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12809 documents matched the search for Olivia Taylor in authors.
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Governing Food and Agriculture in a Warming World,
Peter Newell, Olivia Taylor and Charles Touni, in Global Environmental Politics (2018) Downloads

Partisanship, White Racial Resentment, and State Support for Higher Education,
Barrett J. Taylor, Brendan Cantwell, Kimberly Watts and Olivia Wood, in The Journal of Higher Education (2020) Downloads

Farmer Response to Nutrient Credit Trading Opportunities in the Coastal Plain of Virginia,
Olivia S. Movafaghi, Kurt Stephenson and Daniel Taylor, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2013)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Dispositional characteristics in firearm ownership and purchasing behavior during the 2020 purchasing surge,
Joye C. Anestis, Michael D. Anestis, Olivia C. Preston and Taylor R. Rodriguez, in Social Science & Medicine (2021)
Keywords: Firearms; Disinhibition; Threat sensitivity; Boldness;

Risk factors identified in prenatal child protection reports,
Jenna Meiksans, Fiona Arney, Rosemaria Flaherty, Olivia Octoman, Alwin Chong, Fiona Ward and Cathy Taylor, in Children and Youth Services Review (2021)
Keywords: Child welfare services/child protection; Prevention; Risk factors;

Outsourcing the Business of Development: The Rise of For‐profit Consultancies in the UK Aid Sector,
Brendan Whitty, Jessica Sklair, Paul Robert Gilbert, Emma Mawdsley, Jo‐Anna Russon and Olivia Taylor, in Development and Change (2023) Downloads

Consumer Understanding, Preferences, and Responses to Different Versions of Drug Safety Messages in the United States: A Randomized Controlled Trial,
Lauren McCormack, R. Craig Lefebvre, Carla Bann, Olivia Taylor and Paula Rausch, in Drug Safety (2016) Downloads

Police whistleblowing: A systematic review of the likelihood (and the barriers and facilitators) of the willingness of police officers to report the misconduct of fellow officers,
Olivia Elizabeth Vere Taylor, Richard Philpot, Oliver Fitton, Zoë Walkington and Mark Levine, in Journal of Criminal Justice (2024)
Keywords: Police whistleblowing; Police misconduct; Reporting barriers; Reporting facilitators; Systematic review;

Diversity in Teams,
Miaomiao Dong, Tatiana Mayskaya, Vladimir Smirnov, Olivia Taylor and Andrew Wait, from University of Sydney, School of Economics (2023)
Keywords: cognitive diversity, submodular, supermodular, teams, utilitarian, Rawlsian objective

Jacques Sole, Être femme en 1500. La vie quotidienne dans le diocèse de Troyes,
Carpi Olivia, in Histoire, économie & société (2001) Downloads

Séries statistiques,
Olivia Galgau, in Brussels Economic Review (2004) Downloads

Séries Statistiques de Bruxelles,
Olivia Galgau, in Brussels Economic Review (2000) Downloads

Séries Statistiques de Bruxelles,
Olivia Galgau, in Brussels Economic Review (2001) Downloads

Séries Statistiques de Bruxelles,
Olivia Galgau, in Brussels Economic Review (2001) Downloads

Séries Statistiques de Bruxelles,
Olivia Galgau, in Brussels Economic Review (2001) Downloads

Séries Statistiques de Bruxelles,
Olivia Galgau, in Brussels Economic Review (2001) Downloads

Séries statistiques de Bruxelles,
Olivia Galgau, in Brussels Economic Review (2002)

Antipiracy and Unusual Coalitions in the Indian Ocean Region: China’s Changing Role and Confidence Building with India,
Olivia Gippner, in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell (2017)
Keywords: China; India; confidence building; antipiracy; collective action; great power relations

The Romanian Reform of Education – Moments of the Post-Communist Transition,
Olivia Stefanescu, in Romanian Economic Business Review (2006)
Keywords: reform of education, education policy, Bologna process, superior education

. By Donald Curtis, Michael Hubbard and Andrew Shepherd. (London, Methuen, 1988, pp.250, £10.95.),
Olivia Graham, in Journal of International Development (1989) Downloads

Winner of the Bennett Prize,
Olivia Bina, in Environment and Planning C (2014) Downloads

La fidélité du consommateur de biens culturels: Une analyse empirique des comportements d'assiduité et d'adhésion au Parc de La Villette,
Olivia Guillon, in Revue d'économie politique (2009)
Keywords: loyalty, consumer, decision , information costs , cultural goods

The continuing evolution of energy efficiency requirements for buildings and their legal implementation impacting upon asset valuation,
Olivia Jamison, in Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal & Valuation (2017)
Keywords: energy efficiency, buildings, Energy Efficiency Directive, Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards, EPC, GHG, Climate Change Act 2008

