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1964 - 2020

Current editor(s): John D. Iceland, Stephen A. Matthews and Jenny Van Hook

Population Association of America (PAA)
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Volume 34, issue 4, 1997

Explaining fertility transitions pp. 443-454 Downloads
Karen Mason
The rise of divorce and separation in the United States, 1880–1990 pp. 455-466 Downloads
Steven Ruggles
Comment on “the rise of divorce and separation in the United States, 1880–1990” pp. 467-472 Downloads
Valerie Oppenheimer
Comment on steven ruggles’s “the rise of divorce and separation in the United States, 1880–1990” pp. 473-474 Downloads
Samuel Preston
Reply to oppenheimer and preston pp. 475-479 Downloads
Steven Ruggles
Migration, fertility, and state policy in Hubei Province, China pp. 481-491 Downloads
Alice Goldstein, Michael White and Idney Goldstein
Sibling models of socioeconomic effects on the timing of first premarital birth pp. 493-511 Downloads
Daniel Powers and James Cherng-Tay Hsueh
Effect of provider characteristics on choice of contraceptive provider: A two-equation full-information maximum-likelihood estimation pp. 513-523 Downloads
John Akin and Jeffrey Rous
Residential mobility between cities and suburbs: race, suburbanization, and back-to-the-city moves pp. 525-538 Downloads
Scott South and Kyle Crowder
An occupational tale of two cities: Minorities in London and New York pp. 539-550 Downloads
Suzanne Model
Age-distribution dynamics and aging indexes pp. 551-563 Downloads
C. Chu

Volume 34, issue 3, 1997

Men’s career development and marriage timing during a period of rising inequality pp. 311-330 Downloads
Valerie Oppenheimer, Matthijs Kalmijn and Nelson Lim
Cohabiting partners’ economic circumstances and marriage pp. 331-341 Downloads
Pamela Smock and Wendy Manning
Couple childbearing desires, intentions, and births pp. 343-354 Downloads
Elizabeth Thomson
Polygyny and reproductive behavior in sub-saharan Africa: A contextual analysis pp. 355-368 Downloads
Alex Ezeh
Learning in social networks and contraceptive choice pp. 369-383 Downloads
Hans-Peter Kohler
Community-level determinants of contraceptive use in the Philippines: A structural analysis pp. 385-398 Downloads
Deborah Degraff, Richard Bilsborrow and David Guilkey
Premature birth and the changing composition of newborn infectious disease mortality: Reconsidering “exogenous” mortality pp. 399-409 Downloads
Kathryn Sowards
Estimating childhood mortality trends from routine data: A simulation using the preceding birth technique in Bangladesh pp. 411-420 Downloads
Radheshyam Bairagi, Muhammad Shuaib and Allan Hill
Population momentum expresses population aging pp. 421-427 Downloads
Young Kim and Robert Schoen
Urban labor markets and individual transitions out of poverty pp. 429-441 Downloads
John Iceland

Volume 34, issue 2, 1997

Erratum to: A theory of technophysio, with come implications for forecasting population, health care costs, and pension costs pp. n1-n1 Downloads
Robert Fogel and Dora Costa
Geographic information systems, spatial network analysis, and contraceptive choice pp. 171-187 Downloads
Barbara Entwisle, Ronald Rindfuss, Stephen Walsh, Tom Evans and Sara Curran
A mixture model for duration data: Analysis of second births in China pp. 189-197 Downloads
Lei Li and Minja Choe
The number of Israeli immigrants in the United States in 1990 pp. 199-212 Downloads
Yinon Cohen and Yitchak Haberfeld
Changing patterns of Internal Migration 1970–1990: A comparative analysis of jews and whites in The United States pp. 213-223 Downloads
Uzi Rebhun
The mobility experience and neighborhood attachment pp. 225-237 Downloads
Marc Bolan
Measuring immigrant wage growth using matched CPS files pp. 239-249 Downloads
Harriet Duleep and Mark Regets
Measuring spatial focusing in a migration system pp. 251-262 Downloads
David Plane and Gordon Mulligan
Breaking the racial barriers: Variations in interracial marriage between 1980 and 1990 pp. 263-276 Downloads
Zhenchao Qian
Family dissolution, family reconstitution, and children’s educational careers: Recent evidence for Sweden pp. 277-293 Downloads
Jan Jonsson and Michael Gähler
Household structure and childhood immunization in Niger and Nigeria pp. 295-309 Downloads
Anastasia Gage, A. Sommerfelt and Andrea Piani

