Citations in EconPapers for
Fabrice Orlandi; Christian Barontini; Mark Cassidy; Sandro Trento; Erik Walch; Bouke Buitenkamp; Karin Wagner; Hugo Reis; Risto Herrala; Faisel Sethi; Esther Gordo; Ioanna Bardakas; Christophe Madaschi; Ekkehard Ernst; Alvaro Santos Rivera; Jörg Döpke; Vincent Labhard; Ad van Riet; Benoît Robert; Constantina Backinezos and Kurt Gustavsson,
Sectoral specialisation in the EU: a macroeconomic perspective, No 19, Occasional Paper Series, European Central Bank
2 citing papers found in EconPapers
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Bachmann, Ronald and Michael Burda,
Sectoral Transformation, Turbulence, and Labor Market Dynamics in Germany, No 3324, IZA Discussion Papers, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Du, Julan; Qing He and Ce Zhang,
Risk sharing and industrial specialization in China, Journal of Comparative Economics, 50, (2), 599-626
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