The AnaCredit regulation is in place — a reflection on data-driven reporting: What has been achieved by the banks and regulators, and what remains to be done?,
Olivia Hauet, in Journal of Financial Compliance (2019)
Keywords: credit risk, credit data, granular data, granularity, aggregated data, normalisation, harmonisation, regulatory reporting, cubes, data model, data dictionary, data sets, data governance, data quality

Fondements et axes de la recherche en économie du bonheur,
Olivia Guillon, from HAL (2017) Downloads

Politiques de soutien à la capture et au stockage géologique du carbone en France,
Olivia Ricci, in Revue économique (2015) Downloads

Registered author: Olivia Plamadeala

Registered author: Olivia Bi

Do employees in the cultural sector adhere more strongly to their company's goals than those in other sectors?,
Olivia Guillon, from HAL (2017)

Homologation d’une NEP relative aux obligations du commissaire aux comptes en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment,
Olivia Jouanen, from HAL (2019)

Nouvelles conditions de nomination des commissaires aux comptes,
Olivia Jouanen, from HAL (2019)

Création d’une mission d’audit légal dans les petites entités,
Olivia Jouanen, from HAL (2019)

Aménagement des modalités d’exercice professionnel et du champ d’intervention des commissaires aux comptes,
Olivia Jouanen, from HAL (2019)

Suppression des « sur transpositions » de textes européens relatives aux services interdits aux commissaires aux comptes dans les EIP,
Olivia Jouanen, from HAL (2019)

Politiques de soutien à la capture et au stockage géologique du carbone en France,
Olivia Ricci, from HAL (2014)
Keywords: Revue AERES

Climate risk perceptions and policy ambition,
Olivia Jensen, in International Journal of Public Policy (2022)
Keywords: climate policy; risk perceptions; policy-making; malign policy; LRF World Risk Poll.

A simulation-based framework of performance monitoring and incentive mechanism for successful interactions in virtual environment,
Olivia Fachrunnisa, in International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (2014)
Keywords: proactive performance monitoring; incentive mechanisms; trust levels; virtual organisations; simulation; service delivery; incentives.

Reviving securitisation in the EU: A critical analysis of the reporting requirements,
Olivia Hauet, in Journal of Financial Compliance (2023)
Keywords: securitisation, due diligence, regulatory reporting, capital requirements, granular data, data model

Book review: Castle Hyde: The Changing Fortunes of an Irish Country House,
Olivia Martin, in Irish Economic and Social History (2018) Downloads

Serving the ‘Divine Economy’: St Joseph’s Asylum for Aged and Virtuous Females, Dublin, 1836–1922,
Olivia Frehill, in Irish Economic and Social History (2021)
Keywords: philanthropy; Catholicism; welfare; aged poor; institutions; women

La Migración Centroamericana en la Frontera Sur: un Perfil del Riesgo en la Migración Indocumentada Internacional,
Olivia Ruiz, from Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, UC San Diego (2003) Downloads

Putting nature centre stage? The challenges of ‘mainstreaming’ biodiversity in the planning process,
Olivia Wilson, in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (2023) Downloads

God’s Internationalists: World Vision and the Age of Evangelical Humanitarianism,
Olivia Wilkinson, in The Review of Faith & International Affairs (2021) Downloads

Putting the “Strategic” into Strategic Religious Engagement,
Olivia Wilkinson, in The Review of Faith & International Affairs (2021) Downloads

Re-framing Common Themes in Religions and Development Research,
Olivia Wilkinson, in The Review of Faith & International Affairs (2022) Downloads

Socio-economic and demographic aspects of food security and nutrition,
Olivia Placzek, from OECD Publishing (2021)
Keywords: COVID-19, Food marketing, Foodbanks, Indigenous Peoples, Obesity

Islamic revolutionary ideology and its narratives: the continued relevance of the Islamic Republic’s ideology,
Olivia Glombitza, in Third World Quarterly (2022) Downloads

Selective enforcement and irresponsibility: Central Asia's shrinking space for independent media,
Olivia Allison, in Central Asian Survey (2006) Downloads

‪Ludovic Cailluet, Yannick Lemarchand, Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel (dir.), Histoire et sciences de gestion ‪. Paris, Vuibert, coll. « Fnege », 2013,
Olivia Chambard, in Travail et Emploi (2015) Downloads

Book Review: Economic and Social Security and Substandard Working Conditions: Themes in the Economics of Aging,
Olivia Mitchell, in ILR Review (2002) Downloads