Volume 34, issue 1, 1997

Ever since gompertz pp. 1-15 Downloads
S. Olshansky and Bruce Carnes
What demographers can learn from fruit fly actuarial models and biology pp. 17-30 Downloads
James Carey
How frailty models can be used for evaluating longevity limits: Taking advantage of an interdisciplinary approach pp. 31-48 Downloads
Anatoli Yashin and Ivan Iachine
A theory of technophysio evolution, with some implications for forecasting population, health care costs, and pension costs pp. 49-66 Downloads
Robert Fogel and Dora Costa
Death and Taxes: Longer life, consumption, and social security pp. 67-81 Downloads
Ronald Lee and Shripad Tuljapurkar
Retirement against the demographic trend: More older people living longer, working less, and saving less? pp. 83-95 Downloads
David Wise
The effects of economic and population growth on national saving and inequality pp. 97-114 Downloads
Angus Deaton and Christina Paxson
Motives for interqenerational transfers: Evidence from Malaysia pp. 115-134 Downloads
Lee Lillard and Robert Willis
Changes in the age dependence of mortality and disability: Cohort and other determinants pp. 135-157 Downloads
Kenneth Manton, Eric Stallard and Larry Corder
Demographic and economic correlates of health in old age pp. 159-170 Downloads
James Smith and Raynard Kington

Volume 33, issue 4, 1996

The age of extremes: Concentrated affluence and poverty in the twenty-first century pp. 395-412 Downloads
Douglas Massey
Comment on “the age of extremes: Concentrated affluence and poverty in the twenty-first century” pp. 413-416 Downloads
Sheldon Danziger
The age of extremes: A revisionist perspective pp. 417-420 Downloads
Reynolds Farley
The political economy of inequality in the “age of extremes” pp. 421-425 Downloads
Michael Hout, Richard Arum and Kim Voss
Response to danziger, farley, and hout et al pp. 427-428 Downloads
Douglas Massey
Migration and premarital childbearing among Puerto Rican women pp. 429-442 Downloads
Nancy Landale and Susan Hauan
Making a place in the metropolis: Locational attainment in cities and suburbs pp. 443-453 Downloads
John Logan, Richard Alba, Tom McNulty and Brian Fisher
Geographic mobility of scientists: Sex differences and family constraints pp. 455-468 Downloads
Kimberlee Shauman and Yu Xie
Compromised birth outcomes and infant mortality among racial and ethnic groups pp. 469-481 Downloads
W. Frisbie, Douglas Forbes and Starling Pullum
Trends in child support outcomes pp. 483-496 Downloads
Thomas Hanson, Irwin Garfinkel, Sara Mclanahan and Cynthia Miller
Economic mobility of young workers in the 1970s and 1980s pp. 497-509 Downloads
Greg Duncan, Johanne Boisjoly and Timothy Smeeding
The effect of the sex composition of jobs on starting wages in an organization: Findings from the NLSY pp. 511-521 Downloads
Paula England, Lori Reid and Barbara Kilbourne
On the utility of population forecasts pp. 523-528 Downloads
Jeff Tayman and David Swanson

