review pp. 91-98
- Harry Paarsch
Volume 8, issue S, 1993
- Bayesian Estimation of Manufacturing Effects in a Fuel Economy Model pp. S5-18
- R W Andrews, J O Berger and M H Smith
- Bayesian Treatment of the Independent Student- t Linear Model pp. S19-40
- John Geweke
- Non-stationarity in GARCH Models: A Bayesian Analysis pp. S41-61
- Frank Kleibergen and Herman van Dijk
- Estimating Nonlinear Time-Series Models Using Simulated Vector Autoregressions pp. S63-84
- Anthony Smith
- Indirect Inference pp. S85-118
- Christian Gourieroux, Alain Monfort and Eric Renault
- Simulation-Based Estimation of Models with Lagged Latent Variables pp. S119-33
- Guy Laroque and Bernard Salanié
- Fitting Nonlinear Time-Series Models with Applications to Stochastic Variance Models pp. S135-52
- Neil Shephard
- Accelerated Gaussian Importance Sampler with Application to Dynamic Latent Variable Models pp. S153-73
- Jon Danielsson and Jean-Francois Richard
Volume 8, issue 4, 1993
- Common Trends and Common Cycles pp. 341-60
- Farshid Vahid and Robert Engle
- How Does the Benefit Effect Vary as Unemployment Spells Lengthen? pp. 361-81
- W Narendranathan and Mark Stewart
- A Count-Amount Model with Endogenous Recording of Observations pp. 383-95
- Bernard van Praag and E M Vermeulen
- A Latent Class Poisson Regression Model for Heterogeneous Count Data pp. 397-411
- Wedel, M, et al
- Microsoft 3.0: A Review pp. 413-19
- Colin McKenzie
Volume 8, issue 3, 1993
- Detrending, Stylized Facts and the Business Cycle pp. 231-47
- Andrew Harvey and A Jaeger
- Income and Wealth Inequality and the Life Cycle: A Non-parametric Analysis for China pp. 249-76
- Stephen Pudney
- Production Cost Structure of U.S. Hospital Pharmacies: Time-Series, Cross-Sectional Bed Size Evidence pp. 277-94
- Albert Okunade
- The Long-Run Implications of the Production Smoothing Model of Inventories: An Empirical Test pp. 295-306
- Robert Rossana
- GAUSS and MATLAB: A Comparison pp. 307-24
- John Rust
Volume 8, issue 2, 1993
- Bayesian Inference in Limited Dependent Variable Models: An Application to Measuring Strike Duration pp. 115-28
- David DeJong
- Compositional Change, Aggregation, and Dynamic Factor Demand: Estimates on a Panel of Manufacturing Firms pp. 129-48
- P Wolfson
- Structural Shifts in the Manufacturing Export Performance of OECD Economies pp. 149-62
- Michael Landesmann and Andy Snell
- International Real Interest Rate Equalization: A Multivariate Time-Series Approach pp. 163-74
- Peter Kugler and Klaus Neusser
- An Adjustment Cost Model of Long-Term Employment in Japan pp. 175-94
- Shinichiro Nakamura
- Joint Tests for Regularity and Autocorrelation in Allocation Systems pp. 195-211
- Philippe Deschamps
- Review of S-Plus pp. 213-19
- J Hallman
- PC-Naive 6.01: A Review pp. 221-25
- A P Kilduff
Volume 8, issue 1, 1993
- New Effects in a High-Frequency Model of the Sterling-Dollar Exchange Rate pp. 1-13
- Goodhart, C A E, et al
- Intra-day Futures Price Volatility: Information Effects and Variance Persistence pp. 15-30
- P R Locke and C L Sayers
- Threshold Arch Models and Asymmetries in Volatility pp. 31-49
- R Rabemananjara and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- Testing the Differences between the Determinants of Moody's and Standard & Poor's Ratings: An Application of Smooth Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimation pp. 51-69
- Choon-Geol Moon and Janet G Stotsky
- The Cyclical and Secular Behaviour of the Labour Input: Comparing Efficiency Units and Hours Worked pp. 71-80
- Gary Hansen
- On the Estimation of Simultaneous-Equations Error-Components Models with an Application to a Model of Developing Country Foreign Trade pp. 81-92
- Terrence Kinal and Kajal Lahiri
- An Analysis of Publication Lags in Econometrics pp. 93-100
- Pravin Trivedi
- Software Reviews: GAIM 1.1 pp. 101-07
- Alan Harrison
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