Coskun, Yener,
Financial Engineering and Engineering of Financial Regulation, MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
Debuque-Gonzales, Margarita,
Policy responses to shocks and monetary effectiveness under inflation targeting: The Philippine case, Philippine Review of Economics, 57, (2), 116-145
Kawai, Masahiro,
Reform of the International Financial Architecture: An Asian Perspective, Working Papers, eSocialSciences
Kawai, Masahiro; Richard S. Newfarmer and Sergio Schmukler,
Crisis and contagion in East Asia: nine lessons, No 2610, Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank
Strasek, Sebastjan; Timotej Jagric and Natasa Spes,
Emerging Economies Crises: Lessons from the 1990’, Managing Global Transitions, 5, (3), 289-304
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