Volume 33, issue 3, 1996

Education and the changing age pattern of American fertility: 1963–1989 pp. 277-290 Downloads
Ronald Rindfuss, S. Morgan and Kate Offutt
The effects of temperature on human fertility pp. 291-305 Downloads
David Lam and Jeffrey Miron
The impact of state-level restrictions on abortion pp. 307-312 Downloads
Kenneth Meier, Donald Haider-Markel, Anthony Stanislawski and Deborah Mcfarlane
Marital status and mortality: The role of health pp. 313-327 Downloads
Lee Lillard and Constantijn Panis
Estimating the completeness of under-5 death registration in Egypt pp. 329-339 Downloads
Stan Becker, Youssef Waheeb, Bothaina EL-Deeb, Nagwa Khallaf and Robert Black
Cohort size and age-specific suicide rates: A contingent relationship pp. 341-355 Downloads
Fred Pampel
Economic opportunity in mexico and return migration from the United States pp. 357-374 Downloads
David Lindstrom
Internal migration in China, 1950–1988 pp. 375-384 Downloads
Zai Liang and Michael White
Reconsidering the increase in father-only families pp. 385-393 Downloads
Steven Garasky and Daniel Meyer

Volume 33, issue 2, 1996

A decomposition of trends in the nonmarital fertility ratios of blacks and whites in the united states, 1960–1992* pp. 141-151 Downloads
Herbert Smith, S. Morgan and Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox
The fertility impact of alternative family planning distribution channels in Indonesia pp. 153-165 Downloads
Eric Jensen
Longitudinal analysis of the effects of infant-feeding practices on postpartum amenorrhea* pp. 167-180 Downloads
Namvar Zohoori and Barry Popkin
The effect of expansions in medicaid income eligibility on abortion pp. 181-192 Downloads
Theodore Joyce and Robert Kaestner
African-american mortality at older ages: Results of a matching study pp. 193-209 Downloads
Samuel Preston, Irma Elo, Ira Rosenwaike and Mark Hill
Community characteristics, individual and household attributes, and child survival in brazil pp. 211-229 Downloads
Narayan Sastry
Prenatal and delivery care and childhood immunization in guatemala: Do family and community matter?* pp. 231-247 Downloads
Anne Pebley, Noreen Goldman and Germán Rodríguez
International migration and development in mexican communities pp. 249-264 Downloads
Jorge Durand, William Kandel, Emilio Parrado and Douglas Massey
Demographic effects of natural disasters: a case study of hurricane andrew* pp. 265-275 Downloads
Stanley Smith and Christopher McCarty

Volume 33, issue 1, 1996

Community and contraceptive choice in rural Thailand: A case study of Nang Rong pp. 1-11 Downloads
Barbara Entwisle, Ronald Rindfuss, David Guilkey, Aphichat Chamratrithirong, Sara Curran and Yothin Sawangdee
The determinants of the duration of contraceptive use in China: A multilevel multinomial discrete-hazards mdeling approach pp. 12-23 Downloads
Fiona Steele, Ian Diamond and Duolao Wang
The impact of postpartum redundant use of contraception on contraceptive failure rates pp. 24-34 Downloads
Siân Curtis
Latino, Asian, and black segregation in U.S. metropolitan areas: Are multiethnic metros different* pp. 35-50 Downloads
William Frey and Reynolds Farley
Immigration cohorts and residential overcrowding in southern California pp. 51-65 Downloads
Dowell Myers and Seong Lee
The influence of parents’ marital dissolutions on children’s attitudes toward family formation pp. 66-81 Downloads
William Axinn and Arland Thornton
Economic incentives for financial and residential independence pp. 82-97 Downloads
Leslie Whittington and H. Elizabeth Peters
Estimating seasonality effects on child mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh pp. 98-110 Downloads
Pradip Muhuri
Racial differences in occupational status and income in South Africa, 1880 and 1881 pp. 111-132 Downloads
Donald Treiman, Matthew Mckeever and Eva Fodor
Comment on “a theory of the value of children” pp. 133-136 Downloads
Evelyn Lehrer, Shoshana Grossbard and J. Leasure
Reply to Lehrer, Shechtman and Leasure pp. 137-139 Downloads
Debra Friedman, Michael Hechter and Satoshi Kanazawa
Page updated 2025-02-22