Aubert, Patrick; Cindy Duc and Bruno Ducoudré,
French Retirement Reforms and Intragenerational Equity in Retirement Duration, De Economist, 161, (3), 277-305
Barrett, Alan and Irene Mosca,
Announcing an Increase in the State Pension Age and the Recession: Which Mattered More for Expected Retirement Ages?, No 6325, IZA Discussion Papers, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Brugiavini, Agar and Petru Crudu,
The Role of Disability Insurance on the Labour Market Trajectories of Europeans, No 2023:20, Working Papers, Department of Economics, University of Venice "Ca' Foscari"
Corsi, Marcella,
Le pensioni tra efficienza economica e giustizia sociale: un connubio possibile (The pensions system between economic efficiency and social justice: A possible mix), Moneta e Credito, 69, (274), 227-250
Corsi, Marcella and Carlo D’Ippoliti,
Poor Old Grandmas? A Note on the Gender Dimension of Pension Reforms, Brussels Economic Review, 52, (1), 35-56
Garcia-Mandicó, Sílvia and Sergi Jimenez-Martin,
Spillovers in pension incentives and the joint retirement behavior of Spanish couples, No 2020-13, Working Papers, FEDEA
Góra, Marek and Anna Ruzik-Sierdzinska,
Migration with pension reform expectations, Public Sector Economics, 44, (2), 203-219
Góra, Marek and Anna Ruzik-Sierdzińska,
Migration with Pension Reform Expectations, No 11960, IZA Discussion Papers, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Joanna, Hernik and Sagan Adam,
An Attempt to Measure and Model Women’s Attitudes to Saving for Retirement, Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia, 23, (1), 84-106
Mayrhuber, Christine; Hedwig Lutz and Ingrid Mairhuber,
Erwerbsaustritt, Pensionsantritt und Anhebung des Frauenpensionsantrittsalters ab 2024. Potentielle Auswirkungen auf Frauen, Branchen und Betriebe, WIFO
Nolan, Anne and Alan Barrett,
Working Beyond 65 in Ireland, No 11664, IZA Discussion Papers, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Roberto, Leombruni and Mosca Michele,
The lifetime gender gap in Italy. Does the pension system countervail labour market outcomes?, Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers, University of Turin
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