Book Review: International and Comparative: Retiring the State: The Politics of Pension Privatization in Latin America and beyond,
Olivia Mitchell, in ILR Review (2004) Downloads

Fringe Benefits and the Cost of Changing Jobs,
Olivia Mitchell, in ILR Review (1983) Downloads

Book Review: Income Security, Insurance, and Benefits: Retirement and Economic Behavior,
Olivia Mitchell, in ILR Review (1985) Downloads

Retirement Systems in Developed and Developing Countries,
Olivia Mitchell, from Cornell - Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (1992)

Overviewing the findings: the Technical Panel Review of the Pension Insurance Modeling System*‡,
Olivia Mitchell, in Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (2015) Downloads

Overviewing the findings: the Technical Panel Review of the Pension Insurance Modeling System – ERRATUM,
Olivia Mitchell, in Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (2015) Downloads

Financial knowledge and key retirement outcomes: an overview of the issue,
Olivia Mitchell, in Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (2017) Downloads

Pensions at a Glance: Public Policies across OECD Countries. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. OECD Publishing, 2007, ISBN 978-92-64-03214-9, 220 pages. - Pensions Panorama: Retirement-Income Systems in 53 Countries. Edward Whitehouse. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, 2007, ISBN 0-8213-6764-1, 254 pages,
Olivia Mitchell, in Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (2008) Downloads

Note---The Logic of Policy as Argument,
Olivia Mitchell, in Management Science (1985)
Keywords: symbolic logic, Boolean, policy, Toulmin, policy capture

Worker Knowledge of Pension Provisions,
Olivia Mitchell, in Journal of Labor Economics (1988) Downloads

Fringe Benefits and Labor Mobility,
Olivia Mitchell, in Journal of Human Resources (1982) Downloads

Building an Environment for Pension Reform in Developing Countries,
Olivia Mitchell, from Wharton School Pension Research Council, University of Pennsylvania Downloads

Exporting Chilean Social Security Reform,
Olivia Mitchell, from Wharton School Pension Research Council, University of Pennsylvania

Social Security Reform in Uruguay: An Economic Assessment,
Olivia Mitchell, from Wharton School Pension Research Council, University of Pennsylvania Downloads

Administrative Costs in Public and Private Retirement Systems,
Olivia Mitchell, from Wharton School Pension Research Council, University of Pennsylvania

Work and Family Benefits,
Olivia Mitchell, from Wharton School Pension Research Council, University of Pennsylvania

Public Pension Plan Efficiency,
Olivia Mitchell, from Wharton School Pension Research Council, University of Pennsylvania

Retirement Systems in Developed and Developing Countries: Institutional Features, Economic Effects, and Lessons for Economies in Transition,
Olivia Mitchell, from Wharton School Pension Research Council, University of Pennsylvania

A Review of Tito Boeri, Lans Bovenberg, Benoît Coeuré, and Andrew Roberts's Dealing with the New Giants and Peter J. Orszag, Mark Iwry, and William G. Gale's Aging Gracefully,
Olivia Mitchell, in Journal of Economic Literature (2008) Downloads

How managing a chronic illness gave me skills that would strengthen my PhD,
Olivia Favor, in Nature (2020)
Keywords: Careers, Diabetes, Education

Public and Private Challenges of an Aging U.S. Population,
Olivia Mitchell, in Business Economics (2016) Downloads

Baradaran, Mehrsa: How the other half banks: exclusion, exploitation, and the threat to democracy,
Olivia Bosshart, in Journal of Economics (2016) Downloads

Arjalies, Diane-Laure et al.: Chains of finance: how investment management is shaped,
Olivia Bosshart, in Journal of Economics (2018) Downloads

A fantasia of biological feminism,
Olivia Judson, in Nature (1999) Downloads

Plaintes, normes et intégration: le cas d'une organisation bureaucratique,
Olivia Foli, from Paris Dauphine University (2008)
Keywords: Stress dû au travail;

Food Security Measures in Sub-Saharan Africa. A Validation of the LSMS-ISA Scale†,
Olivia Bertelli, in Journal of African Economies (2020)
Keywords: food security, Sub-Saharan Africa, measurement

Social Security Reforms and Poverty among Older Dual-Earner Couples,
Olivia Mitchell, in Journal of Population Economics (1991)

Avis technique sur la mission d’assurance limitée sur l’information en matière de durabilité,
Olivia Jouanen, from HAL (2024)

Lignes directrices relatives à la mission de certification des informations en matière de durabilité et des informations taxonomie,
Olivia Jouanen, from HAL (2024)

Nouveau Code de déontologie des commissaires aux comptes,
Olivia Jouanen, from HAL (2020)

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