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Citations in EconPapers for

Snaebjorn Gunnsteinsson; Achyuta Adhvaryu; Parul Christian; Alain Labrique; Jonathan Sugimoto; Abu Ahmed Shamim and Keith P. West, (2019), Protecting Infants from Natural Disasters: The Case of Vitamin A Supplementation and a Tornado in Bangladesh, No 25969, NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc

3 citing papers found in EconPapers

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Fink, Günther; Atheendar S. Venkataramani and Arianna Zanolini, (2021), Early life adversity, biological adaptation, and human capital: evidence from an interrupted malaria control program in Zambia, Journal of Health Economics, 80, (C)

Font-Gilabert, Paulino, (2020), Taking cover: human capital accumulation in the presence of shocks and health insurance, No 2020-16, ISER Working Paper Series, Institute for Social and Economic Research

Mullins, Jamie T. and Corey White, (2020), Can access to health care mitigate the effects of temperature on mortality?, Journal of Public Economics, 191, (C)

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The citation and reference data is supplied by Citations in Economics. The data is obtained through machine analysis of the full text files for papers available in EconPapers. Currently only freely available full text files are analysed and results are only included for files which could be parsed without errors.

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